I feel like It Follows leans a bit on nostalgia, but it has that weird timeless feel to it too. I'm still not sure what to make of those weird makeup cased ereaders the MC was using.
Watched Evil Dead OG for the first time last night, really enjoyed the film and I was impressed on how well it still holds up given its age and indie status. Aside from some stiff acting in the beginning sections, the film was great throughout. I'll probably watch the second one today. 4/5
The testicles in a jar dude was in Planet Terror.
#19 - Final Destination (2000)
One of the pitfalls this movie, and I assume for the sequels as well, is to keep the parts in between the elaborate death scenes entertaining and engaging. For this first movie it mostly succeeds because of the needed world building. It does a really good job at setting up the rules of the Final Destination universe, the characters that are used for the exposition scenes catch on really quick and that just makes things all the clearer for the viewer. Thats a smart way to get the ball rolling and keep things moving. This is a very solid first entry with some solid storytelling, elaborate set-ups and crazy death scenes. The deaths are still quite tame in comparison to whats to come I reckon, but this was made with a lot of glee and I cant wait to see how these movies develop. 6/10
BTW, I haven't been ignoring this thread at all, so much as I've been in a rut as far as any desire to do any kind of elaborate write-up of anything I've been watching in the past couple of days. It also doesn't help that I'm starting to panic that I probably started off too slow with my programming this year, as I've got a lot of films to try and through in the next week and a half, and it's pretty daunting, to say the least.
I've sort of hit a wall for the first time this month as well. Luckily I'm well ahead of schedule when it comes to my viewings so I can afford a couple of days off. I've got to make sure I stay ahead of my writeups though since this is the point of the month where I usually start falling behind.
Oh, I'm not giving up or anything like that. It's just going to be tough to watch everything I put on my list before Halloween.
Not particularly scary, but definitely uneasy. The movie does a remarkable job at emulating the look and feel of a real documentary, maybe the best I've ever seen attempt that style. But it's a slow burn story of grief invaded by unsettling unexplained horror, done quite well.
24) Lake Mungo (2008)
Not particularly scary, but definitely uneasy. The movie does a remarkable job at emulating the look and feel of a real documentary, maybe the best I've ever seen attempt that style. But it's a slow burn story of grief invaded by unsettling unexplained horror, done quite well.
I started this last night. It's...rough. Not in a good way. I'll finish it today but man I was not impressed.
It's also funny to see Bruce Campbell mostly being fairly wimpy in the first film compared to the wisecracking badass he is from the sequels.
Cruising Where to even begin. If you have issues watching gay dudes, don't bother with this one because a lot of time is spent in the bars and some weird shit is shown. I think the most out there was a dude lubing his hand for some uh....chocolate action. Honestly though as a straight guy the scenes weren't that bad and I think it very effectively set the film up. Al Pacino plays an undercover cop who is trying to find a serial killer targeting gay men. The ending was a bit of a letdown but overall a good slasher flick.
This one gets four bitch slaps from a big black guy in an interrogation room who is dressed in nothing but a jock strap and a cowboy hat.
While that may seem like an oddly peculiar way to rate this...it is, I shit you not, in the movie. Pacino pulls in a suspect for interrogation. Now he's undercover so their playing it straight...heh...and working him like the other guy who is the suspect. They can't get Pacino to finger....heh...the guy so they open the door to the room and...
That guy strolls in. Pacino and the suspect are like what the fuck. Black dude bitch slaps the fuck out of Pacino. Launches him to the floor. Like out of nowhere. Dude in jockstrap and cowboy hat is there for pimp slapping suspects. I was rolling cuz it was so absurdly out of place.
Oh yeah. It is time to release the raw headiness.
Yes i believe in the devil
Yeah, NoLD was probably my biggest surprise this month. I was surprised by the violence present in the movie, and you know it must have been jaw dropping for audiences in the 60s. As a zombie movie, it holds up remarkably well, even comparable to modern entries in the genre.8) Night of the Living Dead | via Amazon streaming
I'd seen most of this film in bits and pieces over the years, but never seen it straight through. What surprised me was seeing the origin of not just modern zombies, but so many modern zombie movie tropes. The siege structure; the internal conflict between the humans; the botched escape plan; someone within the survivors getting infected; the zombie rush/slaughter near the end; the pitch black ending. I'd seen this movie, or rather echoes of it, for years but never realized the extent of it.
Using the TV and radio to provide glimpses of the chaos happening beyond the farm was a good device to build out the story, but I wish the film did not go so far as to explain the origin of the zombies.
I was also surprised at how graphic it was, for the time. We get quite a bit of blood splatter, entrails bouncing around while clutched greedily, lots of innards and limbs getting munched, and a random nude zombie. The black and white photography was gorgeous, lots of wonderful shots inside leveraging deep shadow and slices of light casting over characters.
Oh, and we never learn the origins or how it starts. They were just speculating, and then that guy's theory gets shot down.
One of the other scientists says that the idea of the satellite and radiation is ridiculous when they're discussing it; so it's kept ambiguous and none of the other Romero movies ever try to explain the cause of the zombiesI must have missed this. They spent a lot of time talking about the Venus satellite they destroyed in orbit, radiation being detected and spreading, radiation re-activating the brain, etc. At what point was it shot down?
One of the other scientists says that the idea of the satellite and radiation is ridiculous when they're discussing it; so it's kept ambiguous and none of the other Romero movies ever try to explain the cause of the zombies
Actually, if you rewatch The Walking Dead Season 1, it looked like that was the direction Darabont wanted to take the walkers. We see a walker smashing a window with a rock, walkers having memories of their lives, the first walker we see is carrying a doll, etc.Ah, got it. I just took that to mean he thought it was incredulous, which seemed about right under the circumstances. Given how much time was devoted to the explanation I took it at face value. But I realize Romero abandoned attempts to explain it in later films, which was smart.
Something else that surprised me here: the zombies in NOTLD used tools, both to attack and to solve problems: breaking car and house windows, using clubs to break down doors, as stabbing weapons, etc. They were not just lumbering forward blindly. I haven't seen a lot of zombie films, but that's an aspect of Romero's zombies I'm surprised wasn't picked up on more often. They tend to either fast or slow, but I don't think I've ever seen any using tools as they were here. I'm not sure why, as that was an element that added to the fright: Barbara wasn't safe in the car because the fucker bashed the window in. The kid was dangerous because she used a weapon.
This is a slasher flick? I thought it was another cop drama investigating murders.
8) Night of the Living Dead | via Amazon streaming
I'd seen most of this film in bits and pieces over the years, but never seen it straight through. What surprised me was seeing the origin of not just modern zombies, but so many modern zombie movie tropes. The siege structure; the internal conflict between the humans; the botched escape plan; someone within the survivors getting infected; the zombie rush/slaughter near the end; the pitch black ending. I'd seen this movie, or rather echoes of it, for years but never realized the extent of it.
Using the TV and radio to provide glimpses of the chaos happening beyond the farm was a good device to build out the story, but I wish the film did not go so far as to explain the origin of the zombies.
I was also surprised at how graphic it was, for the time. We get quite a bit of blood splatter, entrails bouncing around while clutched greedily, lots of innards and limbs getting munched, and a random nude zombie. The black and white photography was gorgeous, lots of wonderful shots inside leveraging deep shadow and slices of light casting over characters.
I wish Barbara didn't collapse into a helpless heap for most of the film, something I hear Romero spent the next couple of films in the series making up for with stronger female characters.
All in all this was both a great film - it holds up remarkably well - and an educational one, from a film history standpoint. One scratched off a very tall backlog pile.
As an aside, it was rather depressing to see the tale of a smart, take-charge black man who comes into a bad situation, gets things in order, and a bellicose white guy barges in, calls him incompetent, and wreaks all his plans. This was not quite the escape from reality I was hoping for this evening.
I know right? I thought it was so good.Just got done watching It Comes at Night, holy fuck man... What an intense movie. Technically a great movie, great lighting, shooting, acting, etc. but man this movie has me fucked up right now. Welp, time to sleep on it. 5/5 barking dogs.
I've come close to buying this based off the packaging alone, I haven't heard too many good things about the movie itself though.