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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


(Late game spoilers) My favorite part of
so far is being able to check out the unique Artifacts in
Ellie's backpack.
Yeah, I loved how she commented on each one too.

Think I'll start on a Survivor play through without using guns throughout. Considering I don't live in the US if/when a zombie/fungus outbreak ensues I'm not going to have access to a gun.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
carries unique artefacts that count towards the "collect all of" trophies.

You have to examine them and flip or whatever for them to be counted as 'collected'.

Omg... those are what I missed!? I've been going crazy wondering
what I could have possibly missed after three Sherlock Holmes playthroughs. I'm a guy who found all the secrets in every Tomb Raider, my game sleuthing skills are impressive, and yet I was defeated by Naughty Dog and a backpack. Damn.


Åesop;68715071 said:

Thanks. Some of those are pretty amusing.

I'm surprised, that by inspecting the contents, you get to know she's carrying Joel's pic before she actually gives it to him. I think it was perhaps more effective when the pic was given to Joel, if you didn't know she had it beforehand.

carries unique artefacts that count towards the "collect all of" trophies.

You have to examine them and flip or whatever for them to be counted as 'collected'.

Thanks for the tip.


I was really hyped about this game before it came out and I mostly avoided any information after the initial announcement trailers. But now, after about 8 hours in, I am disappointed. While the presentation and dialogue are great and it's technically awesome (at least for a console game) I am still not warming up to the core gameplay combat/stealth. To me it feels at best slightly amusing, at worst actively annoying. When the game throws 10 enemies at me I most often think "Oh man, let's just skip this sh*t and let me go on exploring". It's amazing how clunky combat feels. And the field of view (which feels like 50°) doesn't help. "There's a guy running in my direction, I should probably hit him" *Joel hits air and gets punched in the face* or "I think I alerted the infected but I have no idea from where they are springting at me because I can see nothing which is not directly in front of my face.". I am really frustrated because this game has had some quite amazing moments but as soon as I'm in the zone there is another lame fighting/stealth section. If TLoU had come out prior to The Walking Dead I would've said "Well, that's how videogames are supposed to be, you just have to ignore that the troubled Anti-Hero kills 300 guys with a spoon between the dramatic cutscenes" but not anymore.

You're the reason listen mode is in the game. You should use that if you're unable or too impatient to creep and use the third person cam to your advantage.


Yeah, I loved how she commented on each one too.

Think I'll start on a Survivor play through without using guns throughout. Considering I don't live in the US if/when a zombie/fungus outbreak ensues I'm not going to have access to a gun.

I live in the US and don't have access to a gun either.

Hint: assumptions are dumb!


Beat the game last night. I was honestly, ready for it to be over. It was fun and engaging but kind of felt too long. I ended up playing the last few sections very stealthily, and found it to be a little more fun.

I thought the ending kind of sucked. I really wish the made an entire level out of the last sequence, it was easily the best looking in the entire game.

I was thinking about a follow up and here's how I think it'd be cool to go down:

Obviously, Ellie knows that Joel lied at the end, but that didn't phase her. Anyways the game takes place 15-20 years in the future, and there are civilized towns (kind of like New Vegas in Fallout) but still zombies every where. You just control Ellie and you set out to find a cure. Stopping in the towns and shops to fill in back stories, maybe even take side quests. the game could kind of go from open world to open world, with linier paths between towns. Kind of like Rage's system. I think it'd be cool to have a butt kicking adult Ellie, and she can meet people and have straggler ons along the way. Make Joel sick or dying across the country, so there's even more reason to continue on.

Anyways, it was a good game, but some sections dragged on too much and I would have liked to see more puzzles and more bomb-like weapons. Graphics were a mixed bag. Best lighting of any console game and some levels looked like the pinicale of console graphics some not so much (but still above average).


I just
started playing as Joel again post-impalement in winter
, how much more do I have to go?

2-3 hours or so.

I bought it last week and finished it yesterday morning. Ended up with about 16 hours played. Was an absolute blast to play, and knew I was in for a crazy ride
when Joel's daughter gets killed
I played it between normal/easy. Winter seems to be a highlight for everyone who has played the game
and it was was so crazy when they did the twist with David. At first I thought alright he's going to be a "bad guy" but then between Ellie and his dialogue and then the section against the infected maybe he is one of the good guys trying to survive.

Also agree with a lot of people that this game should stand alone and not get a sequel or DLC that involve the characters in this game.
Man, I was really starting to dig this game, but now
I'm in winter, when you get control of Ellie after she tells David she's infected and you have to run around in the snow storm and you can't see anything. I feel like this game is just shoot out after shootout at this point, and now I'm frustrated, don't know where to go, and keep getting killed.
I was planning on finishing this right now, but I just yelled out "man fuck this" and turned the damn thing off.


Man, I was really starting to dig this game, but now
I'm in winter, when you get control of Ellie after she tells David she's infected and you have to run around in the snow storm and you can't see anything. I feel like this game is just shoot out after shootout at this point, and now I'm frustrated, don't know where to go, and keep getting killed.
I was planning on finishing this right now, but I just yelled out "man fuck this" and turned the damn thing off.

That was definitely the lowest point of the game for me as well.
Hopefully the last 2-3 hours will help me make up my mind as to how I feel about this game. I have to admit, right now, I'm not completely sure despite how many facets of the game are truly impressive.
Yeah I guess I just expected too much out of this game. Like most really well reviewed and word of mouth hyped games this gen, the core of the game is just a bunch of boring cover shooting where you kill a billion guys
ok not a billion, but according to my stats I have 463 kills, and Im sure only 100 at most were infected


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Yeah I guess I just expected too much out of this game. Like most really well reviewed and word of mouth hyped games this gen, the core of the game is just a bunch of boring cover shooting where you kill a billion guys
ok not a billion, but according to my stats I have 463 kills, and Im sure only 100 at most were infected

Well, I guess you could play it like a cover shooter. Sounds kinda boring though.

And the kill count, btw, includes all your deaths/retrys. So your number isn't anywhere close to accurate. Just saying.


Just finished my first playthrough on Hard. I sure am glad I did complete media blackout on this one - left the game full of surprises except for
Joel having a family, and his daughter dying in the prologue, which was spoiled for me just as the game had come out

I found the ending surprising, but fitting. I don't think it could've ended better.

Did anyone buy the season pass just to get access to the making-of documentary? I've got 15€ in my PS wallet (which I could use towards a game, say Peace Walker for example). I really liked the behind the scenes footage once you completed God of War III (really extensive look of the game development process over the course of two or three years), and singleplayer DLC is just an added bonus for me.

I haven't checked out the multiplayer yet, but I'll be sure to give that a whirl soonish.
EDIT: Trivia - 16 hours 38 minutes on my first playthrough on Hard. I did stroll around a lot, just soaking in the atmosphere but I think I still missed quite a lot of the context sensitive dialogue and collectibles.


Did anyone buy the season pass just to get access to the making-of documentary? I've got 15€ in my PS wallet (which I could use towards a game, say Peace Walker for example). I really liked the behind the scenes footage once you completed God of War III (really extensive look of the game development process over the course of two or three years), and singleplayer DLC is just an added bonus for me.

Kind of. I did also figure I was going to want to buy the single player DLC, so mentally, I split the cost between the two.


Kind of. I did also figure I was going to want to buy the single player DLC, so mentally, I split the cost between the two.

I haven't exactly gone through the whole thread looking for opinions on the documentary, but I'll ask you: How was it? 90 minutes, right?


I haven't exactly gone through the whole thread looking for opinions on the documentary, but I'll ask you: How was it? 90 minutes, right?

Right about 90 minutes, yeah. I thought it was great. They talked to people involved in pretty much every aspect of the game: designers, programmers, animators, voice actors, music...


Right about 90 minutes, yeah. I thought it was great. They talked to people involved in pretty much every aspect of the game: designers, programmers, animators, voice actors, music...

Sounds good. I think I'll check out the multiplayer - if that turns out to be awesome, I won't have a reason not to buy it.


Man, I was really starting to dig this game, but now
I'm in winter, when you get control of Ellie after she tells David she's infected and you have to run around in the snow storm and you can't see anything. I feel like this game is just shoot out after shootout at this point, and now I'm frustrated, don't know where to go, and keep getting killed.
I was planning on finishing this right now, but I just yelled out "man fuck this" and turned the damn thing off.

There's hints eventually. It's not very hard


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I haven't exactly gone through the whole thread looking for opinions on the documentary, but I'll ask you: How was it? 90 minutes, right?

It was alright. I have the slightest buyer's remorse. There were a few interesting segments, but for the most part it seemed really light on any kind of detail. They recycled a lot of the PR stuff we've already heard for most of the introduction. Some of the more interesting segments were already released previously, so you watch those again. The actors get a segment, which was neat, but would honesty like to have heard more from them.

I think you get an appreciation of Neil as a new director... and how he was well received and successful in that role. Bruce didn't get much attention as game director, and they didn't spend hardly any time on the game's mechanics.

It was, with a few exceptions, pure fluff imo.

My memory is much kinder to the Uncharted BTS documentaries. Maybe they were pure fluff too, maybe even moreso, but in my mind I have higher opinion of them than this Grounded thing. And of course, they were free on the fucking disc, that might help. lol


I'll never forget how hard it was to go back and forth between real driving and GTA driving some years ago. Remembering that stop signs and traffic lights are relevant.

Yea that as pretty bad for me too. I had to retrain myself to remember that a stop light and traffic means to Stop and not to drive on the sidewalk to avoid it


Game acquired! Finally, I'm pumped.

I may or may not play on Easy...

No no no, please don't play it on Easy. Completely ruins the AI for this game.

At the very least play it on normal. I'd even recommend Hard for the first playthrough.


No no no, please don't play it on Easy. Completely ruins the AI for this game.

At the very least play it on normal. I'd even recommend Hard for the first playthrough.

I agree. Except for some specific parts, the game was quite easy on normal. I think once you get the game mechanics down, difficulty won't be an issue
Playing MP for a few days and its ok. I ether have good matches or really horrible matches. I should probably use my mic but I dont want to talk to randoms.

I think I will finally do a second playthrough on singleplayer. For pure trophy whore reasons what is the best strategy for the new playthroughs?

Survivor + glitch or should I do the difficulty I first played and get all the weapon upgrades / supplements / collectables?

Will my weapon and supplement upgrades carry over if I use the Survivor + glitch?


Ok I'll play on Normal.

Oh my god the opening sequence. Wow.

Yay, I think normal is the right way to go for the first time, it'll avoid some of the frustrations at the end of the game that you may reach on Hard.

The second time through though... Survivor mode or bust. :p


The amount of people that are failing to realize how many combat sections of the game they can bypass with stealth or a simple bottle is quite astonishing.

There are a bunch that you can't skip with stealth, but some that have been pointed out in this page
the resort section in Winter
are completely optional.


Playing MP for a few days and its ok. I ether have good matches or really horrible matches. I should probably use my mic but I dont want to talk to randoms.

I think I will finally do a second playthrough on singleplayer. For pure trophy whore reasons what is the best strategy for the new playthroughs?

Survivor + glitch or should I do the difficulty I first played and get all the weapon upgrades / supplements / collectables?

Will my weapon and supplement upgrades carry over if I use the Survivor + glitch?

party up boi

For real it's fun running in packs, you can still have fun with randoms tho but running with a group is fun as hell especially with mics. Join the gaf group
The biggest tell for me that I could have stealthed a segment is when you exit the area/room and Joel locks or blocks following or entry through that door again.

"That won't be necessary, Joel.......... they're all dead."


The sequence where
they wake up in the shore has to be one of the most atmospheric moments I've experienced this gen. They represented that very early morning feel perfectly. It was magical.
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