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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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dream said:
Damn, CP3 going into Derrick Rose shooting guard mode.

He needs to do that for most of the rest of the game, fuck getting everyone involved when you are the best option.

He's unselfish to a fault at times, I have seen him have open jumpers only to pass to someone closer or elsewhere.
Dark FaZe said:
Lmao Bynum is running shit.

Shannon Brown is gone next year. Dude regressed like crazy.

His decision making since that horrible pass has been a LOT better in this game than the last few games, particularly with when/whom to pass to. And he listened to Bynum telling him where to go!

Chris Paul is such an amazing player. These shots he is hitting are so tough. He is easily the best PG in the game.

Landry made a really dumb foul there, but I love it.


NO should use Chris Paul in the PnR every single possession for the rest of the game. I'm not sure why you would ever have Ariza try and create with CP3 on the loor.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
He needs to do that for most of the rest of the game, fuck getting everyone involved when you are the best option.

He's unselfish to a fault at times, I have seen him have open jumpers only to pass to someone closer or elsewhere.

God, I hate that. I watched a lot of Suns games towards the end of the season hoping for a miraculous playoff push. Nash is so frustrating to watch because he keeps trying to get his worthless teammates involved and forgetting he's a great shooter.
dream said:
God, I hate that. I watched a lot of Suns games towards the end of the season hoping for a miraculous playoff push. Nash is so frustrating to watch because he keeps trying to get his worthless teammates involved and forgetting he's a great shooter.

Yeah, Nash is guilty of the same.

If you are hot, go with it.

Look at your boy Rondo, he was feeling it and creating havoc on offense while still getting others involved.

Chris Paul has hit some fairly tough shots this game, I could only imagine the ones he passed on would have been nothing to him.

J2 Cool

SoulPlaya said:
Every team wishes they had a guy like Odom on their squad.

Seriously, such a hands down 6th man of the year. Seems to make nothing but good decisions. The only negative he brings to a team is Khloe.
Pau Gasol Vampire-Mode
Man I know Pau is a 4 and all but remembering when we had Snaq and him killing opposing players who tried to foul him makes it evrn more apparent how bitchy Pau is.


Godslay said:
Well, good game OKC, they deserved to win as you could tell they wanted it more tonight.

I'm not quite sure what to think of this Denver team in the playoffs. They seem like a different beast than what they were in the regular season. After the meltdown last year, I'm not sure what to think going ahead. Either they give up like they did to the Jazz, or they come back and fight. It will be an interesting game 3. Hopefully they get their shit together, because they certainly can stand toe to toe with OKC.

Denver is 0-4 vs OKC after the trade. I think we go 1-1 in Denver and then close it out in game 5.

Someone called in to the post game and said that after JR Smith was benched he just sat with his arms folded looking straight ahead the entire game. He must have got into it with Karl. There is definitely a lot of potential with Denver but they play so dumb sometimes.
why foul so weakly, guys? It is the playoffs. No layups.

Odom and Bynum have carried the offense to this point. I love seeing Drew demand how the offensive play will be run. The bench unit needs that kind of player out there with em.
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