Absolute fucking greed and nothing more.
Absolute fucking greed and nothing more.
Good question.So how many of those cars are going to be copy/paste from FM4? Or are they all confirmed to be brand new cars to the series?
They won't tell you until you buy them.So how many of those cars are going to be copy/paste from FM4? Or are they all confirmed to be brand new cars to the series?
True, unless you count waiting for the GOTY edition that will include everything for $60...(and drop to $30 after a month, haha)
$110 for Forza Horizon? Quite the expensive game.
Thats an online pass.And this is only for those who buy used, right? I thought that's what season pass was.
And this is only for those who buy used, right? I thought that's what season pass was.
EA is kicking themselves for not thinking of this first. Season passes almost as much as the regular game....we've hit the tipping point I think.
Thats an online pass.
Nah, season pass is a new scam where they get you to pay for future unannounced DLC months in advance.
Online pass is the EA version of a one time use code for online multiplayer access and comes with all new copies.
Oh wow. Oh fuck wow.
This is terrible lol
For that amount of money I would want all the DLC ever released for the game.
$70 season passes for your $70 AAAA next gen experiences.only going to get worse with new consoles.
That is crooked as hell. So let me get this straight. You are basically taking a fairly big gamble at pre-purchasing DLC(likely stripped from the game) for a slightly cheaper price, but you don't even know what it is you will be getting exactly?It gets better. When companies like Naughty Dog do season passes for games like Uncharted 3, half the maps they released were simply remakes of Uncharted 2 maps.
That is crooked as hell. So let me get this straight. You are basically taking a fairly big gamble at pre-purchasing DLC(likely stripped from the game) for a slightly cheaper price, but you don't even know what it is you will be getting exactly?
I can't think of another industry full of customers that enjoy a good spanking the way gamers do.They wouldn't do this shit if you idiots stopped buying it, we the consumer are the most important people. If we don't buy stuff companies are fucked, end of story. This is why the industry is screwed, 4000 points can get you some great games on XBLA but instead people would rather go buy some extra cars.
When the hell did the industry revolve around FIFA, Call of Duty & shit DLC scams? The rise of downloable games this generation has been fantastic but seriously fuck everything else. I can't think of another industry that punishes it's customers as much as this one.
Uhh, EA's already been there and done that. BF3 premium is $50.
Hahahaha! This is retarded. I got the Season Pass for Borderland 2 for 22$ and that's the most I'll ever pay for a Season Pass.
$70 season passes for your $70 AAAA next gen experiences.
$$$$$$ c($_$c)
That is crooked as hell. So let me get this straight. You are basically taking a fairly big gamble at pre-purchasing DLC(likely stripped from the game) for a slightly cheaper price, but you don't even know what it is you will be getting exactly?