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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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Basically, only a true asshat could legitimately suggest that Carmelo Anthony should not have passed the ball under immediate double/triple coverage to an open man at point-blank range near the basket (who had just hit a shot from that range one possession prior) with the game in the balance.

That was what he was supposed to do.

...but that discussion is irrelevant considering the 3rd game just happened, and it was a spectacular loss. :(


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Ok, I'm drunk but that doesn't sway me, Melo could have turned and shot right away and I don't see Jared Jeffries as open as you guys do.

I'll look it at it a few more times but Kevin Garnett is there in a hurry and Kevin Garnett near you isn't an uncontested open layup.

Looked at it again and I totally disagree, would have been a tough shot for Melo(which he makes often) but Jeffries was not wide open at all.
How does this even make sense?
captmcblack said:
Basically, only a true asshat could legitimately suggest that Carmelo Anthony should not have passed the ball under immediate double/triple coverage to an open man at point-blank range near the basket

You forgot the part with "where one of the best defensive players in the league" was right there.
charsace said:
How does this even make sense?

How does asking completely vague questions make sense???

I saw the replay, fast and slowed down and stand by what I said.

If you think Jared Jeffries was open for an uncontested layup, that's your eyes deceiving you.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Ok, I'm drunk but that doesn't sway me, Melo could have turned and shot right away and I don't see Jared Jeffries as open as you guys do.

I'll look it at it a few more times but Kevin Garnett is there in a hurry and Kevin Garnett near you isn't an uncontested open layup.

Looked at it again and I totally disagree, would have been a tough shot for Melo(which he makes often) but Jeffries was not wide open at all.
I'm not saying shooting a 2ft hook/layup over an unset garnets easy, but it's easier then a turn around double teamed jump shot from 3 over pierce and baby.
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
You forgot the part with "where one of the best defensive players in the league" was right there.

If Jared Jeffries simply jumps, he probably draws the foul and gets free throws to possibly tie or ice the game.

Instead, Jared Jeffries decided to try to run directly into one of the best defensive players in the league, and then wrap a two-handed pass around him.

That was Jared Jeffries' bad 150%. That is his fuckup. That is his fault.
giri said:
I'm not saying shooting a 2ft hook/layup over an unset garnets easy, but it's easier then a turn around double teamed jump shot from 3 over pierce and baby.

Well yeah, the problem I have with that is it's Melo taking a really tough shot opposed to Jeffries taking a tough shot.

I know who I'd go with.

If Jeffries was wide open under the basket, I would fully agree it was the right play but then again, Melo probably didn't even notice Garnett around there.
captmcblack said:
If Jared Jeffries simply jumps, he probably draws the foul and gets free throws to possibly tie or ice the game.

Against Garnett???


If they call that one game and offensive foul(jockeying for position) against Carmelo like that, I don't know how you could think that.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
How does asking completely vague questions make sense???

I saw the replay, fast and slowed down and stand by what I said.

If you think Jared Jeffries was open for an uncontested layup, that's your eyes deceiving you.
Why should carmelo turn into the double and try to throw up a bad shot when there was enough time to work the ball around for a good shot?
charsace said:
Why should carmelo turn into the double and try to throw up a bad shot when there was enough time to work the ball around for a good shot?

Because it's the end of the game and he is known for hitting shots like that and he is passing to a complete scrub????


Poo, your arguments are too simple. We need some detailed paragraphs of analysis explaining why going to Jeffries was a bad decision.


feels good man, up 2-1 on the celtics shouldnt have dropped this easy one at home though hahahaaaaahhhhaahaaaaaaaaaaaa


also lmao @ triple u in that mcdonalds thread, what a disaster

and >;3 @ dream workin that charm on the ladies in the transsexual thread

prom prom me you wont take advantage of anyone whos currently emotionally unstable dream
Damn, both Bynum and Barnes were saying that the goal for Sunday is to jump all over the Hornets on early, give them no life and "step on their neck."

"Step on their necks"...fuck yes.

Follow through, fellas.

Follow fucking through and get out of this series ASAP.
ryutaro's mama said:
Damn, both Bynum and Barnes were saying that the goal for Sunday is to jump all over the Hornets on early, give them no life and "step on their neck."

"Step on their necks"...fuck yes.

For a second, I thought I was in the music thread and someone was quoting Limp Bizkit.
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
What if Kobe was Melo and Luke Walton was Jeffries????

Kobe is much better at breaking a double team. But honestly, it would still be the right play to pass to Luke. And Luke wouldn't throw the ball away.

On the flip side, Phil Jackson would not have had Luke in!

BTW: you know those "clutch" stats people cite that show Kobe sucking. Most were accumulated from 2005-07. Take a guess why his stats were so bad.

It's because he'd tried to shoot over double team all the time

You just can't win consistently doing that. Then again, the few times the other guys had a chance, they sucked there too. I remember Kwame post up in his first game. Phil tried.
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Pau would have.

(just fucking with you, have a good night)



have a good one yourself.

Sidenote: Phil is playing Andrew a lot more in the 4th this year. used to be only the first 3 minutes and nothing afterwards. I've been clamoring for him to play Drew at times late in the 4th because of his defensive presence, but he always trusted Lamar. Of course, this season was Lamar's best and he earned all those minutes. All 3 have earned em. Seems Phil will be riding the hot hand and more situational about it. I'm glad to see him open to that, finally. It will keep gasol fresher going forward, as well. No more playing the final 24 minutes.

Tonight he actually played the Killer B's with Bynum-Gasol combo. Fouls kind of contributed to that, but he could have still played Lamar. Phil basically never plays the bench with the Bynum-Gasol combo. He usually feels like Lamar's ball-handling needs to be out there when Kobe is not, but tonight it did really well. I wonder if we'll see more of this, too.

Damn, both Bynum and Barnes were saying that the goal for Sunday is to jump all over the Hornets on early, give them no life and "step on their neck."

"Step on their necks"...fuck yes.

Follow through, fellas.

Follow fucking through and get out of this series ASAP.

I don't think NOH can win game 5 in LA down 3-1. I hope the Lakers mean it too. I think game 4 will be closer and I expect Kobe + Pau to lead the way in that one (moreso than tonight). Hopefully, the defense stays locked in.

Hey, at least it's not a 12:30 game!

Darkman M

Black Mamba said:


have a good one yourself.

Sidenote: Phil is playing Andrew a lot more in the 4th this year. used to be only the first 3 minutes and nothing afterwards. I've been clamoring for him to play Drew at times late in the 4th because of his defensive presence, but he always trusted Lamar. Of course, this season was Lamar's best and he earned all those minutes. All 3 have earned em. Seems Phil will be riding the hot hand and more situational about it. I'm glad to see him open to that, finally. It will keep gasol fresher going forward, as well. No more playing the final 24 minutes.

Tonight he actually played the Killer B's with Bynum-Gasol combo. Fouls kind of contributed to that, but he could have still played Lamar. Phil basically never plays the bench with the Bynum-Gasol combo. He usually feels like Lamar's ball-handling needs to be out there when Kobe is not, but tonight it did really well. I wonder if we'll see more of this, too.

I don't think NOH can win game 5 in LA down 3-1. I hope the Lakers mean it too. I think game 4 will be closer and I expect Kobe + Pau to lead the way in that one (moreso than tonight). Hopefully, the defense stays locked in.

Hey, at least it's not a 12:30 game!

This isn't the same Bynum from last year or any year in his career, he finally accepted his role as the defensive anchor and it's making all the difference, he never use to attack the boards and contest every shot as he does now.
Darkman M said:
This isn't the same Bynum from last year or any year in his career, he finally accepted his role as the defensive anchor and it's making all the difference, he never use to attack the boards and contest every shot as he does now.

No doubt. But last year Lamar would have...shall we say, no shows. And I thought Drew deserved a shot to prove his salt. Now, by the end of the playoffs his knee wouldn't let him, but early on I felt bad for him.

Speaking on your point, SI has a great new article about it (and how Bynum's starting out and how he's matured).

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1184609/1/index.htm great read, IMO.

Love the new mentality.

edit: one more thing. In close games, Phil should definitely do offense-defense switches with Pau and Drew. Final minute, no excuse not to do it.


NEW YORK -- Near the end of a night their worst enemy would not have wished on them, the New York Knicks were reduced to a sad and pathetic sight. They had the likes of Roger Mason Jr. firing away from the outside and Jared Jeffries making power moves on the inside while the Boston Celtics giggled on their Seventh Avenue bench.

This was about a team failing to honor the patience and faith of a long-abused fan base that had waited 10 years to make the Garden sound the way it did before the opening tip -- like the only relevant gym in the world.

What a searing indictment of this coach and that team.

Instead they allowed Paul Pierce and Ray Allen to score 70 points, and never made the kind of Game 3 contact with Rajon Rondo that the Indiana Pacers made with Derrick Rose, who was forced to take a beating before making another winning shot.

"He controlled the game," D'Antoni said of Rondo, who posted an Oscar Robertson line of 15 points, 20 assists, and 11 rebounds and didn't have a scratch to show for it.

The Knicks never held the lead. They played harder against the Celtics in March, and the fans let them know it. Their rage gave way to resignation in the third quarter, when Jeffries and Landry Fields stumbled and bumbled about, creating more than their fair share of embarrassing scenes.

The Knicks were being Rondo-d to death, making like propped-up dummies in an obstacle course while Boston's point guard zigged here and zagged there.

At the start of the fourth quarter, Knicks down 23, Allen was busy laughing out loud on the Boston bench. He must've gotten a quick look at D'Antoni's lineup.

Bill Walker. Shawne Williams. Toney Douglas. Jeffries. Fields.

Good luck winning a juco tournament with that squad

Stoudemire moved as if Big Baby Davis was sitting on his shoulders. In fact, for the first time this series, the big-talking Davis turned out to be something of a prophet.

The Knicks' $100 million center was not that hard to guard after all

The '97 Knicks would ride the fan-generated emotion to the brink of near-victory. The 2011 Knicks?

They would ride that emotion into the ground.

The Knicks don't have the requisite talent to beat the Celtics in four straight, but their fan base wasn't asking for that Friday night, after 10 long years of suffering.

The crowd was only asking the Knicks to show the requisite heart to beat Boston once, or to at least pass out trying. D'Antoni and his players should be embarrassed that this simple request was much too much to ask for

ESPN New York finally catches on to what the rest of the world knows about the Knicks.


The M.O.B

Black Mamba said:
Meanwhile, Spurs still haven't played game 3!

Always hated how certain series were ahead of others. Chicago will be going for the sweep before OKC, SA, DEN, MEM even hit the floor for their Game 3. :/


The M.O.B said:
Always hated how certain series were ahead of others. Chicago will be going for the sweep before OKC, SA, DEN, MEM even hit the floor for their Game 3. :/
I hate how drawn out the whole thing is, but i guess they have to schedule for every game to be a 7 gamer.


Knicks deserve the brutality, I was out tonight and caught about half the game on various TVs, but what I did see was pathetic. And not just in talent, but in effort, and thats the problem.

And they were playing a celtics team with an average age of 72, tired isn't an excuse. The celtics are a superior team no doubt, but the knicks don't just have inferior talent, they also play dumber, lazier, and are often poorly coached. It's funny to see D'Antoni flipping on the sideline when they dont get a rebound or watching Carmelo hold the ball on an iso and then the organization does nothing about it. Maybe its the coach, maybe its the GM, and obviously Carmelo is a better player than any of the guys they traded away, but if this is the atmosphere that's going to surround the team, they aren't winning a title anytime soon.
Holy Smokes Ray Allen! 8 3 Pointers tonight at MSG! He wanted Spike to see that Shuttlesworth still got game. He was 8 for 11. And he is 15 for 20 in this series. O_O


I don't understand why people are getting so salty about this loss. Look at the roster we were putting out there ffs. We were at a huge talent disadvantage even at full health. Why are cats so upset? I'm doing fine, but I called a sweep from the beginning. Honestly, I wish the C's hadn't played like shit for the majority of the first two games, it made things seem a little closer than they actually were and made it hurt a little bit more than it would have otherwise. But I still don't really give a shit.

That being said the C's were gifted the first game (though either collusion or incompetence) and were a Buckner-esce fuck up away from losing to one man in the second. If they turn the ball over and rebound like they did against the Knicks in the next round Miami is gonna run a train on them. And I'm gonna be posting dancing LeBron gifs all de time.


on the other hand im pretty happy is boston go for the sweep, at least they will be better rested to face the heat.

Because there is no way i want the heat in the ECF.


ryutaro's mama said:
I fucking hate that guy almost as much as I hate Stuart Scott's constant attempts to sound "cool".

Fucking why is this gone?


Marv + The Czar + BILL FUCKING WALTON calling the Finals.


Marv fucking Albert. Goddamn just that guys voice brings back memories of watching all those bulls games way back in the 90s in chicago. Wearing all those damned 3 peat hats to school and shit lol. Does Marv Albert still work the NBA?


Lebron is more likely to choke against a good team than an 80 year old with fake teeth and the hiccups eating steak with plastic silverware at a comedy club. Wouldn't worry about him in the ECF.
Black Mamba said:
that article was way too harsh on the knicks. They blew their wad in game 2 and were tired.

Meanwhile, Spurs still haven't played game 3!

Also, Billups was out and Amare was hurt.

I'm not a Knicks-apologist, but they weren't close to full strength and they were playing a Boston team in full playoff mode. It doesn't take a genius to know that it probably wouldn't end well.

Melo and a bunch of scrubs are not going to hang with the Czzz. Not sure what the NY fans/media were expecting. Any playoff success was dashed when you drew the Celtics and Billups went down. If you drew Miami like the whole sports world wanted then you might have had a puncher's chance.
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