Anticitizen One
Hey guys, what are the chances that Sandy's residual effects flip California?
Hey guys, what are the chances that Sandy's residual effects flip California?
It's gonna be tough in NY. People will have to walk 4, maybe 5 blocks a week after a hurricane. How will we cope?
They sound like low information voters.
Flip? Come on. You should know that Romney is winning the state with or without Sandy.Hey guys, what are the chances that Sandy's residual effects flip California?
.Today's first release will be New Hampshire- will have toplines for you in the next hour
Waiting to see the effects of Sandy, obviously.Omg! Oh wait, they didn't release the numbers yet. Barack Obama has extended his narrow lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney among likely voters in a race that remains statistically tied nine days before the election, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll released on Sunday.
Obama has a 49 percent to 46 percent edge over Romney, marking a 1 point increase from Saturday but still within the daily online surveys 4 percentage-point credibility interval for likely voters.
Obvious outlierReuters has Obama up today, 49-46.
Sandy could affect polling this coming week.
Will the polls be reliable?
Reuters has Obama up today, 49-46.
Sandy could affect polling this coming week.
Will the polls be reliable?
Sandy could affect polling this coming week.
Will the polls be reliable?
At this point, I think Obama is clearly in the lead in the national tracking poll average.
I'm starting to think you're right Diablos. Obama is in trouble in the swing states.
You know which state is REALLY in trouble for Obama? Colorado and Utah. I hear they get a ton of snow and are up in the MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAINS! How are the liberals supposed to get to a polling place in their Prius in the SNOW?
You know which state is REALLY in trouble for Obama? Colorado and Utah. I hear they sometimes get a ton of snow and are up in the MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAINS! What happens if it snows? How are the liberals supposed to get to a polling place in their Prius in the SNOW?
Ugh. As if we didnt hae enough to be concerned about. First Ohio, the Nevada, now Colorado.![]()
That 1st debate was Obama's undoingCause the snow only falls on the LIBERAL side of the mountains.
I thought this was widely known.
Obvious outlier
Stop it >:|That 1st debate was Obama's undoingEveryone said it wouldn't affect the election except Diablos and he was right
Why even have NV as tossup at this point? Might as well give it to Obama.
At this point, I think Obama is clearly in the lead in the national tracking poll average.
A 6 point Obama lead is an outlier. 3 points? Fine, I'll buy that
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu :OAnd it gets really humid in the midwest. Since liberals are against A/C because it's bad for the environment, they will be just too heatstroked to go out and vote.
That 1st debate was Obama's undoingEveryone said it wouldn't affect the election except Diablos and he was right
AP isn't even trying to unskew the polls. Can't believe they are buying into the liberal fantasy. They, along with the effeminate-sounding Silver, are going to lose a lot of credibility on election night.
What? Seriously, this is bad news. Romney is gonna win this election, undo Obama Care, Dodd Frank, bring back DADT, renew Bush Tax Cuts, and bomb Iran. We're in deep shit. The GOP will win the Senate tooStop it >:|
What? Seriously, this is bad news. Romney is gonna win this election, undo Obama Care, Dodd Frank, bring back DADT, renew Bush Tax Cuts, and bomb Iran. We're in deep shit. The GOP will win the Senate too
Ugh. Now I am depressed. No more hopium just MittiumAnd the World Series, SuperBowl and NBA Finals.
My prediction is Mittium 320oh we are doing predictions? nice. here's mine:
barack the islamic shock: 303
willard mittens: 235
VA called: 10:53pm. Obama leads Mitt Romney 49/47 in New Hampshire, a 3 point improvement from our poll last week when he was down 49/48.
Ha, non-Poligaf threads would be a gold mine, were I so inclined.This trolling works so great with your avatar.
I dont believe that poll. What does unskewed say?
Obama 49
Mitt Romney 47
Surely that poll was should be ignored since it doesnt taken into considerstion the destruction of Sandy.wrap it up mitto