anyone playing on 360? keep getting disconnected. looking for early build characters.
Really? My grenades throughout the entire game have been dreadful. Come to think about it, I haven't had much luck when it comes to loot, I'm at level 28 and I've only seen three orange weapons and all three were pretty meh.
In the original Borderlands I found a Maliwan SMG midway through that carried me through the entire game and most of the DLC. It seems like the loot system has received bigger adjustments than most people think.
Don't know if it's because I am playing the Siren or what(phase lock is pretty cool but..)hard game is hard,jesus...loving it though,just need to relax and realise I will die a lot in this
Really? My grenades throughout the entire game have been dreadful. Come to think about it, I haven't had much luck when it comes to loot, I'm at level 28 and I've only seen three orange weapons and all three were pretty meh.
In the original Borderlands I found a Maliwan SMG midway through that carried me through the entire game and most of the DLC. It seems like the loot system has received bigger adjustments than most people think.
Walk over it. No, really, you can pickup money/ammo just by walking over it.
The singularity grenades are amazing. I have a powerful fire set so when it pulls 3 or 4 enemies in together and explodes it not only does 3500 but lights them on fire too.
is my favorite new character.Face McShooty
Yep grenades are godly in this game. I love the fire spigots.
His quest is wayyyy too difficult though.
Hold the picking up button (X on Xbox).
Question for you guys: I've just got to Sanctuary and I'm doing a small quest for Marcus where I have to test out some of his weapons but there are no weapons for me to pick up and test. I'm confused. Do I have to look for them or buy them?
Where can I get one? That's nice!
I'm lvl 22 and still using these (a x9 variant instead of the x8 that's in the picture):
Yeah, nothing too special at a glance. Except that each grenade thrown splits into two grenades, and those then get split into 9 more each for a total of 18. AND I have the Gunzerker talent that makes each grenade thrown double for free when I'm gunzerking. So that's a total of 36 grenades a throw - and I already maxed out my grenade carry so I can carry 8 at once.
Yes, it is glorious.
Got this as a quest reward. Is Riastrad a slag debuff?
Got this as a quest reward. Is Riastrad a slag debuff?
Neither. The rate fire seems pretty average. However, my character has a purple flame-ish thing along the bottom of the screen like I've been slagged but my characters hands aren't purple.Any red text means it has a special ability. Based on the word, I'd guess it had crazy high rate of fire or burst fire?
Got this as a quest reward. Is Riastrad a slag debuff?
Neither. The rate fire seems pretty average. However, my character has a purple flame-ish thing along the bottom of the screen like I've been slagged but my characters hands aren't purple.
My guess is slag chance is stupidly high + that mod. That's an insane high % on an SMG. It should be like 10-15%.Neither. The rate fire seems pretty average. However, my character has a purple flame-ish thing along the bottom of the screen like I've been slagged but my characters hands aren't purple.
Tip Moxxi she will give you some guns that scale to your level
amount and type ->about 10k she will give you a great corrosive smg another 10k a nice fire smg
I think it's 10k for achievement and 15-20k for the SMG.just so you guys know, ive tried this and this resulted in nothing. fucking hell. oh well at least it gave me an achievement I guess.
Woot, got another key from Randy's twitter. Second golden key I get from him today!
Where is?Lynchwood
As someone who was lukewarm on BL1, would I like BL2? My reasons for not loving BL1:
1) The shooting mechanics just didn't feel good to me (the feel of a game is hard to articulate of course, but I guess it just didn't feel like the bullets were making an impact with the enemies. There was a disconnect between when I pulled the trigger and when the enemy was apparently getting hit)
2) No mini map
3) Only 2 people per vehicle, plus the vehicles controlled like pure dog shit
4) No trade screen
5) Enemy AI was virtually non-existent
6) No armor
7) Too many useless guns
As someone who was lukewarm on BL1, would I like BL2? My reasons for not loving BL1:
1) The shooting mechanics just didn't feel good to me (the feel of a game is hard to articulate of course, but I guess it just didn't feel like the bullets were making an impact with the enemies. There was a disconnect between when I pulled the trigger and when the enemy was apparently getting hit)
Is there any way to make it so the left weapon fires with mouse button 1 and right weapon fires with mouse button 2 when you're Gunzerking? Right now, it's opposite.
yes, in the options
I looked, but didn't see it...
I said about that much money (it's slightly random amount), here is a thread with more detailsjust so you guys know, ive tried this and this resulted in nothing. fucking hell. oh well at least it gave me an achievement I guess.
So I think I'm nearing the end, just go intoOpportunity, tried to do Claptrap's Statuesqe quest and failed it. I think I can complete it, but keeping the Overseer above 50% seems way too difficult solo. Anyways, after failing it I left the area to do turn in other quests but now I can't seem to restart the mission. Did I just screw myself out of that quest?