I have a 5 star bride Caeda after getting 4 repeats :/
Is a +RES -Attk Azura worth using over a +SPD -Attk Ninian? No clue which way to go on this one. Please and ty.
Charlotte isn't gonna quad many people with 32 base spd. Brave lance is a good option for her tho since she does have great atk. Sapphire lance isn't needed for someone with a high atk stat like her.
Nice, just drew Bridal Lyn. Is +Spd/-Def good?
They shouldn't be attacking much, so I wouldn't stress too much over it. I could go either way.
How is it even possible? She's been available for less than a day! Pretty amazing.Just posting the opponent of one of my defense wins.
How is it even possible? She's been available for less than a day! Pretty amazing.
Please do not use Iote's Shield. There are better skills for Catria to use and Michalis himself is a far better user of it.Thanks to a friend's idea I'm gonna make lemonade out of lemons.
Taking that Clair I rolled and I'll take her hit and run skill and then take my Michs's Iote shield skill and pass that to Catria as well. Sure I'll be giving up armored blow but it might be worth it in the end.
What would be a good skill set for a -HP +ATK Bride Caeda?
You got those and you're focusing on the Odins? Really?
You got those and you're focusing on the Odins? Really?
Don't you know? 6/32 5* sucks even if it equals a 18.75% 5* rate! Only sucks when you have to also receive 4 freakin Moonbow SI fodder while you pull, though! Bastards!
On another note, if I give another type of lance to Charlotte, will it show on her or will she still wield a spoon on the battlefield?
so is there a quick beginner's guide or tips on what I should do off the bat like pull on these characters with orbs? my only real experience with these types of games is final fantasy record keeper. I literally downloaded this game like a few days ago, and just did a story mission or two lol.
well if you're gonna reroll, try and get Azura from her banner and/or Cordelia from the bride one. Azura is unlikely to be a banner unit for a long time and is extremely useful, Cordelia is a limited unit and quite strong.
It's more orb-efficient to do 20 pulls but if you're targeting specific units you just want to open their color of orb. So for example there are no grey units on the Weapon Triangle banner and no reds/greens on the waifu one. But if you're just building out your roster you probably want as many characters to work with as possible.
Make sure you do some arena by the end of the week. You don't need a good ranking or anything, just do it to get yourself on the board.
Thanks for the info! I'm not one to re-roll but if you think it really is worth it I'll try it to get those people.
how do you do a 20 pull? all I see is an option for 5 orb summon.
edit: oh I think I see, you have to keep summoning until you hit 5 of them to get full advantage ?
Alright, thanks. You're always helping me out with character skill sets, I appreciate it.Blarblade+ from Odin is a must. From there, the usual Moonbow/Fury/Desperation caster build along with Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid. C slot and seal are your choice.
Pretty much the standard glass cannon caster build, won't reach Linde's damage but she is fast and has very high res.
Help me decide between Fury and TA and Vantage and QR for Xander I've thining about this for weeks helpppp
So I haven't had interest in playing this for quite awhile, but I still logged in for all the daily stuff. I have 468 orbs saved up. Is this banner worth pulling on or should I keep saving? My current 5 stars are Lyn, Raven, Young Tiki, Hinoka, Marth, Cain, Minerva, Camilla and Takumi.
Help me decide between Fury and TA and Vantage and QR for Xander I've thining about this for weeks helpppp
I quite like Charlotte. With Eirika she gets up to 53 atk and 42 speed plus what ever rally skill and seal buff Eirika gives her. Just got to keep her away from mages.
QR is a one time deal and my Xander benefits from the boosted stats from Fury. I like my current fury+QR setup for Xander.QR is the shit. Fury does not work well with QR, so i'd go with TA.
Is that a new type of mage??I got Bride Caeda, fantastic support/buff Blue Mage!
What skills did you give her? Never had such a hard time deciding...
Is that a new type of mage??