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2016 NFL Week 4 - At Least You're Not The Browns


The idea of a hole in one just boggles my mind.

So many factors. How the fuck do some people even get that?
Good shot and luck.

I have hit the pin on a par 3 twice but no hole in one. I saw someone get one. It's like the ball is attracted to the hole.


Harbaugh at it again:



Man I really wanna try Forza, I got it for $20, but I have a problem where my Windows 10 isn't properly updating. I still don't have the anniversary update, and I need that to play. Been troubleshooting all day but finally making progress.


*Sees Miami v Georgia Tech score..*

*waves at RBH*

Y'all have issues, go see your local RBH and talk it out.
They are all lost causes

We only have two doctors here so when I have to classify someone as a bum ass doctor it is down to you and RBH.

RBH is still suffering from severe burn injuries to his groin so I thought I would spare him from being called a bum ass doctor.

The only one left is you Rando.

You will have to get over the disappointment with the mountains of money and pussy you will be rewarded with over the next decade once you get rolling as a bonafide physician.

Only if it has a bonus section where I get to control RBH and Rando trying to patch up the mess made on the field and Brady's life is literally in my hands.

Yeah, I would drop a few grand for that experience and that game.

I am sure many others would as well.

Rbh i started Atlanta and I'm about caught up, is this how you were living?
It's based on mah life

I'm enjoying it too

DM and RBH are about to become Animus, a real wrestling animu has started.

Has someone made an nfl-gaf club? I'm almost finished downloading forza

There's a big ForzaGAF club in the game, no idea about one for this thread.

I made an NFL GAF club on Xbox Live when the feature went live on the preview dash, I invited all the guys whose gamertags I have but I'm sure I'm missing some of you. The update should probably go through for everybody soon.

If you try it, you can read my book for free

This reminds me that I should probably read your book too, bought it ages ago but never got round to it. Finished the Hyperion Cantos books but just started The Colour of Magic :(


The only racing games I like anymore are Daytona or Mario Kart.

Have not been into sims or anything realistic since the PS1.
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