I think you mean 6!
I think you mean 6!
This isn't going to come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with Kou Matsuo, but an article has confirmed that the director's new noitaminA series, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, will be using pre-scoring for the voice recording.
Not for the director though. That's how he's been doing it since Red Garden.
This isn't going to come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with Kou Matsuo, but an article has confirmed that the director's new noitaminA series, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, will be using pre-scoring for the voice recording.
This isn't going to come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with Kou Matsuo, but an article has confirmed that the director's new noitaminA series, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, will be using pre-scoring for the voice recording.
Cowboy Bebop 1-26 (FINAL) + Movie
I think Im ready. I think Im ready to talk about Cowboy Bebop. I didnt know what to expect coming into this. I had always stayed away from Cowboy Bebop thinking it was some of kind of playful shonen meant for kids or young teens. What I got was a mature, episodic assortment of stories in the vein of sci-fi, westerns, gangster flicks and film noir. And its execution was amazing. The structure of the show, untethered by any of the main plot lines, is pleasingly effective. Given the 22 minutes per episode, it impressed me that Bebop was able to tell some very solid stories with such little time. Whether its the tale of some kid who wants to learn to defend himself andor Bebops pilotrestore his sisters vision. I usually dont likelooking to settle the score with the man who took away his armhumor but I found Episode 17 to be hilarious and it has since become my favorite Bebop episode. Episode 11 I also enjoyed as a love letter of sorts to popular American sci-fi.drug-related
Bebop oozes style. I was worried that I wouldnt be able to digest the older look of it all but I think it still looks brilliant given when it was aired. I loved the art direction and it didnt impede on my enjoyment of the series at all. Everything is grimy, aged and rusted. It compliments the world that the creators were trying to establish and just about everything was a pleasure to see in motion. The aerial battles in particular are incredible to watch, not because of loud fast-paced music, or methodical orchestral scores but because of its slow jazz pieces. It creates a new tone for these skirmishes in the skies. They become awesome and tragic, enthralling and melancholic at the same time. Watching the Bebop, Swordfish and Redtail outgunning or outrunning their targets of interest is so mesmerizing. The locales they fight over are fantastic. I enjoyed the vision that the creators had of the future and mankinds expansion from Earth.
Nothing overstays its welcome. In fact, Id say nothing stays long enough and I will say that I was disappointed characters like Ed didnt play a larger role in the show. But maybe that reluctance to stick around too long is in line with its theme. Its a show about characters trying to find their place in the universe. The journey the crew goes through varies. Sometimes its hilarious, sometimes its ridiculous and sometimes its very human. The delivery never fails miserably and it never teeters to the point of sophomoric. It just leaves me wanting more and the way the show throws so much humor and adventure at you only to slap you back into reality when it wants is great. It doesnt feel forced. I might be in the minority in this but I thought the first couple of episodes were really great and I was hooked on Bebop from episode one. I liked that the main-arc didnt kick in until several episodes later as I could latch onto these characters as they were without clinging to their backstories. The main arcs were downplayed and in my opinion that was the right thing to do. The episodic nature of it all is like a reflection of life itself. Sometimes your baggage of the past catches up to you but most of the time, youre engaging in other crazy, exciting adventures that are completely unrelated. Bebop overall has some of the strongest writing Ive seen in an episodic anime yet.
Let me be honest, the reality is I actually finished Bebop over a month ago and I so was overwrought with positivity for the series that it seemed irrational. So instead, I did something rational: I let it sink it before I said anything. I just recently watched a random episode and yup, still amazing. It continues to make me disappointed in shows like Bodacious Space Pirates which cant even wrap up an arc without needlessly bloating it over several episodes. The majority of this review remains unchanged with the omission of a section where I seriously believed every anime I had ever watched before Bebop was utter crap. I was convinced that I would no longer be able to enjoy anime after Bebop. Of course, a week or so later, I was back to watching shows like Infinite Stratos so obviously the honeymoon was over though my praise for Bebop remains the same. It was one of those, One more episode, shows that I couldnt put down. Despite its age (not to imply that a little over a decade is old or anything), it certainly never stopped me from enjoying every aspect of it. This show stands the test of time. Cowboy Bebop gets a 5 out of 5. At a time where I didnt really have a favorite anime series, I think Cowboy Bebop will occupy that spot.
Interesting choice of clothing here. It's like a jail uniform.Foojie Co. 06:
THAT is the Fujiko I've wanted to see for the entire series. It was only a glimpse, but greedy, worldly Fujiko is so much better than the nihilistic blow-up doll that only steals out of a compulsion created by a traumatic past.
Cowboy Bebop 1-26 (FINAL) + Movie
I think Im ready. I think Im ready to talk about Cowboy Bebop. I didnt know what to expect coming into this. I had always stayed away from Cowboy Bebop thinking it was some of kind of playful shonen meant for kids or young teens. What I got was a mature, episodic assortment of stories in the vein of sci-fi, westerns, gangster flicks and film noir. And its execution was amazing. The structure of the show, untethered by any of the main plot lines, is pleasingly effective. Given the 22 minutes per episode, it impressed me that Bebop was able to tell some very solid stories with such little time. Whether its the tale of some kid who wants to learn to defend himself andor Bebops pilotrestore his sisters vision. I usually dont likelooking to settle the score with the man who took away his armhumor but I found Episode 17 to be hilarious and it has since become my favorite Bebop episode. Episode 11 I also enjoyed as a love letter of sorts to popular American sci-fi.drug-related
Bebop oozes style. I was worried that I wouldnt be able to digest the older look of it all but I think it still looks brilliant given when it was aired. I loved the art direction and it didnt impede on my enjoyment of the series at all. Everything is grimy, aged and rusted. It compliments the world that the creators were trying to establish and just about everything was a pleasure to see in motion. The aerial battles in particular are incredible to watch, not because of loud fast-paced music, or methodical orchestral scores but because of its slow jazz pieces. It creates a new tone for these skirmishes in the skies. They become awesome and tragic, enthralling and melancholic at the same time. Watching the Bebop, Swordfish and Redtail outgunning or outrunning their targets of interest is so mesmerizing. The locales they fight over are fantastic. I enjoyed the vision that the creators had of the future and mankinds expansion from Earth.
Nothing overstays its welcome. In fact, Id say nothing stays long enough and I will say that I was disappointed characters like Ed didnt play a larger role in the show. But maybe that reluctance to stick around too long is in line with its theme. Its a show about characters trying to find their place in the universe. The journey the crew goes through varies. Sometimes its hilarious, sometimes its ridiculous and sometimes its very human. The delivery never fails miserably and it never teeters to the point of sophomoric. It just leaves me wanting more and the way the show throws so much humor and adventure at you only to slap you back into reality when it wants is great. It doesnt feel forced. I might be in the minority in this but I thought the first couple of episodes were really great and I was hooked on Bebop from episode one. I liked that the main-arc didnt kick in until several episodes later as I could latch onto these characters as they were without clinging to their backstories. The main arcs were downplayed and in my opinion that was the right thing to do. The episodic nature of it all is like a reflection of life itself. Sometimes your baggage of the past catches up to you but most of the time, youre engaging in other crazy, exciting adventures that are completely unrelated. Bebop overall has some of the strongest writing Ive seen in an episodic anime yet.
Let me be honest, the reality is I actually finished Bebop over a month ago and I so was overwrought with positivity for the series that it seemed irrational. So instead, I did something rational: I let it sink it before I said anything. I just recently watched a random episode and yup, still amazing. It continues to make me disappointed in shows like Bodacious Space Pirates which cant even wrap up an arc without needlessly bloating it over several episodes. The majority of this review remains unchanged with the omission of a section where I seriously believed every anime I had ever watched before Bebop was utter crap. I was convinced that I would no longer be able to enjoy anime after Bebop. Of course, a week or so later, I was back to watching shows like Infinite Stratos so obviously the honeymoon was over though my praise for Bebop remains the same. It was one of those, One more episode, shows that I couldnt put down. Despite its age (not to imply that a little over a decade is old or anything), it certainly never stopped me from enjoying every aspect of it. This show stands the test of time. Cowboy Bebop gets a 5 out of 5. At a time where I didnt really have a favorite anime series, I think Cowboy Bebop will occupy that spot.
See this is how you review Cowboy Bebop. Glad you loved it. Still my favorite show after all these years and I try and catch it any time its on Adult Swim.
Lupin III: A Woman named Fujiko Mine 6
Yo checkeredknight, are butterflies representing Fujiko anything you have seen in other Lupin works? Or is this a new link from this new series all together?
In the Japanese culture butterflies are thought to be representative of young maidens and marital bliss. Many Japanese families use the butterfly in the family crest design.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_butterfly_represent#ixzz1uUgUK3cl
This isn't going to come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with Kou Matsuo, but an article has confirmed that the director's new noitaminA series, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, will be using pre-scoring for the voice recording.
More importantly, did you notice all the shitty CG in Bebop the Cowboy? So disgraceful!
That sounds like you're insulting my reviews of Bebop the Cowboy.
You wouldn't be that cruel, would you?
Cowboy Bebop 1-26 (FINAL) + Movie
I think Im ready. I think Im ready to talk about Cowboy Bebop. I didnt know what to expect coming into this. I had always stayed away from Cowboy Bebop thinking it was some of kind of playful shonen meant for kids or young teens.
Sket Dance 57
I usually find these types of stories awkward as hell, but this was pretty cute.
You finally got around to watching Smile?Your mind has been too corrupted by shitty Precures to grasp the majesty of Cowboy Bebop.
Your mind has been too corrupted by shitty Precures to grasp the majesty of Cowboy Bebop.
It felt like the beginning was reference Brave 10.
Yes, anyone who likes Precure couldn't ever possibly hold Cowboy Bebop in high regard.
That's totally awesome. Approved.I'm going to cheat and repost this on the first post of the new page.
Hideaki Anno is hosting a Special Effects Exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo this Summer. As part of the exhibition, they will be screening a short film produced by Studio Ghibli, planned by Hideaki Anno, and directed by Shinji Higuchi. It is a live action special effects short film called 'Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo'. It features a live action recreation of the Giant God Warrior from Nausicaa, imagined as a threat to the modern world.
For those unaware, Ultraman and the Giant God Warrior are the two source inspirations for Anno's Evangelion. He is paying homage here to both the effects industry that created Ultraman, and the design of the God Warrior from Nausicaa, with Ghibli's blessing. Good Smile Company is also cashing in on this with a Giant God Warrior Statue Replica and a Giant God Warrior figma, also linked above.
Obviously. Glad you have seen the light.
What got into you today? Envelope's Bebop trolling is annoying, but you're better than this.
Do fairies count? Because the first thing that came to my mind seeing your question was the ending of the Part III series, along with its song 'Fairy Night'.Yo checkeredknight, are butterflies representing Fujiko anything you have seen in other Lupin works? Or is this a new link from this new series all together?
Nobody likes that crazy lesbian.
Looking back on it, I'm not even sure what prompted such preconceptions.I don't know who you're listening to, but they're bad people!
Why not just not make anything.
But that crazy lesbian has an awesome voice! I'll take comfort in knowing another 2k people out there like her as much as I do.
Maybe I'll che-
Never mind. :|Unless it is Blood-C "good."
I don't see anything wrong here.What got into you today? Envelope's Bebop trolling is annoying, but you're better than this.
I don't see anything wrong here.
Um, yes. Just not always.Do you ever have anything constructive to say at all?
Have they gotten better with the filter effect?
It was rough in the first couple episodes.
Fuck no, it was awesome.Oi oi oi Polar Bear Cafe producers, that new ED better be a one off. I want my weekly dose of Bamboo Scramble back!
A genre change.
Um, yes. Just not always.
I'm capable of figuring out how I want to post, thanks. Are you getting defensive because people are making jabs at Precure fans? I don't think anybody was being serious.Then at least keep it to criticism and not silly unprovoked personal attacks.
I'm capable of figuring out how I want to post, thanks.
Eiken, DoReMi, Cowboy Bebop trolling... animeGaf is a place for quality animes
If it hurts too much you should see a doctor, because that's not normal!The irony, it hurts.
What got into you today? Envelope's Bebop trolling is annoying, but you're better than this.