CNN is trying to be "the neutral" channel. LOL
Fucking Media
CBS poll 50/31/19 Biden/Ryan/Tie, and all Biden's ratings up, especially the "relatable" stat.
Same thing is going to happen if Obama blows Romney out in the next debate. Which is a shame, because I think the media was a big reason why Romney received the large bounce that he did.
CNBC saying Ryan won. What fucking bullshit.
Fucking Media
How was this in any way a draw?
How was this in any way a draw?
I think it was fine - he was drawing a difference between allowing a moral exception and scientifically defining life. Not really different from being a Christian and not being for killing people, but supporting the death penalty in certain instances.
The instant poll numbers aren't in line with the media's spin.
This is all you need to know that Biden won. You see fox news spinning machine start working you know that Ryan got rolled over.
The instant poll numbers aren't in line with the media's spin.
I disagree. My FB post was about the contrast on abortion. It stuck out besides Biden's walloping of Ryan in the middle for 15 minutes or so that I just can't put into a neat FB post.
My FB Post:
Joe Biden: I agree with my Catholic faith that life begins at conception but I'm not going to push that belief on all Americans and infringe on women's right to control her own body.
Paul Ryan: I agree with my Catholic faith that life begins at conception and will rule as if I was the Pope.
Says it all. Paul Ryan thinks this should be a theocracy. Joe Biden does not.
The instant poll numbers aren't in line with the media's spin.
CBS 50 Biden - 31 Ryan
i can't remember exact details from 4 years ago, but i think something similar happened in the first mccain/obama debate, and then polls came out showing the obama win and people changed their tune.
It really is embarrassing how fucked up CNN, MSNBC and Fox News are. CSPAN/PBS ftw.
Ha. CNN calling it a dead heat after getting info from their undecideds. 1/3 are for Ryan, 1/3 for a Biden, and a 1/3 are still undecided. Completely useless.
Yes, it was 46-22 Romney.Need more data, as always, but this is a good early sign. Did CBS have a similar snap poll for Obama/Romney?
They feel that Ryan didn't hurt the ticket.
Two biggest things on substance to me: Biden contradicted the State Department's position on Libya tonight, and Ryan literally said Romney supports privatizing Social Security
Ha. CNN calling it a dead heat after getting info from their undecideds. 1/3 are for Ryan, 1/3 for a Biden, and a 1/3 are still undecided. Completely useless.
Ha. CNN calling it a dead heat after getting info from their undecideds. 1/3 are for Ryan, 1/3 for a Biden, and a 1/3 are still undecided. Completely useless.
Two biggest things on substance to me: Biden contradicted the State Department's position on Libya tonight, and Ryan literally said Romney supports privatizing Social Security
Oh, this tangibly feeds me.![]()
Tonight has been a success.
The CNN poll gives republicans cover to forever claim this was a tie, even if all the other polls show Biden won
I have a republican friend that is claiming the debate was "Biden & Moderator vs. Ryan." I love how they're upset about a moderator doing their job and asking for specifics. lol
The CNN poll gives republicans cover to forever claim this was a tie, even if all the other polls show Biden won