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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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I don't get how you can say it didn't change the game. Being down 3 as opposed to being down 1 limits your options significantly in crunchtime.


ryutaro's mama said:
Right, so if Vlade could have secured a rebound and not flicked it back, Kings go up 3-1.

I'm sure you felt that way that night.

Wait, of course you didn't.

Wtf is this?

If there weren't so many shitty calls before that, the Lakers wouldn't have even been in that situation.

This game was called pretty fairly the entire night.

Fuck off.
Gigglepoo said:
The people who are whining right now are not diehard Nuggets fans. Obviously, when you're team gets hosed, you act irrationally. It's part of being a fanatic.

But in my opinion, that makes them more reliable because they have no dog in the fight.

Knicks and Nuggets got fucking screwed tonight.

I am a fan of neither and I say that.

The Lakers did not get screwed tonight--they just fucking lost.


Look, don't leave the game in the ref's hands.

Go out there and get stops and score a lot to avoid having this shit happen.


Black Mamba said:
I agree with you. You can always look back and say a team missed FTs here or did something dumb there.

But on the other hand, you can't deny that having a play like that so close to the end of a very well-fought game doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth. Denver could have won despite it, but it happened and it's there and it won't go away.

Denver didn't lose because of the refs or that 1 call, but that call was horrible and given the context of everything that was happening, it could have swung the victor.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I love the HD presentation of modern sporting events, but with everything in excruciating detail now, those flubs are replayed and analyzed to death. When I started watching sports in the 80s, the technology wasn't nearly as impressive, so there wasn't a ton of replays to pour over after the fact. You just kind of accepted the calls and moved on. I liked that more. Now all of the discussion is about this one play while most people are ignoring everything that came before and after.

ryutaro's mama said:
But in my opinion, that makes them more reliable because they have no dog in the fight.

Knicks and Nuggets got fucking screwed tonight.

I am a fan of neither and I say that.

The Lakers did not get screwed tonight--they just fucking lost.

I understand and agree. I'm just saying that a Kings fan might have acted irrationally after the Kings got hosed. And that doesn't prove anything about his viewpoint on referees, because, as a fan, he's supposed to over dramatize everything that happens.
KingGondo said:

When I saw this on TV, my life changed.
You can rest assured knowing many people are eating that entire pizza and 12 cookies alone tonight.


Pkaz01 said:
Theres something called momentum. A blown call is frustrating enough but when it changes the lead not only does it piss off the team it gives the other team the momentum. that type of stuff should not be overlooked because of the scoreboard.

It changes how Denver plays from there on out. It switched the clock from being to their advantage to being against them, and while they got too panicked, they would have never been in panic mode if the correct call is made.

Many moments alter the outcome of a game. A ref's play shouldn't be one of those moments, especially not with the ability to pause and double check a call.
SamuraiX- said:
Wtf is this?

If there weren't so many shitty calls before that, the Lakers wouldn't have even been in that situation.

This game was called pretty fairly the entire night.

Fuck off.

While I am not excusing the calls, people here think refs decide games more than players do and that's mostly not the case.

They both do but more often than not, the players not executing costs them the game.
SamuraiX- said:
Wtf is this?

If there weren't so many shitty calls before that, the Lakers wouldn't have even been in that situation.

This game was called pretty fairly the entire night.

Fuck off.


Fan blinders still intact.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
KingGondo said:
When I saw this on TV, my life changed.

I lost more faith in America.
Yeah, I saw the commercial for that the other day and thought, "Really? Pizza and cookies? People eat that together? Like as a meal?"
dream said:
Look, don't leave the game in the ref's hands.

Go out there and get stops and score a lot to avoid having this shit happen.

Come on dream you are smarter than this.

I know you are happy the Cs won, but be objective.

Oh, and I can't wait for your Khloe&Lamar play by play :D


ryutaro's mama said:
But in my opinion, that makes them more reliable because they have no dog in the fight.

Knicks and Nuggets got fucking screwed tonight.

I am a fan of neither and I say that.

The Lakers did not get screwed tonight--they just fucking lost.

I guess I'm the one of the few Nuggets fans on the board. I can say that Denver blew it from the FT line. You put that 4 in a row that they missed towards the beginning of the game, they would be tied at 107. Add the rest of them and they would have had the lead. Did the goaltend piss me off? Sure, but I think that you have to look at the bigger picture.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
You act like quanitity means unfairness.

Take away the non-calls and the iffy calls he got(around 2 a piece) and he got to the line as much as he deserved.

I agree that under the modern NBA rules Rose got to the line the appropriate amount. But the rules blow. If you breathe on him, the whistle blows, even when he's initiating contact. I hope the Pacers slam him into the ground every time he gets in the paint. If the refs are going to call a foul every time anyway, at least make sure he feels it.


ryutaro's mama said:
Right, so if Vlade could have secured a rebound and not flicked it back, Kings go up 3-1.

I'm sure you felt that way that night.

Wait, of course you didn't.
The funny thing is that Samaki Walker hit a 3 at the end of a quarter that game that should not have counted.

With the new video review rules they would have waived it off and Kings would've won even if Horry hit the 3.

So better reffing tools are good!


ryutaro's mama said:
I'm sure you felt this way on June 17th of last year.

Just stop it.

Game 7 proves my point. If the Celtics had built a lead, the crooked LA refs wouldn't have been able to make as much of an impact as they did.

Basically, teams should stop sucking.


Cubsfan23 said:
Denver has no go to guy. their only points in the last minutes was on a stupid foul by the Thunder with 6 seconds left.

They do it by committee, if it works down the line only time will tell.

Tom Penny

ryutaro's mama said:
But in my opinion, that makes them more reliable because they have no dog in the fight.

Knicks and Nuggets got fucking screwed tonight.

I am a fan of neither and I say that.

The Lakers did not get screwed tonight--they just fucking lost.

You don't want to face OKC to advance. Stop fronting.


I actually still feel ok after this game. Ibaka had 3 points and 5 rebounds, and Harden only took 5 shots and the shots he missed were open.

That's not gonna happen again.

Rodeo Clown said:
Yeah, I saw the commercial for that the other day and thought, "Really? Pizza and cookies? People eat that together? Like as a meal?"
Clearly you haven't been to an average grocery store anytime recently and looked in peoples' carts. It's bad. Real bad.


numble said:
The funny thing is that Samaki Walker hit a 3 at the end of a quarter that game that should not have counted.

With the new video review rules they would have waived it off and Kings would've won even if Horry hit the 3.

So better reffing tools are good!


Beat me to it


I find it sad that when amare catches fire his teams always go away from him. It happened almost every game in phoenix where he would catch fire and they would go away from him for 5 minutes then start going back to him and he was cold. Now the knicks did the same shit. Carmelo played like shit all 2nd half while amare dominated and they go to carmelo for the last 2 minutes of the game and amare doesn't even touch the ball. The ball should go to amares hand first then go to melo.
Gigglepoo said:
I hope the Pacers slam him into the ground every time he gets in the paint. If the refs are going to call a foul every time anyway, at least make sure he feels it.

They tried that(sort of), it didn't and won't work.

Pissing him off isn't going to help your case against him.

There were no-calls on him as well.

He said it himself that he was aggressive and didn't get all the calls but got a lot of them.

If the Pacers' bigs would be set(and they weren't), the refs will give them the offensive calls(at least some of the time), most of the time they were sliding into Rose because he's that fast or they were at angles.

Or hey, block his shot too, that works.
dream said:
Game 7 proves my point. If the Celtics had built a lead, the crooked LA refs wouldn't have been able to make as much of an impact as they did.

Basically, teams should stop sucking.

Nate missed an easy lay up-2 points, Rondo got called for blocking Odom and it waived KG's lay up off-2 points.

Game 7 is tied, overtime!!!!!!! that would have been sick B^)

I hope Nuggets/Thunder goes 7 games

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
KingGondo said:
Clearly you haven't been to an average grocery store anytime recently and looked in peoples' carts. It's bad. Real bad.
I don't really pay much attention to other people's carts, but I think I will now. Just so I can report back to this thread.

Although recently I did get stuck behind this guy at a register who was buying like 40 cans of cat food and a bottle of wine. That was pretty weird.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
They tried that(sort of), it didn't and won't work.

Not really. The Pacers don't have anyone on their team like Dale or Antonio Davis anymore. They don't have an enforcer. They didn't knock Rose down so he had no reason to fear driving to the hole. That's not playoff basketball.


Watching the highlights of the Celtics game makes me realize Knicks fan do have legit gripes. They should be angry about:

Allowing a 23-9 Celtics run.

Not rebounding the ball.

Melo shooting 1-11 in the second half.

Amare not getting any touches in the last dos minutes.

Allowing the Rondo inbound alley oop to KG.

Letting Melo jack up a horrific Lebronesque clutch 3 in the last 5 seconds when they were down 2.
friskykillface said:
Nate missed an easy lay up-2 points, Rondo got called for blocking Odom and it waived KG's lay up off-2 points.

Game 7 is tied, overtime!!!!!!! that would have been sick B^)

Annnd for all the people that were crying about Perkins missing Game 7, Sheed's offensive output that game doesn't happen if Perk is in there in his regular rotation.



Rodeo Clown said:
I don't really pay much attention to other people's carts, but I think I will now. Just so I can report back to this thread.

Although recently I did get stuck behind this guy at a register who was buying like 40 cans of cat food and a bottle of wine. That was pretty weird.

leave Trax alone
Gigglepoo said:
Not really. The Pacers don't have anyone on their team like Dale or Antonio Davis anymore. They don't have an enforcer. They didn't knock Rose down so he had no reason to fear driving to the hole. That's not playoff basketball.

Rose isn't going to shy away from the rim if he gets hit hard, you understimate his mental toughness.

That's useful against weak passive players and usually overrated.


I didn't watch the game, can someone tell me if the FThunders won because they shot a billion FTs and JRtard acting stupid?

Cubsfan23 said:
Melo always chokes against good defensive teams in the playoffs. Reason #1 the Knicks never had a chance in this series.

Shoulda went with Amare, dude was beasting.


Rodeo Clown said:
I don't really pay much attention to other people's carts, but I think I will now. Just so I can report back to this thread.

Although recently I did get stuck behind this guy at a register who was buying like 40 cans of cat food and a bottle of wine. That was pretty weird.
Getting some pussy tonight.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Rose isn't going to shy away from the rim if he gets hit hard, you understimate his mental toughness.

That's for weak passive players and usually overrated.

Everyone has a limit. But, yeah, Rose is tougher than Vince or Wade.


Godslay said:
Who needs one, when five of nine were in double digits? Have you watched any of the post all-star break season?

yes and they got a matchup against one of the teams they can't beat in a 7 game series
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