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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Love Jesus or I'll cut you

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Black Mamba said:

Yeah, we kind of got past that but thanks for posting that incredibly old and overused fantastic picture.


overcast said:
I don't think he is crediting Westbrook for Durant's success at all. He is just saying Durant gets his points somehow. If Westbrook kept the ball to himself all of the time, there is no way in hell Durant would be the leading scorer in the NBA.
exactly yeah
TheGreatMightyPoo said:
Yeah, we kind of got past that but thanks for posting that incredibly old and overused fantastic picture.


I guess the biggest problem with the internet is sometimes sarcasm doesn't come through. Someone needs to invent a sarcasm font.


Duki said:

can you read

where did anyone say westbrook made durant better

and why do you care so much if they did

Duki said:
yeah but the nbas leading scorer a) doesnt play well every damn night, and b) wouldnt be the nbas leading fucking scorer if westbrook was as big a ballhog as everyone pretends he is

The fuck is that supposed to mean then?

overcast said:
I don't think he is crediting Westbrook for Durant's success at all. He is just saying Durant gets his points somehow. If Westbrook kept the ball to himself all of the time, there is no way in hell Durant would be the leading scorer in the NBA.

But Durant is the leading scorer of the NBA because he gets to the line, makes his FT and converts a decent number of shots efficiently.

Westbrook leading his team in FG attempts as a PG and having abysmal assist totals make him an Iverson-esque performer.

Dude completely ignores Perk/Ibaka/Collison under the basket at times.

When your franchise player is having to compete with an inefficient guard its hard to be sympathetic....

Sure Westbrook is young, has time to mature, improve......

But its hard to read a post taking Durants leading scorer achievement and somehow suggesting that Durant wouldn't be where he is if Westbrook had hogged the ball even more than he currently does and too me thats a logical mind fuck....

There is no way that Westbrook isn't a ball hog just because Durant is the Nba scoring leader. There is just no way to justify that shit....


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
I still can't get over the fact that THAT was the play the Celtics drew up for the biggest possession of their season.
The play might have been fine, execution is what went wrong.
McNei1y said:
That was a pretty awesome game tonight.

I wussed out and gave up watching after the second overtime and played some NHL Hitz, I was sick of seeing so many huge shots!!!!!!

I figured if I stopped watching that maybe someone would win and thankfully the Thunder did.

I am not a fan of either team but I thought they deserved it as they were winning at the end every time it seemed and more importantly, they should have won the game before it.
dIEHARD said:
The play might have been fine, execution is what went wrong.

I just don't get why Pierce held onto the ball until there were 6 seconds left that far out, was he trying to pass it or was it an iso play for him all the way????


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
I just don't get why Pierce held onto the ball until there were 6 seconds left that far out, was he trying to pass it or was it an iso play for him all the way????
Something to do with a Allen/KG screen but it got messed up.


Black Mamba said:
I would not trade Gay, either. They can let Mayo go. Sam Young and Allen can cover the 2 guard as can battier who can also back up Gay. But I think Battier is a UFA this off-season, no?

Gay will take his shots from Mayo's departure, and hopefully all the really bad ones Allen would put up (aka 10+ feet out).

Gay would also be a good player to play more minutes along the bench unit which will need scoring punch.

For instance, Conley, Allen, Gay, Zbo, Gasol for the 1st 6 minutes. Then you pull Gay out for Battier for 3 minutes. Then sun out one of the bigs for Arthur and then Allen out and put Gay back in.

bench unit of: Vazquez, Battier, gay, Arthur, Gasol (or Zbo/Hadidi).

And FTR, Gay was +3 on the season in on/off differential per 100 possessions. The team has been +1.5 without him, including post-injury.

edit: Although, I'd try really hard to package Mayo and Conley for CP3. Or Deron. I doubt either has a chance, but it's worth a shot.

Mayo has to go, though. If they can get some other depth or draft picks for him would be great.
I love what tony allen does, but the grizz offense grinds to a halt regularly when he's on the floor, due to spacing. unless he can develop range, they really can't afford to get rid of mayo.


Duki said:
exactly yeah
Durant tends to also be incredibly efficient. And westbrooks passes to him tend to be off screens, or just dump and run away. Its rarely off of penetration that westbrook started, and broke down the D. Westbrook has all the athleticism in the world, but the guy still is really really terrible at running an offense. Some of thats on him, some of it is on Brooks. Their offensive schemes seem non existent for extended periods regularly. If they could trade westbrook for Steph curry, they should.
dIEHARD said:
Something to do with a Allen/KG screen but it got messed up.

Yeah the play broke down. But PP held the ball like that to kill the clock so there wouldn't be any time left once he get off the shot.

But yeah that was pretty much their season. I guess now i just hope the Czz bloody up the Heat enough before they play the Hawks.

J2 Cool

giri said:
I know, Golden state would never do the trade, but it would be awesome if OKC got him.

Alright, it's possible Curry can match Westbrook's offense, limit turnovers slightly more while putting up less assists, but even he isn't your traditional PG. What good does that replacement do for the Thunder? Not to mention the defensive dropoff. Westbrook gets too much shit to be honest. Not way too much, but a little bit.


J2 Cool said:
Alright, it's possible Curry can match Westbrook's offense, limit turnovers slightly more while putting up less assists, but even he isn't your traditional PG. What good does that replacement do for the Thunder? Not to mention the defensive dropoff. Westbrook gets too much shit to be honest. Not way too much, but a little bit.
Curry is a much better passer, and is borderline looking like a traditional PG, on the warriors roster, with monta hogging the ball. I really think he is the next "traditional" pg to come through. Not to mention he's a much better shooter.
LiveFromKyoto said:
Jason Kidd got robbed.

Chris Bosh was robbed. It was a good game all said.

The perk trade was a mistake. We needed him.

I saw a funny stat line last night. Lebron has averaged more FTA in the playoffs then any other player in NBA history. Like 12 FTA a game.
Duki said:
wait, kobe made nba all defense?


Don't laugh, apparently coaches know everything. Well, Kobesground thinks so. Every other forum I've been to thinks he didn't deserve it. ClubLakers, Spurstalk, clutch fans, realgm, etc... fall into the latter. Any of lakers age post on Lakersground? Fuck I hate that forum.


Gay makes this team better. Anyone saying that he doesn't didn't watch us from Jan on to the all star break when we started using the

lineup. Gay doesn't take away shots from Zach and Mark with the lineup right now he would be taking the shots Young and Allen are taking. Also they will resign Marc and if I had to list the most likely person not back it would Mayo, but I really think that if the CBA allows it the entire team will be back next year. If they do that I think there is a strong possibility they just let Mayo walk after his rookie deal is up.

Anyway wanted to post after the game last night but I had too much school shit staring at me that I hadn't done yet but damn that was an amazing game congrats Thunder fans.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
KS Seven X said:
Don't laugh, apparently coaches know everything. Well, Kobesground thinks so. Every other forum I've been to thinks he didn't deserve it. ClubLakers, Spurstalk, clutch fans, realgm, etc... fall into the latter. Any of lakers age post on Lakersground? Fuck I hate that forum.

No offense to bball fans everywhere, and I'm not defending KB24, but the regular viewer is pretty terrible at judging an NBA player's defensive capabilities. Most either parrot what some "analyst" said, pull up irrelevant statistics, or just make a conclusion based on NBA Live defensive rankings.


Tashi0106 said:

Wade isn't that good of a defender. He got lit up all season long by SG's and he gambles way to much. If there was a stat that showed the amount of points given up b/c a player gambles on a steal or a block and failed, Wade would lead the NBA.
Blackface said:
Wade isn't that good of a defender. He got lit up all season long by SG's and he gambles way to much. If there was a stat that showed the amount of points given up b/c a player gambles on a steal or a block and failed, Wade would lead the NBA.

If there was a stat that showed smugness that motherfucker would also win.


I am not completely bashing Wade.

Wade is a good defender, but not all-nba.

Miami in general is a good defending team. Nobody really stands out, but overall they are really good.

If you actually look at the numbers, even Chris Bosh is a good defender now with a defensive rating of 103.3
Blackface said:
Wade isn't that good of a defender. He got lit up all season long by SG's and he gambles way to much. If there was a stat that showed the amount of points given up b/c a player gambles on a steal or a block and failed, Wade would lead the NBA.

When Wade is grounded and has to play good, solid man-on-man defense he's very good at it. But otherwise he generally does let people go by him more, I want to say it's Miami's help-defense system but that's probably just homer sounding of me.

And I feared Ray Allen a lot this series but we've done a good job not letting him run wild.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
ph33nix said:
When Wade is grounded and has to play good, solid man-on-man defense he's very good at it. But otherwise he generally does let people go by him more, I want to say it's Miami's help-defense system but that's probably just homer sounding of me.

And I feared Ray Allen a lot this series but we've done a good job not letting him run wild.

With what team does Ray Allen go into the hall of fame?
commish said:
With what team does Ray Allen go into the hall of fame?
The team that gave him a championship and the all time 3pt made record.

On another note it's annoying to see other Heat fans overlooking the Bulls/Hawks and automatically assuming we are getting to the Finals. The Hawks imo would def give us a really tough fight because they actually have a frontcourt.


CherryWoodFuton said:
The team that gave him a championship and the all time 3pt made record.

On another note it's annoying to see other Heat fans overlooking the Bulls/Hawks and automatically assuming we are getting to the Finals. The Hawks imo would def give us a really tough fight because they actually have a frontcourt.

you have one of the best defensive front courts in the league. I don't see them giving you much problems at all.

But who knows at this point.
CherryWoodFuton said:
The team that gave him a championship and the all time 3pt made record.

On another note it's annoying to see other Heat fans overlooking the Bulls/Hawks and automatically assuming we are getting to the Finals. The Hawks imo would def give us a really tough fight because they actually have a frontcourt.

I'm more frightened of the Bulls than I am the Hawks because they play better defense, the United Center is a harder place to win, and the Bulls are more of a slashing team in clutch moments, which means more FTs, which means a better closing team. I'm not sure if the Hawks are as good as they look; they've got the pieces to compete but I feel like we would have the advantage in a track meet against the Hawks. But playing a team with a giant chip on their shoulder sucks too.

commish said:
With what team does Ray Allen go into the hall of fame?

Do they have a choice? Honestly when I think Ray Allen, I think Seattle Sonics. But if he has a choice I think he'll enter as a Celtic, but who knows, there are too many Celtics HOFers and maybe he will want to stand out with Milwaukee/Seattle.


I quit watching last night when Boston went down court 3 times on offense and had 0 points with 2 minutes left. Especially after they passed the ball out of bounds.
"The times, they are a-changing".


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ugh, sports radio this morning. "Crown those Miami Heat as the champs!" That's all I've been hearing. The series isn't over yet, plus you have the ECF and then, if they get past, the Finals. There are still plenty of games to play.
J2 Cool said:
Alright, it's possible Curry can match Westbrook's offense, limit turnovers slightly more while putting up less assists, but even he isn't your traditional PG. What good does that replacement do for the Thunder? Not to mention the defensive dropoff. Westbrook gets too much shit to be honest. Not way too much, but a little bit.
How is Steph not a traditional PG? I know most people don't pay attention to the warriors but if you watch him play, you can see that he definitely is a good distributor. Personally I think he's got steve Nash potential


It looks like Kevin Durant bought a condo in Miami at Biscayne Bay.


Check out some of those pictures of the interior. Mother fucker... That's like my dream living space.

Looks amazing.

Bedrooms: 3 Bedroom
Bathrooms: 3.5 Bath
Interior: 2,815 sq ft (261.5 m²)
Terrace: 759 sq ft (70.6 m²)
Total Area: 3,574 sq ft (332.1 m²)

That's what KD bought.

Edit: The new Wiz uniforms actually look pretty... cool? I guess? It'll take some time to get used to. lol
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