
Why The Xbox Series X Is 2020’s Biggest Gaming Disappointment
The Xbox Series X is an impressive juggernaut, but its release has killed the excitement, and concept, of new console generations.

Some interesting takes about Series X.

"The Series X is the first major console release that feels like a small step for gaming, rather than a giant leap. Sure, loading times are lightning-quick; framerates are largely superb; dynamic lighting is on a whole new level. But has it delivered anything close to the awesome experience I built up in my head?
Nah. It just feels like a better Xbox One X."
"For one, Quick Resume, which allows for the suspension of up to three games, is currently more of a hindrance than a help. When it works, it’s absolutely fantastic, but it regularly doesn’t. The biggest victims are those games that rely on a constant internet connection because Quick Resume almost always disconnects them from servers, never to reconnect. "
"Halo Infinite is infinitely delayed, and even upon release, it’ll be the last standalone game in the series for a decade. Other games like Fable, State of Decay 3 and Forza are planned, but lacking solid release dates. Most of the rest of the hyped “exclusives”, like Psychonauts 2 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, are simply being released earlier on the Series X: the stupidest marketing ploy in gaming, whoever’s doing it.
Meanwhile, Sony will release the likes of Horizon Forbidden West, God of War 2, and Gran Turismo 7 during 2021: all killer apps in their own right, and three more reasons I’ll be getting a PS5 when stock finally returns to stores."
Thanks to my long-standing relationship with Microsoft, I’ve got hundreds of games that now look and play better than ever, another two years of the excellent Game Pass service, and endless peripherals. And yet, just weeks after dropping half a grand on a Series X, I can’t shake the feeling that this console purchase was one of inevitability, not excitement–or even necessity.
A lot of this isn’t just the fault of the Series X. Maybe I’m finally too old to share the same exhilaration I did when I was younger and (more) stupid; perhaps I’m just expecting too much from modern technology which, by and large, does things I could have never dreamt of even ten years ago.
But without any real initial spark, and not much shining on the horizon, it’s not looking too exciting for the latest Xbox; just disappointing. After years of dominance in my own gaming life, one thing’s possible: the Series X may not be my number one come this time in 2021."