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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Love Jesus or I'll cut you

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Puddles said:
I just don't want to see King Crab Robert Horry his way to multiple titles and fool sportswriters into calling him a top 20 player of all time two decades from now. The players who currently make up the top 20 don't deserve that.

Ok, lets be honest, the guy is a top 20 player of all time right now. I can't stand him but lets not even put him in the same conversation as Horring it.
StickSoldier said:
Cuz the douche was talking about how he would bring a title to Cleveland and shit, then bolts because it's too hard.

As I have said before Cleveland have every right to hate him. It's everyone else that uses the "how dare you assemble such great players together" reason that confuses me.
I need to see that KG block on Bosh again. It made me cry.

numble said:

What's the deal with Heat fans? Who are these people?

Got me lol!


Amory Blaine said:
For two games i guess would be the key words of your first point. They started off slow (and still won the games), I'll give you that, but they played well in the last 2 in NYC.

As far as getting our "teeth kicked in" by the heat, the celtics played terribly and lost to a good team. We won't play poorly in game 2.
lmao two games too fuckin many

you didnt magically just play badly today

you've been playing badly for a long time now

and you were made to play badly by a more talented team

which, by the way, matches up perfectly well with you because your moron gm traded away your starting centre

taking solace in playing well against d-leaguers in two games is pathetic and you should be angry at your shitty team, not making excuses for them

rondo suddenly looks like hell against a team which can defend, who knew?


Vire said:
Mediocre? Are you kidding me? Wade had 38, Jones had 25 and Lebron had 23. They held Rondo to a measly 8 points even though they have the clear advantage at the PG position. The defense was stifling at times. You must not watch basketball often...

Yes mediocre. Wade had an amazing game, I didnt think I needed to say it, but of course he did. Jones stepped up to, and a good this because Bosh was nowhere. But as for their defense, as stifling as it was "at times" the celts were going the fuck off on some crazy 8-0 10-0 runs over and over again pulling that lead back down to single digits before being eviscerated by a tech here, or a flurry or fouls there shitting on their momentum.

Sorry, it just didnt seem that either team was there 100% today.
MiamiWesker said:
As I have said before Cleveland have every right to hate him. It's everyone else that uses the "how dare you assemble such great players together" reason that confuses me.


The dude is full of himself. He has to join 2 other allstars to fucking win?
StickSoldier said:
Cuz the douche was talking about how he would bring a title to Cleveland and shit, then bolts because it's too hard.

And he could have if the Cleveland front office didn't suck balls and put a horrible 20 win core team around him. He had every right to leave. They had one of the most talented players to ever come into the NBA from the age of 18 and had a horrible plan to build around him. Lets overpay and sign a bunch of shitty veterans and keep throwing shit at the wall ever year instead of trying to surround him with good YOUNG talent to grow with! Cleveland should blame their owner and GMs, not Lebron. If he had stuck around and retired as a Cav, you think anyone would give Bron points for "loyalty"? No. They'd talk about how he never won shit, just like they do with Barkley and Malone and Reggie. That's the first thing associated with those guys.


dream said:

Perk would have broken James Jones' arm.

I don't understand the crazy "they can't win without perkins" mentality. Its ridiculous. Dude has a 6 PPG career average and picked up so many technical fouls that celtics fans actually started convincing themselves that it was a good thing (LOL HE'S PUMPING UP THE TEAM).

I liked perk as much as the next guy, and green totally hasn't panned out. But if we can't win a championship without perk, we weren't going to win one with him. Anyone acting like he's the guy that would've gotten us over the hump is fooling themselves.


Cipherr said:
Yes mediocre. Wade had an amazing game, I didnt think I needed to say it, but of course he did. Jones stepped up to, and a good this because Bosh was nowhere. But as for their defense, as stifling as it was "at times" the celts were going the fuck off on some crazy 8-0 10-0 runs over and over again pulling that lead back down to single digits before being eviscerated by a tech here, or a flurry or fouls there shitting on their momentum.

Sorry, it just didnt seem that either team was there 100% today.

Right, and I understand that. But basketball is a game of runs, you never stop a team as talented as the Celtics from fighting back. They aren't just going to lay down you know? So it's certainly expected that those types of things happen. Overall, I thought the Heat played great defense, most of the time when Boston went on runs it was because Ray Allen made incredible contested three's. There were plenty of blocks, steals and 24 second violations that more than made up for it. Not to mention that Rondo is exposed when a decent defensive team plays him (not the Knicks).
LovingSteam said:
I do think Boston comes back to win game 2. They will now have a chip on their shoulders and I don't see them having a first half like they did today not to mention Jones isn't having a repeat performance of game 1. But then again Stern wants his Bron Bron to become the second coming of MJ so...
I agree. Never underestimate a emotionally upset Celtics


bish gets all the credit :)
Amory Blaine said:
I don't understand the crazy "they can't win without perkins" mentality. Its ridiculous. Dude has a 6 PPG career average and picked up so many technical fouls that celtics fans actually started convincing themselves that it was a good thing (LOL HE'S PUMPING UP THE TEAM).

There's a lot more to basketball than stats.

Vire said:
But basketball is a game of runs, you never stop a team as talented as the Celtics from fighting back.
the refs sure as hell did a good job.


Ninja Scooter said:
And he could have if the Cleveland front office didn't suck balls and put a horrible 20 win core team around him. He had every right to leave. They had one of the most talented players to ever come into the NBA from the age of 18 and had a horrible plan to build around him. Lets overpay and sign a bunch of shitty veterans and keep throwing shit at the wall ever year instead of trying to surround him with good YOUNG talent to grow with! Cleveland should blame their owner and GMs, not Lebron. If he had stuck around and retired as a Cav, you think anyone would give Bron points for "loyalty"? No. They'd talk about how he never won shit, just like they do with Barkley and Malone and Reggie. That's the first thing associated with those guys.

People still hate on KG for losing with those garbage Wolves teams.


Amory Blaine said:
I don't understand the crazy "they can't win without perkins" mentality. Its ridiculous. Dude has a 6 PPG career average and picked up so many technical fouls that celtics fans actually started convincing themselves that it was a good thing (LOL HE'S PUMPING UP THE TEAM).

I liked perk as much as the next guy, and green totally hasn't panned out. But if we can't win a championship without perk, we weren't going to win one with him. Anyone acting like he's the guy that would've gotten us over the hump is fooling themselves.

Part of it is trading Perk caused them to pick up all these terrible players that give up 20 points a game. The other part is about toughness. In a series where you know the refs are going to fuck you, there's no reason to get a ticky tack foul when you can cause a Heat player to tear his ACL. The new Celtics crew is too soft to do that.
Ref assisted victory!!!(unless boston win the series)

StickSoldier said:

The dude is full of himself. He has to join 2 other allstars to fucking win?

I don't recall jordan doing too much when it was just him. Everyone who uses this argument is a salty bitch. Heat need to win for my forum reading pleasure.


There is no fucking way Krstic should be playing only 6 minutes and Big Baby getting 23 minutes. No fucking way.

Doc is a dumb ass if he keeps this up.


For the people who keep saying that Wade/Jones won't have another game like that. You're probably right, but that's why you have Lebron and Chris. Bosh isn't going to score 7 points again, so it just gets spread out a bit more over the course of the series. Same goes for Boston, Ray Ray had a huge night today, but I'm sure Garnett or someone else will respond in the following games. Both teams have plenty of talented players who can on any given night - put up 25-30 points. Another thing to keep in mind is that Wade averaged 33 points against the Celtics last year. So this isn't exactly new, Dwyane is a different player in the Playoffs.
dream said:
Part of it is trading Perk caused them to pick up all these terrible players that give up 20 points a game. The other part is about toughness. In a series where you know the refs are going to fuck you, there's no reason to get a ticky tack foul when you can cause a Heat play to tear his ACL. The new Celtics crew is too soft to do that.

BTW, how was that Shaq pick up working for you guys? Good?


dream said:
Part of it is trading Perk caused them to pick up all these terrible players that give up 20 points a game. The other part is about toughness. In a series where you know the refs are going to fuck you, there's no reason to get a ticky tack foul when you can cause a Heat player to tear his ACL. The new Celtics crew is too soft to do that.
what? get the fuck out of here with that shit


LovingSteam said:
BTW, how was that Shaq pick up working for you guys? Good?

If Shaq gets 5 minutes to go in there and dump Lebron on his head, I will consider it a great pickup and start a petition to have him resigned for 10 million next year.
dream said:
If Shaq gets 5 minutes to go in there and dump Lebron on his head, I will consider it a great pickup and start a petition to have him resigned for 10 million next year.

True but I don't see Shaq giving you 5 minutes.


Knew Id here this whining about the refs and lebron hate today lol. They were the home team, Celtics will get the calls when they play at home too thats just how it happens lol
scoot3r said:
Knew Id here this whining about the refs and lebron hate today lol. They were the home team, Celtics will get the calls when they play at home too thats just how it happens lol

You'd hear the whining about the refs? How did you know that? This is like the first time you've posted here.
It's not even that Perkins was a particularly good player (he was a serviceable defensive center and a glue guy, but not much else), it's just that having Jeff Green on your team just makes you THAT much worse. He contributes absolutely nothing, misses open layups, turns the ball over and can't defend. He singlehandedly destroyed any semblance of momentum that hte Celtics team built in this game and in the second half of the season, really.

The fact that this man was given 25 minutes in a second round playoff series game is very telling about the talent level on this Boston squad.


There was more whining today from Laker fans about the refs today than the combined total of all ref whining from Jazz fans this season. True story.


Thing is, shaq could still be a good pickup if he ever manages to get back on the court again. He's even more of an enforcer than perk was, and he was scoring 12-14 ppg when he was a regular early in the season. Thing is, no one has any confidence that we'll see him again for even the kindest definition of "significant minutes" (15 minutes per game?).

I'm not gonna kill ainge over the perk trade. Would I have done it? No, more because of how much it'd piss off the players than for what perk actually brought to the team. But by and large, ainge's moves have been pretty good over the years.


more money than God
GremlinFool said:
It's not even that Perkins was a particularly good player (he was a serviceable defensive center and a glue guy, but not much else), it's just that having Jeff Green on your team just makes you THAT much worse. He contributes absolutely nothing, misses open layups, turns the ball over and can't defend. He singlehandedly destroyed any semblance of momentum that hte Celtics team built in this game and in the second half of the season, really.

The fact that this man was given 25 minutes in a second round playoff series game is very telling about the talent level on this Boston squad.
He also looks absolutely terrified anytime he plays. It's like he has no confidence in himself.

The M.O.B

SoulPlaya said:
I actually really want to see Shaq play in Game 2.

This, Miami won't be able to get away with playing Bosh or Joel Anthony at C. Big Z is our only healthy guy that could matchup with Shaq his size(Damp is injured). Plan B would just be to fouls Shaq as much as possible, which is a good idea.

Grimm Fandango said:
Line 'em up.

They be coming out of the woodwork tonight.

........................... gtfo with that


One thing that I found really interesting was that at any time Big Z was on the floor, the Heat offense went to shit. For as much hate that Joel Anthony gets, he certainly contributed to the team today...

SamuraiX- said:
I'm really curious to see what you're gonna do if you get a list of them... I almost want to go back through the pages and find them all.
I'm not new, just reincarnated. ;)
The M.O.B said:
This, Miami won't be able to get away with playing Bosh or Joel Anthony at C. Big Z is our only healthy guy that could matchup with Shaq his size(Damp is injured). Plan B would just be to fouls Shaq as much as possible, which is a good idea.

........................... gtfo with that

Except you know its true.
LovingSteam said:
Well its not like he had any help or his team had the best record 2 years in a row. Had that happened then he wouldn't have a right to complain.
Wait, do I count? I was here for three games during the season.
supabrett said:
Ref assisted victory!!!(unless boston win the series)

I don't recall jordan doing too much when it was just him. Everyone who uses this argument is a salty bitch. Heat need to win for my forum reading pleasure.

A salty bitch? Really? The guy has the "Chosen 1" tattooed on his body LOL. He has to ride Wade so he can actually win. I bet if you give Wade that roster LBJ had (last years), he would of won.

The M.O.B

LovingSteam said:
Except you know its true.

It's true but its whatever, people don't watch NFL until the Superbowl, same with NBA.

Let new-comers post, no need to call em out, they could be ROTY some day.
StickSoldier said:
A salty bitch? Really? The guy has the "Chosen 1" tattooed on his body. LOL. He has to ride Wade so he can actually win. I bet if you give Wade that roster LBJ had, he would of won.

People have been calling him "King" since he was 14 years old. Of course he's going to have an overinflated ego, as if Wade and other NBA stars don't? Nowadays most of these great NBA players have been coddled since their AAU days. And LBJ DID win with that roster. He took garbage to 60 wins. You are crazy if you think Wade would have won a ring with the crap Bron had in Cleveland though, Mo Williams and Varajao as your next best player? C'mon son, give me a break. This is why I say a lot of the Heat/Bron hate is irrational. People go to these extreme lengths to hate on or discredit the guy when really you don't have to.


Grimm Fandango said:
Line 'em up.

They be coming out of the woodwork tonight.

This mentality is silly. Just because people don't post in this thread regularly doesn't automatically invalidate their opinion. Judge based on what they say, not how often they post.
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