By this point this has to be intentional trolling lol.Trevor just might be my favourite character in any GTA ever. I see so many similarities between him and myself when I'm playing
It's more than just a scene. You should have a new question mark on Trevor's trailer.
By this point this has to be intentional trolling lol.
Oh ok, I see it. I thought he was talking about a cutscene.
I invested about $5.5 billion into 3,221,389,448 shares of HAL last night. It's worth $12 billion now. Not that I could ever spend it all or even convert it to cash without bugging out the game.
Got to the first Trevor mission... man this engine is truly a beast. It's really scary to think how the PS4/XB/PC versions will look and run. Rockstar did really put work into it.
R* are just so... weird.
On one hand you have more arcade driving physics
Then you have things like turbulence on the planes and heli's that are tougher to control...
I gotta say, for ALL the things V has done right and done very well, I still can't get over the downgraded driving physics. Such a big issue with me ( and the plane camera). Driving on the grass and the few off road areas ( where the Sultan RS is in IV) was a lot more fun than driving off-road anywhere in V.
I just wish the vehicles didn't have deadzone on the controls ( makes it impossible to make small adjustments to the cars, results in more twitchy controls)
Agree with you, I really miss the driving in IV but I have grown to appreciate V's style. When I first got the game it was a major issue for me, I could drive fine but it all just feels so lifeless sometimes.
It's over $4.40 now, I've made almost $2 million and the only money I invested was from the take from the first heist.
What's the name of the song from the score that plays during 'The Long Stretch' mission?
Pisswasser may be worth a look also.
How does stealth work...
Sometimes I kill a person with a silenced gun ( yes, NOBODY is around, I triple checked during the mission) and still get police after me.
Then I kill like 6 to 9 gang members on the street with an AK and get no police but killing a civilian who is all alone ( and again, no one around) with as silenced weapon results in the police coming after me...
So weird.
The way the cars handle in V is how they should handle after you have FULLY upgraded them ( tyres, suspension, engine, lowered etc...)
Even trucks don't have that heavy feel to them.
Check your email.Question: Trevor's freak mission with the fat lady ("somewhere between peachy and keen") How do you go about doing that? I know it's a bounty, but do you get a map? Are you supposed to know where to go? I'm lost here. Need details!
Check the stats, it tells you your mission progression. (but also includes the Assassination missions in that total, only one of which is required for story progression).So I justabout how much longer in the story do I have if I disregard side quests till after I beat the main story?finished the chemical weapon heist
you wanna spoiler-tag that?
Check your email.
you wanna spoiler-tag that?
I have, and she asks meI'll check it out again when i fire the game up soon.something along the lines of when i'm going to get the job done, or don't forget about the job. I have seen a map, though it's not exactly helpful. It just shows a large open area.
I have, and she asks meI'll check it out again when i fire the game up soon.something along the lines of when i'm going to get the job done, or don't forget about the job. I have seen a map, though it's not exactly helpful. It just shows a large open area.
You just have tolook at the photo she sends you and try to find the area on the map that matches it. For the first bounty, I believe she even writes in the email what the area is. Of course, that will not help much if you haven't discovered the whole map yet (although you could of couse just look at the paper map you got with the game).
Mainly my fault since mid game is a pretty broad spectrum
Using a guidemap?Only 20 more letter scraps to find for 100% completion.
Then it's time to use cheats and have some fun.
That's where it should be.I can't seem to find the first bounty mission as Trevor. Old email says the target is in the quarry...
Using a guidemap?
Can you save stolen planes anywhere? Do you have to play as Michael to save it in the hangar he can buy, or as Trevor to save it in his hangar?
Got bored of the game at 48%
Won't be completing it
I can't seem to find the first bounty mission as Trevor. Old email says the target is in the quarry...
I'm pretty sure you can. When I bought the hangar it said "Planes you store or purchase will be saved here."
It's that for cars I know so I expect its the same for cars.
That's where it should be.
Which is where?
I've been there with other games, but not this one. My love is still burning strong.Got bored of the game at 48%
Won't be completing it