does anyone have any idea how to get the dualshock 4 properly working for this game on pc
So hey guys, is there anything worth getting in Pharos Sirius if my ilvl is 80? I'm hesitant to unlock it because I don't want it to be in my roulette queue![]()
Got my account back. Was fortunate to get in early in the support queue, so fairly painless.
Any thoughts on pvp? I dabbled in it but it seems a little borked. That sleep
Spell lasts way too long when you get hit with it.
I'm a monk and it seems really tough to dps others.
Got my account back. Was fortunate to get in early in the support queue, so fairly painless.
Run CT for first time yesterday and got BLM gloves and seen a hat in the same run. Probably just depends on random luck.Blm gear is hard to find. I've been running coil for 2 months and have never seen any main pieces drop besides the head. CT only blm piece I've seen is the sash and I've run it 4 times. Got the tank body price for my alt warrior though !
Run CT for first time yesterday and got BLM gloves and seen a hat in the same run. Probably just depends on random luck.
Run CT for first time yesterday and got BLM gloves and seen a hat in the same run. Probably just depends on random luck.
Got my account back. Was fortunate to get in early in the support queue, so fairly painless.
I haven't run coil but I see BLM gear all the time. CT last night had the BLM chest drop. I think there was another piece too that dropped. I usually never see WHM loot drop in my runs (which of course is what I need!) lol
Try the white mage best in slot pants.Did 4 runs of CT, I saw basically all the pieces of the BLM gear drop, not a single tank one. I ended up rolling for the tank pants of all things... They're absolutely dreadful looking holy shit. I wanted the full set for vanity, but Christ, nothing drops that you want.
Look like leather pants that grip everywhere.
My butt never looked better.
Try the white mage best in slot pants.I will never get over it
Try the white mage best in slot pants.I will never get over it
Lock-on is pretty much useless junk. I guess its purpose is to help make things easier for controller users, but it just teaches bad habits like backpeddling. Not to mention it makes getting off your Chocobo a hassle.
Best to disable it and unbind the button.
Sheesh I'm super behind, everyone is doing CT lol. I still have to do Garuda HM and Titan HM. Not sure if it's just me but the game feels more laggy now since the update. Might just wait for me to get a PC or it to come to PS4 before I progress more battle-wise.
does anyone have any idea how to get the dualshock 4 properly working for this game on pc
Got my account back. Was fortunate to get in early in the support queue, so fairly painless.
Aren't you glad you got that swiftcastWarwolf set complete. B)
Aren't you glad you got that swiftcast
Happy to help!Been playing this other character since launch, yet it took me THIS long to get a relic. Sooo glad I got it out of the way. Now time to gear up a little more so I can fill in as a healer for Worst Coil group. Hopefully those CT FATE's are more populated. Thank you Axel, Blake, Makoto, Mael, Vivid, Ren and...ugh forgot the last person...sorry!
Anywho, it's starting to stink as SMN, I keep getting into parties where there is another summoner already, which isn't very fun for some fights at time, especially ones with lots of adds. Time to level up MNK/BRD! With so many healers in the FC, I should have started on MNK like I planned to do before the game came out lol.
Tried CT, holy cow is that place fun. Sucks about the gear lockout...greeded the BRD hat just so I could grab something but I'm hoping to get the SMN chest and the WHM chest piece this week.
I lost the roll on the CT tank chest. Goddamit.
It seems to drop pretty often.
Did CT reset today?
I lost the roll on the CT tank chest. Goddamit.
Man I am so slow. I've got two classes to 50 (SMN and BRD), and only just did Chimera for the first time the other day (thanks Chubby, Saff, Haman et al) as a BRD, and then got through a roulette AK by the skin of the pug tank's teeth. Hydra is next, but might have to wait till after Christmas. That's if I don't get further sidetracked leveling miner and goldmith for income and THM for swiftcast (and maybe also unlocking BLM).
ummm i thought it was relatively "PnP", maybe some button remapping was the most that needed to be done, not a whole other program
I lost the roll on the CT tank chest. Goddamit.
It seems to drop pretty often.
Did CT reset today?
So as a PUG, should I be using Twin Snakes every two rotations or every rotation? Granted I'm only level 21 so far lol
My 8 runs on Saturday say no.
I don't think you can make macros show tooltips for anything?
/macroicon "Blizzard III"
its ok, i won it and everyone makes fun of me now![]()
This game can really bring out the elitism and douchery in some people. Me and some FC people decided to do some CT today and it was a complete disaster. So much bickering and finger-pointing, just the worst experience I've had with the game yet. We wiped about 5 times on Behemoth and just decided to leave. Last week we beat CT on the first day, why? Because people were willing to communicate and learn the fights. I don't even really care about the loot, its the teamwork that makes it fun.
Sorry, just needed to get that out.
This game can really bring out the elitism and douchery in some people. Me and some FC people decided to do some CT today and it was a complete disaster. So much bickering and finger-pointing, just the worst experience I've had with the game yet. We wiped about 5 times on Behemoth and just decided to leave. Last week we beat CT on the first day, why? Because people were willing to communicate and learn the fights. I don't even really care about the loot, its the teamwork that makes it fun.
Sorry, just needed to get that out.