Post it again?Losing streak from R15 to R18. I don't think my deck is working.
Post it again?Losing streak from R15 to R18. I don't think my deck is working.
So Barnes is a midrange Hunter and Miracoli Rogue card?
Post it again?
Barnes is such a great card because even when you dont get the extreme gimmick you want a 1/1+3/4 for 4 is ok.
Hence hes likely to show up in a ton of decks,since he doesnt always require extreme work arounds to put in a deck.
Yeah, Barnes is a reasonable card if it just pulls a vanilla 1/1, but he has a huge upside. And it's not like Yogg where it can blow up in your face and instantly lose you the game. Barnes's worst case scenario is that he's a decent 4 drop. He may not be a consistent game winner on his own, but he'll always be a fine play.
Barnes is also pretty good in Secret Paladin in Wild.
So just encountered a bug, where slyvannas got caught by freezing trap, yet stole a card anyway....
So just encountered a bug, where slyvannas got caught by freezing trap, yet stole a card anyway....
Did you have ten cards in hand at the time?
So just encountered a bug, where slyvannas got caught by freezing trap, yet stole a card anyway....
I am having a bug n pc in where the screen freezes but the game continues, I have to restart the application and pray I didn't lose from disconnection lol
Yeah, not a bug if sylvanas is returned to a full hand it is destroy and counted as killed instead.
Sounds bad, are your GPU drivers up to date?
Can we still craft GvG cards? I'm trying to make Light of the Naaru but don't see it in crafting menu.
Make sure you're setting it to display all cards at the bottom left. It only shows Standard cards by default.
After trying to make a witch deck work, and several iterations that caused me to from 12 to 19, then from 16 to 18 and so on, I finally managed to make a consistent deck that is now hovering around 8-7 level (and once this >.< close to 6).
One thing I learned is to use primal fusión on one of the normal tótems you summon from the witch, that way you will put pressure on eliminating the tótem or the witch. it has bloodlust as primary finisher, then Ragnaros, then Nzoth, then Thunderbluff but you can win if you put enough pressure on the board.
isnt wicked witchdoctor strictly worse than violet teacher though?
isnt wicked witchdoctor strictly worse than violet teacher though?
isnt wicked witchdoctor strictly worse than violet teacher though?
Playing priest makes you build decks that don't care about winning and just how to mess with your opponent as long as possible.
Death rattle priest is still really strong.Playing priest makes you build decks that don't care about winning and just how to mess with your opponent as long as possible.
I hate losing to people with garbage decks.
fucking herp derp motherfuckers. Hate being the one win they pull while smashing their face into every rung on their way down the ladder like total fucking morons.
Shamans don't run Unbound Elemental even though the card is very threatening. They would just rather use the high roller Tuskar Totemic to cheese out games and cheat out Thing of the Deep.
Current Shaman is a mish mash of some brutally over powered cards. Thing of the Deep and Tuskar Totemic don't necessarily belong in the same deck as Tunnel Trogg and Faceless (you wmean instead run Draenie Carver in 4 slot) but they are slapped together because they are all strong standalone.
Seems to be working based on streams I'm watching.So is resurrection priest going to be viable? Seems like it would work with a couple of clerics and loot hoarders for early game then have a bunch of big baddies and Barnes for mid to late, then lots of removal of course.
isnt wicked witchdoctor strictly worse than violet teacher though?
What the hell is going on with these face decks? I've played a rogue a hunter and a warrior who've all played wolfrider...I'm just messing around in casual mode but this doesn't seem right.
Thing of the Deep.
Moat Lurker works with Unearthed Raptor but does not work with Faceless Manipulator.
More Blizzard inconsistency at work.
ok that tavern brawl is driving me crazy. to make it worse i got the "win 5 tavern brawls" quest. I cannot believe how some guys are playing. If you have that quest, get rid of it asap!