Visual for the Yowamushi Pedal movie coming out this Fall. It's a prequel
Time relativity is literally the only thing in the universe that could benefit from the terrible pacing of the anime, everything is incredibly rushed from the main themes to subplots
Kimiko and Noriko have known each other for 4 months and yet they are best friends forever with close to zero interaction between them shown, how am i supposed to feel what Noriko is feeling regarding the age difference between them if i get more material to know Kimiko from the ending song than the entirety of the anime itself?
Smith here it comes here it goes just like Kimiko and yet he was obviously the love of her life and a super important character even if he has done a whole lot of nothing through the 10 femtoseconds he has been shown.
Coach Ohta says that Noriko has potential but this potential has never been showed, she doesn't have special abilities, she doesn't work hard, she doesn't have motivation... she has nothing that could lead her to be chosen to go to space and yet Ohta chooses her. Putting Noriko witnessing Amano hard work thus understanding that you can reach the goal through that before being chosen would have been the right thing to do but as it is it makes no sense.
I think i'm not exaggerating by saying that in 5 minutes Jung Freud and Amano have passed from not knowing each other to be eternal rivals, to be love rivals and at last being friends.
All i have said here could be applied to everything in this anime: Coach and Onee-sama love story, Noriko and Onee-sama's friendship, what the heck the bad guys are what is their purpose and where do they originate from etc. etc.
All this stuff must have had way more space in one or even more episodes for each subject and been laid much better... either that or cut most of these subplots.
You give exactly zero reason to care about what is happening because they don't give any context whatsoever.
The "considering is an '88 anime" thing is actually about this, i think that the industry probably wasn't mature enough to condense the material in the timeframe as well as it can do now (like does DieBuster for example *wink*) that's why it can go up to "mediocre at best" instead of being trash by today's standards.
Don't get me wrong the raw material is actually good but i'm sure that everyone but a debuting director Hideaki Anno would have done a much much better job at directing it.
Edit: I was actually pretty surprised in finding opposition on the bad pacing of GunBuster opinion lol
Genos barely appears in the first episode though.Saitama has Genos to fanboy out over him and for Saitama to entertain himself as he basically tries to be a good teacher with no idea how to. He has a dull design but he wasn't a dull character.
Only the highest of praise from Tsumugi.
It won't be so cute when they are getting married and she is changing his Depends.
Beyond the Boundary Movie - The Future
aka fuyukai desu the movie
I was not impressed by this, despite enjoying the show. It barely did anything different, and it still had the same weaknesses as the series. But this would be fine. They just had to add a lot of unnecessary drama, while the movie retreads story points that were already covered like "Mirai's not a normal person" and throws away all the character development.. Actually, even the strong points of the series, like Kyoani's attention to detail and the animation, seemed underwhelming compared to most of the major moments in the show. Maybe the only thing that made this a worthy watch is the fact that it answers some questions after the finale, though I'd prefer a 30 minute OVA over a whole movie. Oh and it had some rad costumes like the one Hiroomi wore at the start.
I warned ya.
I've always claimed that the final episode of Star Driver is one of the best mecha episodes ever made. I take offerings on an annual schedule.
It's also top 5 how do I love two boys at the same time
That list is clogged up by DTL shows.
*two men enter the scene together and talk to each other*
*immediately added to DTL's top 10 ships*
Star Driver 25: The Radiance of Bones END
Someone direct me to the nearest shrine of my newfound Bones overlords. I've got an offering to make.
Aw yiss. Star Driver bros 4 life!
This will surely go well.I'm starting Kiznaiver.
Yeah, I think I can agree.I've always claimed that the final episode of Star Driver is one of the best mecha episodes ever made. I take offerings on an annual schedule.
Who the hell cuts bread like that
Sensei nearly sliced his hand open.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about cooking (I'm an expert), but knife safety and sanitation are huge parts of it. It's not like Dragon's Crown where you can be successful by dragging ingredients to a pot. If you don't respect the dangers of your tools, you bring shame to Chairman Kaga, and the only way to get rid of that shame is by reading SeriousEats.
Do not split your bread with a Chef's knife and certainly do not cut towards your palm!!!
I usa a knife like that all the time and I know I'm tempting fate every time I do it.
I usa a knife like that all the time and I know I'm tempting fate every time I do it.
Serrated knives for bread pls
I usa a knife like that all the time and I know I'm tempting fate every time I do it.
Is it hard to put the bread down on a counter?
Star Driver was a bad monster of the week anime that fools people into thinking it is good with sexy girls, pretty bishounen boys, nice looking robots and pretty colors.
Probably the worst monster of the week anime I've ever seen. Let's not forget the utter and complete lack of dramatic tension because you knew the MC was going to win EVERY battle because it was riding on a completely trashy and nonsensical story as well.