*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


Unless Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, which I doubt, Dany has a better claim than Jon for the Targaryen throne. Just like Stannis had a better one than Gendry.
I can almost guarantee that the show will reveal them as married and Jon being Rhaegar's heir.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Unless Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, which I doubt, Dany has a better claim than Jon for the Targaryen throne. Just like Stannis had a better one than Gendry.

according to the laws of westeros, women and bastards do not inherit, so dany would not have a better claim. i think the question is that according to the letter of the law, who would inherit robert now, since cersei, dany, jon snow and gendry are all disqualified?

John Dunbar

correct about everything
I can almost guarantee that the show will reveal them as married and Jon being Rhaegar's heir.

targaryen polygamy hasn't been a thing in ages, though, so i don't really see why people would think jon is anything but a bastard even if rhaegar and lyanna did have a ceremony of some sort to feel better about their adulterous relationship (goes for book and show).

but then again, people seem cool with him breaking his oaths, so whatevers.
Cersei never was a Baratheon. In westeros you cannot marry into royal names like this, I am not 100% sure about the claim, though. But I'd say she has literally 0 claim to the Baratheon inheritance. She was the queen regent because of her "Baratheon" children, but after they were gone I'd say so was her claim.

I think it varies by regions or doesn't apply to the royal family. Elia Martell is not called a Targaryian. However, Catelyn and Lysa took names of their husbands house.
according to the laws of westeros, women and bastards do not inherit, so dany would not have a better claim. i think the question is that according to the letter of the law, who would inherit robert now, since cersei, dany, jon snow and gendry are all disqualified?

Gendry is not disqualified. By law, Cersei or whoever succeds her can name Gendry a Baratheon. He will then be legitimized.

I bet my bottom dollar, the show will end with Gendry taking his father's Stormlands, and be a legit Baratheon. He will marry Arya. And the show will end how it began, with the talk about a Stark and Baratheon union.


according to the laws of westeros, women and bastards do not inherit, so dany would not have a better claim. i think the question is that according to the letter of the law, who would inherit robert now, since cersei, dany, jon snow and gendry are all disqualified?

Are we really sure about this, women are on the same level as bastards? I doubt that.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Gendry is not disqualified. By law, Cersei or whoever succeds her can name Gendry a Baratheon. He will then be legitimized.

and why would cersei, or anyone for that matter, legitimize gendry? sure, it could happen, but as things stand, he is disqualified. and not just because he is a bastard, but because no one knows he exists.

Are we really sure about this, women are on the same level as bastards? I doubt that.

not when it comes to random houses, but women cannot inherit the iron throne according to the law.


according to the laws of westeros, women and bastards do not inherit, so dany would not have a better claim. i think the question is that according to the letter of the law, who would inherit robert now, since cersei, dany, jon snow and gendry are all disqualified?

Except Olenna and the Sand Snakes because they are so progressive in the Reach and Dorne.
and why would cersei, or anyone for that matter, legitimize gendry? sure, it could happen, but as things stand, he is disqualified. and not just because he is a bastard, but because no one knows he exists.

not when it comes to random houses, but women cannot inherit the iron throne according to the law.

Davos and Mellisandre both know who he is. This guy has to play a part just being the sole Baratheon alive.
Gendry is not disqualified. By law, Cersei or whoever succeds her can name Gendry a Baratheon. He will then be legitimized.

I bet my bottom dollar, the show will end with Gendry taking his father's Stormlands, and be a legit Baratheon. He will marry Arya. And the show will end how it began, with the talk about a Stark and Baratheon union.
This is such horrible fanfic


according to the laws of westeros, women and bastards do not inherit, so dany would not have a better claim. i think the question is that according to the letter of the law, who would inherit robert now, since cersei, dany, jon snow and gendry are all disqualified?

The problem is in Westeros, partriarchal inheritance is the normal rule of law, but the perspective of the show is such that it discredits this system because in our world, it's clearly a load of sexist bullshit. However, it is conveniently not raising that question (yet) when it comes to Daenerys's claim to the throne being her 'right' because she is a Targaryen, despite it being part of the same system she is basing her legitimacy. On one page it says 'the crown passes down the family' and on another it says 'to the firstborn son'. So she's picking the part of the system that works for her and ignoring the part that doesn't, rather than doing the honest thing and basing her claim to the throne on her ability to be the best possible leader - which is a much more questionable position, because while she's inspired people to follow her through big, supposedly altruistic actions and also - really, mainly - the power of her dragons, we haven't actually seen her sustain a period of strong leadership that encouraged stability.

Really all she has is the power of her dragons, so she's making an existential threat to her opponents, and her bloodline, so she's appealing to the laws of a system she at the same time disavows and says she's going to 'break'. Off to a great start by saying you're the queen by right, rather than ability.

She's basically she's full of shit.

So is the show, for that matter, if she isn't confronted about this. They have characters we like say things about her having a good heart, being a kind ruler, etc, and that distracts people from the fact she's a huge hypocrite who abandoned her responsibilities as queen in Meereen already. It's a narrative dead end to just put her on the Iron throne and have everyone talk about how good she is, and beneath the show. She is different than the other bad rulers Westeros has had, she's definitely has nobler intentions, but it's all based on the same entitled horseshit and it shouldn't end well.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Gendry is not disqualified. By law, Cersei or whoever succeds her can name Gendry a Baratheon. He will then be legitimized.

I bet my bottom dollar, the show will end with Gendry taking his father's Stormlands, and be a legit Baratheon. He will marry Arya. And the show will end how it began, with the talk about a Stark and Baratheon union.
Gives Arya something to do besides brood over killing Cersei (which won't happen). I always thought Arya might end up with Gendry (who is a bastard Prince), and that would be interesting contrast between Sansa ending up with the Hound.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
where is that mentioned? I never heard of this before

i might remember totally wrong, but i believe women can only inherit the iron throne if every single male member of the dynasty has died, while widows have some rights in lesser houses. i don't remember where i read it, i think it was one of the wikis that list succession to the throne in westeros.
Heh first time I hear of that website. Seems I've been missing out.


It was a Tumblr blog at first, then it took off. It now has a separate site and Patreon.

People used to post his recap after every episode.


Kills Photobucket
I think the line of succession is pretty well fucked. The houses will follow whoever is powerful.

With so little time left, I can't see them wasting time with a Danny/Jon battle rules lawyering which of them is the true ruler. Hell, if anything it might just get Danny off her stupid "bend the knee" thing, and just give Jon the North.

Much as I've enjoyed the Dragonstone stuff and much of Danny's scenes, I am let down she's stuck on this "bend the knee" thing. After all she's been through she should know better than anyone that her people don't follow her because of her name, or because of some line of succession. They follow her out of loyalty because she's proven herself to them.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Much as I've enjoyed the Dragonstone stuff and much of Danny's scenes, I am let down she's stuck on this "bend the knee" thing. After all she's been through she should know better than anyone that her people don't follow her because of her name, or because of some line of succession. They follow her out of loyalty because she's proven herself to them.

except the unsullied who are mindless drones.


I think the line of succession is pretty well fucked. The houses will follow whoever is powerful.

With so little time left, I can't see them wasting time with a Danny/Jon battle rules lawyering which of them is the true ruler. Hell, if anything it might just get Danny off her stupid "bend the knee" thing, and just give Jon the North.

Much as I've enjoyed the Dragonstone stuff and much of Danny's scenes, I am let down she's stuck on this "bend the knee" thing. After all she's been through she should know better than anyone that her people don't follow her because of her name, or because of some line of succession. They follow her out of loyalty because she's proven herself to them.

Dany being stubborn about that sort of thing is totally in character though. She listens to logical arguments, which is a big point in her favour. But her natural inclination is towards tyranny in most situations. In her mind, she is the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, and the North is one of the Seven Kingdoms. What happened on Essos was completely different.


and the dothraki who follow her because she killed all their leaders and walked out of a house on fire, so they think she's magic, which she is.

and those two are basically her whole army.

I always wonder what Dany's endgame is with the Dothraki when she conquers Westeros (assuming they live).

"Thank you for helping me get my throne back. Now GTFO. We don't need to raiding, raping, and murdering the peasantry"


Sansa disserves to get a nice lay though......

I guess they have one more reason to bring back Daario other than to kill him for fun. He was basically just a breathing sex toy.

It was a Tumblr blog at first, then it took off. It now has a separate site and Patreon.

People used to post his recap after every episode.

I checked this out today. I like how it has it's own running jokes and characterizations. Kind of an Abridged parody.


targaryen polygamy hasn't been a thing in ages, though, so i don't really see why people would think jon is anything but a bastard even if rhaegar and lyanna did have a ceremony of some sort to feel better about their adulterous relationship (goes for book and show).

but then again, people seem cool with him breaking his oaths, so whatevers.

Targaryen polygamy is going to be a thing that comes up in the books. George didn't make Aegon the Conqueror fuck both his sisters for no reason.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I always wonder what Dany's endgame is with the Dothraki when she conquers Westeros (assuming they live).

"Thank you for helping me get my throne back. Now GTFO. We don't need to raiding, raping, and murdering the peasantry"
They will probably be the first to die via White Walkers.
Gets rid of them and makes the army of the dead even larger so the dragons don't seem OP.

I do wonder why Stannis hated getting Dragonstone though, the Prince of Dragonstone is the heir to the Iron Throne.
Because he defended Storms End during Robert's Rebellion. Also Storms End is the Batheron castle, and thus was his to inherit since Robert had the throne.


Unsullied not mindless drones.

Unsullied CG. Grey Worm only one real. Pretend every unsullied Grey Worm. Save HBO money.


It's hard to take the show Unsullied seriously after they had a hard time handling the Slaver's Bay version of the alt-right a few seasons back.
Anyone feel like little finger has been nerfed? He was schmeing everything back then. Now he feels so out of character in the show.


Anyone feel like little finger has been nerfed? He was schmeing everything back then. Now he feels so out of character in the show.

my guess is that GRRM told D&D nothing about him and they are helpless to come up with something smart


Despite Littlefinger's speech about imagining every outcome, he failed to imagine a few things currently playing out.

1) I think that he expected Sansa to be more compliant when he returned.
2) He didn't expect Bran to be alive. And now that Bran is back, how does he deal with someone who isn't even human?
3) Arya being back further messes things up.

Instead of Sansa being isolated, allowing him to wear her down and bend her in his desired direction, all of the remaining Stark kids are back together (or will be eventually, assuming Jon returns to Winterfell while everyone is still alive). All of them have picked up complementary skillsets in the past 6-7 years. None of them are Ned Stark.

EDIT: Of course, this being GOT, they will probably get together for an episode before Bran is killed and one of the girls is captured. I thought that they were aiming at something last season having almost all of the great houses in the hands of women, but then "poof" half of those women were killed off.


Littlefinger is salvageable, he's hasn't been acting out of character, but nerfed is about the correct word for him. He's become a background character, and this will be okay if he reveals that he actually does have some kind of plan in place. He certainly gets a lot of reaction shots that indicate he MIGHT be up to something, but it's been going on for so long that you've got no idea exactly what it is, or if it is.


Littlefinger is out of his element. He's a creature of King's Landing politics, but he's trapped in the north with people who hate his guts.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
That was some shameless and unnecessary character assassination. Total hack writing.
They needed to make the Harpys seem like a threat, and needed to kill off an advisor so Tyrion can have a spot. Honestly Missendai is more likely to die than Grey Worm at the point. Grey Worm has an army, Missendei doesn't need to translate the common tongue.
Anyone feel like little finger has been nerfed? He was schmeing everything back then. Now he feels so out of character in the show.
It's pretty awful tbh. They can't do his book plot (I'm guessing marrying Sansa to Aegon)

i wonder how much of seasons 6/7/8 are original and how much are based on what the future books are gonna be?
Season 6 Jon is essentially Stannis. Dany's will probably be similar to her actual plot in Winds. Too many variables to point out further ones.

Despite Littlefinger's speech about imagining every outcome, he failed to imagine a few things currently playing out.

1) I think that he expected Sansa to be more compliant when he returned.
2) He didn't expect Bran to be alive. And now that Bran is back, he doesn't know how to deal with someone who isn't even really human anymore.
3) Arya being back further messes things up.

Instead of Sansa being isolated, allowing him to wear her down and bend her in his desired direction, all of the remaining Stark kids are back together. All of them have picked up complementary skillsets in the past 6-7 years. None of them are Ned Stark.

I have no idea how to even predict Littlefinger. He hasn't plotted in a while.
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