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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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Lebron James wouldn't do it? Really Woj? The difference is, Lebron would blow by his guy, get doubled in the lane, and then kick it out for a long 3 instead of pulling up for the game-winner. Jared Jeffries is a professional basketball player, if an unguarded catch and shoot within 3 feet of the basket is outside the realm of possibility, he should not be on the floor in the final minute of the game.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Lebron James wouldn't do it? Really Woj? The difference is, Lebron would blow by his guy, get doubled in the lane, and then kick it out for a long 3 instead of pulling up for the game-winner. Jared Jeffries is a professional basketball player, if an unguarded catch and shoot within 3 feet of the basket is outside the realm of possibility, he should not be on the floor in the final minute of the game.

Or LeBron would take the shot and miss the rim entirely.

Don't sell him short.


So if Melo takes the shot in double coverage=bad
If Melo passes the ball because he is in double coverage=bad
Thats what I call a win win sistuation
Celsior said:
So if Melo takes the shot in double coverage=bad
If Melo passes the ball because he is in double coverage=bad
Thats what I call a win win sistuation

For me, it's just that they are so weak in talent regularly(not to mention in crunch time) without Amare and Melo got them to that point and for him to defer to someone else, it seems a waste of all that he did.

I am neither slamming or praising him though, maybe the coach drew up the play and as stupid or incompetent as he may be, you should listen to the coach.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Lebron James wouldn't do it? Really Woj? The difference is, Lebron would blow by his guy, get doubled in the lane, and then kick it out for a long 3 instead of pulling up for the game-winner. Jared Jeffries is a professional basketball player, if an unguarded catch and shoot within 3 feet of the basket is outside the realm of possibility, he should not be on the floor in the final minute of the game.
Please, Lebron would've pulled up for a three and bricked it.

But I agree with your overall point.
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
For me, it's just that they are so weak in talent regularly(not to mention in crunch time) without Amare and Melo got them to that point and for him to defer to someone else, it seems a waste of all that he did.

I am neither slamming or praising him though, maybe the coach drew up the play and as stupid or incompetent as he may be, you should listen to the coach.

But he didn't defer.

He passed the ball out of obvious multi-player coverage (of course they were going to send the galaxy to cover him) to the most open possible player some 5 to 10 feet away from the basket. It'd be one thing if Melo was open and chose not to take the open shot, ala C-Webb x Bibby in that infamous Kings/Lakers WCF many moons ago.

...but that isn't what happened.
captmcblack said:
But he didn't defer.

He passed the ball out of obvious multi-player coverage (of course they were going to send the galaxy to cover him) to the most open possible player some 5 to 10 feet away from the basket. It'd be one thing if Melo was open and chose not to take the open shot, ala C-Webb x Bibby in that infamous Kings/Lakers WCF many moons ago.

...but that isn't what happened.

The play happened so fast, I'd have to see it again(didn't see a lot of replays).

People here act like Jeffries was wide open for a layup and I didn't see it that way as he tried to pass the ball(which would have been successful had it not been for Garnett) but maybe I didn't see it right.

Either way, it's a shame that Melo couldn't have finished what he started.

Jeffries already used up his one play down the stretch(no idea why Garnett didn't block that, probably was surprised Jeffries was coming at him).
captmcblack said:
But he didn't defer.

He passed the ball out of obvious multi-player coverage (of course they were going to send the galaxy to cover him) to the most open possible player some 5 to 10 feet away from the basket. It'd be one thing if Melo was open and chose not to take the open shot, ala C-Webb x Bibby in that infamous Kings/Lakers WCF many moons ago.

...but that isn't what happened.

Eh...Melo at times was passing out WAY too quickly on some of those doubles. Big Baby would roll up and Melo would be like fuck it and toss a terrible cross court pass where his teammates would fumble with it. Bill Walker would have a 1 on 1 iso against Ray Allen and be too scared to take him off the dribble.

Not saying Melo did anything wrong really but a Big Baby double team at the three point line shouldn't stop a superstar. Blow through the double.
reilo said:
I'm not as much defending him as trying to understand how two people can watch the same game and come to different conclusions. Matthews was terrible that game -- worse than Roy even. To say Roy cost Portland the game though is completely false. He wasn't chucking up shots left and right and he was setting people up.

Plus, "making the pass any guard would have made"? Really? Then why haven't Rudy and Matthews done it? Matthews had 0 assists, 0 steals, 1 rebound, 3 turnovers and 4 PF in 36 minutes last night. Why didn't Miller do it last night in the fourth?

Hell, Roy played 8 minutes last night and Matthews played 36, yet Portland lost by even more and failed to score 90 points again. Is that Roy's fault, too? Or does it suggest that there are deeper issues with the way Portland has played the first two games?

Last night Portland got beat in the 2nd half, straight up, everywhere. Mostly from Dirk and Peja.

The 1st game was close and Roy was hurting the team. By "passes" I mean that if you just give the ball to LMA and he turns and shoots, it counts as an assist, but it wasn't like an actual shot was created.

Even if Matthews was worse in game 1, my point is that he has a chance to improve later in the game. Roy is shot. I just don't see the upside to playing him unless he gets it going right out of the gate. There's enough evidence to suggest Roy won't get it done this year again, ever. I'll take an actual chance in Matthews than a no chance in Roy.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Big Baby is a dirtier player than Garnett.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Black Mamba said:
Last night Portland got beat in the 2nd half, straight up, everywhere. Mostly from Dirk and Peja.

The 1st game was close and Roy was hurting the team. By "passes" I mean that if you just give the ball to LMA and he turns and shoots, it counts as an assist, but it wasn't like an actual shot was created.
I seriously have to question if you believe that playmaking is an ability that any guard can do. That's such an absurd statement I don't even know where to begin. If that was the case, DeShawn Stevenson would be asked to run the offense for the Mavericks.
Even if Matthews was worse in game 1, my point is that he has a chance to improve later in the game. Roy is shot. I just don't see the upside to playing him unless he gets it going right out of the gate. There's enough evidence to suggest Roy won't get it done this year again, ever. I'll take an actual chance in Matthews than a no chance in Roy.
You obviously haven't watched Matthews play enough. If he doesn't start off well, he won't finish well. Period. Roy was running the offense for the first half of the fourth quarter and it got them the lead. Why go away from something that was working? Nate was simply playing the hot hands that quarter.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
YuriLowell said:
I bet they cut player average salaries by 20%.

They said only 8 teams or so actually turn a profit. WTF.
The economics of the NBA are broken. But, yeah, this next CBA will see a reduction in salary and a hard cap. It's gonna be great.


The Stealth Fox said:
If the Lakers blow out the Hornets tonight, the series is pretty much over.

Hornets win
What if the Hornets blow out the Lakers tonight? You think it'll be over?

If Paul can continue his dominance, Lakers are gonna have trouble. But whenever Kobe's on the floor, anything is possible. It's Black Mamba goddammit!

The Stealth Fox

Junior Member
snack said:
What if the Hornets blow out the Lakers tonight? You think it'll be over?

If Paul can continue his dominance, Lakers are gonna have trouble. But whenever Kobe's on the floor, anything is possible. It's Black Mamba goddammit!

Dude, Emeka Okafor is on this team. AARON GRAY IS SLOW is on this team. If the Lakers lose this series it'll be worse than DAL/GSW.
reilo said:
I seriously have to question if you believe that playmaking is an ability that any guard can do. That's such an absurd statement I don't even know where to begin. If that was the case, DeShawn Stevenson would be asked to run the offense for the Mavericks.

You're confusing playmaking with simply making a pass. Assists are tabulated even when no real playmaking occurs a lot of times.

You obviously haven't watched Matthews play enough. If he doesn't start off well, he won't finish well. Period. Roy was running the offense for the first half of the fourth quarter and it got them the lead. Why go away from something that was working? Nate was simply playing the hot hands that quarter.

I wouldn't say he was running the offense. He also missed like 4 or 5 shots in that time frame. He also committed some shooting fouls and in the end he left and they no longer had the lead. What I saw was them getting lead despite Roy, but in the end they couldn't overcome his horrible play.

Perhaps Matthews doesn't play well if he starts slow. But I'd still take a chance on him than someone who looks done and is shooting 1/7 with hardly any other contributions and terrible defense.

edit: nate's a good coach, but he seems to get outcoached in the post-season. Team's style of play and his subs aren't very conducive to winning, it seems.
Heard on the radio they're gonna force the issue and go to Pau early tonight. He better play like a grown man tonight and not like the little priss he was last game.

Also ... I'm hoping they've talked about their switch defense. If I have to watch Pau gaurd Chris Paul one on one again without help I'm chucking my controller at the TV.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
Black Mamba said:
edit: nate's a good coach, but he seems to get outcoached in the post-season. Team's style of play and his subs aren't very conducive to winning, it seems.
I don't know. He worked miracles on that 05 Sonics team, especially in the playoffs, taking the Spurs to 6 in the second round without Rashard Lewis. I think it's just been a series of bad matchups for the Blazers the last couple years.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Black Mamba said:
You're confusing playmaking with simply making a pass. Assists are tabulated even when no real playmaking occurs a lot of times.
You clearly didn't watch the game. You're basically arguing, "just because he got an assist, it doesn't mean he facilitated it!"

... But to anyone that has watched the game, he did. He didn't just throw the pass at random intervals hoping for an assist.

I wouldn't say he was running the offense. He also missed like 4 or 5 shots in that time frame. He also committed some shooting fouls and in the end he left and they no longer had the lead. What I saw was them getting lead despite Roy, but in the end they couldn't overcome his horrible play.

Perhaps Matthews doesn't play well if he starts slow. But I'd still take a chance on him than someone who looks done and is shooting 1/7 with hardly any other contributions and terrible defense.

edit: nate's a good coach, but he seems to get outcoached in the post-season. Team's style of play and his subs aren't very conducive to winning, it seems.
Let's play a game, shall we?

Name Portland's backup point-guard:

A) Brandon Roy
B) Rudy Fernandez
C) Patty Mills

If you said B or C, you'd be wrong. Because of Portland's lack of backup point-guard, Nate has asked Brandon to play that role. So for you to say that Roy wasn't being a playmaker is silly.

I also love the "despite of" argument. It's the same argument Nate haters have thrown out over the years.

"Portland has won games despite of Nate, not because of him!"

Yeah, okay. If that's what your argument boils down to, I shouldn't bother. You've done nothing but throw out empty scenarios that never actually occurred.


Fenderputty said:
Also ... I'm hoping they've talked about their switch defense. If I have to watch Pau gaurd Chris Paul one on one again without help I'm chucking my controller at the TV.

This won't change.

Nash abused the shit out of the Lakers' horrible pick-'n'-roll defense during the 2010 WCF.


reilo said:
I think some of it has to do with him being an athlete. Hell, just a month ago everybody in the sports world was basically in shock when they read the Grant Hill rebuttal to Jalen Rose because of how well written it was. "An athlete can write like that?"

Fair or not, we think of athletes as people without a proper education. It's why the NBA has the age limit in place, it's why we have terms like "Basketball IQ".

In cases like this with Westbrook not knowing about the OKC bombing, it certainly doesn't help. He's a 22-year old US native that has been living in OKC for three years now and didn't know about one of the largest domestic terror acts in its history? This happened in 1995. He should at be least smart enough not to admit that he did not know about the OKC bombings.

If you were to ask him about certain pop culture in 1995, I'm sure he'd be able to give you answers about those.
Remember when you defended Roy for not standing for the national anthem? Yeah....
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