2-3 hours more.For the ones who finished:
I'm in the part after. How much until the ending? I'm liking it so far!Roth died
2-3 hours more.
So how is multiplayer?
They didn't manage to copy Uncharted well enough? I had a lot of fun with Uncharted 2's multiplayer.Terrible.
Maybe the game was telling him it's not a good idea to drop down in the middle of a bunch of guys armed to the teeth? I've been playing it for a while now and I can't say it's a strategy I've ever considered.
The game seldom takes away control. Exploration and getting around is all done by you and the gear you upgrade.
Combat is varied, you can upgrade dodge and melee and actually rush guys, you can mix up guns and bows depending on whether guys are rushing you or are pelting you from far away with bullets or dynamite. You can stealth a lot of the sections. You can use the environment. And the mechanics and controls are all rock solid.
The set pieces are the most on-rails, but man, some of them really are done pretty damn well.
You can debate challenge, I've found some of the heated firefights quite challenging, requiring you to mix tactics on the fly all the time. The game doesn't even allow you to stay in the same cover spot, or you get nailed by dynamite or rushed by melee guys. You don't die that easily, but would that really have helped this game and what it's trying to achieve?
They didn't manage to copy Uncharted well enough? I had a lot of fun with Uncharted 2's multiplayer.
Whats the deal?
They didn't manage to copy Uncharted well enough? I had a lot of fun with Uncharted 2's multiplayer.
Whats the deal?
completely unbalanced, maps bads and are all over the place.
sounds more fun than the main game, at least there people can like toss people off platforms right?
This game NEEDS a sequel. Lara is awesome in this game.
sounds more fun than the main game, at least there people can like toss people off platforms right?
I like to hang on some platforms during those bombastic spectacle moments where everything is falling apart and exploding. Just, ya know, hang there on some slab of wood and contemplate life while everything burns around me and my platform creaks and groans. Maybe a minute or so later I'll jump to the next handhold and watch the previous platform break apart. Wooh, barely made it!I manufacture my own platforming in the main game by purposely jumping off cliffs just to prove that you can.
Anyone else keep TressFX turned off? I mean, it's a cool novelty and in the future something like that maybe become common place, but it seems so out of place in this game. Her hair is always perfect looking even when Lara is covered in Blood. Not to mention it's kind of wonky and the shadows on it look horrible. I honestly find it distracting, lol.
This is begging to be doctored into a makeup advertisement.Was browsing through the concept arts, found this image thought it was cool:
The fact that she graduates from student archaeologist into a ruthless badass is enough to make me like her. She gets caught up in a hopeless situation and gets beaten down by nearly everyone and everything and takes it like a champ. That's just cool.
One of my favorite parts is when she tells Roth that she's going to go rescue the pilot. When Roth protest her decision, she's just like "No. Fuck you. I'm going to go there and save him. You shut up and sit down."
You say Hollywood action female, but how many of those do we actually have in video games that star in their own franchises? Aya Brea in Parasite Eve, I guess. I can't think of any franchises and I certainly haven't played any.
While drinking maybe but nah, I gave the SP game 5/10 and the multiplayer a 2/10 multi is just a complete mess.
I manufacture my own platforming in the main game by purposely jumping off cliffs just to prove that you can.
I assume you must be able to launch people in multi.
Is it possible to cancel arrow shots?
Dodge button.Is it possible to cancel arrow shots?
I like to hang on some platforms during those bombastic spectacle moments where everything is falling apart and exploding. Just, ya know, hang there on some slab of wood and contemplate life while everything burns around me and my platform creaks and groans. Maybe a minute or so later I'll jump to the next handhold and watch the previous platform break apart. Wooh, barely made it!
Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary.
But seriously, I think this game marks *the* very moment where non-emergent spectacle no longer holds any mana or satisfaction whatsoever. If it comes about through gameplay actions, I'm all for it. If its running on autopilot and I'm just there to witness it in some semi-cinematic interaction, its just hollow.
Should I just abandon mainstream gaming altogether now? Or...
Stop aiming
I got the Final Bow.
Bow down before me, Island Psychopaths. I think I've hit the third act.
The one you get from? If so, that isn't the final bowJonah
Seriously? How do I get the final one then?
Pray to lord RNG
Seriously? How do I get the final one then?
I... don't get it.
You find more bow parts![]()
You'll get bow parts randomly from salvage.
The puzzles were pretty fun, and kind of clever. I was disappointed that every tomb only had one puzzle each, though.
You'll get bow parts randomly from salvage.
Yea there will be more QTEs in the game.1.) I'm currently at the old, busted radio location but should I be prepared for more Quick Time Events? This is honestly the one downside I have when playing this game (RE4 is the only game that did it right) and dying because I pressed the wrong button is not at all fun.
You can upgrade in the Brawler category to be able to use the Axe as a melee. It's mapped to F on PC.2.) Does Lara ever get an actual Melee move beside the shove and throwing dirt? I don't expect her to be flipping around or throwing fists at enemies. But I do at least expected her to be using that axe of her's in combat besides using it as a finisher.
Shantytown seems to be roughly the middle of the gameSo I'm at the part where you enter the Shanty andscot jumps off to protect la-ra
how far am i into the main story?
I almost wish there was some kind of Horde/Arena mode or something in this game, just due to how satisfying it is to gank suckers with the Bow and Arrow, and melee dudes by shoving arrows into their knees and then shotgunning em in the face.
Because she's more bad ass than most other video game protagonists. She's like a Leon Kennedy, a good ol fashion cheesy action hero. Although I don't think she is better or worse than old Lara.what make the new Lara any good? seriously a honest question,what even make her better than the old Lara?
She is not a realistic character and don't act like a human just a shell of Hollywood typical action female and storytelling her "growth" in the game was forced and rushed, and there is nothing unique or new about her that really make her "awesome".
Square-Enix should have gone the Ubi-Soft route and had Eidos Montreal work on additional parts for the Single Player (maybe have them work exclusively on side missions or something)That would've been way better than the MP modes they have now.