New Nightmare is easily one of my favorite horror movies. I love how insane it is.
I agree, one of the best horror/slasher movies out there.
New Nightmare is easily one of my favorite horror movies. I love how insane it is.
Day 4:
Cult of Chucky
I've seen maybe one or two of these movies ever. I don't know what I expected, but this was a weird fucking movie. I assume one of the previous movies explainswhy Chucky has magic powers and can awaken multiple dolls now and possess people?
Either way, it was mildly entertaining, even if the ending felt very sudden and unresolved.
Day 4:
Cult of Chucky
I've seen maybe one or two of these movies ever. I don't know what I expected, but this was a weird fucking movie. I assume one of the previous movies explainswhy Chucky has magic powers and can awaken multiple dolls now and possess people?
Which of the Friday the 13th movies should I watch? Generally the one from 1980 and 2009?
Parts 1, 2, 4, 6 and 2009.
Which of the Friday the 13th movies should I watch? Generally the one from 1980 and 2009?
Why does part 3 get no love?
Too much 3D cheese.
Do you feel that a horror movie has to scare you, the viewer, to be a scary film?2. The Exorcist (1973)
Never saw the movie before, but knew practically everything about it from pop culture references, parodies, and clips.Code:[IMG][/IMG]
The beginning is very slow and dull. Takes a long time for the plot to really get going.
The makeup and effects are very good and still hold up. But the cinematography is noticeably an older style. Not that it's bad, but definitely a product of it's time. One thing that always get me with older movies is the sound quality. Unfortunately that was just a limitation back then with the equipment they had available. For most movies that's totally fine and helps give the film a quaint old-timey feel. But for horror movies sound is especially important, so I think it detracts from the film.
I did not find the movie scary in the slightest, though. I remember hearing about audiences when the movie was in theaters totally freaking out and going nuts whenever the scary face flashed on screen, but I just found a lot of it comical. I laughed so hard when. And I guess nowadays it's not exactly shocking at all to hear a little girl cursing. I can see worse girls on daytime television.the creepy face appeared on the stove
In all, it was an alright movie. But didn't provide any scares I was looking for. But could just be a case of
No. It's the worst kind of sequel: one that lazily rehashes the same plot through the most contrived of means, and with a way worse antagonist. The remake, on the other hand, is a lot of fun, and smart enough to not follow the original to the letter.
2. The Exorcist (1973)
the creepy face appeared on the stove
Next up: The Wailing I've tried watching this at least 3 times gonna force myself through the first 20-30 mins tonight we'll see how that goes
The Wailing kind of gets into it from the jump; if the first 20-30 minutes of that film aren't doing it for you, the rest of it definitely isn't.
Hell House LLC
I honestly haven't watched a found footage movie in awhile and I ended up randomly coming across this on Amazon Prime because yall suck and didn't recommend me more movies to put on my list.
It surprised the fuck out of me. It took a tad bit to really get interesting, but damn was this a really tense fucking movie once everything started going. It didn't really have many jump scares either, moreso creepy parts that just stood out to you. The ending was honestly kinda whatever. I hate how every found footage movie seems to have the same kind of ending. Does that not bother anyone??
Honestly don't have much to say about it because I watched it a few days ago but I definitely recommend it
The Descent
A classic there's really not much I have to say about this movie besides that I recommend this fully before any type of danger even happens you will be watching a movie that will make you feel claustrophobic as hell.
In Fear
One of my biggest fears is getting lost in the middle of the woods and feeling like every road is one I've been on before. This movie captures that feeling so well and it even has that one guy from Agents of Shield in it! I really enjoyed the relationship between to the two characters and how they were really still in the "honeymoon" phase of being high off each other and knowing more about how each other acts while seeing how much they are able to stand each other after such anxiety over the situation. No jump scares from what I recall but very creepy moments.
The Monster
The Strangers is absolutely one of my favorite horror movies ever and I cannot believe I didn't know about this movie the same director made SMH. Actually the way this movie was edited reminded me A LOT of The Strangers as well with the way it does flashbacks although this movie does it way much more and that isn't a complaint at all. I really enjoyed how til the very end this movie did flashbacks showing you the relationship the mother and daughter had with each other. Honestly those parts hit me harder than the present maybe because I can relate to it. Sadly there are some scenes where the Monster didn't look all that great visually, but that still didn't ruin the tension from the movie. If the acting between the two leads wasn't so good this movie definitely would have been okay at best.
Next up: The Wailing I've tried watching this at least 3 times gonna force myself through the first 20-30 mins tonight we'll see how that goes
Maybe. It's just the tone that throws me off honestly. Like everyone is seemingly so dumb in the beginning I take the film as a comedy? IDK I'm definitely going to give it a chance all the way through this time though. I love quite a few Korean films
I feel like this was the first one with all the Jason cliches but I just watched it for the first time yesterday
9) Possession (1981)
Okay, so Possession was amazing. Even without the horror elements, its an utterly devastating domestic drama of a collapsed relationship shattering into unhinged madness. The drama, the emotional devastation and hair-tearing agony of a broken marriage is as brutal and raw as any horror movie, and Sam Neill and Isabelle Adjani fearlessly pour everything into their performances. Its absolutely captivating and absolutely painful to watch.
And then everything goes insane, and much like mother!, the credits roll and you're left staring at the credits trying to figure out how the film got there from where it started.
In short, it was wonderful
Try to watch this as blind as possible if you can
10) The Beyond (1981)
I just don't think Fulci's, or giallo, films are for me. Suspiria has been my favorite so far, but Zombi, City of the Living Dead, and now The Beyond just haven't clicked me with me at all. And I should love Zombi. But back to The Beyond: some wonderfully gross imagery (I feel sorry for any unexpecting arachnophobes who watch this) as usual for a Fulci film, but everything was just turgid.
If there's one thing Fulci does better than anyone else, even modern movies and shows, it's that his undead looks absolutely wonderfully disgusting. Nothing else does zombies as horrifically gross. Rotting bodies walking again, rather than monstrous zombie flesh eaters
My next film is Demons, so we'll see if that clicks.
Day 4:
Cult of Chucky
I've seen maybe one or two of these movies ever. I don't know what I expected, but this was a weird fucking movie. I assume one of the previous movies explainswhy Chucky has magic powers and can awaken multiple dolls now and possess people?
Either way, it was mildly entertaining, even if the ending felt very sudden and unresolved.
I just don't think Fulci's, or giallo, films are for me. Suspiria has been my favorite so far, but Zombi, City of the Living Dead, and now The Beyond just haven't clicked me with me at all. And I should love Zombi. But back to The Beyond: some wonderfully gross imagery (I feel sorry for any unexpecting arachnophobes who watch this) as usual for a Fulci film, but everything was just turgid.
I consider Tenebre to be the best giallo, but it works best if you already have at least a passing familiarity with the genre.
And yeah, Suspiria has too much supernatural stuff going on for it to really be a giallo.
So what classifies as giallo then? It has to be more serial killer/slasher-focused?I can agree with this. Suspiria is more like a fairy-tale than a giallo film. It's still great, but it really hangs hard on the supernatural elements.
So what classifies as giallo then? It has to be more serial killer/slasher-focused?
Generally, yeah. Some gialli might have light supernatural elements but they're not the main focus. Gialli are basically violent murder mysteries.
Ah, I thought it was a more overall term for Italian horror, a la "spaghetti western"They're slasher movies where the killer's identity is a secret until the end.
I thought it was great, and not cheesy at all (at least not for the leads). Felt like the kind of devastated, explosive, frustrated, and angry emotional outbursts that would happen in real life as a relationship collapses in on itself like that.Normally I don't post as I'm watching but tonight's pick is Possession (‘81), I've never seen it before, I'm about twenty minutes in and I'm super puzzled - what's with the ridiculous over acting? Is there a point to this or is it just cheeseball?