Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition – Coming March 20th, 2025 (Nintendo Switch)


Hate to be that guy but I'm really hope Black Tar gets an instrumental version, the lyrics are horrible.
I am calling out anyone who pushed the lie that the New LA theme is garbage. "Uhhhh, yeaaaa, uhhhhh yeaaaa"

You filthy casuals should be ashamed of yourselves for pushing such nonsense. Besides, the intial uhh's and yeaa's are building up to something much greater than itself, but selectively edited YT videos want you to think otherwise. I have it cued up below, spend two minutes to see how the layers of melody come together.

"OOOOOOOOoooooooooooo" :messenger_sunglasses:

XBX is a freaking dime, everything about it, and any self respecting JRPG/Phantasy Star Online fan needs to get the game Day 1 and then before playing it, stand in front of a mirror and slap yourself for not already owning it on the God-Tier console WiiU.
For the beginners out there. XBX is effing massive. Take your time and do the side missions and bond missions. I cannot stress it enough, do not rush through the game, it will take you over 60 hours to get anywhere and even then you'll have like 85% of the map left to explore. Just enjoy the ride. The side missions and bond missions give you the story you want and the world map is freaking huge. It's easily the best Xenoblade Chronicles title.

TL;DR - XBX is a turbo-Japan Tenchi Muyo-type sitcom with an amazing world, OST, and gameplay. Everyone should play this game.

My only gripe is Black Tar. The lyrics are horrible. Having to stomach that each time I get into a battle is gonna suck. For me its not a so bad its good thing either its just a cringe kind of bad. Believe me I tried to warm up to it. My WiiU save goes up to the point where you unlock a Skell. Now Noctilum that's a banger.


Hate to be that guy but I'm really hope Black Tar gets an instrumental version, the lyrics are horrible.

My only gripe is Black Tar. The lyrics are horrible. Having to stomach that each time I get into a battle is gonna suck. For me its not a so bad its good thing either its just a cringe kind of bad. Believe me I tried to warm up to it. My WiiU save goes up to the point where you unlock a Skell. Now Noctilum that's a banger.

Hopefully they do it. From what I see, Monolith Soft really address complaints for the games. Music was one of the biggest complain for Xenoblade X.
I really think the OST is absolutely phenomenal. But there like, 3 or so tracks that are "experimental" and irritating. Which would be fine but they're also the 3 tracks you're most likely to hear most of the time. I still enjoy those songs anyway because Xenoblade X wove a spell on me and I'm in love with it but I wouldn't try to convince a rational person that Black Tar or the NLA theme are good. But just randomly play any other track and you're in for a magical journey.



I’m guessing his talking about this screenshot….

But doesn’t realize the WiiU screenshot she is wearing different armour.
Yea I found this comparison image which is more apples to apples. Left is Wii U.

In my opinion, the faces got a huge upgrade, the rest of the stuff is definitely a step up but still kinda ugly in spots. The large monster textures specifically still look like gummy hot garbage. I really hope there's a Switch 2 by the time this releases with better fidelity/higher res textures but I'm ready to be disappointed.
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Looking forward to this. Wonder if they will fix (improve) some of the pop in that was in the WIIU version? Also the question of the year.. will the cars in the city have hit detection? (Such a silly thing that bugged me back in the day)


Looking forward to this. Wonder if they will fix (improve) some of the pop in that was in the WIIU version? Also the question of the year.. will the cars in the city have hit detection? (Such a silly thing that bugged me back in the day)
I am betting the answer is 'no' to both of those things, but we should see some previews in the coming months. There's a chance with the pop-in issue since Switch should load a lot faster, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.
I don’t agree the combat in Xenoblade 2 is boring but it has horrible tutorial so I don’t blame you for giving up on it.

Xenoblade X came out after original Xenoblade, the combat of X is much more upgrade version of original Xenoblade with added system and mechs.

The core of Xenoblade combat is not action RPG like Star Ocean or Tales of series, it much more similarities to offline MMO.
Thanks. Is Xeno X, similar to Phantasy star portable on psp (I liked that when i played it). How is the tutorial on Xenoblade chronicles 1? Is that game better to get into? or X? I already own xeno1, just never played it passed a few minutes. It didn't help that Xeno 2 came out on Switch yet the first game didn't come out on it for another year or so.
Remember Operation Rainfall? Xenoblade Chronicles, Last Story and Pandora's Tower were part of that.
ughh, two games that I don't have. Now that I have a wii (well my wife's), I went back and bought the games I missed out on. Dead space Extraction, trauma center games, little kings story, Muramasa, etc.... but these two games and fire emblem are way to expensive for an old system like that. Wish we got a port to switch.


ughh, two games that I don't have. Now that I have a wii (well my wife's), I went back and bought the games I missed out on. Dead space Extraction, trauma center games, little kings story, Muramasa, etc.... but these two games and fire emblem are way to expensive for an old system like that. Wish we got a port to switch.
There's a used copy of The Last Story on eBay right now for 13.50, but it's worth paying $60 to experience. Just turn off the auto attack in the settings.
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Is Xeno X, similar to Phantasy star portable on psp (I liked that when i played it).
It is not like Phantasy Star Portable in terms of gameplay at all. World and design share similarities, but what you do in both series is very different. Especially Xeno X, which really is a huge futuristic open-world to explore and conquer, with many systems to learn and use, and a ton of freedom. Phantasy Star Online games are straight-forward games with a focus on character growth and some quality action/battle gameplay. Xeno X battles are mainly about clicking on a enemy to lock it and then clicking icons. No advanced collision/hit boxes like in PS. It is like a MMO (World of Warcraft), so not a lot of fun. Fun comes from other aspects of the game.
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There's a used copy of The Last Story on eBay right now for 13.50, but it's worth paying $60 to experience. Just turn off the auto attack in the settings.
13.00 with 6 bidders and 5+ days left to go. not buy it now price. You know that will be $70 by the time its done. If it wasn't xmas time and I didn't just get a bunch of games (y's 10, Shadow of damned, dq monsters dp, silent hill2r, romancing saga 2 remake, EDF world bros 2) and stalker 2/dq3 remake wasn't around the corner, i would consider it.


13.00 with 6 bidders and 5+ days left to go. not buy it now price. You know that will be $70 by the time its done. If it wasn't xmas time and I didn't just get a bunch of games (y's 10, Shadow of damned, dq monsters dp, silent hill2r, romancing saga 2 remake, EDF world bros 2) and stalker 2/dq3 remake wasn't around the corner, i would consider it.
My bad, I was just curious and skimmed it real fast at work and missed that.


World’s Biggest Weeb

This is the only Xenoblade I managed to get CE for it....and it was worth it, the artbook in particular was awesome.
The artwork for this game is incredible. Love the CE. I have fond memories of taking a half day off and picking up my preorder on the way home. Definitely well worth it.
They did for all 3, I have them.

If they don't do X it'll trigger my ADD when looking at my shelf.
I just checked and XB3 didn't include the game? Wow.

I guess they heard the complaints about XB2 special edition not including the game case and just said "fuck it, they can get neither the game nor the case this time".

Hopefully they do the "definitive works" again, with the book and slipcase (and the goddamn game included).
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I hope that they don't force players to use multiplayer to progress the story

I never play multiplayer
Pretty sure the original didn't force multiplayer, I think a lot of the time it was mostly a passive multiplayer with the option joining others. Been years since I played though but i remember 99% playing solo.


Biggest Trails Stan
Pretty sure the original didn't force multiplayer, I think a lot of the time it was mostly a passive multiplayer with the option joining others. Been years since I played though but i remember 99% playing solo.

When I played the Wii U Version I remember being stuck 10 to 15 hours into the game because they told me I had to go and use multiplayer to progress the story. I had to go and use some online lobby and noone was there because by the time I started playing the game, I ended up playing it when the Wii U was officially dead so there was no other players. I might be wrong though since it was so long ago
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Lao new face looks really great with more define face structure and jawline. He looks more like important character now than just normal looking NPC.


Can't wait to see Doug new look as he was the ugliest amongst them because they unable to match his look from concept art.


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I definitely liked new models compare to old one.

The actually now match concept art in the original artbook.
Yeah, but there's something weird with Lin new design, but I can't quite sure what it is.

I hope that they don't force players to use multiplayer to progress the story

I never play multiplayer
IIRC they only introduce that there are multiplayer quests in a special area. But the quest is done when you visit the room. The online component of this game is kinda similar to Dark Souls. Another player exists as a "ghost" and can help you finish a rotating mission or tell you where a certain thing is.
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