Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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It would be very surprising. I guess it would make the brand better known or something? Not your typical Nintendo pack-in regardless.

Doubly so if it's an actual sequel no way that's happening.

It depends, if they really are going hard in the "esports" direction, making sure everyone has Splatoon may not be a bad way to go. Especially if there is some sort of spectator mode (and/or the speculated sharing/streaming on the game directly). There's also the possibility they could do some sort of service thing with it.


The lines are blurry but I feel most people agree that a port constitutes the base game content being near identical to a previous release as opposed the package emphasising almost if not entirely new content. Despite new content, the extent of which we do not know, the implication seems to be that the core of Mario Kart Switch is primarily Mario Kart 8 and all new content supplements instead of defines.

Ok follow up. What's the difference between a port with new content and a remaster?


I fully predict Smash and Xenoblade to be the lightest ports. Xenoblade the most with very little in the ways of new content, with Smash getting a newcomer or two and some 3DS maps/content at most.

I agree with this pretty much. I don't think Xenoblade will have anything additional, just be a straight port.

Smash I expect -most- of the 3DS "exclusive" stuff will come over. The maps and Smash Run basically. Plus a few characters (2-4 is my guess). In that sense I expect it to be close to MK8 except most of that "new" content is coming from the handheld game and console game merging together.

I can't wait to be proven right on Splatoon 2. I mean literally all you have to do is look at the footage. >_>
Is there going to be a spoiler free thread for people who can't watch the presentation live? It would be super nice if someone was to put one together.
This was brought up a couple times and people laughed it off.

The YouTube link to the presentation is already available. Just leave it open in your browser.


Member's been a taxing ass work week but worth it, finally done.

8 hr. drive home tomorrow and then it's on....presentation time and pre-order Friday morning (I hope) at GS.

So hyped....


The lines are blurry but I feel most people agree that a port constitutes the base game content being near identical to a previous release as opposed the package emphasising almost if not entirely new content. Despite new content, the extent of which we do not know, the implication seems to be that the core of Mario Kart Switch is primarily Mario Kart 8 and all new content supplements instead of defines.
There needs to be a term for these type of games.

I wouldn't call it an Enhanced port. I would call it a Definitive Port. Meaning it is objectively the best version on the game with all things considered without changing the base game.


Ok follow up. What's the difference between a port with new content and a remaster?

Tighten up the graphics on level 3, typically.

Only thing that qualifies for a remaster is an increase in graphics and being on a later generation of hardware than previously released, imo. Typically it has all previously released content (ie, DLC) included as well.

So yes all of these ports would qualify as remasters. A remaster is very much a port, but a port isn't always a remaster.

A game being developed for multiple platforms simultaneously is typically referred to as a port on all but the lead platform. Often this is used when talking about "PC Ports" because PC versions usually come later and are not the lead platform.

The Wii U got "late ports" that were not remasters because the Wii U was close in power to the PS3/360 and the developers more or less just dumped those games on the system at later dates, without adding graphical upgrades of some sort.


I think you can get it on clearance for a good price soon. Not everything will get ported. Assuming all rumors come true there's still some games like NSMBU, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Land etc. etc. fully worth playing. Depends on whether that is enough to make you buy a new console though.

Wait until the presentation and then decide.

There are surely 5 to 10 games I would play. That is the thing. There should be 5+ games for justifying the Wii U. I hope they port most of the stuff I am interested in.

After skipping the Wii U I am really looking forward to some Nintendo stuff.


As in "Heathcliff"
I fully predict Smash and Xenoblade to be the lightest ports. Xenoblade the most with very little in the ways of new content, with Smash getting a newcomer or two and some 3DS maps/content at most.

That's what rumors have been emphasized about Smash Bros, a port with minimal new contents, and there is a rumor about two new characters only.
I would say that a remaster has new assets. It is a game that has been redone from the ground up.

That's more of a remake. A remaster is just touching up existing assets for a higher resolution. So if these ports end up running/looking better they could technically be remasters.

The Last of Us is a good example of this.


Well wasn't Xenoblade Chronicles X rumored to be a port as well? Maybe that's the sequel we're getting.

I'm not so sure it's Splatoon, but I'd love to be wrong.
I genuinely do not believe it to be a pack-in.
Maybe, maybe not. Honesly it may be better to have it be F2P with being able to buy outfits instead. Would also allow more crossover outfits too.

Of all the announced games Splatoon 2 or Mario Kart seems like the best packin. It would be atleast a 2P local game which I'm sure Splatoon 2 would have. If its neither of them then likely a new IP or no packin.


I'm just prepping things for when people bitch :p

If the games look and/or run significantly better on Switch than they did on Wii U, they're remasters with new content. If they're basically identical apart from having new content, they're simply ports with new content.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ok follow up. What's the difference between a port with new content and a remaster?

Not much, depending on which marketing team you're talking to. Remaster isn't a term that originated in the interactive medium and is more of a trend that could mean port, enhanced port, remake, or whatever else.

There needs to be a term for these type of games.

I wouldn't call it an Enhanced port. I would call it a Definitive Port. Meaning it is objectively the best version on the game with all things considered without changing the base game.

Definitive port implies it's the definitive version of a port, which indicates other ports. Definitive Edition perhaps. But even that is a marketing term aimed.

Enhanced Port fits nicely to me and is what I consider the games to be; the core, base content of the game largely unchanged and directly ported from the original build, additional content added to supplement the package on the new hardware.
I'm hoping this Splatoon port/sequel fixes my connectivity problems, I can't even play a match online without disconnecting. My internet speed is fine too, matches just drop after 10-15 seconds.


I doubt it's launch if it's a sequel.

If they never stopped "Working on Splatoon" then the dev time would be about the same as the original. And this time they had a solid base in the original/can "bring back" all the maps and weapons they already worked on.

It's perfectly reasonable.

Mr YuYu

Im hoping for a xenoblade remaster. A tokyo mirage sessions remaster would be the icing on the cake. :)

At a 250 EUR pricepoint i'd buy a switch for those 2 games and the new Zelda Alone.

And to think I had zero interest in the switch 2 weeks ago.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
So Mario Kart is a port? I can go with that, assuming it's MK8, as long as it comes with both big DLC packs as part of the game and has more DLC coming up later. I'll double-dip on it. Will be amazing to play MK on that nice big portable screen. (I plan on rarely if ever playing my Switch on my TV.)

Just keep putting out track and character DLC. Don't stop until every single track from every previous MK game has been remade.

The rumor is that it's MK8 (including all DLC) plus at least 16 new courses, new characters, and a new battle mode. Nothing has been said about whether this port will get its own round of DLC. If the rumor is true, the game would already have 64 courses at launch.


Maybe, maybe not. Honesly it may be better to have it be F2P with being able to buy outfits instead. Would also allow more crossover outfits too.

Of all the announced games Splatoon 2 or Mario Kart seems like the best packin. It would be atleast a 2P local game which I'm sure Splatoon 2 would have. If its neither of them then likely a new IP or no packin.
Please no. I don't want Nintendo to jump on board with this silly microtransaction costume influenza too. What happened to the days of unlocking costumes through gameplay?


I want someone to sell me on the fact that it's basically confirmed there's going to be new fighters and stages in the smash port. For some reason I feel they want to not really change much from a local development standpoint but also I'd be easier to market for Nintendo if there were like an Inkling in the game. I'm excited as fuck.


Before we start celebrating about a potential Splatoon sequel, maybe we should stop to consider the other titles that are slated (rumored) to be ported over to the Switch.

Mario Kart 8 (confirmed port by various sources)
Rayman Legends (it's possible)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (possible, but a sequel would be a massive undertaking)
Mario Maker (no confirmation that it would be ported over, although there has been rumors)
Smash Bros. (they couldn't possibly be releasing a sequel could they)

Am I forgetting anything else?
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