Quick questions about housing, hopefully someone here is in the know.
1st: What's the current limit on plots a FC can purchase. (If we can buy more then one, then maybe we should be looking at medium lots in different areas?)
2nd: What's the difference between Medium and large Lots. The large ones don't look that much bigger in terms of land space, but, if Medium can only support two floors, while large ones support three, that'd be a huge difference.
3rd: It's safe to assume that they'll be expanding lots, and increasing the FC land purchase limit in future updates, right?
After seeing the ADS table, we need to save up for that large FC house.
Since the primal stuff only lets you have one of each, should I just sell the feather for more funding
Treasure hunting is a lot of fun, I just wish for the high level maps the enemies were harder and the rewards were better. My wife did 3 level 50 maps last night, it recommends 8 players but no way did the mobs that spawned require 8. Loot seemed AK level at best and the gil varied a lot. One time she got around 5,000 gil, once about 1,800 and once 200. If it was 5,000 every time it would be a great way for an FC to raise money for housing. At least it's a quick 5 myth.
Playing on controller since the patch has been great save for the autorun button which is stuck to the L1 button and can't be switched off. Since the patch, you now autorun basically anytime you move the camera unless you absolutely do not move your character while adjusting the camera.
Incredibly annoying and there are threads up on the forums regarding it. Actually ended up running off the edge of Demon Wall roulette due to fighting autorun.
I had that problem before the patch. Did it get worse or are people just noticing it now?
Camera Zoom was always L1 and because the game is too dumb to remember your camera position, whenever it resets because it clipped into a wall or something, I had to manually zoom out again by holding L1... which makes me auto run.
It's far more pronounced post patch.
Before you had to hold the L1 button for a while before it activated autorun and it didn't seem to activate while moving the camera.
Now if you so much as tap L1, you autorun if you're using the left control stick at all, while tanking, you end up shuffling about like an idiot for a while trying to get a hold of autorun pretty often. It's incredibly annoying and didn't happen at all prepatch.
Anyone having trouble seeing an ally's Sacred Soil/Prism post-patch?
So if I use a controller on the pc version and use the cross hotbar layout is there still a way I can use the vertical hotbars and put them on the sides for stuff like gear sets and stuff in case I wanna just mouse over it for a quick class change
Did she have a different number of people in her party each time, or was the party size the same for each? I'm wondering if it affects the amount of gold you receive.Treasure hunting is a lot of fun, I just wish for the high level maps the enemies were harder and the rewards were better. My wife did 3 level 50 maps last night, it recommends 8 players but no way did the mobs that spawned require 8. Loot seemed AK level at best and the gil varied a lot. One time she got around 5,000 gil, once about 1,800 and once 200. If it was 5,000 every time it would be a great way for an FC to raise money for housing. At least it's a quick 5 myth.
Another week of Coil, another week of no Bard gear. Woo.
I was just thinking about this for Red Dot on Sarg, though I have no idea how many high-level gatherers we have. Burnout should be low since it takes such little time (~2 min to get the map, 2-3 min to warp to each fight) but it really depends on how steady the gil rewards are. Just got my first Peisteskin map this morning, so I'll have to see what we get.I was thinking about this yesterday. If we could get a dedicated group together, or multiple groups, it sounds like it could still have some good earning potential.
8x map per day with 5,000G reward = 320,000 gil per day, 2.24 million per week. This does not include the possible sale of crystal shards and other item drops that could be sold on the market.
8x map per day with 1,000G reward = 64,000 gil per day, 448,000 per week. Again, this does not include any additional sales.
This is best case scenario obviously, but with 5 or more groups doing this (on top of continuing donations and earnings from other sources), we could possibly have enough for that large first class house in 30 days. Organizing this right now would be a bit of nightmare though and could cause some people to get burned out. I'd rather we just do things naturally but at least a little concerted effort could go a long way.
Did she have a different number of people in her party each time, or was the party size the same for each? I'm wondering if it affects the amount of gold you receive.
Everyone in party receives some money. Which is why people should really run with 8 people instead of doing with less members just because the monsters that spawn aren't that hard. From 2 screens I took I know I earned 1692 gil for each hunt, we will probably need to test if everyone receives a flat fee per hunt or if the payment is dependent on participation.Did she have a different number of people in her party each time, or was the party size the same for each? I'm wondering if it affects the amount of gold you receive.
someone tell qhon to quick peaking up skirts and let him know that shadow flare and "bubble" are considered effects of others now. So if you want to see them you'll have to turn effects back on.
I couldn't see it either since i have effects animations and everything turned off for everyone. I like to see what i die to when people make me run thru tornados![]()
Camera now remembers your zoom and I have a sneaking suspicion that change is the cause. I too notice auto run fires when I don't mean it too now. I ran straight into a piercing laser last night cause of itWhy did they change the PC menu? Now it takes me 2 clicks to do what I did in 1 before. So dumb...
I had that problem before the patch. Did it get worse or are people just noticing it now?
Camera Zoom was always L1 and because the game is too dumb to remember your camera position, whenever it resets because it clipped into a wall or something, I had to manually zoom out again by holding L1... which makes me auto run.
I do it a lot while changing targets too via L1/R1 when holding L2/R2.
Damn, my friends (who still have barely played it >_<) bought this from GMG the other day, and now it's $15 again at Amazon.
I think I should level Carpentry as I wait for them.
I knew that much. I wasn't sure if there was a set amount of gil that is in the chest that is just split evenly among all the members, or if each member just gets a set amount of gil, no matter how many members are in the party.Everyone in party receives some money. Which is why people should really run with 8 people instead of doing with less members just because the monsters that spawn aren't that hard.
I wiped to the first boss of qarn last night four times, luckily we pulled through. I hope I get Ifrit as a daily todayDalies have also made me entirely thankful for my FC. From WHM who don't bother to DPS, to DPS with gear from 20 levels ago... Man it's pretty bad sometimes.
At least no one is an asshole so long as commendations are concerned. Haven't seen a kickvote yet.
I wiped to the first boss of qarn last night four times, luckily we pulled through. I hope I get Ifrit as a daily today
Another week of Coil, another week of no Bard gear. Woo.
Dalies have also made me entirely thankful for my FC. From WHM who don't bother to DPS, to DPS with gear from 20 levels ago... Man it's pretty bad sometimes.
At least no one is an asshole so long as commendations are concerned. Haven't seen a kickvote yet.
The first boss of Qarn isn't that bad...
It's the last boss with all of the lasers that hurts.
And fuck those bees.
It's far more pronounced post patch.
Before you had to hold the L1 button for a while before it activated autorun and it didn't seem to activate while moving the camera.
Now if you so much as tap L1, you autorun if you're using the left control stick at all, while tanking, you end up shuffling about like an idiot for a while trying to get a hold of autorun pretty often. It's incredibly annoying and didn't happen at all prepatch.
WHM who don't DPS isn't the end of the world. Or even that big of a deal at all. You'll live.
I'd be much more concerned about a WHM who is focused on DPSing and not on healing.
Yesterday was the first time in months I had experienced getting pushed back to the quagmire near the rear at AK Demon Wall. Everyone was in +1 and DL/Myth so I thought it was easy street. Hell no, not sure if the whole team was taking a break or what, but the WHM literally did nothing but drop a regen or a heal, not even an aero. Now that I think of it the BRD didn't even keep his DoTs up... strange parties all around.
It's not the end of the world, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to contribute if I'm in a party. I might as well not do anything but flash as a tank if I was going by how that team played. Also didn't realize they patched out some of the enemies at AK. There's only two succubus now and only two enemies at the gate before Demon Wall.
The first boss of Qarn isn't that bad...
It's the last boss with all of the lasers that hurts.
And fuck those bees.
A tip that may have not been mentioned in this thread yet: Don't unlock Haukke Manor (Hard Mode), Copperbell Mines (Hard Mode), and Pharos. Then, your duty roulette for level 50 dungeons is limited to WP and AK. 30+40 myth tomes doing this duty roulette for each unique day -> 490 tomes if you do this every day in a week -> cap of 450 easily hit.
Is the lightning hair only exclusive to those that completed the Lightning Event Quest? That kind of stinks if is, I wasn't a high enough level to get past the third part of the quest.![]()
Doesn't it though? Flash spam can quite easily keep aggro, and with the Shield Oath changes it takes fewer flashes than ever so MP is not an issue. The only reason I wouldn't do that is because flash doesn't do any damage, but if dps is a "secondary" job then a tank just flashing and then semi-afking is the same as a healer who just follows and tosses out one or two heals while semi-afking.Somehow I don't think "Only flashing as a tank" compares to "Not doing a secondary job while healing."![]()
Doesn't it though? Flash spam can quite easily keep aggro, and with the Shield Oath changes it takes fewer flashes than ever so MP is not an issue. The only reason I wouldn't do that is because flash doesn't do any damage, but if dps is a "secondary" job then a tank just flashing and then semi-afking is the same as a healer who just follows and tosses out one or two heals while semi-afking.
Doesn't it though? Flash spam can quite easily keep aggro, and with the Shield Oath changes it takes fewer flashes than ever so MP is not an issue. The only reason I wouldn't do that is because flash doesn't do any damage, but if dps is a "secondary" job then a tank just flashing and then semi-afking is the same as a healer who just follows and tosses out one or two heals while semi-afking.
Ultros GAF is rank 7 now and we recently hit the 50 million mark! It still seems like there is a long way to go, but if we all work together we can definitely achieve it. I hope you enjoy the new FC crest design. Now onto rank 8 and some additional FC buffs!
1/3) You can only purchase one plot currently. Yoshi P said they are considering the allowance of additional land plots in the future. They also have the capability to add additional wards as needed but they can't do it on the fly. I suspect that the additional land plots will be contingent on how they decide to handle personal housing.
2) Large houses have 3 floors.
Yes. We have one of everything (and some extras) and we can always farm more as needed.
I was thinking about this yesterday. If we could get a dedicated group together, or multiple groups, it sounds like it could still have some good earning potential.
8x map per day with 5,000G reward = 320,000 gil per day, 2.24 million per week. This does not include the possible sale of crystal shards and other item drops that could be sold on the market.
8x map per day with 1,000G reward = 64,000 gil per day, 448,000 per week. Again, this does not include any additional sales.
This is best case scenario obviously, but with 5 or more groups doing this (on top of continuing donations and earnings from other sources), we could possibly have enough for that large first class house in 30 days. Organizing this right now would be a bit of nightmare though and could cause some people to get burned out. I'd rather we just do things naturally but at least a little concerted effort could go a long way.
Who does this and why are they playing the game?A tip that may have not been mentioned in this thread yet: Don't unlock Haukke Manor (Hard Mode), Copperbell Mines (Hard Mode), and Pharos. Then, your duty roulette for level 50 dungeons is limited to WP and AK. 30+40 myth tomes doing this duty roulette for each unique day -> 490 tomes if you do this every day in a week -> cap of 450 easily hit.
Who does this and why are they playing the game?
Haukke Manor HM was fun as hell. Dat second boss...
First boss at Pharos was fun to figure out too.We couldn't get past Siren though, adds kept fucking up the healer. As a tank, should I mainly be stunning her moves or running to the adds and helping DPS kill them?
I dunno about the other stuff, but Lunatic Voice should be stunned at 50%. If you don't, your healer will hate you.
Haukke Manor HM was fun as hell. Dat second boss...
First boss at Pharos was fun to figure out too.We couldn't get past Siren though, adds kept fucking up the healer. As a tank, should I mainly be stunning her moves or running to the adds and helping DPS kill them?
So the game is $15 on Amazon right now and I'm thinking of picking it up. Do I get any benefits for being Legacy from OG FFXIV?
Also, is this relatively casual friendly, or is it pretty hardcore in that I need to really dedicate a LOT of time to achieve anything worthwhile?
3,5 months for a single pair of boots from T4, woho!
3.5 months and still no monk pants from T1, and still only one tank body, woho!
Last night I think we got 5 or 6 accessories from 1-4 and they all went to alts, it was terrible.