What kind of ITX case is it? You might be better off with a blower style card or you'll deal with high temps and noise.
Fractal Design Node 304. I currently have a EVGA 970, dual fan. No issues with temps or noise.
What kind of ITX case is it? You might be better off with a blower style card or you'll deal with high temps and noise.
Alright guys, I need your help!
My bro is a photographer and is looking to get a new computer to edit his stuff. I told him I would build a PC for him and he agreed. Thing is that he just went to a photography meetup and someone there is trying to tell him that they can build him a mac. I was like, bro, what? I didn't know you could do that. Still, I asked him what kind of magic he thinks a mac is going to add to his photos that wouldn't be there on a PC since they run the exact same software and he couldn't tell me but was still leaning towards having this total stranger build him a mac just because yeah, this guy is a photographer... I tried to tell him that a mac is going to cost like twice as much as a PC that I could build and would be half the power or less.
Thing is I know that he doesn't make much at the moment and I know that the mac ecosystem can be a huge money sink.
So, Gaf, help a brother out by helping me convince my brother that PC is the way to go. Unless I am completely wrong here... I willgraciously accept defeat if so.un
He has about $400/$500 to play with and no need to worry about a GPU as I am selling him my R9 390 as well. So could you come up with something that I can show him? I figured there would be some great black Friday deals as well. I am gonna try to get him one of the crucial 750GB ssd's that go on sale tonight for $99 but could use some help on the rest since it's such short notice and I haven't done much black Friday research.
EK Vardar's move more air at a more pleasant acoustic tone than Scythe GT's.
My current CPU/GPU is a 2500K @ stock and a 7870. Would getting 1060 be a worthwhile upgrade or is my CPU too old at this point?
Hey guys just a quick question.
I just got a 4k tv and I'm planning to play a lot of PC games on it. I have a 980 ti so for a lot of games I'm probably going to sit around the 40-45 fps range.
What's the best way to deal with playing games at that kind of framerate? I'm use to compromising on settings until I have a solid 60 (and at 1440p I don't have to compromise much) but I'm guessing that won't be realistically viable at 4k.
Is this what adaptive v-sync is intended for?
Is the dual fan Asus 1070 a good card? Thinking about picking it up.
You can, in a way, "build a Mac." MacOS systems built from generic parts are colloquially known as "hackintoshes." You have to choose parts carefully, and OS installation is more involved. Sites like TonyMacx86 can help you pick compatible parts. The hardest parts are the motherboard and drivers for expansion cards. There is no significant cost difference compared to a windows-built machine, depending on how ambitious you are.
Mac and Windows do run most of the same photography software. Many creative professionals prefer MacOS, and it's all but industry-standard in video, photography, and music production. I don't do any of this professionally, but I've dabbled on both platforms. MacOS is streamlined and convenient, in many ways designed with these purposes in mind. It's largely subjective, but if he wants MacOS (on a system he'll go on to use for thousands of hours) I'd strive to get it for him. It's also cheaper at the outset, since all you need is access to a Mac to set up a boot drive - no Windows license.
This system should be MacOS compatible: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xs4VGf
The only thing influenced by compatibility is the motherboard. You could install either OS, or switch later on.
Most important, above anything else: RAM is cheap. Don't install anything less than 16GB.
I find Mac OS X generally more enjoyable to use. I have a gaming PC but for everyday use I prefer to use my mac. Sounds very tempting to build my own
What's the difference between the Fractal Define S and the Define R4? I could have sworn on the first page it used to recommend the R4...
The Dell P2715Q was briefly available for $275 on Staples.
Put in an order to lock the price but don't know if I actually want it yet. Has anyone been following the 4K monitor market closer and have a comment on if this is a particularly notable deal or just kind of standard among the Black Friday options? Only 60 HZ, but IPS appeals to me.
What's the difference between the Fractal Define S and the Define R4? I could have sworn on the first page it used to recommend the R4...
Well, your initial concern is warranted but you approach it from the wrong angle.But you don't need a password to connect to ethernet, so that's my concern. Isn't it essentially the same as having an unsecured wifi network, because someone else could buy a powerline adapter and connect to the network?
Two things - power line networks only run in a closed circuit. If your apartment has individual fuse boxes for each unit, you are fine.But you don't need a password to connect to ethernet, so that's my concern. Isn't it essentially the same as having an unsecured wifi network, because someone else could buy a powerline adapter and connect to the network?
I'm in pretty desperate need of a memory upgrade, but it seems like there aren't any good deals out there even now on Black Friday. Looking for 16GB of DDR3, since I'm still on LGA 1150. Anybody seeing a good deal I might've missed?
Also, I know that mixing RAM of different speeds will lock all of it to the speed of the lowest. Does overclocking raise that baseline? If overclocking what I already have and adding a smaller amount of higher grade stuff will be more cost effective I might just do that instead.
looking to upgrade my PC I bought in March https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0111MU5ZA/?tag=neogaf0e-20 . My brother says all I'll need is a new graphics card and will install. Is this the best to buy? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202226&ignorebbr=1
I appreciate all and any help. Thank you
edit: first time entering PC gaming and everything is confusing me ha
Alright guys, I need your help!
My bro is a photographer and is looking to get a new computer to edit his stuff. I told him I would build a PC for him and he agreed. Thing is that he just went to a photography meetup and someone there is trying to tell him that they can build him a mac. I was like, bro, what? I didn't know you could do that. Still, I asked him what kind of magic he thinks a mac is going to add to his photos that wouldn't be there on a PC since they run the exact same software and he couldn't tell me but was still leaning towards having this total stranger build him a mac just because yeah, this guy is a photographer... I tried to tell him that a mac is going to cost like twice as much as a PC that I could build and would be half the power or less.
Thing is I know that he doesn't make much at the moment and I know that the mac ecosystem can be a huge money sink.
So, Gaf, help a brother out by helping me convince my brother that PC is the way to go. Unless I am completely wrong here... I willgraciously accept defeat if so.un
He has about $400/$500 to play with and no need to worry about a GPU as I am selling him my R9 390 as well. So could you come up with something that I can show him? I figured there would be some great black Friday deals as well. I am gonna try to get him one of the crucial 750GB ssd's that go on sale tonight for $99 but could use some help on the rest since it's such short notice and I haven't done much black Friday research.
i'm a journalist and photographer. i've been a mac user since 2003 or so and still use mac OS for almost everything, but i'm at the point now where i tend to use my gaming PC for lightroom. here's what he needs to know:
a) adobe stuff is identical across platforms but performs best with solid hardware and has a very un-mac-like UI in the first place
b) apple hardware is uncompetitive price-to-performance-wise right now, mostly due to a total lack of interest from apple; the main reasons to use macs are design, stability, and a generally much nicer OS. also apple support, which you wouldn't get with...
c) hackintoshes, which are a bad idea because they tend to run into issues that undermine the simple nature of mac OS and the ecosystem overall
a $500 PC with a 390 would be a much better lightroom machine than any used mac or hackintosh at that price, take it from me.
i5 4670kWhat's your current configuration? How much are you looking to spend?
So from the Amazon reviews I've read it comes witha 350w PSU, you're going to want to upgrade that.
Personally this is what i would get.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Video Card: MSI Radeon RX 480 4GB GAMING X Video Card ($179.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Corsair CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $209.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-11-25 02:15 EST-0500
More memory is always better especially to take advantage of high quality textures, MSAA, downsampling etc. I odn't know too much about the 480 but I think there is a 8GB version available? I'd get that if the extra isn't too much and it's an option.GAF, I am currently thinking about buying a PC. I need a new computer and initially I wanted a laptop, but since I've moved in my new apartment, I can buy normal PC and for the same or slighly more money I can have a good machine I guess.
I am targeting full HD, nothing more.
I found a nice PC I think, with RX480 gaming X (MSI). https://www.morele.net/komputer-sky-g3080-polaris-975033/ - only change I think I would surely want is addition of SSD.
Also, I don't want to have to build it myself. I want to buy a ready machine. I know it means I probably will a bit more that if I did it myself, but I can live with that.
So please help me with these questions:
- is 4 GB of memory enough for GPU if I stick to 1080p?
- is i5 6400 good enough?
- can you judge more or less what kind of performance I can expect from such spec?
More memory is always better especially to take advantage of high quality textures, MSAA, downsampling etc. I odn't know too much about the 480 but I think there is a 8GB version available? I'd get that if the extra isn't too much and it's an option.
The CPU seems fine, latest platform too.
If you haven't already done so, the smartest choice is to check YT for some performance impressions. Have ssen some popular games tested at first glance.
Finally ready to pull the trigger on my new build.
Anything you guys think I should change ? Note: I have a 980Ti and 850W Power Supply that I'll be re-using, as well as a couple SSDs.
The only thing I'm not sure of is the RAM and case.
Thanks, your feedback is appreciated. It's a lot of money
Total: 1,113.89 CAD
Shameless bump for the new page, any help would be appreciated.![]()
^^Newegg has the 6700k on sale for $300: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...&cm_sp=Homepage_BS-_-P3_19-117-559-_-11252016
Amazon too: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012M8LXQW/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Have you considered waiting until January for Kaby Lake though? Or waiting a little longer for the 960 Pro (there are currently shortages I think) instead of the 950 Pro?
Looks like we're putting together similar systems (at the same place). The Samsung SSD you have there is going to get blown out of the water when the 960 Evo comes out, as I said in my previous post though the thing seems to be missing in action. The release date was supposed to be October last I checked.
Are you looking at that RAM because it matches the motherboard? I'm not 100% sure what to go with myself but I went with something cheap and good timings. The kit in my post was $100 last night but it looks like it went back up to 150.
Also, I'm an idiot and put in my old credit card expiry date so my order failed. Should be able to keep my prices if I call them and get it sorted though. Just sucks that ncix is on the west coast so they won't be answering phones for 4 hours.
Canadian prices.
I was going to wait, but I'd be shocked if the 7700k comes in at under $550 for us.
Wow, thanks so much for the Newegg tip for the 6700K ! I'll also wait for the Evo then
As for the RAM... I just looked at the ones on sale and it seemed to be a good price / good timings. Then again, I'm no RAM expert
Would you recommend a different one, considering the one you had is back at 150$ ?
Thanks !
All we know is October (this month). No official date yet, honestly it's worth waiting for it. Especially if you're going to be moving big files and doing video work. I have a 950 PRO m.2 and it screams, the 960 is even faster.
Here's a price sheet with the Gigabyte 1070 included.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($294.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($34.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($100.66 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($79.88 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card ($414.98 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT S340 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($66.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($78.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($84.88 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: NZXT Air Flow Series 83.6 CFM 140mm Fan ($7.99 @ Directron)
Case Fan: NZXT Air Flow Series 83.6 CFM 140mm Fan ($7.99 @ Directron)
Other: 960 Evo M.2 SSD 256gb ($129.00)
Total: $1350.72
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-10-02 12:13 EDT-0400
This is what I thought honestly. Plus I know he is going to want to game on it as well. Thank you for this, I will give him this message and see what he thinks.
Wondering if there are any good BF deals on pre-built PCs?
This was the original PC build I was looking at it, but I wouldn't mind spending an extra $100 for someone to do it for me.
NCIX here in canada will put all your parts together for $50. I dunno if they do it for US orders, but they must have an equivalent right? Only downside is obviously you need to buy everything from them, but they pricematch.