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Forza Horizon Season Pass Costs $49.99

If you like Forza Horizon, NO, is not a good message, you are telling them you are not interested in the game at all, not because the DLC but because the concept.
And its not like there is much choice out there for open world driving with enjoyable sim-ish physics.



This robbery is disgusting.
lol, this gif is amazing


Yeah, but I still feel like I'm rewarding them somehow. I really want this game and the LE isn't that much more than the vanilla one, but... yeah, I shouldn't.

It'd be easier to boycott if there weren't any of Bizarre's guys at the helm :/
That's the point. Not buying a half-baked product to send a messsge.

DLC used to be content created AFTER a game has been finished, not content created during and then stripped away for the purpose of an upsell.

Ok, how do you know they contents are not made after the game is complete? one thing is having them planned and other is having them made. You can think the same thing about ANY game released these days, so i guess you dont buy any of them either, right?

Games are finished a month before the release.

Unless they start releasing Forza 4 cars your argument is not really valid.


Yeah, but I still feel like I'm rewarding them somehow. I really want this game and the LE isn't that much more than the vanilla one, but... yeah, I shouldn't.

It'd be easier to boycott if there weren't any of Bizarre's guys at the helm :/
I'll be buying second hand or waiting until it hits £15 (which for arcade racers is normally only a couple of months). The DLC can fuck right off unless this mysterious expansion effectively doubles the game world.

Holy shit, the expansion better be pretty fucking remarkable after all this fuss about the price. For the money they are asking I'm expecting a whole new environment of equal size, but if it's just some new events in the existing locations then the shit-storm will be biblical.


Makes me wonder how soon developers will start withholding more content than they already do from games in order to sell you on a season pass aka mini subscription.


I agree with most of what you said except when you talk about Forza 4, in my opinion it was good DLC support (except for lack of tracks) and the game was FAR from barebones.

I have to correct you, I never said how FM4 was barebones. IMO FM4 is still one of the most content-packed driving games outthere - without any DLC - and I have no single problems with it.

What I said is how we could soon witness a future where driving games on consoles will implement iRacing model of F2P and how current developments in many known series implies how such process is being experimented with.

I have only said I've personally learned my lesson with vanilla FM4, because I pretty much handed almost an value of one full extra game through my 2 DLC purchases on top of the original LCE purchase - I bought Seasonal Pass on release day and Porsche Expansion later, which combines for 3600 MSP, AKA 35 euros in Eurolands (still 45$ in US). And I personally think - now when I look back - how those DLC do not justify the price that almost equalises a RRP of standalone full-game release.

At this point, I will get Horizon as a vanilla release too (for the first time since FM2 no LCE for me) and wait to see what exactly will be the content of the "Expansion Pack" before I further comment on it.


Since when buying in advance a full set of something, complimentary to something else,
at only 17% discount equals to a bargain?

If it was 50%, then it could be reasonable. As it is now, it looks like someone is tying to convert "car lovers" to stupid sheeple.
Originally posted by dreamfall
So... $60 for the game, and $50 for the content that should've been included in the game but we're asked to pay for too?....How does this get allowed?
sooooo lame. Hey, pre-order this joint so we've got your money and POW! right in the kisser.

XBL historically discounts these passes within 6 mos., but I don't know, it feels more like a COD Elite subscription now, like you're in or you're out.

Maybe they're jacking up the price of DLC to offset the loss of gamers like me who are leaving the reservation... because of moves like this. Way to F up the tail end of what was my favorite generation.
It is nothing more than testing the revenue-model for the future.

It does not surprise me the slightest, I called it backthen in 2010 and it is inevitable process. All driving games - especially driving games - will transform into "iRacing" model during next-gen to some point at least.

You will be buying barebone game and for real content you will have to pay (significantly?) more. All publishers are testing that ATM. Microsoft (through Forza), Sony (through GT5), Codemasters (through Dirt 3 and F1 - see my explanation below), EA (NFS, Burnout), etc.

For example just take current stream of F1 games - basically, we got 3 games in 2 years as a 3 separate titles, but with almost the same recycled content and few new features. Compare 2010 and 2012 and tell me that all we got during that 24 months couldn't be simply updated via online-update or DLC? GT5 is a clear showcase it can be done. However, F1 is the greatest example of same scheme as these "Seasonal Passes", just done as retail-disc. One can argue how "new season equals new game", but deeply inside you just know it is not. We showed 150 euros to Codemasters through past 24 months for 3 games that are pretty much the same game, right? And we got what? Pretty much the same 24 cars on 26 tracks (2 tracks out from 2010 to 2012, 2 tracks in) and few new modes and 3 new drivers. And that is it. 150 euros.

There is no way in Universe I will support this with my wallet, I learned it the hard way with FM4 LCE + Seasonal Pass + Porsche Expansion DLC. And it was my last investment in such scheme. Despite I am really looking forward to Horizon, I also really wish that "Seasonal Pass" bomb hardly, simply because Microsoft has to understand how this aggressive and wrong way of treating the content is deeply flawed. This particular "Horizon Experiment" will be the testing ground for future Forza titles and it just shouldn't be helped to succed.

Not to mention how they will probably earn another zillion with in-game car-unlock tokens (also patented by EA), but that is another story..

Your appraoch is good, but not consequent enough. If you are really want to vote with your wallet, then don`t even buy the base game. Publishers have to learn that when they try to screw us this obviously that their robbery attempts will have consequences and hurt their base game sales. Only then there`s a chance for betterment.

Look at me: I wanted to download the demo today but at the same time i learned about their 1000 dlc packs and you know what, now i don`t even bother to download the demo for that game because i won`t support a game with that much content cut out to fuck me over.
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