brazen editing lynx
Good news for Sandy.
I dont believe that poll. What does unskewed say?
If? You are more hopeful than I am. Penn is going Red. This will be Obamas Katrina2008 PA: Obama got 3,192,316 votes.
McCain got 2,586,496 votes.
Of Obama's votes, 574,930 of them came from Philly.
135,150 came from Chester County.
Obama got 710,000 votes from Philly and Chester County alone. It's what makes PA go blue every time. I think NY is going to deliver for Obama regardless, but PA may be the one to watch if the storm really gets out of hand.
If we can unskew polls, then we should also try to unskew the World Series. I'm pretty sure the Tigers are up two games to one.
Refresh my memory: for Election 2008, did the Republicans/Libertarians/right-leaners here at GAF melt-down en masse, cordially accept Obama's victory (knowing it was going to happen), or just quietly/conveniently vanish into the wall for that night?
(any good meltdown threads?)
I'm drawing a blank.
I'm converted. He is right this time.Stop quoting Diablos.
If we can unskew polls, then we should also try to unskew the World Series. I'm pretty sure the Tigers are up two games to one.
2008 PA: Obama got 3,192,316 votes.
McCain got 2,586,496 votes.
Of Obama's votes, 574,930 of them came from Philly.
135,150 came from Chester County.
Obama got 710,000 votes from Philly and Chester County alone. It's what makes PA go blue every time. I think NY is going to deliver for Obama regardless, but PA may be the one to watch if the storm really gets out of hand.
The race is much closer in PA this year than it was four years basically obama would have almost won even if he got zero votes in philly and chester county (and mccain still got those votes.) time to panic!
AgreedThe race is much closer in PA this year than it was four years ago.
i want people to make an electoral map for Nov 6. Use 270towin to guide you (I'll save links; no changing links after October 31). Then, in the same post, I want a popular vote margin. For "in case of tie" purposes, I also want everyone to guess the time Virginia will be called for either candidate.
The winner will get a 20 dollar gift on Steam of their choice.
Submissions over on the last day of October 2012.
Forecast right now is that we're getting hit hardest tomorrow and Tuesday, clearing up by Wednesday. We'll have a week to recover, depending on how bad it gets. Should be plenty of time.2008 PA: Obama got 3,192,316 votes.
McCain got 2,586,496 votes.
Of Obama's votes, 574,930 of them came from Philly.
135,150 came from Chester County.
Obama got 710,000 votes from Philly and Chester County alone. It's what makes PA go blue every time. I think NY is going to deliver for Obama regardless, but PA may be the one to watch if the storm really gets out of hand.
No, he obviously wins with 52%. Romney always gets 52 if Obama is under 50Well, since Obama is under 50%, it means all undecideds have decided that they aren't going to vote for Obama and just have to decide whether or not to vote for Romney. So Romney will win NH 51-49.
I dont believe that poll. What does unskewed say?
So Romney is ahead.Nate Silver is gay.
2008 PA: Obama got 3,192,316 votes.
McCain got 2,586,496 votes.
Of Obama's votes, 574,930 of them came from Philly.
135,150 came from Chester County.
Obama got 710,000 votes from Philly and Chester County alone. It's what makes PA go blue every time. I think NY is going to deliver for Obama regardless, but PA may be the one to watch if the storm really gets out of hand.
It's pretty amazing that we haven't heard any concern about state polling from Romney's camp, or conservatives; typically Politico and others track down some anonymous staffers to build a story like that, but they're completely quiet right now.
Nevada is gone; I think that's pretty obvious. Wisconsin is gone, too. There's some debate over Iowa, but imo early voting should carry it. Romney probably needs NH, and he certainly needs Virginia. If NH is called early on November 6th we just may be in for a short night
Family Guy:Nate Silver is gay.
It's pretty amazing that we haven't heard any concern about state polling from Romney's camp, or conservatives; typically Politico and others track down some anonymous staffers to build a story like that, but they're completely quiet right now.
Nevada is gone; I think that's pretty obvious. Wisconsin is gone, too. There's some debate over Iowa, but imo early voting should carry it. Romney probably needs NH, and he certainly needs Virginia. If NH is called early on November 6th we just may be in for a short night
Stop hitting yourself Diablos.
I'm not fake trolling. Diablos has convinced me of the truth.Ok ClovingWestbrook I think we have enough people fake trolling now!
2008 PA: Obama got 3,192,316 votes.
McCain got 2,586,496 votes.
Of Obama's votes, 574,930 of them came from Philly.
135,150 came from Chester County.
Obama got 710,000 votes from Philly and Chester County alone. It's what makes PA go blue every time. I think NY is going to deliver for Obama regardless, but PA may be the one to watch if the storm really gets out of hand.
i want people to make an electoral map for Nov 6. Use 270towin to guide you (I'll save links; no changing links after October 31). Then, in the same post, I want a popular vote margin. For "in case of tie" purposes, I also want everyone to guess the time Virginia will be called for either candidate.
The winner will get a 20 dollar gift on Steam of their choice.
Submissions over on the last day of October 2012.
I'm not fake trolling. Diablos has convinced me of the truth.
True that. I was John the Baptist preparing the way for Diablos.You're easily convinced tho.
Like how the Lakers weren't gonna win the chip in 2009 or 2010.
Cloving pioneered chicken littling!
2008 PA: Obama got 3,192,316 votes.
McCain got 2,586,496 votes.
Of Obama's votes, 574,930 of them came from Philly.
135,150 came from Chester County.
Obama got 710,000 votes from Philly and Chester County alone. It's what makes PA go blue every time. I think NY is going to deliver for Obama regardless, but PA may be the one to watch if the storm really gets out of hand.
Women are the key group keeping Obama ahead in New Hampshire. He has a 57/39 advantage with them that's just enough to make up for his trailing by a 56/39 margin with men. Romney has a 47/45 advantage with independents, but Obama's overcoming that by winning over slightly more Republican voters (9%) than Romney is Democrats (6%).
From PPP poll.
The presidents prescription upon entering office was a dose of government stimulus, which was the right call because it put cash in the pockets of consumers, made investments in vital infrastructure and kept millions of teachers and police officers on the job.
That stimulus was necessary to bridge the nation from recession to recovery, but the time is past for more government stimulus.
Consumers must feel more confident about their own economic futures to begin spending on the products and services that power the economy. A renewed sense of confidence will spark renewed investment by American companies. Industry will return to full production and hiring will begin again.
That should come with Mitt Romney in the White House.
There is not a lot of difference between the two candidates short-term economic plans, as both are heavy on a promise of tax cuts for the middle class but short on details. Romneys plan, however, goes beyond helping the middle class with tax breaks.
Throughout the campaign, he has expressed faith in the private sector to fuel a more robust economic recovery if it has more confidence that the federal government will not be an obstacle. Romney has a strategy for job growth through tax and regulatory relief for small businesses, encouraging all forms of domestic energy production, education that prepares graduates with job skills, expanding foreign trade and reducing the burden of federal deficits.
That formula, coupled with his business acumen, should unlock this nations economic potential.
Romney should not squander an opportunity to build consensus in Washington by wasting time on issues that animate many in his party. We cannot rewind the clock on progress for minorities, women, gays and lesbians. We must make it easier for immigrants to come here to live and work legally and stop making criminals of those who are living here lawfully, paying taxes and raising families. The federal government must continue to insist on clean air and water and encourage clean and renewable energy.
Democrat Maggie Hassan leads Republican Ovide Lamontagne 48-44 in the New Hampshire Governor's race:
NYC will probably be out of power for at least two weeks. And if states don't submit their numbers within two days of the election, they're SOL and won't be counted in the tally. Obama's "win" just got a lot tougher without NY.
This is true.This will not affect Republican votes getting turned in tho.
You should make a note of that.
How the fuck are people going to be able to vote?![]()
NYC will probably be out of power for at least two weeks. And if states don't submit their numbers within two days of the election, they're SOL and won't be counted in the tally. Obama's "win" just got a lot tougher without NY.
They won't. You were right. NY is gone :/How the fuck are people going to be able to vote?
So the Des Moines Register endorsed Mittens today. This wouldn't be particularly noteworthy if it wasn't for the fact that they haven't endorsed a Republican since fricken Richard Nixon! So a newspaper that supported Democrats for 40 years NOW decides to endorse a Republican, one that happens to be Mitt Romney:
So good.
Also, the recent Virginia numbers are really interesting when you consider that they ignore what Virgil Goode and Gary Johnson might do to Romney's numbers.
NYC will probably be out of power for at least two weeks. And if states don't submit their numbers within two days of the election, they're SOL and won't be counted in the tally. Obama's "win" just got a lot tougher without NY.
So good.
Also, the recent Virginia numbers are really interesting when you consider that they ignore what Virgil Goode and Gary Johnson might do to Romney's numbers.
Romneys plan, however, goes beyond helping the middle class with tax breaks.
A 6 point Obama lead is an outlier. 3 points? Fine, I'll buy that