Count Dookkake
Phantasm is really a so bad its good b movie series that I personally loved but I'd say hit up Halloween instead just to get Freddy, Michael and Jason all together and do Phantasm later. Halloween's are going to be a bit better. I think Phantasm is a more acquired taste. prob pass on those sequels.
I am considering changing my list.
- Phantasm (5 movies)
- Poltergeist (3 movies)
+ Halloween (8 movies)
Just because, as we are creeping towards them; I am not really looking forward to those two franchises. Also because it would be kind of cool to do the big 3 series (Friday the 13th / Nightmare on Elm St AND Halloween) in the same month. I still have time to think it over but it's highly probable that it's happening.
October 16
Film #19
Having enjoyed Shivers so much last night I decided to finally give Cronenberg's follow-up, Rabid, a try. I have been consciously avoiding this film for as long as I've known about it. I first saw the poster when I was fairly young child and for some reason I found the image of the girl in the freezer, her dead eyes staring, her leg bent back underneath her, her mouth hanging open, to be just about the most disturbing thing imaginable. I still find it difficult to look at now, several decades later, but I guess that's just my inner child being a wuss.
Anyway, tonight I decided to man up and get it done. And naturally enough the image on the poster is taken from a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the movie, so I've basically been fretting for nothing all these years.
After the sex zombie parasites of yesterday, this evening Mr Cronenberg offers up a sexy armpit vampire, which is another result of genetic modification not going quite according to plan. And like Shivers, here we have another plague being spread, but this is even more unpleasant than the last, with sufferers becoming violently, disgustingly rabid.
I thoroughly enjoyed every weird moment of this movie. Marilyn Chambers is fantastic as the victim of a motorcycle accident who now finds herself having to worry about more than just stubble growing under her arm, and the supporting cast are for the most part excellent. The effects are also great, and suitably hideous.
Verdict: Strange, nicely unpleasant, and recommended.
Films I've watched so far
My second favorite Cronenberg flick!
Marilyn Chambers deserved a better career coming off her performance in Rabid. I guess that wasn't possible back in those days due to her acting origins.
Marilyn Chambers deserved a better career coming off her performance in Rabid. I guess that wasn't possible back in those days due to her acting origins.
I knew about her er, 'non-mainstream' work, though I haven't had the pleasure of seeing any, and I think subconsciously I wasn't expecting much from her because of it, so I was pleasantly surprised.And thinking about it, that makes me a bit of a snobby, prejudiced moron. Damn.
It's so weird to think of someone like Sasha Grey making it fairly big in the mainstream, considering how much more extreme her work in porn was compared to Marilyn Chambers. Then again, I don't think anyone in porn in the 70s had much of a career outside of it, and the closest anyone got was Ron Jeremy, who was or less sidelined to cameo work. Different age, I suppose.
October 16
Film #19
Having enjoyed Shivers so much last night I decided to finally give Cronenberg's follow-up, Rabid, a try. I have been consciously avoiding this film for as long as I've known about it. I first saw the poster when I was fairly young child and for some reason I found the image of the girl in the freezer, her dead eyes staring, her leg bent back underneath her, her mouth hanging open, to be just about the most disturbing thing imaginable. I still find it difficult to look at now, several decades later, but I guess that's just my inner child being a wuss.
Anyway, tonight I decided to man up and get it done. And naturally enough the image on the poster is taken from a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the movie, so I've basically been fretting for nothing all these years.
After the sex zombie parasites of yesterday, this evening Mr Cronenberg offers up a sexy armpit vampire, which is another result of genetic modification not going quite according to plan. And like Shivers, here we have another plague being spread, but this is even more unpleasant than the last, with sufferers becoming violently, disgustingly rabid.
I thoroughly enjoyed every weird moment of this movie. Marilyn Chambers is fantastic as the victim of a motorcycle accident who now finds herself having to worry about more than just stubble growing under her arm, and the supporting cast are for the most part excellent. The effects are also great, and suitably hideous.
Verdict: Strange, nicely unpleasant, and recommended.
Films I've watched so far
I'll throw my movies in... I've been slacking.
(M = My Rating. W = Wife rating)
1. Purge Anarchy - M 2/5 W 1/5
2. The Orphan - M 2/5 W 2/5
3. Unfriended - M 2/5 W 1/5
4. Man Vs - M 2/5 W 3/5
5. The Boy - M 4/5 W 4.5/5
6. Don't Breath - M 4.5/5 W 3/5
7. The BlackWell Ghost - M 3/5 W 3/5
8. The Crazies - M 2/5 W 4/5
9. Halloween Horrors at Midnight (lol) - M 1/5 W 1/5
10. We Are Still Here - M 1/5 W 3/5
11. Bladerunner (I HAD TO COUNT IT) - M 4/5 W 4/5
12. The Nightmare - too spooky couldnt finish...
13. Tales of Halloween - M 4/5 W 4/5
14. Train to Busan - M 4.5/5 W 5/5
Falling behind!!!!!!!!!!! And had to count Bladerunner, couldn't just wait for that...
How was that? Are the effects good or cheese?
Is there any way to watch this digitally? Might make that my first anime filmFunny enough, the first review was written after the others, but hey, the brain works in mysterious ways.
October 14, film 3
There are psychological thrillers and there are psychological thrillers, with Perfect Blue being very much the latter. It's tempting to reduce the film down to describing it as what would happen if a J-pop star found herself in one of the plots of Roman Polanski's "apartment trilogy" films, but that won't even do enough justice to the razor-sharp tension and brilliant use of animation as a medium to help tell the story in a way that would be difficult to pull off in as convincing a manner as we see here.
Is there any way to watch this digitally? Might make that my first anime film
Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised by itThe Invitation is a gem. Loved that movie.
I gave it a 3/5! Haha, I really enjoyed it actually, it's like a fake documentary about Ghosts. There is not really any effects in it and the acting is pretty good.
For a bit I was like, fake documentaries are kind of annoying, but then I thought, at least this is a ghost documentary with actually something in it though haha. They show a lot of restraint in it and I applaud them for not getting too ridiculous.
Also I gave it a 2.5/5 spook rating (I rate each movies personal spookiness for myself) which is higher than most of the movies on my list.
Plus it's only like an hour, so it's a great filler movie.
Most long running horror franchises manage to sneak in a handful of decent entries along with the onslaught of terrible sequels. Halloween managed an impressive 5 out of 10 strong entries, Friday The 13th has five strong films out of its 12 film franchise run, Nightmare on Elm Street had three out of eight, though unfortunately, Texas Chainsaw Massacre only had one. With an eight film long franchise, only the Tobe Hooper original stands as a terrific surrealist thriller that finds its strength in fantastic performances, incredible set design, elegant and masterful directing and chilling set pieces that have become memories etched into the minds of all viewers.
Watched this yesterday. Fantastic movie.8. The Babysitter (2017)
Hey, nice to throw in a horror comedy. Oh man, this babysitter is just so freaking awesome, what could go wrong and- oh...... I checked this new release out on the whim, but man it was pretty damn fun with a breezy runtime. This gets really silly (with a couple insane deaths thrown in), but with some really good laughs, and it still managed to put out some nice suspenseful moments along with giving themes of growing up a bit to shine. The kid did a good job, and the antagonists were fun with maybe a dud or two there.
#16 - Freddys Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
Oh god, the nineties. Here we go. Having seen the Friday the 13th series, I know that having Final in the title means there will definitely be more after this one. Unfortunately The Final Nightmare is terrible. Maybe it is because of the producer-turned-first-time-director, maybe it is because of the disjointed and frantic storytelling, maybe the clumsy action and even clumsier editing or maybe it is just a combination of all those things. The story drags and is too serious and the climax is too disappointing. The only real positive thing about this misfire is the fact that we get some Freddy backstory and origin which is interesting. 3/10
I'll throw my movies in... I've been slacking.
(M = My Rating. W = Wife rating)
1. Purge Anarchy - M 2/5 W 1/5
2. The Orphan - M 2/5 W 2/5
3. Unfriended - M 2/5 W 1/5
4. Man Vs - M 2/5 W 3/5
5. The Boy - M 4/5 W 4.5/5
6. Don't Breath - M 4.5/5 W 3/5
7. The BlackWell Ghost - M 3/5 W 3/5
8. The Crazies - M 2/5 W 4/5
9. Halloween Horrors at Midnight (lol) - M 1/5 W 1/5
10. We Are Still Here - M 1/5 W 3/5
11. Bladerunner (I HAD TO COUNT IT) - M 4/5 W 4/5
12. The Nightmare - too spooky couldnt finish...
13. Tales of Halloween - M 4/5 W 4/5
14. Train to Busan - M 4.5/5 W 5/5
Falling behind!!!!!!!!!!! And had to count Bladerunner, couldn't just wait for that...
If it's of any consolation, the 3D in that movie is pretty solid, as I noted in my own review at the beginning of the month.![]()
#16 - Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
Oh god, the nineties. Here we go. Having seen the Friday the 13th series, I know that having ‘Final' in the title means there will definitely be more after this one. Unfortunately The Final Nightmare is terrible. Maybe it is because of the producer-turned-first-time-director, maybe it is because of the disjointed and frantic storytelling, maybe the clumsy action and even clumsier editing or maybe it is just a combination of all those things. The story drags and is too serious and the climax is too disappointing. The only real positive thing about this misfire is the fact that we get some Freddy backstory and origin which is interesting. 3/10
If it's of any consolation, the 3D in that movie is pretty solid, as I noted in my own review at the beginning of the month.
That the one where theyI saw that one in the theater cuz 3d. Except the 3d wasn't until the last 10 minutes. So your stuck holding the damn glasses for a while lol. That's what I remember anyway.blow him up with dynamite or something?
Yeah, that's the same one. I do have to admire the kitschy charm of being told to put the glasses on and to take them off at specific points as in-film dialogue.
17. It Comes at Night
Here I thought The Blackcoat's Daughter was a silly title, but It Comes at Night is even worse. What comes at night? Paranoia? That came during the day too. It's a wonder why audiences hated this movie. Even I expected this to be some story where a family is holed up in a house protecting themselves from zombies or at least some kind of creature. Hell, the poster even alludes to this. Now I'm happy to say that my expectations were way off because was I got instead was a real treat, but I tend to disagree with general audiences nowadays when it comes to horror.
I basically had a knot in my stomach during the entire duration of this film. This is a psychological horror film about the effects of paranoia, and it completely succeeds in delivering that. I've also seen some criticism aimed at the story for not revealing enough or clueing the viewer in. This is one of its strengths and goes for the same effect that Memento does in placing the viewer in the same perspective as the main character. We don't know the answers to all of the questions here, but neither does the protagonist. This just adds to the tension and paranoia, which got to me so much that I was close to covering my eyes and ears at one point. The movie is still a little rough around the edges at certain points with some characters underdeveloped and a couple of bits that weren't necessary. There are some great sequences though and as expected Joel Edgerton delivers a great performance. I'm going to keep an eye on the director from here on out as he's got my attention at least.
Verdict: 8/10
18. Don't Breathe
I figured I would follow up my previous entry with another recently acclaimed horror flick. Now, watching this basically back-to-back with It Comes at Night is really bad for the nerves and I don't recommend doing it. Don't Breathe delivers an experience in tension that deserves to be seen despite some glaring flaws that hold it back from achieving true greatness. I could really nitpick this thing to death if I wanted to, but I don't wanna. I'll just say that up until the third act the ship was sailing very smooth with just a few dents that could easily have been overlooked. Then the third act happens and we get some cringey, edgy dialogue along with some truly stupid moments with even dumber characters that were up until that point well developed and realized. I was really disappointed.
I don't want to rag on the film too much though as much of it was good. This was a great project for director Fede Alvarez to do after handling the Evil Dead remake. He could have easily gone the route that similar in position, remake directors have and dropped off the earth. Where Evil Dead was an exercise in gross out moments and insane gore, instead Don't Breathe goes in the opposite direction more interested in providing suspense and terror. He also brings Jane Levy back with him who puts in a good performance just like she did in Evil Dead. Also, don't fuck with Stephen Lang.
Verdict: 7/10