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"24" *Season Finale* - 5am-6am/6am-7am

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The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
PhatSaqs said:
Indeed :lol


Rhonda and I laughed our ASSES off when Curtis punched her... :lol


works for Gamestop (lol)
this is the first season ever where none of the good guys die. well, i mean the people that are actually important to the show. technically jack did die but he earned another 1up! and no silent counters at all this season


Wario64 said:
this is the first season ever where none of the good guys die. well, i mean the people that are actually important to the show. technically jack did die but he earned another 1up! and no silent counters at all this season


I don't care if he fucked anything up! The way he went covert into the club after Jack was taken out of there was the fucking best. :lol
Watching the end of that episode felt more like a series finale than a season finale. I'm so torn right now. I love Jack, but after that ending, there is no way they should bring him back. But Jack is 24. Goddamn it, I don't know how to feel. They should just make that the series finale, and I'd be happy. I'd buy all 4 seasons on DVD and make sure everyone I know watches them. Such a great show. Such an awesome two hours.


Chili Con Carnage!
:lol at Audrey, dont know why i find it funny but i do, she has had the worst day, first she got kidnapped, then she watched Jack torture people, then she watched jack kill paul, then she found out her brother is gay, then she broke up with Jack, then Jack 'died'

:lol, i think it's pretty safe to assume that she'll spend the majority of the rest of her life on a couch.

As for season 5:

I kinda feel like they have raised Curtis to be the Jacks replacement, he did it all, including that kick ass punch to mandy in ep 23. Or maybe they just prepared in case Kiefer turned them down.

I'd be satisfied if they went that route, Curtis is by far the best character they've introduced since season 1...mind you with michelle and tony leaving (if they go through with it) i guess he could be running CTU next series.

They could also do the 'Vigilante Jack' thing, that might be cool too, see Jack finally hunt down the real bad guys from season 2. Also it'd do away with the silly regulations that Jack just ignores anyways.

They could also bring him back to CTU pretty easily, China will think he's dead so thats not gonna be an issue, he could also come back as the mysterious leader of an 'enemy cell' which would later turn out to be Jacks own counter terrorist unit, hunting down a larger threat CTU know nothing about.

They could even kill Jack off as a way of setting something up as much worse than all the other series' 'cause even Jack couldn't stop it.

Im sure one way or another at least one episode of season 5 of 24 will end with a head shot of Jack.


I'm thinking season 5 will take a few episodes before Jack'll pop up. But they can't kill Jack. The day they do is the day before the ratings drop drastically.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Uh folks, the show is less about CTU(thought it is also about CTU) and more about Jack, he'll be back at the beginning.


Just 2 awesome episodes!
Damn! I thought Mandy would kill Tony, after that, when they showed the Michelle car....damn I thought she was about to commit suicide! I was shitting my pants! :lol

Nice special effects in the final hour!

Damn, now we have to wait till 2006 :(

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
As far as season 5 is concerned (and I'm putting this in spoiler tags because I'm tired of people complaining)....

I can definitely envision a scenario where Jack is re-introduced at the start of season 5 but takes a back seat to the CTU guys for the first couple of episodes. There have been rumblings. Think about it. Its really obvious as to how they could bring Jack, Palmer, etc back. I won't say any more. If anyone is interested in what I think will happen you can send me a PM.


Well I think in season 5 things could go like this:

The US finds out that the chinese were helping the terrorists out(like Cold-Steal said, Marwans and the chinese ships could be the same). Palmer runs for president and brings back Jack Bauer.

Looks like Chloe, Tony and Michelle could be gone. Could Driscole be back? I hope not.


CloudNL said:
Just 2 awesome episodes!
Damn! I thought Mandy would kill Tony, after that, when they showed the Michelle car....damn I thought she was about to commit suicide! I was shitting my pants! :lol

:lol Same here. I was like, "OMG! Don't do it, Michelle!"


asking dangerous questions
I hope Tony and Michelle are gone for good.
I worry too fricking much for them every time they are on screen!

I love Tony's character...but he and Michelle deserve a life away from all this stuff. Maybe they can do a cameo next season, showing him and Michelle living happily ever after =)

Jack will be back.
I'm getting sick of CTU (save Chloe & Curtis). Hopefully, the show will move next season. Perhaps somewhere like New York. I don't want to see CTU getting breached by another mole.


JC10001 said:
As far as season 5 is concerned (and I'm putting this in spoiler tags because I'm tired of people complaining)....

I can definitely envision a scenario where Jack is re-introduced at the start of season 5 but takes a back seat to the CTU guys for the first couple of episodes. There have been rumblings. Think about it. Its really obvious as to how they could bring Jack, Palmer, etc back. I won't say any more. If anyone is interested in what I think will happen you can send me a PM.

Just post it and spoiler tag it.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
goodcow said:
Just post it and spoiler tag it.

What if the Chinese guy who told the government to hand over Jack doesn't like the way things played out? What if he finds out he's been duped? What if he hires an assassin (Mandy) to kill everyone who was involved in the raid on the Chinese consulate? The season could start out by showing Jack living his new (normal) life out of the country, Canada perhaps (just to show Jack at the outset), then it could shift back to Los Angeles. Agent Bern (the guy who ratted Jack out) could be killed and attempts could be made on other characters' lives (like Palmer, Buchanan, and Michelle since they helped coordinate the raid). CTU would eventually put two and two together and then they realize that an unsuspecting Jack is the next target. The first few episodes would basically be a race between CTU and the assassin to get to Jack. This scenario would force Jack, Tony, and Michelle all back into the thick of things right at the outset. Then, after CTU gets Jack back he would then spend a good chunk of the season trying to foil the assassination attempts and tracking down who is responsible. After that is wrapped up the producers could throw in any twists that they wanted.


Not Banned from OT
What a freaking awesome 2 hour season finally god damn I love this show. This season is by far my favorite season ever. Metal Gear Bauer might of been the greatest thing ever on network TV. Add to that our kick ass "Secratary of Offense" and some villians as hardcore as Jack Bauer. This season was so god damn good I can not even begin to cover all the good stuff with out killing my keyboard. Season 4 DVDs will be mine day 1, I can't wait to relive the knife through the neck.

Vigilante Jack could be pretty god damn cool. The only person he needs from CTU is chloe for tatical support. Imagine the pain and suffering Jack could bring on terrorist scum with no rules to follow. First episode jack could pay a visit to that scumbag who ratted him out. Then later get some revenge for his homie palmer by offing mandy.


asking dangerous questions
Mandy is sickeningly hot.
Bring her, Kim, and the cougar back, and we won't even need Jack.

I don't know if this China plotline will get anywhere. I just don't see China as a rash enemy. They even said that China wouldn't want to go to war, they just want to humilate the US.

Now, if next season's plotline involves terrorists trying to get the USA and China going to WWIII, that might be interesting - though they already did this I think (can't even remember what happened the last few seasons!).

Well, I think we can expect to see the new president back next season. In the last hour, they really made the audience hate him. There are so many loose ends that the writers can basically do whatever they want.


Small plot point I wish they expanded upon was the brief 'flirt' by Chloe a few episodes back. The look on Jack's face was SO perfect :lol


Excellent ratings for the season finale! :D

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Fox took the last Monday of the 2004-05 season in the coveted adults 18-49 demo with the two-hour closer of "24." Meanwhile, CBS got its first taste of what the night will be like without "Everybody Loves Raymond."

"24" closed its fourth season out on a solid note, averaging 13 million viewers and 5.2 rating/14 share among adults 18-49, according to preliminary estimates from Nielsen Media Research.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
LakeEarth said:
Small plot point I wish they expanded upon was the brief 'flirt' by Chloe a few episodes back. The look on Jack's face was SO perfect :lol

Oh you mean when she mentioned that if he wanted to talk about any of what was going on? That look on his face was pretty funny.

The part with the slightly ajar door and Mike's head sticking in ROCKED!

OMG, About to finish up watching the finale of 24..What a great show! I don't want it to end!!!
FUCKING LOGAN! What a total bitch!!! GEEZ.... I hope renegade Jack takes his ass out!!!!


Did Jack just smile as he got the news that some poor schmuck has been sent to kill him?

*edit edit*

Tony with the shitty acting ... "He's...dead"


lol u gotta give it to the guy playing logan.....his acting was aamzing. he was such as ass and i wanted to beat him up...lol but perfect acting.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
MIMIC said:

:lol :lol:lol

effzee said:
lol u gotta give it to the guy playing logan.....his acting was aamzing. he was such as ass and i wanted to beat him up...lol but perfect acting.

Yeah Logan he's gonna catch his... he was a bitch through most of the season... had hissy fits periodically, tried to shit on Palmer... and then tried to pull Palmer's own scheme(public display of dressing someone down) on him... son of a bitch must pay...

As for the Secret Service agent sent, he always plays asshole bad guys in movies... I'm trying to remember his name... I think that was Patrick Kilpatrick.


Tagged as I see fit
ddkawaii said:

The part with the slightly ajar door and Mike's head sticking in ROCKED!

OMG, About to finish up watching the finale of 24..What a great show! I don't want it to end!!!

YES - Novick was the man in that scene. I'd love to have a gif of him just poking his head through the door and then flash a big "PWNED" on the screen. He redeemed himself from his traitorous ways.


Someone mentioned further up in this thread that the show is more about Jack than CTU...and that could not be more correct in this instance.

There are a lot of loose ends after this season, and I fully expect some of them to be answered. On Behrooz, they likely felt that it made more sense to not show his death and save the guest star salary. I tend to agree...I kind of stopped caring about certain aspects after awhile, anyways.

Folks, there is nothing in this season of 24 that was any different or any better than anything in the last three seasons. It still has the EXACT same problems it has always had.

24 is a show all about short-term memory and sensory overload, and this is when it becomes a disappointing mess. When it becomes about the "Terrorist Attack of the Week" and forgets all past events, past ramifications, and past ideas, it loses focus of being intriguing and good television. While this creates action-packed television that in some cases can create good episodes, it creates a lame overall story.

This season, the writers blew their collective load, often and early. The meltdown of over 100 Nuclear Power Plants is just ONE attack? ONE? That is a storyline that could have seriously lasted an entire season if the writers were willing to stretch it out. But, the reality is that you guys like action and huge terrorist attacks.

So, what do they do? They throw in every possible terorrist attack they can to appease the action-happy 24 fans, at the expense of common sense storytelling. The best episodes of 24 are the ones where Jack and CTU are addressing an individual threat or investigating a lead. Take, for instance, this season finale.

It was a fantastic finale. It had political intrigue with China. It had a great field operation Re: Mandy. It had great character moments. It leaves thing hanging. It did everything it really had to do. But, when you think about it, think about everything that wasn't even mentioned. Nuclear Plants. Chloe's friend was beaten. 8 blocks of technology were wiped out and mass rioting occured. McLennan Forrester were apparently helping the terrorists.

Now, I understand that the show has to progress from past storylines and the usual split between them is fine with me. However, this was never really a problem in past seasons because there was a more logical link and it was more of a circle rather than a straight line.

Season One: Kidnapping of Jack's Family, Search for the People Behind the Kidnapping.
Season Two: Find the Nuke, Find Who Sent the Nuke
Season Three: Discover the Virus, Stop the Virus
Season Four: Who Caused the Train Crash, Who Kidnapped the Secretary of Defense (Find the Secretary of Defense), Who Tried to Meltdown the Nuclear Power Plants (Save the Nuclear Power Plants), Who Stole a Stealth Bomber (Stop the Stealth Bomber), Who Shot down Air Force One to get the Football (Recover the Football), Who Stole a Nuclear Missile (Stop the Missle).

Anyone see a bit of a change in pattern? 24 has gone mainstream, looking for the most excessive and feared terrorist attacks and throwing them at us one by one. There's a reason that the end of this season is so important; they have to get away from this pattern. They've more or less exhausted every standard feared terrorist attack on the face of the Earth. Now, they NEED to get back to more grounded, personal threats that can still resonate.

This Season was very good at many points; the earlier episodes were grounded by the Arar Family storyline, which helped give the terrorists a more interesting face than Marwan, who grew tiresome however cool he may have been. It featured great acting, good drama, and really set the stage for a fantastic season.

Yet, once they went past the Nuclear Power Plant scare as if it had never happened, it was clear that it would go downhill from there. It simply started being terrorist attack after terrorist attack, and while it provides occasional really good, suspenseful episodes (The Jack for Behrooz Trade episode was a great example of dramatic irony, and the episode featuring the Camping Couple being hunted in the Power Plant was great suspense), overall it creates a sense that it was just 10 people in a room screaming out cool scenarios.

This season could have been much better than it was; each storyline could have flowed better, 2-3 could have been cut, and it could have been a streamlined. It still could have featured the great action sequences, the fantastic field operations like Mandy, and the same fantastic acting. It simply turned into "OMG SAVE US FROM THE TERRORISTS" far too much to remain as focused as the past seasons. Hell, as much as I disliked how Season 2's second half went, at least it wasn't convulted and contrived with so very many terrorist attacks.

The Finale was the best since the first season, but it really wasn't about the whole season. Taken on it's own, it has a fantastic field operation with Mandy, a nice fake death for Jack, and will go down as the end of Palmer, Michelle and Tony (I'll get to this in a second). It was about the end of a threat that was a good one, rather than about a sea of threats one after another. It featured the China storyline, the one thing that revived the season as it became too focused on Terrorists, and it ended on a note about Jack as a character, not about the world's security. None of the season's problems were evident here, and that made it great television.

Palmer, Tony and Michelle should not return. While Palmer's reaction to realizing Mandy had attempted to kill him seemed like it could have been much more involving in terms of the overall 24 legacy, it was a moment for Palmer. Palmer has come to terms with that attack. Palmer has come to terms with everything he really has to. His final moment was a goodbye call from Jack, and a fond farewell. There is nothing left for the character.

Tony and Michelle are the same way. They're loose ends were that he was in jail, and she was heartbroken. Ta-Da! They're back together, they're quitting CTU, and they're having a life together. Much like Chase and Kim, that's the end of their chapter. While they were not necessary this season (Much like Palmer) writing them in allowed for them to finish off these loose ends, and they should now ride off into the sunset.

Speaking of this, next season needs to have a new focus. Not because this season was terrible, but because this season exhausted their options. It should focus on Jack...not on CTU, not on the President, not on anything of that nature. While 24 needs parallel structure (CTU Storyline + President Storyline, as an example), Jack is needed for the series to work, and they need to look further into this storyline. I think they will (According to the general talk of the producers), and I hope this means that they can get off on the right foot and create a season FULL of entertaining television.

For the record...1>>>>>>3>4>2. There's not much there between the past three, but for now it's how I'm putting them. While the Finale was good, some episodes were good...but overall the writing let it down. Looking forward to how this all works itself out next season.
"The scheduled production start date for season five is July 26th.

The new season has already been in pre-production since April. New writers Manny Coto and David Fury are quickly getting accustomed to writing a real-time script. 24 has sought out the advice of novelist Richard Marcinko and he is playing an advisory role in the shaping of season five’s story. 24 sent out casting calls for a major female role in April and the role has already been cast but the actress hasn’t been revealed.
Source - www.24spoilers.tvheaven.com

General Season 5 Spoilers:

Kiefer Sutherland will be back for season five.
Source - Various Sources

Mary Lynn Rajskub has reportedly inked a deal to be a main castmember for 24's fifth season.
Source - TvGuide

Roger Cross (Curtis Manning) signed a two year deal last year so he should remain a main castmember in season five.


TheOMan said:
YES - Novick was the man in that scene. I'd love to have a gif of him just poking his head through the door and then flash a big "PWNED" on the screen. He redeemed himself from his traitorous ways.

I was sad to see Novick disappear after Season 2. Needless to say, I was thrilled to see him back in Season 4. He seemed a little shifty during his first few appearances, but by the end he was money, baby.


Junior Member
Mrbob said:

First season of 24 I've watched, OVER. So awesome. I'm buying Season 1-3 on DVD now! :D

I'm doing the same right now. I got a weeks vacation next week. How much can I watch in one week. Should I go in order or skip various seasons (some have said 2 isn't as great)? I value continuity, keep in mind.


anyone got that pic of that last scene when jack is walking away from the camera with his back turned with the sunrise? i want to use that as my desktop


yeah, these were 2 fantastic episodes. i also hope 24 goes back being a bit personal, like the first season. when we had no idea what was going on, and it was just about revenge. it was really good.


works for Gamestop (lol)
skinnyrattler said:
I'm doing the same right now. I got a weeks vacation next week. How much can I watch in one week. Should I go in order or skip various seasons (some have said 2 isn't as great)? I value continuity, keep in mind.

definitely watch it in order. don't skip seasons
Those last 2 episodes were pretty darn good. Good season overall; I enjoyed it more than 3, which is my least favorite. Whoever said they should make Curtis the new Jack, at least at the beginning of next season was right. Curtis just kicks all sorts of ass, plus we don't know too much about him yet which is a bad and agood thing in 24. Bad since we don't get as much of an attachment to him yet, but give him a wife and a kid, and you know he's just signed his death contract in the world of 24.

I too am wondering what happened with Behrooz... yet Marwhan got him, and we assumed he killed him, but I wouldn't be totally opposed for him popping up again.


Ristamar said:
I was sad to see Novick disappear after Season 2. Needless to say, I was thrilled to see him back in Season 4. He seemed a little shifty during his first few appearances, but by the end he was money, baby.

Mike is so weird. He seems like a total bad guy from start to finish. Someone needs to tickle him. :p
I've never understood why people don't like Season 2 at all.
Nuke threat, Jack killing someone in cold blood in the first episode, Palmer being betrayed by his own government, Jack versus Navy Seals, Nina returns - this one is the bomb!

IMO, Season 3 was the weakest of the bunch because after
Nina is killed by Jack
the season just seems to lose its luster. Add to the fact that
the entire last confrontation in the final episode with Chase and Jack inside the school was really crappy and when the bomb blew up in the fridge it just seemed so....lacking


Cold-Steel said:
I've never understood why people don't like Season 2 at all.
Nuke threat, Jack killing someone in cold blood in the first episode, Palmer being betrayed by his own government, Jack versus Navy Seals, Nina returns - this one is the bomb!

IMO, Season 3 was the weakest of the bunch because after
Nina is killed by Jack
the season just seems to lose its luster. Add to the fact that
the entire last confrontation in the final episode with Chase and Jack inside the school was really crappy and when the bomb blew up in the fridge it just seemed so....lacking

Season 2 fell apart halfway through, not Season 3. 3 was able to segue nicely from
Virus to Salazars to Virus
while Season 2 struggled once
The bomb actually explodes
. It just never gave a satisfying conclusion to the revelations at stake, and the entire ending felt lame and insecure. Even the exciting cliffhanger just wasn't enough to tie it together. It was very good for its first half, but struggled greatly once
the bomb went off and the shit was SUPPOSED to hit the fan
. A series of cool moments isn't enough to make an entire SEASON good. 24 is too much of an arc to take key moments as evidence of greatness. While still good TV, Season 2 failed to offer 24 episodes of great television due to writing issues.


Memles said:
Season 2 fell apart halfway through, not Season 3. 3 was able to segue nicely from
Virus to Salazars to Virus
while Season 2 struggled once
The bomb actually explodes
. It just never gave a satisfying conclusion to the revelations at stake, and the entire ending

You've got to be kidding. The political fallout couldn't be any more gripping (the Vice-President invoked the 25th Amendment to have Palmer removed from office). And the intrigue and mystery surrounding the Cyprus audio was even more suspenseful than the nuke being detonated because of how intricate the entire process was. We got to see how it was made, who made it, why it was made, Michelle put her job on the line to try and help Jack, and to top it all off, Sherry, of all people, was involved in the mess.

Season 2 never struggled.


Agent5 said:
anyone got that pic of that last scene when jack is walking away from the camera with his back turned with the sunrise? i want to use that as my desktop
Like this? Havent resized it yet though. :)



Novick has become perhaps my favorite character on the show. Whenver he closes his eyes and does his slow nod (as pointed out by my wife) I love it. Some one needs to make an animated gif of that. I need it for an avatar. :)


MIMIC said:
You've got to be kidding. The political fallout couldn't be any more gripping (the Vice-President invoked the 25th Amendment to have Palmer removed from office). And the intrigue and mystery surrounding the Cyprus audio was even more suspenseful than the nuke being detonated because of how intricate the entire process was. We got to see how it was made, who made it, why it was made, Michelle put her job on the line to try and help Jack, and to top it all off, Sherry, of all people, was involved in the mess.

Season 2 never struggled.

Sherry being involved was contrived, not good. And you're right, it was a mess. It became a huge, convulted mess.

Look, I'm not saying that individual moments and episodes were bad. It is simply that, taken as a WHOLE, the storylines added up to a jumbled mess. I mean, who was really behind it all in Season Two? It doesn't really even answer who Kingsley was or anything of that nature. It more or less just went into "Ending" mode without actually coming to terms with its own storylines and failed to offer a logical conclusion to its storyline.

Since you're all about the decimal points, here's something more tangible. ;)

Season One - 9.5
Season Two - 7.0
Season Three - 7.5
Season Four - 7.5


Memles said:
Sherry being involved was contrived, not good. And you're right, it was a mess. It became a huge, convulted mess.

Look, I'm not saying that individual moments and episodes were bad. It is simply that, taken as a WHOLE, the storylines added up to a jumbled mess. I mean, who was really behind it all in Season Two? It doesn't really even answer who Kingsley was or anything of that nature. It more or less just went into "Ending" mode without actually coming to terms with its own storylines and failed to offer a logical conclusion to its storyline.

Since you're all about the decimal points, here's something more tangible. ;)

Season One - 9.5
Season Two - 7.0
Season Three - 7.5
Season Four - 7.5

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree (but regarding Kingsley, they did say who he was and what he was about. It had something to do with oil companies in the Caspian Sea).

"24" can do no wrong with me. I would take a bullet for Kiefer. :)
I would rank them like this:


Right now s4 is right behind s1. S2 dropped off after the bomb went off. Before that it was right up there with s1. Although the episode when the bomb went off might me my favorite individual episode of the whole series. S3 was very uneven, IMHO. You would have a string of very exciting episodes in a row followed by a string of almost boring ones. S4 was exciting and gripping almost the whole way through. Like S1 was. S1 was a little more peronal so that's why I would rank it ahead of all of them, IMO.

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