Madpierrot, can you post screenshots of
when she shows up like you did with Isanami?
when she shows up like you did with Isanami?
oh my
this is perfect avatar material.
What show?
Whatever happened to that lesbian sex comedy thing that the idol group was doing? I think wonzo was watching it. Every week it would be "banned" for being too explicit. lol
Which zombie moe?
Kore wa zombie?
I mean Sankarea
Fuse trailer:
Medaka Box 04
I stopped watching halfway through to go get a glass of water. When I got back it took me maybe ten minutes to remember I had even been watching this show. The Medaka Box is a garbage pail.
The show is too ugly to post anything else.Well at least you posted the best part of Medaka Box.
Best character in worst show.
The show is too ugly to post anything else.
Fuse trailer:
You haven't seen anything until you've seen this version of it.
This is better.
The problem is that not many people liked the genre shift at first... and it only really became a hit once it hit the arc after the change.... which tweaked the prior formula and introduced a lot of great characters (Kumagawa Box ftw) which won't get animated even if the show is split cour.
In other words, read the manga, since whoever cleared this to air in this manner has no fucking clue as to why the manga is popular.
Just finished Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Nothing else to say.
Before that show was being advertised, I had never heard of Sphere. After the show started running, I now have no interest in knowing anything more about Sphere. Seems like a pretty shitty marketing attempt when you take an idol unit and shoehorn them into a boring drama with no real distinctive qualities, and doesn't leverage on any of the actual appeal or talents of the group (is there any?).
The first theatrical event for Akito the Exiled will be head on August 4.
...why would you need to mass market Kyoto Animation? It would be like making a random commercial for Dreamworks Studio that airs during the Kung Fu Panda cartoons.
I can only assume that a small portion of the audience who watch a KyoAni show are, themselves, interested in animation and maybe potential animators. It kind of makes sense to appeal to them.
Wait, I'm out of the loop. Is this theater-only for now with a home release several months later (like a movie), or is it more like Gundam Unicorn with the OAV being available at the same time?
They have not said. But I would say the latter is likely. They are doing something similar with Yamato 2199 too.
Tsuritama > Apollon in general.
Although Apollon is certainly good.
Sankarea 4
So apart from the opening scene, this is a pretty severe drop in quality. The visual interest is mostly gone, the editing is lazy, and the zombie scenario goes in some icky directions that are awkwardly handled. It didn't really do a great job of selling the chemistry between the central couple, unlike the earlier scenes in the abandoned building. In the end, it's kind of dull. Probably won't keep following this. If Shinichi Omata directs another show, hopefully it's not with DEEN. Better source material would be nice too.
Wow, half a page of post I see... after such three days of spectacular football I find understandable your backlog on here, though.
Part of AnimeGAF public beating of Medaka Box is, in my opinion, unfair compared to the shows that receive free pass, or are actually recommended as train-wrecks... maybe some of you consider this show to be bad but inoffensive at the same time, although even then there had to be prior good expectations for this series on your part to dislike it that much, no? Or maybe I'm not being sincere enough with myself.
Wow, half a page of post I see... after such three days of spectacular football I find understandable your backlog on here, though.
Is it necessary to turn every discussion about anime into a binary "X is better than Y" argument? I mean, they're both very different shows with unique styles which execute their stories in interesting, enjoyable ways.
I don't have a problem with anyone who says they prefer one to other other, although I would find it interesting to here your reasons behind that rather than just 'I prefer Tsuritama in general'.
Part of AnimeGAF public beating of Medaka Box is, in my opinion, unfair compared to the shows that receive free pass, or are actually recommended as train-wrecks... maybe some of you consider this show to be bad but inoffensive at the same time, although even then there had to be prior good expectations for this series on your part to dislike it that much, no? Or maybe I'm not being sincere enough with myself.
It's wierd, because those who have read the manga are saying it gets better at a later part or are talking up the gnere shift which may or may not be animated, you have those who are watching it for the first time, which to be honest the first 4 episodes has very little to grip you into watching more, and then you have a little group (me included) is watching it for a side character for the trolling and her hair.
This was an episode I was worried about going in to. Both because of the expectations for the future of the show and the impressions in this thread. I was surprised to find that the episode was still fairly strong, although not exactly up to the standard set by the previous three.
Cuts were okay between things. Perhaps too subtle in certain cases to really be as effective as they should be. Things like the cut to the sewing box here after the background info on sewing just don't focus heavily enough on the transition for it to be effective enough. There's some other interesting stuff though. Like after the scene near the river when the show needs to get back to Rea they show multiple shots progressively returning to the house across the town. It not only helps create that distance between Rea and Furuya, but it also factors into the world building this show has done so well. There are other little touches to that effect as well with rain drops on windows from the last episode.
Passage of time was also handled well. The shift to night is subtle but noticeable, and the updates by clock help ground that within the world. Time passing is actually really important to this episode in terms of the plot, but it's also the kind of thing that isn't really noticeable. The amount of thought put into the construction of the show is just really impressive in a way I find super admirable.![]()
This shot. Dear god. Rea is one of the zombies Furuya is so obsessed with.
There are a few questionable scenes. Particularly the ones at the riverbank and in the bathroom, which both just feel off. When they come together in the episode it kind of shows up as this big splotch that mars the quality of the whole episode. The back and forth between Rea and Furuya that cut to the masks and dolls also fell pretty flat. They were going for something with their cinematography, but it was just way off the mark.
Tsuritama also looks better.
There are a number of shows people have dug into this season. Medaka Box is terrible in a manner that feels entirely bland and lazy, so even making fun of it doesn't warrant much more than, "Yeah, this was pretty shit."Part of AnimeGAF public beating of Medaka Box is, in my opinion, unfair compared to the shows that receive free pass, or are actually recommended as train-wrecks... maybe some of you consider this show to be bad but inoffensive at the same time, although even then there had to be prior good expectations for this series on your part to dislike it that much, no? Or maybe I'm not being sincere enough with myself.
Apollon is a well-animated and directed anime about a love triangle (rectangle) with Jazz as important background.
But the coming out and love genre is so old and there are already so many shows and movies about it - espencially if you count non-animes.
Tsuritma is in all its elements fresh and unique. It's more like watching something for the first time instead of watching a new interpretation.
Shining Hearts - 03
- mecha girl
- pirates with ironclad warships
what the hell?
and for Cajun