1 In 10 Sanders Primary Voters Ended Up Supporting Trump

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Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Yup. This info goes right in the face of months and months worth of bashing Bernie supporters endured on GAF. Blamed for this, blamed for that, meanwhile we see they were more loyal than the supporters who bashed them.

Some self reflection is in order it seems.
This doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to say that the people here who blamed Sanders supporters are the same that voted for McCain over Obama?


Because instead of going after Democratic voters they went with courting Republicans. Remember how the entire USA would be blue? Its not like they even just thought they had no place to go and would vote D anyway. Those in charge KNEW they would lose Democratic voters in those states.. they counted on it because they would pick up double in Republican votes or so they believed.


I distinctly remember Hillary supporters gloating they didn't need the "berniebros". Great plan.


eh, I can't bring myself to get too worked up over these people. People are going to vote for whoever they want. At least they're honest with themselves. I'll reserve my disdain for the people who didn't switch yet engaged in a crusade of bullshit from the left against Hillary and the DNC. People who act like simply casting the right vote absolves them of the damage they caused and continue to cause


uhhhhh this is quantifiable evidence showing this being a factor. are we not allowed to discuss it according to you because there are other factors?

who claimed this was the only factor?

you're really going to bring in the huge burlap sack of shit labeled "whataboutism" into this thread? if you really reach you can apply that shtick to almost any topic on earth as a means to shut down discussion. it's useless and has zero constructive traits to a discussion

You're completely missing my point. Nowhere did I say these factors cannot be discussed, nor am I dismissing quantifiable evidence. My point is the tribalism many are showing in this thread is not helpful in any way. Perhaps I should elaborate?

Bernie fans in this thread should not be dismissing this evidence because they want to blame it all on Hillary.

Hillary fans in this thread should not be blaming this all on Bernie-or-busters because they want to dismiss any blame elsewhere to defend Hillary.

That better?
This doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to say that the people here who blamed Sanders supporters are the same that voted for McCain over Obama?

It was poorly worded. Obviously not all voted in both, but Bernie supporters were shit on left and right, blamed for every little thing, yet Bernie supporters showed to be supportive of the very candidate those bashing them supported.

None of it was ever Bernie or his supporters fault.


Like almost at the Clinton supporters level?

Yeah, wow, Clinton supporters were shockingly racist. I generally don't think of the modern establishment Democratic party (or voter) being that unabashedly racist against us but here we are. And it's ugly.
eh, I can't bring myself to get too worked up over these people. People are going to vote for whoever they want. At least they're honest with themselves. I'll reserve my disdain for the people who didn't switch yet engaged in a crusade of bullshit from the left against Hillary and the DNC. People who act like simply casting the right vote absolves them of the damage they caused and continue to cause

...you seriously think voting for HRC and criticizing the Democratic Party from the left is worse than directly contributing to putting Trump in office? What the hell?


Some Sanders supporters were never actually progressive leftists, merely anti-establishment anarchist types wanting to see the system burn. And what better way to fuck everything up than by voting into power a political arsonist like Trump.

Sanders (and Green/Stein) supporters can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned.

These people never stood for or even cared what the actual policies or ideology Bernie Sanders stood for to vote for the exact opposite end of the spectrum.


So Trump supporters have already been blamed, called names, and have plenty of wished actions of karma to be taken place upon them... but some people here are now blaming Bernie Sanders supporters, "Berniebros", because of the 12% that voted for Trump...that have already been blamed for voting for Trump. We already blamed them in their circle on the venn diagram, don't bring in the whole other circle.

Also it's ridiculous to think 25% or more of Bernie Sanders primary voters voted for Trump. I wouldn't let anecdotal articles (leading up to election) create that perception. That 25%+ quantity of people who pay enough attention to primaries, from their proactiveness, are likely too intelligent enough to vote for Trump or even vote at all. The 10% are the unlikely unfortunately.


Some Sanders supporters were never actually progressive leftists, merely anti-establishment anarchist types wanting to see the system burn. And what better way to fuck everything up than by voting into power a political arsonist like Trump.

Sanders (and Green/Stein) supporters can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned.

Did you even read the OP, where 88% of Sanders primary voters supported Hillary? Why should we go fuck ourselves when most of us choked back our vomit and voted for your shitty candidate?

Your anger is way misplaced. You should be mad at Trump voters, Hillary Clinton/her campaign advisers, and the media.


That's over 1 in 10 voters, article says full 12% ...

Depression time.

28% of Clinton voters went McCain in 2008

The only thing I see supporting anything close to this is a "what if" match up poll done half a year before the election. Where are the actual numbers here?

Some real data from Wikipedia:

According to exit polls on Election Day, McCain won the votes of only 10% of Democrats nationwide, the same percentage of Democrats' votes that George W. Bush won in 2004.[5]
I ask in ignorance here:

Were there ANY voters here who went Bernie -> Trump? Or even Bernie -> 3rd party in a Purple state?

I live in Ohio but was a big bernie supporter. I heaved plenty of sighs before voting for Clinton but obviously I did it because I'm not a crazy person.

BS to DT is just nuts to me, absolutely nuts.
I think you'd have more Clinton voters in total going to Trump if Bernie had made it through.

1 in 10 is incredibly low, especially considering how naive most Sanders supporters are.


Sanders and Trump were the two candidates saying something different. It's not really surprising. The Democratic party running a bog standard toe the line centrist when the country is clearly sick of the way the government is being run is the big mistake. Many just wanted someone different, even if it was Trump.

That's the thing I never got with the anti-Hillary folks.

What was so Centrist about 2016 Hillary? Not 90s Hillary, 2016 Hillary.

You had this strange mix of people who refused to acknowledge that Hillary has basically been evolving all her life, along with people who just personally hated Hillary and distrusted her because they believed the 24 year smear campaign the far right has been running against her.

I think you'd have more Clinton voters in total going to Trump if Bernie had made it through.

1 in 10 is incredibly low.

Anecdotally, the core of Hillary's 2016 primary support, minorities, would have easily gone Sanders. No way they would've ever gone Trump.
Silly how people will try to infer stuff from these kinds of surveys to blame a particular candidate or group for losing the election. All this tells us is that there are of course swingy racist voters. Not really anything new and it isn't a particularly high precentage of the electorate.



Here's the stuff on Obama->Trump voters (presumably, likely to overlap enormously w/ Sanders->Trump voters.)

The primary conflict structuring the two parties involves questions of national identity, race, and morality, while the traditional conflict over economics, though still important, is less divisive now than it used to be. This has the potential to reshape the party coalitions.

By making questions of national identity more salient, Donald Trump succeeded in winning over “populists” (socially conservative, economically liberal voters) who had previously voted for Democrats.

Among populists who voted for Obama, Clinton did terribly. She held onto only 6 in 10 of these voters (59 percent). Trump picked up 27 percent of these voters, and the remaining 14 percent didn’t vote for either major party candidate.
Trump ran as a Le Pen. (He has not governed as one on economic issues, meaning he can be attacked from that front.)

...her because they believed the 24 year smear campaign the far right has been running against her.

I'm veering dangerously off topic here but I've seen this kind of statement a lot and I always ask:

Which part of the smear campaign made her vote for the Iraq war and the Patriot Act? Anyone who makes two colossal and dangerous fuck ups like that can jump in a river.
Not surprising at all considering how off balance some Sanders supporters were (and are), especially when some act like going Clinton over Trump is some Sophie's Choice shit lol

Oh well, America's done now anyway
These drip drip smells like Republican sabotage to me. I am just as incensed about the Sanders supporters supporting Trump.

The numbers are NOT out of the ordinary. These things happen and even 10% of Republicans supported Clinton. Time to fucking move on. Stop the fucking infighting. Your enemy is Trump and the Republicans. Not EACH other.

Look at my post history btw. I am really hard on Sanders and his supporters.


The relevant question here is how many of those registered Dems also voted for an opponent of the Dem presidential candidate in those years. Of the 10% of Dems who voted for McCain in '08, I'd bet a really small portion were Hillary primary voters.

A really small portion of the Democratic Trump voters were also Bernie Supporters, if for no other reason than only 30% of eligible voters even vote in the primaries. So if roughly half of those are Democrats, then that is roughly 40% or so of the democrats that voted in the general that voted in the primaries. So if half of that 40% voted for Bernie, and 12% of that 20% then voted for trump in the general, then that is less than 1/3 of that 9% of trump voting Democrats that were also Sanders voters.

I couldn't find exactly that data on Hillary switchers I n a quick google search, but PUMAs were a thing that was at least public as Sanders-Trump supporters.

I suspect that not too many people dug into those numbers or bothered to report on them because Obama won, so "who cares, in the end?"


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'm veering dangerously off topic here but I've seen this kind of statement a lot and I always ask:

Which part of the smear campaign made her vote for the Iraq war and the Patriot Act? Anyone who makes two colossal and dangerous fuck ups like that can jump in a river.

Trump would have voted for both so what does that have to do with anything?


So an abnormally small amount of Sanders voters defected to the other party's candidate.

Good on Sanders for campaigning hard for Clinton after the primary.
Some Sanders supporters were never actually progressive leftists, merely anti-establishment anarchist types wanting to see the system burn. And what better way to fuck everything up than by voting into power a political arsonist like Trump.

Sanders (and Green/Stein) supporters can go fuck themselves as far I'm concerned.

1 in 10 voted for Trump so better throw the other 9 on the fire just for good measure.
Trump would have voted for both so what does that have to do with anything?

I was referring to the primary and the immediate aftermath. Also the horseshit excuse of "its all a smear campaign!". No, she did a lot of things that people left right and center can and should slag her for.


FGC Waterboy
B-b-b-but racist Berniebros?

It's funny how no one likes to bring up "Obamabros" from 2008, but buy into the Berniebros thing lock, stock, and barrel. Clinton basically ran the equivalent of the Bernie campaign in terms of voters she was going after in 2008 against Obama (aka WWC and Obama's perceived unelectability as a black man), but Obama won and we got 8 years of him.

I think it's a little nuts that 4% of Clinton voters in the primary voted for Trump in the general. What the heck was that group?


Nice to see that despite the very article in the OP stating that this 12% is totally in line with how many people vote for the other party when their candidate loses their primary, plenty of people are taking it as an opportunity to shit on Burnie supporters anyway. I fear for the next 7 years.


That's over 1 in 10 voters, article says full 12% ...

Depression time.

The only thing I see supporting anything close to this is a "what if" match up poll done half a year before the election. Where are the actual numbers here?

Some real data from Wikipedia:

According to exit polls on Election Day, McCain won the votes of only 10% of Democrats nationwide, the same percentage of Democrats' votes that George W. Bush won in 2004.[5]

Two different surveys found here and here

Another useful comparison is to 2008, when the question was whether Clinton supporters would vote for Barack Obama or John McCain (R-Ariz.) Based on data from the 2008 Cooperative Campaign Analysis Project, a YouGov survey that also interviewed respondents multiple times during the campaign, 24 percent of people who supported Clinton in the primary as of March 2008 then reported voting for McCain in the general election.

An analysis of a different 2008 survey by the political scientists Michael Henderson, Sunshine Hillygus and Trevor Thompson produced a similar estimate: 25 percent. (Unsurprisingly, Clinton voters who supported McCain were more likely to have negative views of African Americans, relative to those who supported Obama.)


I think it's a little nuts that 4% of Clinton voters in the primary voted for Trump in the general. What the heck was that group?

Probably the "I hate socialists" Independent group, that wanted to make sure Sanders lost and then voted Republican.
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