Haha, he cut his surname from @OceanMarketting twitter account
Kinda late, Mr Christoforo.
What we offer?
Professional approach
We ensure excellent caliber of work that is written in proper English and is consistent stylistically. We complete our projects on a timely and regular basis.
Drive more viral traffic to your site with informative content.
2. Integrity and honesty are at the core of our business values. We expect our leaders and people to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, both in their work for Ocean Marketing and in their personal lives.
y your so madd bro?
twitter is lighting up over this
He does not represent us Bostonians!
In what school do they teach people to put spaces between the end of sentences and punctuation? I demand to know .
It doesn't make any sense . SO FRUSTRATING !
Y2Kev said:I'm constantly surprised by this. Even in my workplace, adults just cannot spell or write. I can't tell if it is disregard for the communication form or the person receiving it, but I can't stand silly spelling mistakes, easy grammatical errors, and the like.
Dartastic said:Hey MarkMan, do YOU know the mayor of Boston?![]()
I DEAD SERIOUS !from Ocean Marketing pchristoforo@gmail.com
to Nathan Stansell <nate@natesnetwork.com>
date Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 6:44 PM
subject RE: N-Control Shop: New Order #
Buddy your asking for free stuff and I am trying to help you , You have no idea what happened to our ordering system or our old customer service reps that told you they were going to send you a 100% COUPON AND FREE CONTROLLER but never did . So calm yourself down , be respectful and do as I say or ask to get your free controller. I DEAD SERIOUS ! Be a little more humble we can refuse the right to ship out anything to anyone we want , I’m trying to help you. Small claims court for 49 dollars haha … that’s cute . I’m the President of my company not The Avengers so keep your punk smite ignorant comments to yourself. If I wasn’t trying to help you I wouldn’t have emailed you back. Customer service of old is gone were in a new generation now. Sorry for any inconvenience , this will ship tomorrow I’m putting in the order now .
No need to beg a simple reply to the email with your address would have been sufficient, and according to you your order already shipped how do we know you never received it ?
Anyway Ill make sure its made good and you get The New Avenger learn to be more understanding when you don’t know whats going on behind the scenes.
Your order will ship tomorrow thanks for your email have a good one.
Oh man, I love how he's not backing down and just keeps going. This is pretty amazing.
Walk down an aisle of iPod/iPhone accessories sometime. People happily pay $20 for a thin slab of moulded rubber.
Sick and at home but this is giving me a good laugh.
The Facebook group/page is worth a look too. A company that launched in 2010 with supposedly 125 dedicated staffers, yet he is using what looks like a private email for contact info.
In what school do they teach people to put spaces between the end of sentences and punctuation? I demand to know .
It doesn't make any sense . SO FRUSTRATING !
from Ocean Marketing pchristoforo@gmail.com
to Nathan Stansell <nate@natesnetwork.com>
date Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 7:21 PM
subject RE: N-Control Shop: New Order #
Im shipping this because your owed a unit , Thats it , I could care less about court . Anyway I wont stoop to your level I run a few companies . I just knew of your issue as of lately since the transition. Were now doing most business through Amazon easy to track and has a lot of order and recognition. Your controller order was already placed as soon as In finished writing that email. Post this where ever you want your one little person out of Millions we dont mind the attention negative or positive its attention press and media for free stir it up. Customer service is outstanding and Im taking care of everything now in a timely manner , karma is a well you know the saying. So do what you think you need to your New Avenger is going in the mail tomorrow morning. Thanks for the email and any controversy and attention you can stir up , enjoy your new Avenger the new ones are really nice. Have a great day
Thank You,
When IGN calls you unprofessional, you know you've hit rock bottom.
Honor and shame are huge parts of it. Its not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole.
What you know about that Little Italy crew son? Bout to get the owner of Mike's Pastry on the line to lay these fools down.i kinda feel sorry for someone so utterly clueless and unaware of the shit storm about to hit him
Just another one of those "moments on the internet."
We've added "Mayor of Boston" to the Meme List
Pennywise the Clown adds to the flavor as well.
Guys you're all jealous this guy made a successful business. He got game, y'all need to get on that level.
Guys you're all jealous this guy made a successful business. He got game, y'all need to get on that level.
Tell that to the Mayor!
But seriously, fuck the hilariously sad mafioso posturing.
Hah, at "@OceanMarketting"
I just can't believe he spelled "marketing" wrong in his twitter handle. What a lazy fucking bastard.
Does he think he's an internet chick? lolOh, so happy his facebook isn't private at all and all his info is available.
Oh, so happy his facebook isn't private at all and all his info is available.
Oh, so happy his facebook isn't private at all and all his info is available.
Dear Arrogant Marketing Guy: Sometimes, no matter how right you think you are, it's just not worth having the last word.
There is actually an @OceanMarketing, so I'm assuming he misspelled his because the original was taken and wasn't smart enough to come up with a decent option (like adding an underscore between words, which was NOT taken).Hah, at "@OceanMarketting"
I just can't believe he spelled "marketing" wrong in his twitter handle. What a lazy fucking bastard.
A shame considering the product itself shouldn't be taking the brunt of this outlash.In other news, the avenger is currently being amazon-bombed.
Oh, so happy his facebook isn't private at all and all his info is available.
How do people like this even get work?
He has to send emails to clients at least some times, right? Why would anyone hire someone who types on a 3rd grade level? Hell, look at his tweets for the companies he works for... why would anyone give this guy work, aside from cleaning toilets?