You're doing it wrong. Tap L2 and Raiden will quickfire anything you have equipped without the need to aim, the rocket will fire at whatever target you're locked into. You never need to reload this way.
You're doing it wrong. Tap L2 and Raiden will quickfire anything you have equipped without the need to aim, the rocket will fire at whatever target you're locked into. You never need to reload this way.
You can do this?You're doing it wrong. Tap L2 and Raiden will quickfire anything you have equipped without the need to aim, the rocket will fire at whatever target you're locked into. You never need to reload this way.
Naw. This dude.Is the music done by the same people that did Power Rangers?
Well that certainly makes subweapons more useful!You're doing it wrong. Tap L2 and Raiden will quickfire anything you have equipped without the need to aim, the rocket will fire at whatever target you're locked into. You never need to reload this way.
tap blade mode to cancel just about any attack back to neutral stance immediately
How do you like making nonsensical posts?
What is nonsensical about questioning why you dislike that boss fight?
Tapping L2 for quickfire is pretty much the only way to DO some of the Gold VR Missions, lol
Never really used in the story mode, however. The auto-aim is wonky and the animation leaves you very vulenerable
That and the general animations for throwing a grenade for example are just so stupid. I can swing a sword at light speed, but cant throw a grenade quickly. Same goes with reloading the RPG and you cant even cancel out of that animation. Pretty stupid considering how worthless it is in general.
Wait, people were actually aiming the subweapons? lolololol
...Huh. And here I had been using blade mode cancel to negate reload time with rockets before now (not as quick as when used for melee, but it worked for me).You're doing it wrong. Tap L2 and Raiden will quickfire anything you have equipped without the need to aim, the rocket will fire at whatever target you're locked into. You never need to reload this way.
How on Earth am I supposed to beat the last last lastest boss?He keeps decimating me with that area blast attack. I've since gone back and replayed the first three levels of the main game and invested in the Fox Blade. Is this the solution to my problem?
Yeah they changed that from the demo
what was happening was people were not only canceling the reload animation of the rocket launcher, but doing so also resulted in a glitch where the ammunition wasn't consumed. (infinite rocket launcher glitch)
.....that's how you use them out of combat(stealth sections)
not a good idea to do with enemies attacking you though
Offensive dodge grants you invincibility frames. If you time it correctly that attack won't hit you. Or any attack, for that matter.![]()
.....that's how you use them out of combat(stealth sections)
not a good idea to do with enemies attacking you though
Tell me more. Is that a skill I have to purchase? In which case, I'm not sure that I did. Yet.
Yeah dude you have to buy it. You do it with square and X. Forwards, backwards or the sides.
Yeah....I think I'm not even gonna try to get all S ranks in Revengeance. I just fought Mistral and got an A despite thinking I was doing pretty good. It involved too many retries and it just ruined the flow of the battle. It wasn't fun. Of course, I could just get REALLY FUCKING GOOD.
Why would you question my entire like of video games because of a single boss fight?
Anyway finally got some nano paste. A lot easier with some of those on Hard mode than trying to beat it without healing ._. '
Yeah dude you have to buy it. You do it with square and X. Forwards, backwards or the sides.
If someone can get to the end of the game without the dodge skill that would be damn impressive, it's pretty much needed to progress through the game on Hard difficulty and above.
Someone made this in a different thread:
/games journalism and bad players and easy moders
If someone can get to the end of the game without the dodge skill that would be damn impressive, it's pretty much needed to progress through the game on Hard difficulty and above.
All you gotta do is last long enough to whittle him down to 150%
that's when he does his first rock chuck and completing that sequence does like 30% to him and nets you 4 nano pastes for your trouble
the fight is cake after that with all the QTEs he triggers from there
All you gotta do is last long enough to whittle him down to 150%
that's when he does his first rock chuck and completing that sequence does like 30% to him and nets you 4 nano pastes for your trouble
the fight is cake after that with all the QTEs he triggers from there
Anybody else have this kind of problem? Any ideas how to approach this shit? This wasn't the only fight where I had this problem btw..
Spoiler dude.I kinda ignored the skill until SPOILER
most of the time I just ninja run out of the way
going to start using it more now that I learned you can parry out of the dodge though. Will exponentially improve my offense in this game
Anybody else have this kind of problem? Any ideas how to approach this shit? This wasn't the only fight where I had this problem btw..
No kidding, when I saw the Fenrirs in R-00 after getting knocked to 45%, I said "fuck this" and just sliced through the fence.God damn, the added enemies and enemy attacks in very hard are no joke.
Beat the first two chapters. Some thoughts.
-Yep, this is a Platinum game. Lot of depth in the combat and it's all visually nuts. Same kind of fast-paced fights you'd find in Bayonetta, yet it still has a pretty distinct system.
-The music is... not what I was expecting out of a Metal Gear game. I like it.
-The bosses are amazing.
-I really like the facial expressions, particularly the bald cyborg dude's.
Already in love with this game. Don't know how there's already 3 GOTY candidates for me in the beginning of February.
I might be doing something horribly wrong, or the game is just stupid.
So in R-04 (I think) during the rooftops section on Very Hard, I had to face like 3 hammer bros, and 3 or 4 sliders flying around.
See, the sliders were fucking up my shit with rockets and gunfire, stun-locking me in the process making me easy pickings for the hammer duders.
So as anybody would in my situation, I attempted to get rid of the sliders in order to make the fight less butthurt inducing.
But for the life of me I could not actually lock-on the the motherfuckers. I wanted to either use a red hot kick on them, or maybe even the Sais.
No matter how I maneuvered the camera, the game just wouldn't lock on to them using R2. When I gave up on that, the soft-lock would still always target the hammer bros, fucking me up in the process.
I had to jump and manually trigger blade mode and hope to god that they wouldn't fly away before I could slice them.
Anybody else have this kind of problem? Any ideas how to approach this shit? This wasn't the only fight where I had this problem btw..
Dunno if cutting Sundowner's pannels is worth mentioning, considering how simply moving the camera vertically a bit and hitting square will remove two panels at once with ease.I think the rock chunk thing is really the issue. The rest of the fight is amazing but that part is nonsensical. I never had any problems cutting things in the rest of the game, not even Sundowner's shields, but my sword just will not swing during that part 75% of the time, even when I started doing the "let the stick go back to neutral to swing" thing. I guess there has to be some kind of trick to it because I saw someone pulling it off pretty easily in a video earlier.
Another thing I don't get about that fight ishe has an attack where he charges you and knocks your sword out of your hand. Sometimes you get to pummel him and sometimes he just knocks you down. How do you trigger the pummel? I thought you just had to parry him as he was rushing you but that doesn't seem to be it.
I had issues with the same kind of stuff during my very hard run. The camera is just busted and the lock-on is pretty bad. I've even had instances where I would lock onto the sliders and use the sai, and Raiden would attack a cyborg despite being locked on to a completely different enemy.
I seriously need a trick to get the boulder slice to work. I run out of time way too quickly and I struggle to line it up. Oh how I wish Move support was added...
But I need the health. Edit: and the extra damage that sequence dishes.I just dodged them lol...