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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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J2 Cool

Red Blaster said:
It'll be awesome when the Bulls get knocked out so these lifelongs will never post here again.

It'll be awesome when Rose wins a title, so Red Blaster will have nothing to post again.


effzee said:
Are you dense or just playing dumb?

The commentators called out the instigating move. Its clear as day that Noah whether intentionally or intentionally caught McRoberts with a forearm. In fact the commentators then said they "missed" the initial forearm thrown by Noah. This not a matter of opinion or something I am making up. Its not about questioning one's basketball IQ, its about common sense and your eyes and ears telling you what happened. Ref's wouldn't throw Noah out simply because they missed it and McRoberts retaliated. If they didn't miss it and McRoberts didnt retaliate they would have at the least given Noah a technical foul.

Psycho T got locked up with Noah and both Noah and T were called for a double foul (personal foul each). T didn't get the tech, the Pacer who went over to yell at the ref got it.

Main point still stands. Refs should at least look at what caused the incident. They went to review and saw it but did nothing.
If Noah gets a after the fact-fine or technical, I'll say you were right, but to me it looked like(on the previous time down the court) Noah was talking shit to McRoberts,
then they went to the other side of the court, came back down, and Noah went to position on McRoberts. McRoberts moved and Noah's arm unintentionally went up in the air. There was no attempt at hitting McRoberts, McRoberts got frustrated AFTER the two separated, and threw a punch, while Noah dodged. Regardless what you think what happened, McRoberts threw a punch, a no-no in the NBA. If he thought Noah was trying to elbow/forearm/hurt him, he should've just waited til they locked up under the rim again and got him back.

e: also the refs went back and watched the replay and nothing happened to noah. they saw the same replays we did, so how you got a forearm out of it, and the refs didn't confuses me.


Gigglepoo said:
Would the judge dismiss charges even if Noah filed a complaint? Why?

That's why I was talking about this case, not some random fight. I think Kermit Washington got in trouble with the law, though he might have just gotten a massive suspension.

Going into the stands and attacking fans is the same as throwing a forearm at a player?

Sorry, I missed this post. The judge would throw it out cuz its BS. If me and u were playing ball and I threw a forearm at you, technically I could have you arrested but the judge would throw that out too. Judges aren't going to fuck a person or pack in already crowded jails and prisons for bull shit when nobody was seriously hurt.
Pau has all of the symptoms of bigs who have fallen off the cliff, I think it's over for this Lakers' team.

edit: Never mind! Looks like Stern will just rig it for them even if they suck.


dream said:
It seems pretty obvious at this point that the Hornets are the better team.

I am not trolling.

Sadly you are right. The Lakers are a step (or 2) slow to the ball and out of sync. I would be shocked if we take this game.
Lakers playing absolutely no defense right now. The amount of easy misses the Lakers have had in this series is frustrating. Combined with the tough shots and lucky bounces for New Orleans.

Sigh. And Ariza is stylin' on Kobe. Hitting 3s.

Bynum needs to defend Landry at some point, right Phil?

Lakers look like shit, right now. Their defense is has left and it's not even CP3 hurting them.
Zep said:
two lakers tap ball out = laker ball!

hilarious. there is no way that wasn't off the lakers (watched it on dvr again, pretty clearly off the lakers).

hornets will have to overcome the usual beneficial calls the lakers get in the playoffs

Tom Penny

Ridiculous that Gasol drew 2 offensive foul calls on defense erasing 4 points then they threw in the out of bounds for shits and giggles.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Pau has all of the symptoms of bigs who have fallen off the cliff, I think it's over for this Lakers' team.

edit: Never mind! Looks like Stern will just rig it for them even if they suck.
I've been calling the end of this team since December.
Who had the better career: Duncan or Kobe? I think it's easily Duncan, but it's probably going to be the main debate for next week so might as well start it now.

edit: Pau looks completely finished, his touch is gone.


Neo Member
So this is my 2nd basketball game ever to watch and I can honestly say I am enjoying it. I obviously don't know what is going on half the time but its fun nonetheless. I keep up with this thread to see what you guys say about whats going on to give me some perspective. Plus I enjoy reading your discussions. I live in NO so pretty much the only reason I started to watch was because the hornets are in the play offs. I'm hoping that I am not just enjoying it because its the playoffs because I would love another sport to watch.
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