PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Sidhe / PikPok
I think Trump's ratings comment about the pardon during the hurricane actually make it seem worse than if it had just been to hide bad news. What a bad person.

My guess is his comment is just his off the cuff auto "no puppet" reflex where he has to say he did the opposite of whatever negative thing he is accused of in the moment i.e.

Media: Trump timed pardon to bury it under other news
Trump: Uh uh, I timed the pardon to get the MOST coverage for it!

Would have been so easy for him to say it was just coincidence, and that the pardon came right after he made a final decision while visiting Arizona. But his ego won't let it go quietly.


Nelson vs. Scott is going to be huge.

That's the problem with defending a million seats - even if we have a decent chance to win all of them individually in a vacuum, with 25 races a few of them are bound to slip away from us.

That being said, I still put Nelson a tier above McCaskill and Donnelly in terms of who I'm worried about.

all of the red state + brown's race are bound to be ugly and nasty. I expect millions to be spend on negative ads tearing each other down.

No one is winning their race in a cake walk.
This is true in my experience. Most of the conservative media I've seen targeted toward young people is hyper-focused on triggering snowflake liberals. It works really well on the people whose introduction to politics was through Gamergate, as they have a built-in hatred toward anyone who asks you to listen to women or minorities for a second. They may be relatively politically apathetic, but reinforce their belief that women and minorities are attacking the one safe space they have as a poor, poor persecuted nerd and they'll trust you.

Yup. And it accelerated after Romney's defeat, the GOP's doubling down against demographic trends, and their abandonment of all morals and ethics to beat the now hated OBUMMER.

College Republican meetings must be...interesting now.

Poor trump fired his rally organizer because the crowd was sparse when he showed up


Many tears for this guy too


Being around Trump is like living with an elder god: there's no hope of safety, only when you will be eaten.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not that I know of, they'll probably announce it in the Winter.

I wish there were more series with such rich history. I understand why it doesn't happen often, though.

I'm about to change my avatar to something trails related, since Suikoden is dead :(

But, the avatar is kinda a big reminder to what was and could have been.
I still know a few college Republican types who own Reagan/Bush '84 shirts and shit, but they're all registered libertarians now. So yeah, any 20-something Republican is probably a Nazi.
I still know a few college Republican types who own Reagan/Bush '84 shirts and shit, but they're all registered libertarians now. So yeah, any 20-something Republican is probably a Nazi.

Republican presidents that Republicans will acknowledge existed between 1928 and 2028:

Ronald Reagan

That is just a spectacular failure of presidents (other than Dwight who was too moderate for activists to like).
Republican presidents that Republicans will acknowledge existed between 1928 and 2028:

Ronald Reagan

That is just a spectacular failure of presidents (other than Dwight who was too moderate for activists to like).

Yeah, it's kinda crazy and really describes the moment I gave up on ever being a conservative when I reached out to a Republican family member years ago with "hey, we can agree Ike wasn't too bad, right?" and their response was "I guess he was okay, shoulda just stayed a general."

They're embarrassed by the one Republican president since FDR that they could actually publicly support without scorn!


Hoover: Great Depression
Ike: who?
Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: lost to Carter
Bush 1: raised taxes/lost to Clinton
Bush 2: Iraq, Katrina, left office with 28% approval. Gave us Obama
Trump: x amount of 4 years of x, y, z, b, a, d, controversies/impeachment/ etc

It's easy to see why they worship Reagan so much.


Hoover: Great Depression
Ike: who?
Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: lost to Carter
Bush 1: raised taxes/lost to Clinton
Bush 2: Iraq, Katrina, left office with 28% approval. Gave us Obama
Trump: x amount of 4 years of x, y, z, b, a, d, controversies/impeachment/ etc

It's easy to see why they worship Reagan so much.

Yeah. The Republican population want to make Trump a Reagan figure so bad, but the politicians at least realize he's not going to be a fond memory for the party.


Hoover: Great Depression
Ike: who?
Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: lost to Carter
Bush 1: raised taxes/lost to Clinton
Bush 2: Iraq, Katrina, left office with 28% approval. Gave us Obama
Trump: x amount of 4 years of x, y, z, b, a, d, controversies/impeachment/ etc

It's easy to see why they worship Reagan so much.

eh, you can do this for most presidents. very few presidents are tied to the greater legacy of their party. even the vast majority of Democrats have moved on from the party and policy of Clinton (and that's fine for the party)
Obama will probably be Democrats "Reagan" in the coming decades in regards to the hype man all candidates do their best to prove they are his number one disciple
Hoover: Great Depression
Ike: who?
Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: lost to Carter
Bush 1: raised taxes/lost to Clinton
Bush 2: Iraq, Katrina, left office with 28% approval. Gave us Obama
Trump: x amount of 4 years of x, y, z, b, a, d, controversies/impeachment/ etc

It's easy to see why they worship Reagan so much.
Hoover: Started the aid programs that helped common people during the great depression
Ike: Saved South Korea from Communist hell, 천만에요!
Nixon: The most important foreign policy president since Roosevelt, created EPA
Ford: Didn't enforce civil rights lawsSaved the country from inflationary disaster
Bush 1: Laid the groundwork for NAFTA, smacked Saddam's bitch up
Bush 2: No homeland terrorist attacks since 9/11, modernized our military, pioneered drone war which saves lives and money B)
Trump: yet to be seen but I'm hopeful

I'm a free agent, who wants to hire this bad boy? I make a mean cappuccino and I'm the steez at Word documents. Also I can bend over backwards and kiss my own ankles BECAUSE I'M SPINELESS which is a feature you pickin up what I'm layin down?
eh, you can do this for most presidents. very few presidents are tied to the greater legacy of their party. even the vast majority of Democrats have moved on from the party and policy of Clinton (and that's fine for the party)

Hoover, Nixon, W Bush, and Trump are considered pretty solidly as bottom 10 presidents all time.

Bill Clinton is the Democrat version of Ike except with poor character.
Hoover, Nixon, W Bush, and Trump are considered pretty solidly as bottom 10 presidents all time.

Bill Clinton is the Democrat version of Ike except with poor character.

Ehh... Johnson, Pierce, Buchanan, Harding, Tyler, Fillmore, & Harrison are probably all solidly behind GWB as well. I would argue Jackson deserves to be put behind him too.

We've had a lot of shitty presidents.
Ehh... Johnson, Pierce, Buchanan, Harding, Tyler, Fillmore, & Harrison are probably all solidly behind GWB as well. I would argue Jackson deserves to be put behind him too.

We've had a lot of shitty presidents.

How does Harrison even qualify? GWB's Presidency was easily more damaging than most of those on that list.
How does Harrison even qualify? GWB's Presidency was easily more damaging than most of those on that list.

I don't think GWB's presidency was as scandal plagued as Harding's(See: Ohio Gang), nor did he enact grossly racist policies like the rest. I was iffy on Harrison, but the sole thing he did in office was pretty much get in and croak.

At least GWB has Aids in Africa.

Edit: From my understanding the Trump administration would like to do away with PEPFAR at some point. :(


Obama will probably be Democrats "Reagan" in the coming decades in regards to the hype man all candidates do their best to prove they are his number one disciple

I was sooooo convinced last year that Obama = Dem Reagan meaning that Hillary was obviously his Bush Sr. Yeah I figured she was doomed to lose in '20 just from people revolting after 12 years but I wasn't worried last year. "Obama is still too popular for America to do this to him" I said.

Yeah ;_;
I was sooooo convinced last year that Obama = Dem Reagan meaning that Hillary was obviously his Bush Sr. Yeah I figured she was doomed to lose in '20 just from people revolting after 12 years but I wasn't worried last year. "Obama is still too popular for America to do this to him" I said.

Yeah ;_;
Well, analogies like that are never 1:1 anyway.

A more positive difference between the two - Obama's oratory skills will be in high demand and a valuable asset for at least 20 more years. He'll still be headlining DNCs for decades. Compare to recent two-term presidents: Reagan went senile, Hillary still being in politics made it hard for Bill to remain above the fray (the last time he had political rock star status, 2012 was probably when Hillary was the most anonymous since his presidency) and Dubya is too unpopular to lead the party ever again.

Losing the Court seat really fucking blows, in addition to whatever other havoc Trump wreaks, but electing Hillary for a burner term would have merely delayed the inevitable. If 2018 and 2020 are good years for Democrats (that's a big "if," but likelier than if Clinton had won), that means we get a crack at drawing the Congressional maps next decade, and setting up a successful two-term Democratic presidency. Assuming he doesn't destroy the planet or anything similarly stupidly irreversible, we might be better off dealing with Trump for four years than getting one term of unpopular Hillary to set up a President Rubio or something with a death grip on the House and Senate.

I don't want to sound like an accelerationist so keep in mind I'm seeing this more as a silver lining than anything else - of course we should fight tooth and nail for the presidency every time, no matter what 12th-dimensional chess match may factor into it.
Dubya is too unpopular to lead the party ever again.
Nixon resigned with a 24% approval rating and became a prolific speaker and leader of the Republican party in the 80s. I can't predict the future but it would not surprise me if conservatives warmed up to Bush in the next few years because of Trump, seeing as he's the most recent, likable, stalwart conservative.


Poor trump fired his rally organizer because the crowd was sparse when he showed up


Many tears for this guy too

I mean, did they expect anything else? They couldn't even be patient enough to have Arpaio actually serving his sentence first and then being pardoned. So there isn't even a "well, he did his time...." aspect of it, the only thing you can talk about is why Trump pardoned him, and that's because he's a racist shit.
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