So I'm way way waaaay behind but here's a few more movies to add to the overall list:
Day 6: Child's Play 2
Chucky's back in one of the most implausible ways imaginable. The Good Guy Corp wants to move forward from the first Chucky incident by re-assembling the original Chucky doll from the first movie. Things go bad almost immediately for obvious reasons.
The best of the classic "Child's Play" movies, Child's Play 2 drops the weird racism and serial killer mysteries of "Child's Play" and replaces it with weird, wild, early 90s murder glee. More jump scares! More gore! Pissed of Andy An ending in a Chucky doll factory that essentially evolves into a Double Dare challenge! It's got it all! And Chucky dies not one, not two, but three times! It's a legitimate camp classic. Check it out if you're a fan and you haven't yet.
Day 7: Chopping Mall
Speaking of camp classics, this bad boy, directed by a Roger Corman acolyte, is uh, well something. Robot security is implemented at a mall because, well because. Sales dudes at a furniture store inside the mall hold the world's smallest party for themselves and their girlfriends and one other random couple, only to get locked in with the robots that have gone haywire. What follows is your typical "Nerd meets Girl"/"Final Girl" tropes and Barbara Crampton's boobs.
It's solid. Not terrible, not great, but it's fun. The gore is fun, the kills aren't the worst. All in all, no need to go out and rush to see it, but if you're looking for a film to knock out a few beers to, this one isn't a bad choice.
Day 8: Cult of Chucky
So I saw this one early in September and re-watched it again with the wife on Netflix. It's a weird one. Like "Child's Play 2", the plot of Cult of Chucky goes out of its way with silly nonsense. Chucky has new powers, motivations don't make a whole ton of sense, and the film ends on one big ole' "Huh" moment. Negatives out of the way, I still really enjoyed it. It's no "Curse of Chucky" (the best entry in the series), but it's not trying to be. It's trying to be a merging of the more pure horror of "Curse" with the campiness of earlier titles. Not only does the camp excuse the nonsense of the plot, it actually helps accentuate the camp. Meanwhile the kills are gorier than they've ever been, the jump scares are mostly effective, if dumb, and Chucky confronting himself is probably the funniest Chucky's ever been. It's far from perfect, but it moves from scene to scene with ease, having plenty of fun along the way. Plus its on Netflix so why not, right?