Have I got the series for you!
The second movie's poster is not fun
Have I got the series for you!
Don't eat anything while watching Dead Alive. Especially not pudding.
This and last year are going to be "show my girlfriend movies she hasnt seen yet", so it'll be fun to do that again. My general theme is going to be "zombies", but I need suggestions for non-Romero/Return/Evil Dead zombie films, as theyre already on the list as she hasnt seen any of them. Resident Evil I don't see as horror, just as an fyi.
Alright, going to need some suggestions to fill some gaps.
So far, I have...
If anyone has some suggestions to fill up those gaps, itd be appreciated. Im completely lost.
Didn't participate last year due to some bad personal stuff going on at the time. But, boy oh boy, am I looking forward to this. Here's what I got so far, need to fill some spots:
1. It (2017)
2. Exam
3. Train to Busan
4. Tucker and Dale vs Evil
5. Don't Breathe
6. Cabin in the Woods
7. Get Out
8. The Conjuring 2
9. Let the Right One In
10. American Werewolf in London
11. Hush
12. You're Next
13. Friday the 13th
14. The Witch
15. Raw
16. A Dark Song
17. The Transfiguration
18. Split
19. The Girl With All the Gifts
20. The Devil's Candy
21. Deathgasm
Rigor Mortis
The Love Witch
The Hallow
Any recommendations? I like stuff that doesn't let up and let you catch your breath like Inside and You're Next, some good zombie flicks, and fun ones like Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
Black Sabbath, Nosferatu (1979), and Shivers.
Mariachi's suggestions are all great, too.
Rigor Mortis and The Love Witch are both fantastic but they are both so narrow in their focus that I can understand why some might not like them. Rigor Mortis in particular might come across as a little unintelligible if one doesn't really know the Mr. Vampire flicks.Maybes?
Rigor Mortis
The Love Witch
The Hallow
gonna aim for around 14-15 of them this month. what's the film collection on that Shudder service like for older horror movies (universal monsters, italian stuff, carpenter, romero dead trilogy)?
gonna aim for around 14-15 of them this month. what's the film collection on that Shudder service like for older horror movies (universal monsters, italian stuff, carpenter, romero dead trilogy)?
In case anyone hates themselves and needs a film to watch in October with a minimum of fuss, Dimension Films and Google Play have just the film for you, as Amityville: The Awakening will be available for streaming for free from Oct 12-Nov 8!
As the article points out, this has been delayed multiple times, so keep your expectations lower than Atlantis.
I decided to make a potential list after all. Using the incredible resources of TCM's october horror schedule, and shudder's offerings I "narrowed" it down to 50 movies. The only rewatches on the list are Dracula, and Bride of Frankenstein. It looks like I'm going heavy on Universal, Hammer, RKO, and some more Italian flicks I didn't get to last year. There's no way I'm gonna get through all of these, and the last 5-6 are airing on Halloween so I probably won't get to them in October, so if you guys have any suggestions as to what should be cut or what I should prioritize, I'm all ears.
Here's my letterboxd list
The first to go will probably be one of the many Hammer Dracula sequels in there.
On a different note, has anyone seen the Spanish-language version of Dracula (1931)? Heard it was actually better than the original.
Off the top of my head I don't think it has any universal, Carpenter, or Romero Dead, but it's really excellent for the Italian stuff. There's plenty of other good older stuff on there as well.
Going to add a couple of remakes I actually liked to my list that I haven't seen in a long time.
-Dawn of the Dead (2004)
-Friday the 13th (2009)
On a different note, has anyone seen the Spanish-language version of Dracula (1931)? Heard it was actually better than the original.
It's been mentioned earlier in the thread, but this year we have an actual Friday the 13th in October, and I really feel like I should watch one of the films from the the franchise that day, but I'm also trying really hard to have no rewatches this year.
So will I hate myself for watching the 2009 remake, or is it not too bad?
I watched it again the other day while doing a marathon, I liked it more than I used to
Don't eat anything while watching Dead Alive. Especially not pudding.
I'm putting my list together. I usually just watch the same movies each year really. Lots of stuff I love, but only watch once a year. Will try to make it at least half brand new.
The guy sitting on the US rights to some Romero stuff for tons of money is an asshole. Dawn of the Dead is OOP for years and currently isnt even streaming anywhere. Insane. Guess I'll just Martin on YouTube too.
still baffles me why it was named Dead Alive in the Us Braindead is a much better name
The remake is actually pretty decent.It's been mentioned earlier in the thread, but this year we have an actual Friday the 13th in October, and I really feel like I should watch one of the films from the the franchise that day, but I'm also trying really hard to have no rewatches this year.
So will I hate myself for watching the 2009 remake, or is it not too bad?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_Dead_(1990_film)still baffles me why it was named Dead Alive in the Us Braindead is a much better name
The remake is actually pretty decent.
The remake is actually pretty decent.
Agreed. It was a good remake.
I strongly recommend the Dracula Legacy Collection (hell all of the Legacy collections)
The Dracula collection looks amazing, and contains:
Dracula: The Restoration (HD, 9 minutes): "The whole point of the process is to not let the viewer know we were here." This look at the restoration of the movie from its original nitrate film and audio elements is an essential one. Every catalog release -- every single one -- should merit a featurette of this sort, if only to demonstrate how challenging restorations are handled. It needn't be long, just as informative and layman-friendly as this one.
Dracula (1931) Spanish Version (HD, 103 minutes): Lupita Tovar Kohner provides an introduction (SD, 4 minutes) to the Spanish version of the film, which features a different cast rather than a simple dub, and was shot simultaneously with the English-language version.
Audio Commentaries: Two audio commentaries are included: a traditional production overview with film historian David J. Skal, who reads from prepared notes, and author and Dracula: Dead and Loving It screenwriter Steve Haberman, who also reads his entire commentary. Both are worth listening to, if only for the sheer value of the information provided, but both are dry, wooden experiences more akin to book-on-tape film essays than engaging audio commentaries.
Alternate Score Track (HD, 74 minutes): Philip Glass and the Kronos Quartet provide an alternate (and highly effective) music track for the film, which is ironically more of what modern film fans might expect from the largely scoreless classic movie. Purists may balk, but it's a fun marriage of the new and the old; the only downside being that it's presented via a 192kbps Dolby Digital stereo mix.
The Road to Dracula (SD, 35 minutes): Carla Laemmle (niece to Universal founder Carl Laemmle) hosts this trip back in time and behind the scenes of Dracula, complete with interviews with film historians, modern filmmakers, and other notable horror notables, as well as clips from a number of films it influenced.
Lugosi: The Dark Prince (SD, 36 minutes): An in-depth look at the life, career and vampiric contribution of Bela Lugosi, the intense, magnetic actor who defined the horror star of the early 1930s.
Dracula Archives (SD, 9 minutes): Movie posters, campaign art, production stills and other images.
Trailer Gallery (SD, 6 minutes): Dracula, Dracula's Daughter, Son of Dracula and House of Dracula.
Monster Tracks (HD): A standard trivia track rounds out the package.
Dracula's Daughter
A Theatrical Trailer (1:24, SD) is included.
Son of Dracula
A Theatrical Trailer (1:37, SD) is included.
House of Frankenstein
Theatrical Trailer (1:41, 480i) - an unrestored, windowboxed trailer that appears to be a re-release trailer. May not be the first trailer that Universal originally ran.
House of Dracula
Theatrical Trailer (1:26, 480i) - an unrestored, slightly windowboxed trailer that appears to be a re-release trailer. May not be the first trailer that Universal originally ran. Note: Don't watch this if you haven't seen the film as it divulges a major spoiler!
Abbott and Costello Meet Dracula
Abbott and Costello Meet the Monsters (SD; 33:18) is hosted by historian David J. Skal and offers an enjoyable overview of the comedy duo's interaction with various Universal horror stars.
Feature Commentary with Film Historian Gregory W. Mank. Mank is scholarly but accessible in this very informative and enjoyable commentary. Some of the commentary is frankly of the "now we're seeing" category, but Mank also provides some unexpected little nuggets, like the fact that animation under the credits sequence was probably done by Woody Woodpecker's Walter Lantz and that Glenn Strange was once the singing voice for John Wayne in some of the Duke's early Western films.
Theatrical Trailer (SD; 1:40)
You can get it for about $20
I watched it again the other day while doing a marathon, I liked it more than I used to
Oh nice!FYI for cinemassacre fans. I was bummed out that James decided to retire the Monster Madness series but he just announced that he'll be reviewing five new movies in what he's called "Son of Monster Madness". I'm glad to see he's keeping it going in some fashion.
Exactly! I sold my DVD copy in preparation to replace it with the bluray copy, then the bluray went out of print immediately afterwards and the price shot up to a ridiculous after-market price. Why the fuck is a film directed by Peter Jackson this hard to find now? I just don't understand.It's crazy this movie is still out of print. I lucked into the DVD and bluray at various places.
Okay, so I need help picking a Tobe Hooper movie. It looks like my options are:
- Eaten Alive (1976)
- Salem's Lot (1979)
- The Funhouse (1981)
- Night Terrors (1993)
- The Mangler (1995)
I'm not necessarily looking for the best movie of the bunch (which I'm going to assume is Salem's Lot), but what I'll have the most fun with. Currently I'm into 70s sleaze and 80s cheese so I'm leaning towards either Eaten Alive or The Funhouse. Keep in mind I LOVE Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.
Whatever I go with will most likely be paired with a re-watch of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre as a bonus movie - so I'll be watching one of Hooper's best, and possibly one of his... not so best.
So, any opinions on what to go with?
Okay, so I need help picking a Tobe Hooper movie. It looks like my options are:
- Eaten Alive (1976)
- Salem's Lot (1979)
- The Funhouse (1981)
- Night Terrors (1993)
- The Mangler (1995)
I'm not necessarily looking for the best movie of the bunch (which I'm going to assume is Salem's Lot), but what I'll have the most fun with. Currently I'm into 70s sleaze and 80s cheese so I'm leaning towards either Eaten Alive or The Funhouse. Keep in mind I LOVE Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.
Whatever I go with will most likely be paired with a re-watch of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre as a bonus movie - so I'll be watching one of Hooper's best, and possibly one of his... not so best.
So, any opinions on what to go with?
Okay, so I need help picking a Tobe Hooper movie. It looks like my options are:
- Eaten Alive (1976)
- Salem's Lot (1979)
- The Funhouse (1981)
- Night Terrors (1993)
- The Mangler (1995)
I'm not necessarily looking for the best movie of the bunch (which I'm going to assume is Salem's Lot), but what I'll have the most fun with. Currently I'm into 70s sleaze and 80s cheese so I'm leaning towards either Eaten Alive or The Funhouse. Keep in mind I LOVE Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.
Whatever I go with will most likely be paired with a re-watch of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre as a bonus movie - so I'll be watching one of Hooper's best, and possibly one of his... not so best.
So, any opinions on what to go with?
Okay, so I need help picking a Tobe Hooper movie. It looks like my options are:
- Eaten Alive (1976)
- Salem's Lot (1979)
- The Funhouse (1981)
- Night Terrors (1993)
- The Mangler (1995)
I'm not necessarily looking for the best movie of the bunch (which I'm going to assume is Salem's Lot), but what I'll have the most fun with. Currently I'm into 70s sleaze and 80s cheese so I'm leaning towards either Eaten Alive or The Funhouse. Keep in mind I LOVE Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.
Whatever I go with will most likely be paired with a re-watch of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre as a bonus movie - so I'll be watching one of Hooper's best, and possibly one of his... not so best.
So, any opinions on what to go with?
Salem's Lot is the best in terms of quality, but if you're into 70's-80's sleaze then The Funhouse will be right up your alley, it's weird, gonzo slasher fun.
I will tell you, just to maybe help that I LOVE Salem's Lot BUT it was made for tv and is slow as hell. I love it though and it is a good classic.
I've only seen The Funhouse and Salem's Lot out of those 5. I really like both but The Funhouse is probably a more fun watch.
Out of your options, I'd say Funhouse. It's a nice little slasher. Good atmosphere and make-up. Eaten Alive is an interesting movie. The tone is broad, EC Comics territory. Tobe also got pretty aggressive with the lighting. It's been so long since I saw 'Salem's Lot, I don't remember anything about ti, other than it being good. It's on my list of possibles. But whatever you do, avoid Night Terrors. It's dog shit.... and that might be insulting dog shit.
I remember as a kid seeing the VHS of Jack Frost on the shelves at Blockbuster. It was a holographic design, so at one angle the cover was just a regular looking snowman, but at another angle it turned into that^.
Scared the fucking SHIT out of me. Even looking at it now makes me a little uncomfortable :lol
Rigor Mortis and The Love Witch are both fantastic but they are both so narrow in their focus that I can understand why some might not like them. Rigor Mortis in particular might come across as a little unintelligible if one doesn't really know the Mr. Vampire flicks.
Planet Terror
We Are Still Here
Dead Snow 1 and 2
Return of the Living Dead
Dead Alive
Night of the Creeps
Thank you gentlemen.
Another quick question. Would Shin Godzilla be considered horror or is it too much on the Sci-Fi side?