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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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As Lamar's wife, KayKay knows the right way to approach him and bring up sensitive subjects like how useless Jamie is being. So she takes him on a walk in his favorite park and mentions having a "romantical" picnic there some day.

The two sit on a park bench and KayKay tells him the deal with the Rich Soil site. In return, Lamar opens up and tells KayKay all about Jamie's past -- he used to work on Wall Street until he had a serious stomach illness that caused him to lose 60-70 pounds. It even got to the point where Lamar thought he was going to lose him. Deep down, Lamar knows Jamie is being lazy but he also thinks Jamie hasn't fully recovered from his surgery.

Despite that, Lamar knows KayKay is worried about his business because she loves her man and he promises to talk to Jamie about it "in a Queens way." Lamar then tells KayKay he's "very grateful" for her telling him. In response, KayKay tells him how cute she is. They then make faces at each other while sitting on the park bench.


NBA players reality TV show draws 835% more viewers than team
The Lakers have the highest local television ratings in the NBA, but their star Lamar Odom crushed them with his new reality TV show.

“Khloe & Lamar” debuted with 2.6 million viewers in its opening Sunday night episode on the E!, according to VARIETY.

That’s 835% more viewers than the average Lakers home game gets on local cable (Fox Sports Net West) in Los Angeles.




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
dream said:
As Lamar's wife, KayKay knows the right way to approach him and bring up sensitive subjects like how useless Jamie is being. So she takes him on a walk in his favorite park and mentions having a "romantical" picnic there some day.

The two sit on a park bench and KayKay tells him the deal with the Rich Soil site. In return, Lamar opens up and tells KayKay all about Jamie's past -- he used to work on Wall Street until he had a serious stomach illness that caused him to lose 60-70 pounds. It even got to the point where Lamar thought he was going to lose him. Deep down, Lamar knows Jamie is being lazy but he also thinks Jamie hasn't fully recovered from his surgery.

Despite that, Lamar knows KayKay is worried about his business because she loves her man and he promises to talk to Jamie about it "in a Queens way." Lamar then tells KayKay he's "very grateful" for her telling him. In response, KayKay tells him how cute she is. They then make faces at each other while sitting on the park bench.
Get a fucking girlfriend already.


Jamesfrom818 said:
Seeing as how most Lakers game are also televised on TNT and ESPN, using FSN numbers seems a bit disingenuous.
The Lakers season opener on TNT got 3.7 million viewers.

However, I think local ratings are a good proxy for how much the players will get paid, because only FSN ratings translate directly into Laker money, while TNT money is split between all the teams (and that dead ABA team that gets TV money). I'm happy that Lamar is 50% star of a show, since he gets paid less money than so many people like Shard or Vince.


After 5 boring minutes of the idiot Celebrity All Star brother having a meeting with the girlband he's managing -- which includes him pitching ideas like having them be hipsters and them leaving the pool area to go inside to talk with their stylist about what a bad idea this is -- Lamar calls Jamie and takes him out for dinner at Wokano. Oh, and KayKay is coming along to interrogate him about Rich Soil.

Lamar hates this because KayKay is openly baiting Jamie by asking him how sales are and how the web site inventory is looking. Jamie, being the worthless freeloading piece of shit he is, keeps giving vague answers about how great sales are and how smoothly everything is running.

KayKay goes into conniving bitch mode and FLAT OUT GOES "Lamar, isn't there something you want to tell him?"

Lamar also goes into bitch mode and says "I have no idea what you're talking about."


KayKay decides it's time to set some boundaries and calls a locksmith to change the locks on their downtown apartment and decides it's time to bring her idiot Celebrity All Star brother in to run Rich Soil.

She calls this "Operation Lockout."

KayKay then tells Jamie the locks have been changed and if there's anything he wants to get, now's the time to tell her so she can get it for him.

Jamie: "Does Lamar know you're doing this?"
KayKay: "Lamar doesn't need to know."
Jamie: "I think you're way out of line."
KayKay: "I think you're out of line for going over there all the time."
Jamie: "He's my friend!"
KayKay: "He's my husband!"
Jamie: "I've been around him for 20 years. You just popped up a year ago! Do yourself a favor and grow up."

So Jamie calls Lamar (as Lamar is being driven around by his driver Mac) and tells him what's up. In an unbelievable Paulike moment, Lamar tells Jamie there's nothing he can do because "she's the boss." Jamie tells Lamar he should handle his wife. I guess Lamar doesn't like that because he tells Jamie to go to his closet and "hang this up." This being the phone call.
“If the effort isn’t there,” he said, “I’m not going to sit around and wait, especially in the playoffs.”

What he meant to say: I’m not waiting on Pau.

Nor should he. More than anyone, this loss falls on the shoulders of Pau Gasol(notes). With the Hornets having lost forward David West(notes), their second-best player, to a season-ending knee injury, the Lakers walked into this series with a huge size advantage. Emeka Okafor(notes) didn’t stay on the floor long enough to make an impact because of foul trouble, further limiting New Orleans’ interior presence to 6-foot-9 forward Carl Landry(notes), Gray and Jason Smith(notes), a jump-shooting 7-footer. The Lakers’ three-man rotation at the two big positions – Gasol, Lamar Odom(notes) and Andrew Bynum(notes) – spans nearly 21 feet and $40 million.

And through a combination of Paul’s penetrating drives and L.A.’s defensive indifference, the Hornets outscored the Lakers 52-34 in the paint. Gasol took just nine shots to Bryant’s 26, making only two. He didn’t fight for position under the basket. He didn’t demand the ball. He floated.


Someone asked if Odom also needed to hike his scoring, and Bryant made clear that wasn’t the problem. “Pau is our guy,” he said. “He’s next in line and gets the responsibility that comes with it.”

Pau better come out aggressive in game 2.


Lamar's probably feeling really emasculated because he calls KayKay to see where she's at and goes "yo, Khloe Odom!" It turns out KayKay is at her BFF/assistant's spot so Lamar has Mac drop him off at their building. KayKay's BFF greets Lamar by squealing at him in a way I can't even describe. In turn, Lamar greets her by squealing at her in a way I can't even describe.

Now that all the squealing's done, KayKay sits Lamar down and breaks it down for him. She thinks Lamar is wasting too much money supporting Jamie, Jamie is terrible at the one job he's supposed to do, and she worries Lamar is hurting Jamie by enabling his freeloading lifestyle. KayKay starts mimicking Lamar by saying "ohhh but it's my best friend, he almost died, it's not Queens if I push him, well FUCK QUEENS THIS IS CALIFORNIA!"

Lamar just sits there and takes it because he knows KayKay is right. But then KayKay fucks it up by patronizing Lamar by telling him "I AM an entrepreneur so I know better than you." Lamar gets all defiant, telling her his legs and his hands are his business (he probably should have remembered that this afternoon) and storms out.


I know I'm late to this, but that Z-Bo extension is bananas. Close to $18 million/year with a new CBA approaching for a guy with big personality issues who will never win you anything significant?

Grizz are destined for a perpetual bottom 4 seed.


ryutaro's mama said:
Of course you do, now that it's safe again.

Again, you must have this thread mixed up with the RealGM boards.

But feel free to keep posting random youtube videos for your own benefit.

I don't even know what the RealGM board is.
KingGondo said:
I know I'm late to this, but that Z-Bo extension is bananas. Close to $18 million/year with a new CBA approaching for a guy with big personality issues who will never win you anything significant?

Grizz are destined for a perpetual bottom 4 seed.

and owners (especially of teams like the Grizz) want to cry poor and beg for a new CBA. Pathetic.
Z-bo is the 9th best player in the NBA right now, come on. The Grizzlies are contending this year without their second best player as well...

Jazz have gone fishing...



ryutaro's mama said:
And I have no idea who you are.

I can't recall a single post from you regarding "your Bulls" on here before it got "safe" in 2011.

But whatevs! Welcome aboard!
I started liking them last year. I don't post here often. Which team are you rooting for?
KingGondo said:
I know I'm late to this, but that Z-Bo extension is bananas. Close to $18 million/year with a new CBA approaching for a guy with big personality issues who will never win you anything significant?

Grizz are destined for a perpetual bottom 4 seed.

Yeah, I thought it was a joke when I first read it on here. That's fucking crazy amount of money for him, but I guess since they finally won a PO game, they were so excited that they wanted to go out and spend some cash to celebrate.

I hope Serge/Harden can get their offense going, because there's probably no way Durant and RW score 72 points again.


NomarTyme said:
LOL I pretty sure he is a Blazer's fan or am I confusing him with someone else?

You're thinking of reilo, man.

ryutaro has been reppin' the Cavs since the days of Mark Price.

A true lifelong amongst us here at NBA Age.


What a kunt. As Lamar leaves, KayKay starts screaming "enabler, enabler, enabler" at him. Fully emasculated, Lamar heads over to Jamie's spot to tell him what happened. I guess KayKay's taunts got to him because he concedes that he might really be an enabler and he tells Jamie about the Rich Soil web site shit. Jamie tells him he'll step his game up. The two fist bump.

For some reason, KayKay's BFF/assistant brings over ice cream for Lamar and Jamie and tells them KayKay is sitting in the lobby by herself because she thinks they hate her. It's pretty fitting that it's soft ice cream because Lamar instantly bolts out to the lobby to share some of it with his sulky, misunderstood wife.

The next day, Jamie calls KayKay and asks her to meet him for lunch. She obliges, only to be told "you should stay out of the business stuff because Lamar and I got it covered." He tells her everything always works out and she shoots right back with "what always works out? You guys always just cancel the company at the end of the day?" He brings up the 20 year thing and tells her that's why he didn't trip when KayKay and Lamar got married after 2 weeks - because he just wants Lamar to be happy. KayKay tells him Rich Soil being successful would make Lamar very happy and Jamie promises he'll do his best to make it happen. KayKay calls him a good boy and all is well again with Khloe and Lamar.

Darkman M

ryutaro's mama said:
But in my opinion, that makes them more reliable because they have no dog in the fight.

Knicks got fucking screwed tonight.

I am a fan and I say that.

The Lakers did not get screwed tonight--they just fucking lost.

He's obviously s a knick fan......
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