31 Days of Horror: Resurrection |OT| The October Movie Marathon

Fox Mulder

I've never seen a giallo film before and have so far watched Blood and Black Lace (1964), A Bay of Blood (1971), and Deep Red (1975) this month.

tense movies that really keep you guessing and have crazy endings. Fun stuff. I can tell the slashers came from these.
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Cool Smoke Luke
Love the production of Interview of the Vampire. Its too bad they never made more in the series with this cast. Alot of people didn't like Cruise as Lestat but I think he suited the role. Armand being younger in the books didn't bother me Antonio Banderes suits the character well.
Tonight heading back to the 50's for a classic with Vincent Price


Going to watch Suspiria for the first time tonight. I've heard really good things about it, plus there's a remake coming out soon.


I've never seen a giallo film before and have so far watched Blood and Black Lace (1964), A Bay of Blood (1971), and Deep Red (1975) this month.

tense movies that really keep you guessing and have crazy endings. Fun stuff. I can tell the slashers came from these.
Bay of Blood is a great one. Really enjoyed that and it doesn't hold back.

I'd also recommend Torso and The Bird with the Crystal Plumage.


October 2: Halloween
[4k UHD]

I watch the movie every year but this is the first time I've done so with an actual home video release in a long time. Not too much new to say about it although I found the lighting very impressive in the last act of the movie.

October 3: The Dark

Cheap little flick about a giant alien, looks like a caveman in denim, that goes on a murder spree in the big city. It drags but the characters are fun and there are some hilarious line deliveries. They are also some really effective shots of the creature that make him look truly gigantic and it has two really solid kills.

October 4: Taste the Blood of Dracula
[Blu ray]

Pure Hammer goodness. The production design, score, and Lee are as great ever. Solid story with some good actors that make the non dracula bits work as well. The heroine wasnt my cup of tea and the ending is a bit naff but still a good time overall.
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I've never seen a giallo film before and have so far watched Blood and Black Lace (1964), A Bay of Blood (1971), and Deep Red (1975) this month.

tense movies that really keep you guessing and have crazy endings. Fun stuff. I can tell the slashers came from these.
Yup! Check out 'Bay of Blood' since it influenced Friday the 13th down to some of the kills.


#9 Deadly Blessing (1981)

Wes Craven puts in a solid entry to the slasher genre by adding a crazy cult in the farmlands. There were more big names involved in this than I realised - Ernest Borgnine, Sharon Stone, and James Horner doing the score. Was cool to see an earlier version of the bathtub scene from Elm Street in this. And Craven chose to work with quite a few animals/insects which made things icky. This was a good one and built up to a well done ending with surprises and then some.

WTF. For anyone that remembers, where did that ending with the monster come from?! It was kinda class-A bizarre and hilarious all at once. It makes more sense of Lana's dreams and weird behaviour but still. It was already a good film without that ending, I think Craven just went nuts for a laugh. Can't help but try to shock us.



Knocked out a few over the weekend.

5) Happy Death Day - Just as well should be called a comedy. 2.5/5
6) Truth or Dare - Turned out to not be the most recent one that I thought it was going to be. Kinda cool death scenes I guess. 2/5
7) The Fly (1986) - Quite disturbing really. Awesome one. 4.5/5
8) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - I think you've heard how bad this one is. 2/5
9) The Eye - Jessica Alba. 2/5

Really The Fly was the only thing worth watching.

Completed so far
6: Here Alone - Netflix - Went in wanting to watch a zombie film and though set in a zombie world, this was anything but what I was looking for. Personally, I found it really boring. Nuff bout that.

I give it 2/10 Buckets of Pee. Watch Cargo instead.

7: Murder Party - Netflix - dumb fun! It's obviously a very stupid horror comedy that is over the top with bad acting. in fact it legit comes off as a college thesis short film which i really didn't like. at first i struggled trying to decide if i was liking it, but by the midpoint i think it clicked and everything started working together, and i began to enjoy it.

I give it 5/10 Pumpkin Breads. If you liked this check out The Babysitter.
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8: The Windmill - Netflix - pleasantly surprised! Liked how it ended. Would have liked to see some more back story of each person, then just at the one time.

I give it 5/10 Hooks To The Face. If you liked this check out Jeepers Creepers.

9: Terrifier - Netflix - pretty straight forward run of the mill killer in a warehouse chasing victims. Plays it pretty safe. Got a bit tiresome. Intro seemed very random too.

I give it 4/10 Garbage Bags. Watch Clown instead
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Kagey K

7: Murder Party - Netflix - dumb fun! It's obviously a very stupid horror comedy that is over the top with bad acting. in fact it legit comes off as a college thesis short film which i really didn't like. at first i struggled trying to decide if i was liking it, but by the midpoint i think it clicked and everything started working together, and i began to enjoy it.

I give it 5/10 Pumpkin Breads. If you liked this check out The Babysitter.

TBH I felt the same way while I was watching it and I feel like a lot of people will shut it off before it starts clicking. Once it gets going though...

I was going to watch The Babysitter last year, but have a hard time seeing Bella Thorne in something mature, as my daughter used to watch Shake it Up and I still see her as a child in my mind. I’ll give it a chance eventually.

I wasted my weekend watching a group of movies from a company called Small Town Monsters. I went in thinking they’d be found footage type horror, turns out nope. They are legit documentaries.

They weren’t terrible nor great, but I don’t count them as horror even if they were about monsters, so I find myself a few days behind in this marathon now.

I’ll get caught back up though.
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#10 Expulsion of the Devil (1973)

French film. A family move into a haunted house, spooky stuff happens, they get a tv crew in to film investigations. It's funny to think how old this movie formula is. Must be one of the earlier ones. It's familiar material but with some unique ideas and it gets a little weird in places. Decent horror for what it is.

#11 Dark Waters (1993)

This was a surprise. A woman digs up her family history by visiting a remote convent on an island in Russia. Scary nuns and myths. I liked this more than I probably should have. Dialogue is a bit wooden and some accents hard to understand but the imagery and atmosphere are very cool. It's a bit dream-like with a sleepy pace and feels like something from Lovecraft. Everything is dirty and wet and a bit gross.



October 5th: Dracula Has Risen From His Grave
[Blu Ray]

Possibly my second favorite Hammer Dracula film. You have the fantastic opening in the church and the excellent sequence of the two priests trekking to Castle Dracula with a giant gold cross on their back to start the film. Sure, Drac's resurrection is hilariously awkward but the rest of the movie makes up for it. Dracula is also super fearsome and isnt taking crap from anybody this time around. Follow that up with some decent character stuff and one of the best Dracula deaths and you have a real classic.
Love the production of Interview of the Vampire. Its too bad they never made more in the series with this cast. Alot of people didn't like Cruise as Lestat but I think he suited the role. Armand being younger in the books didn't bother me Antonio Banderes suits the character well.
Tonight heading back to the 50's for a classic with Vincent Price

whats that video you're posting? is that you every time?


Cool Smoke Luke
yep i did a costume test run end of sept and filmed intro's to the months selections ..did some greenscreen editing and added trailers of each selection to each day's post. so each days video is different. but was all filmed at the same time.
just for shits and giggles since I like to learn how to do things . Worst part was i didn't think about not being able to wear my glasses when filming so i was constantly squinting and pausing to make out Teleprompt text I had scrolling on the TV behind where i was filming.
90% of mine are old fasion and family friendly since thats who i'm sharing it with primarily
Todays selection we're heading back to the Black Lagoon
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#12 The Void (2016)

That was really good. The sort of clashing of nightmarish worlds horror we don't get enough of. Very gory and thrilling. Good cast. Doesn't over-explain and gets on with it (might be a drawback for some). Felt like something from the Hellraiser franchise mixed with John Carpenter style. Can see myself coming back to this one. Got cult classic written all over it. Cheers for the recommends.



#12 The Void (2016)

That was really good. The sort of clashing of nightmarish worlds horror we don't get enough of. Very gory and thrilling. Good cast. Doesn't over-explain and gets on with it (might be a drawback for some). Felt like something from the Hellraiser franchise mixed with John Carpenter style. Can see myself coming back to this one. Got cult classic written all over it. Cheers for the recommends.


Watched this last year. Definitely Hellraiser vibes.


#13 Transylvania 6-5000 (1985)

I guess I needed some cringe in my life. Jeff Goldblum and Ed Begley Jr are tabloid journalists looking for Frankenstein. I mean I like a bad movie but wow. Give me Haunted Honeymoon over this any day. I think they had half a script and filled the rest in with falling over and weak adlibs. Must have been Paul Feig's muse. Highlight: Geena Davis in a kinky Dracula outfit.

Who'd have thought that next year Goldblum and Davis would be doing The Fly!



Cool Smoke Luke
#12 The Void (2016)

That was really good. The sort of clashing of nightmarish worlds horror we don't get enough of. Very gory and thrilling. Good cast. Doesn't over-explain and gets on with it (might be a drawback for some). Felt like something from the Hellraiser franchise mixed with John Carpenter style. Can see myself coming back to this one. Got cult classic written all over it. Cheers for the recommends.

Love the theme not sure about all the gore tho..Im not a fan of gross horror...but copious amounts of blood that becomes silly is ok. Like ash vs the evil dead ...love it. Evil Dead remake..not so much


Cool Smoke Luke
Return of the Creature was good 50's cheesy fun. Disappointing Universal screwed up the Bluray transfer and its only half the verticle resolution it should be but its the best copy we probably ever gonna get.
Tonight things return to the present with a modern horror story

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Love the theme not sure about all the gore tho..Im not a fan of gross horror...but copious amounts of blood that becomes silly is ok. Like ash vs the evil dead ...love it. Evil Dead remake..not so much
Evil Dead remake really went for it and I enjoyed it. I'm a bit of a splatter fan, of the fantastical stuff, not really the torture stuff coz that makes me feel uneasy. But gore can't save a naff film. You're watching some old classics and one of my all time faves is The Haunting. Nothing graphic in that and it's one of the scariest things I ever saw.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Not a movie, but I really have to give a shout-out to Slasher; very specifically the 2nd season which is a vast improvement over the dismal first season.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Hey everyone, just a heads up that this Friday, Apostle is out on Netflix. Gareth Evan's (The Raid 1/2) new horror/mystery about a religious cult in England, starring Dan Stevens (The Guest) and Michael Sheen (Frost/Nixon). Definitely one to keep an eye out for.

Hey everyone, just a heads up that this Friday, Apostle is out on Netflix. Gareth Evan's (The Raid 1/2) new horror/mystery about a religious cult in England, starring Dan Stevens (The Guest) and Michael Sheen (Frost/Nixon). Definitely one to keep an eye out for.

thanks for heads up. will add to queue. im guessing wickerman inspired
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
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#14 Cemetery Man (1994)

Bizarre rambling story about a lonely and nihilistic guy who lives in a cemetery working to kill zombies as they appear. It's a black comedy but kind of goofy humour too. A lot of odd stuff just happens and by the end it doesn't make much sense. There's funny bits and it's very watchable, just weird. It feels like it came from a comic or should be one.

10: Ravenous - Netflix - enjoyed this one way more than “here alone”. Lots of characters with enough time spent on their relationships. enough action and humor too, not overdone. Maybe i missed it but i dont think its explained why the
zombies are attracted to certain locations and build towers out of their belongings/memories.

I give it 5/10 Cornhole Comics. If you liked this check out 28 Days Weeks Later.
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October 6th: Abominable

Ever want see to Seinfeld's Lloyd Braun tangle with Big Foot?

A wheelchair bound widower returns to his cabin in the woods only to witness a Sasquatch murder a bunch of pretty girls next door. It's an old fashioned film that really tries to be the best it can be despite the low budget. It's from Ryan Schifrin, son of the film's composer Lalo Schifrin of Mission: Impossible fame, with appearances by Dee Wallace, Lancr Henriksen, Phil Morris, Jefrrey Combs among others. It has some decent effects and kills and isnt a bad watch.

October 7th: Child's Play

Hadn't seen the original in years but it still holds up. It takes itself just seriously enough which is why so many horror films from the period worked.

October 8th: Monkey Shines

Freaking Romero. This movie is so gloriously bananas. At times dark, ridiculous, or sweetly endearing the movie just goes for it at every turn. The elegant score and solid performances keep the film mostly on track. First time I've seen it since I was little but man is it a trip.
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October 9th: The Houses October Built

Total borefest. The RV stuff was ok and the strip club was a nice bonus but overall it was just a huge waste of time.


#15 Backtrack (2015)

A psychologist starts seeing ghosts. Goes to his home town to deal with a past event. Mystery etc. Standard sort of ghost story. Done well enough but run of the mill. Bit predictable. Okay time killer if that's your thing.



#16 Love Me Deadly (1973)

Necrophilia, daddy issues, and murder. Twisted little film. Going for more of a 'how shocking' approach but low key and almost tasteful so it's more like a serious/soapy relationship drama. Not too bad, bit drawn out and obvious, borderline dull, really dated. Stick a rifftrax over this and it could be an instant classic.

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hah yup . same. thursday night football got me. plus the baby wanted to stay up later than usual last night. got a packed weekend too, dunno how im gonna stay on top of it.

Same. That and I moved to a hotter state so it's not even feeling like Halloween season to me, so I'm not exactly in the spirit at the moment. Not done with the challenge by any means, just not enjoying it like I have in the past.


I'm lucky I've got quite a bit of free time at the mo. And I've largely replaced gaming with films. It's a fun change but think I'll switch back hard come next month.


#17 Spiral / Uzumaki (2000)

Weird weird weird. I couldn't decide if this was supposed to be a comedy or not. It's got an odd tone and is ridiculous in places. Sort of lighthearted with lots of grisly deaths. And some of the acting... A town gets obsessed with spirals. People act strange. There's a kinda backstory if you look hard enough. Not good but quite amusing.



October 10th: Lady in White
[Blu ray]

I was really impressed with this one. Basically a young boy gets trapped in his school, sees a ghost, and gets caught up with a serial killer. It's got this wonderfull nostalgic family movie thing going but it also gets raw and dark in just the right ways. It's like a wonderfully warm, but spooky, blanket. Some of the effects are rough and the comic relief feels kind of out of place but the rest of the movie really worked for me.

October 11th: Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers

This borderline parody that totally reshaped the franchise is the best movie of the bunch. Springsteen's Angela is a total delight and really deserved a bigger run as a slasher villain.
Awaiting: Have you seen The Loved Ones (2009)? Father finds a guy for his precious girl and takes him home (against his will). It's a bit like that, but in a sleepy English town. The overbearing father is great, who's temper flicks like a switch. A lot of tension as freedom is just out of reach of the hapless victim.

Splinter: Not about the ninjutsu proficient rat. There's a parasite looking for victims, turning them into Hellraiser-like creations. Cornered inside a service station, some survivors try to find a way to survive and ultimately defeat what is trying to get in and tear them apart. Hard to get a good look at the horrors as the camera only momentarily flicks to them, but the movie in some ways reminds me of From Dusk Til Dawn.


October 11th: Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers

This borderline parody that totally reshaped the franchise is the best movie of the bunch. Springsteen's Angela is a total delight and really deserved a bigger run as a slasher villain.
I'm a fan of the first one too but this is just like you say - a delight. Angela can really swing a big stick. So righteous. Love her.


October 12th: The Midnight Man

Probably the most depressing movie so far. It starts off really well with an amazing kill, a physically charismatic monster, and some solid imagery and atmosphere but just when the movie should be hitting its stride it dumps a long exposition scene then climaxes and ends almost immediately after. The monster gets a bit talky and stops hiding in the shadows, and I'm still confused as to how old the characters are supposed to be. The script really needed another pass.

That said it was still like 10 times better than bye bye man, slender man, and the last rings flick.


Gold Member
I just watched 'The Final Girls' which wasn't too bad.
It's about these people from current time being stuck in an 80's slasher movie (Pretty much Friday the 13th)

With these guys.
11: The Devil's Dolls - Netflix - liked this one. there was some effort that went into it. acting wasn't great at all, but they try having a real story. moves pretty quickly. lots of kills. a few surprises.

I give it 6/10 Worry Dolls.
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