Good grief, who ARE these people?!
If you asked them you probably wouldn't get a solid answer
Good grief, who ARE these people?!
The CNN poll gives republicans cover to forever claim this was a tie, even if all the other polls show Biden won
I don't know why Obama campaign has still not attacked Romney on SS privatization support
MSNBC at least said Romney won.Just like the last debate, you can tell who won by what Fox News and MSNBC are saying. MSNBC are high on life while Fox is complaining about the moderator and Biden's reactions.
Man, Obama better send joe some flowers and chocolate aftwr that performance.
Just like the last debate, you can tell who won by what Fox News and MSNBC are saying. MSNBC are high on life while Fox is complaining about the moderator and Biden's reactions.
Do you really think CNN just happened to have a poll that actually went 1/3 every single direction?
MSNBC live stream anyone? I can never find one on their website.
CBS snap poll of undecided voters: Biden 50, Ryan 31, Tie 19.
This means that every other person on the Obama team has knocked one out of the fucking park except for Obama himself.Man, Obama better send joe some flowers and chocolate aftwr that performance.
BBC saying Joe's smile could be another Gore sigh - the main takeaway from the debate.
Ugh.I might have gone crazy but I'm fearing for Obama's performance on Tuesday, after the explosion of Joe Biden Express choo choo bursting out of Ryan's barn tonight. Will Obama step up?
Srsly my world is slightly shattered learning that David Gergen has Bain ties
I thought he was cool
I might have gone crazy but I'm fearing for Obama's performance on Tuesday, after the explosion of Joe Biden Express choo choo bursting out of Ryan's barn tonight. Will Obama step up?
Joe "I'm Going In Dry" Biden said:You want to send more AMERICANS to fight in those hills/mountains?
And he pushed up on Ryan's wife too lol
I might have gone crazy but I'm fearing for Obama's performance on Tuesday, after the explosion of Joe Biden Express choo choo bursting out of Ryan's barn tonight. Will Obama step up?
BBC saying Joe's smile could be another Gore sigh - the main takeaway from the debate.
Click on HuffPost nao.
The headline is LOL.
I might have gone crazy but I'm fearing for Obama's performance on Tuesday, after the explosion of Joe Biden Express choo choo bursting out of Ryan's barn tonight. Will Obama step up?
Biden Shares 20-Minute Post-Debate Kiss With Janna Ryan
DANVILLE, KY—Following Thursday night’s debate at Centre College, Vice President Joe Biden and Janna Ryan, wife of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), shared a passionate 20-minute-long kiss that eyewitnesses described as lustful, vulgar, and sloppy. “Janna rushed past her husband and into Biden’s arms. He grabbed her and plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, and then they started going at it like crazy,” said debate moderator Martha Raddatz, explaining that the embracing couple caressed each other’s bodies while fervently kissing and tearing off various articles of clothing. “When the vice president began nibbling on her ears and fondling her breasts, Mrs. Ryan stuck her tongue straight out of her mouth and Biden just started licking all around it. She was literally shaking.” At press time, Biden told reporters he had Janna Ryan “gushing like Old Faithful.”
I've got a thing for Martha Blackburn.
I dunno. I need perspective I guess. Obama bombed in the first debate, Biden hit it out of the park. Will Obama bring the same energy and aggression Biden did.What the hell does this mean? Why would Biden doing well have any effect at all on Obama doing well?
Lol CNN poll 48-44 Ryan. GOP voters lying
CNN who won poll:
Ryan 48%
Biden 44%