31 Days of Horror: The Ravenous |OT| The October Movie Marathon


As the spookiest season of the year creeps in, it's time to raise from the dead our annual 31 Days of Horror Movie Marathon!
We post this thread in anticipation of October so participants can begin drafting lists, discussing years past, and drawing up the hype - remember it's best to not begin your movie viewing until October 1st.

What is 31 Days of Horror?

It's a daily horror movie marathon that culminates in Halloween!
Participants watch, discuss, and review as many horror, thriller, classic, goreporn, zombie, psychobiddy, monster, slasher, anthology, found footage, etc. or Halloween-esque movies as they can get through during October. The goal is to watch a movie/day finishing up on October 31st. It can be difficult for everyone to find the time for 31 films, but don't let that dissuade, people participate if they watch zero to 62. Just have fun and chat about your passion for on-screen horror!


- Starting October 1st, watch as many full-length horror movies as you can until November 1st. Only discuss movies watched during this period.
- After each viewing, you must post which movie(s) you've watched and your thoughts/opinions on them. Be as brief or as detailed in your review as you'd like, but don't just list what you've watched - none wants to read a list. Please number your movies and keep a running tally of your progress. If you are cross posting your reviews elsewhere, do not only provide a link to the offsite review, post the full review here as well.
- Short films may be included, but should be 45 minutes in length or longer.
- TV series (The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Stranger Things, etc) are okay to watch, but the catch is that you may only review and count an entire season towards your list.
- TV series consisting of stand alone short films (such as Masters of Horror) are allowed as long as they meet the 45 minutes or longer time requirement for short films.
- SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. SPOILER TAG. Remember, many eyes read through this thread for suggestions, so try not to ruin anything for others, regardless of how long ago the film came out.
- Don't cheat. Jason will know.

Optional Extras:

- Do 1 movie every day, so you end up with a 31 films as your final total. As before, the full 31 films total is fully optional. Only attempt this if you have a lot of free time and/or are completely insane and self-abusive.
- As the purpose of this is to expose yourself to new horror films, attempt to watch as many movies you haven't seen as possible. This makes going for the full 31 movies a lot more interesting than slogging though the same movies every year.
- Adding poster images, screenshots, quotes, trailer links, etc to your opinion posts are not mandatory, but will help bring attention to your reviews of each film - especially useful if you feel it's a film worth recommending to other participants.

Streaming Resources:

Here's a few free, legal streaming resources that may be available to you to expand your viewing pool.

- ShoutFactoryTV
- Troma (YouTube) [NSFW]
- Kings of Horror (YouTube)
- Shudder (free trial)

Member Tips and Advice:

A source of horror news and reviews I really like https://www.joblo.com/horror-movies/news/

Also If you have Prime, spend the $5 for a Shudder add on.

On Shudder - I recc the following, the ones I liked most are bolded...

The Host
Beach House
A Tale of Two Sisters
Bad Moon
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Black Christmas
Black Sabbath

Blood Quantum
Blood Rage
Brain Damage
Bride of Re-Animator
Cannibal Ferox
Cannibal Holocaust
Chopping Mall
City of the Living Dead

Class of 1984
Color Out of Space

Creepshow 2
Deadbeat at Dawn
Dead & Buried
Dead Heat
Deep Red

Demons 2
Don't Torture a Duckling
From Beyond

Ginger Snaps
Haunt (2019)
Hellbound: Hellraiser II
Hell House LLC
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

House II: The Second Story
House of 1000 Corpses
Humanoids from the Deep
Ichi the Killer
Late Phases

Maniac Cop
Maniac Cop 2
Night of the Living Dead

Prom Night
Random Acts of Violence
Ruin Me
Sadako vs. Kayako
Sleepaway Camp
Stake Land
Starry Eyes
Street Trash
Tammy and the T-Rex
Theater of Blood
The Beyond
The Cat o' Nine Tails
The Changeling
The Collector

The Evil
The Exorcist III
The Head Hunter
The Hills Have Eyes
The House by the Cemetery
The House of the Devil

The Lift
The Masque of the Red Death
The Mutilator
The Shed
The Slumber Party Massacre
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Void
Victor Crowley
Zombie Flesh Eaters

Previous years' threads:
31 Days of Horror: The Awakening
31 Days of Horror: Resurrection
31 Days of Horror 7 (The Purge)
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current list with new emoji rating system!

1. pet semetary (remake) - amazon prime :messenger_relieved:
2. childs play remake - amazon prime :messenger_grimmacing_
3. I am the pretty thing that lives in the house - netflix :messenger_neutral:
4. phantasm - amazon prime :messenger_grinning:
5. the houses October built :messenger_neutral:
6. wishmaster :messenger_relieved:
7. The Night Eats The World - Amazon Prime :messenger_neutral:
8. Nightmare on Elm Street 4 -
9. CAM - netflix :messenger_relieved:
10. Stoneheart Asylum - amazon prime :messenger_relieved:
11. Pumpkinhead :messenger_neutral:
12. Halloween 5 :messenger_neutral:
13. The Babysitter: Killer Queen :messenger_relieved:
14. Creature from the black lagoon :messenger_relieved:
15. Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight :messenger_grinning:
11. The blackcoats daughter - netflix
12. Nobody Sleeps in the woods tonight - nflx
13. we summon the darkness - nflx
14. Pizza - nflx
15. Holidays - nflx
16. poltergeist - nflx
17. Before I wake - netflix
18. it comes at night - nflx
19. in the tall grass - nflx
20. emelie - nflx
21. the perfection - nflx
22. rosemarys baby
23. xx - nflx
24. Blair Witch Project (orig) - rewatch
25. Carriers
26. Ghost Stories - netflix
27. I spit on your grave - amazon prime
28. suspiria (remake) - amazon prime
29. 31
30. mandy
31. revenge
32. Clovehitch killer
33. blair witch remake
35. Cadaver - netflix
36. haunt
37. scary stories (to tell in the dark) - amazon prime
38. his house - netflix
39.1BR - netflix
40. Aurora - netflix
41, head count - netflix
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Since Trick or Treating is out this year I might just do another super nostalgic lineup. Might throw in a couple of movies people have been raving about from this year like relic, rental and that video chat horror flick.

Of course, I have way more Hammer films on blu-ray now so I might do a Hammer month.


YEEAHHHH it's that time of the year again, here a few I watched last year if you need some tipps :)

The Ritual
Dead Night
The Host
Night of the Demons (?)
The Babadook
Train of the Dead
A Tale of Two Sisters
Evil Dead Trap
The Thing (1982)
The Exorcist
Event Horizon
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Wow, it's almost october
I always followed 31 days of horror here, and this is the first time I have an account here, I'm so happy to be able to share with you guys, in my country we don't have Halloween but this is my way to have my personal Halloween
I'm making my list, and I'll put some rewatchs, some tips of this thread and need to check on netflix what's the halloween movies
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I'll watch the Final Destination franchise and the Christine blluray I bought last year but didn't get around to. Oh and I bought the Angel DVD collection, that should be decent October viewing.
since the person who used to do these threads peaced out during the purge, i took over.. that user used numbers though to keep track of his threads, so in order to change it up I started using horror descriptors....and if you have been following along through the recent years ive been trying to loosely tie the descriptors together in an order to make a story
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Kagey K

Yay my favorite time of year. I’m not sure what my plan is for this year yet, but it’ll be my sons second year of horror and want to step it up a bit for him after last year.
Yay my favorite time of year. I’m not sure what my plan is for this year yet, but it’ll be my sons second year of horror and want to step it up a bit for him after last year.

How old is he? My oldest is turning 3 in november. He loves halloween and makes us watch halloween episodes of cartoons in the off season. Gonna try to do a creepy halloweeny kids movie with him.

Kagey K

How old is he? My oldest is turning 3 in november. He loves halloween and makes us watch halloween episodes of cartoons in the off season. Gonna try to do a creepy halloweeny kids movie with him.
12, I started him off easy last year with stuff like the Critters movies and Monster Squad then he decided he wanted to get a bit more scary so we watched all the Nightmare on Elm Street Movies, Shocker and the Final Destination series.

Now he loves Freddy and is determined he wants to watch Jason and Chucky this year. I’m thinking maybe about stepping it up and going with some Hellraiser movies and see if those scare the shit out of him.

I want to give him a legit scare this year, but don’t want to fully scar him yet and gore is what freaks him out the most.

For one yours age I’d suggest Ernest Scared Stupid or Goosebumps or Coraline if you think he could handle it. 😉
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Hold onto your panties
current brainstorming no order list:

1. The Haunting of Bly Manor - netflix
2. Cadaver - netflix
3. Nobody Sleeps in the woods tonight - netflix
4. his house - netflix
5. Ghost Stories - netflix
6. 1BR - netflix
7. Aurora - netflix
8. Before I wake - netflix
9. head count - netflix
10. Cam -netflix
11. The blackcoats daughter - netflix
12. I am the pretty thing that lives in your house - nflx
13. we summon the darkness - nflx
14. Pizza - nflx
15. Holidays - nflx
16. poltergeist - nflx
17. stonehurst asylum - nflx
18. it comes at night - nflx
19. in the tall grass - nflx
20. emelie - nflx
21. the perfection - nflx
22. rosemarys baby
23. xx - nflx
24. Blair Witch Project (orig) - rewatch
25. Carriers
26. Pumpkinhead
27. I spit on your grave
28. suspiria
29. 31
30. mandy
31. revenge
32. Clovehitch killer
33. blair witch remake
34. pet semetary
35. childs play remake
36. haunt
37. scary stories to tell in the dark
Great OP. Listen, I used to write and catalog horror films from the 50's-80's for some small websites 6-years ago and I can offer some pretty big suggestions per decade. I used to own a collection of over 500 rare titles on VHS, Beta, Blu-ray, and DVD. I moved out of the U.S. in 2016 and fell out of the horror community but I can still give some great suggestions. I won't lie...I haven't watched it all but...Almost all.
Great OP. Listen, I used to write and catalog horror films from the 50's-80's for some small websites 6-years ago and I can offer some pretty big suggestions per decade. I used to own a collection of over 500 rare titles on VHS, Beta, Blu-ray, and DVD. I moved out of the U.S. in 2016 and fell out of the horror community but I can still give some great suggestions. I won't lie...I haven't watched it all but...Almost all.

Please feel free to make whatever lists youd like - per decade, per director, per country, per whatever!

Ill include it in the OP

I hope you follow along this october and get your 31 in! Would love to read your thoughts and crit on what you watch
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I also use this annual marathon as a good excuse to finally open a bunch of horror movie dvds and Blu-ray’s I still haven’t had a chance to watch.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
I binged cinemassacres monster madness series this summer. Added a shit ton to my watch list. Gonna do a lot of Hammer horror this year and more classic universal horror. Gotta throw in some trashy 80s stuff. These MUST take priority though I have to make time for crash too

Old Retro

Ladies and gentlemen (and lowlifes) , here is my personal anniversary list I will be watching!

The Shining
The Fog
Altered States (William Hurt)
Friday the 13th
Death Ship

Stephen King’s Graveyard Shift
Jacob's Ladder
Tales from the Darkside: The Movie

Scary Movie
The Cell (Jennifer Lopez)
Final Destination

The Crazies



Hold onto your panties
Please feel free to make whatever lists youd like - per decade, per director, per country, per whatever!

Ill include it in the OP

I hope you follow along this october and get your 31 in! Would love to read your thoughts and crit on what you watch
I'll keep you posted. I used to go to my catalog and organize one everyday of October for many years. There's a lot of A-list which is boring and a lot of B-list that should be A-list and many of those B-movies are the ones people wish they'd seen. For example, if someone wants a scary werewolf movie and you ask them what to watch (from the 80's)...will they pick:
A. The Howling
B. An American Werewolf in London
C. In the Company of Wolves
D. Silver Bullet

Most will pick A and B. D doesn't live up to the thrill of the book it's based on (S.K.'s Cycle of the Werewolf)
However, how many will pick or know what C is? C is what one should pick.

That's just one category of horror; I've got 5 rare good ones for every category.


Yay. Thanks for keeping the threads going ThatStupidLion ThatStupidLion and love the subtitles.

Will be raiding my backlog for movies from the past 50 years or so - trying to go for all new. My third year doing this. Been loads of fun.

Would appreciate any suggestions of decent stuff on Prime UK. It looks like a minefield of dodgy schlock but there must be some goodies in there.

For anyone else looking for suggestions this is what I enjoyed most from the past two years.

A Cure for Wellness (2016)
Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (1971)
Deadly Blessing (1981)
Dark Waters (1993)
The Void (2016)
Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout (1990)
Alucarda (1977)
Pontypool (2008)
Cry_Wolf (2005)
Planet Terror (2007)

Hospital Massacre (1982) aka X-Ray
Suspiria (2018)
Who Can Kill A Child? (1976)
Dread (2009)
Subspecies (1991)
Bloodstone: Subspecies 2 (1993)
Night of the Creeps (1986)
Haute Tension (2003)
Don’t Torture a Duckling (1972)
Greatful Dead (2013)
I never participate in these because I'm not a big fan of schedules, well... I say never I guess I mean on other websites. I'll try and do it here, though. I'm not going to make a list of what I plan to watch because I nearly never plan to watch things.


I never participate in these because I'm not a big fan of schedules, well... I say never I guess I mean on other websites. I'll try and do it here, though. I'm not going to make a list of what I plan to watch because I nearly never plan to watch things.

don’t think of it as a scheduled thing, just cram in as many spooky movies as you can during October.

It’s gon’ be fun.
october first is here!!! starting my viewing with a freshie for me. Have never seen the original, but saw the remake was on amazon prime, so I queued it up!


1. overall I enjoyed the movie. Didnt love the casting other than Lithgow and yet i feel like they barely utilized his potential. plot-wise a lot of info felt kinda...left out. what I mean, is that i feel like certain aspects could have been explained a bit further or clearer. It was more "X happens and were just moving on". it definitely had a creepy vibe, but with the concept I feel like it could have been pushed SO much further. I'm content with the "unhappy" ending.
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I'll post my list here, only 25 movies, and I'll leave some space to suggestions from here
I'll try to beat the 31's this year, and I learnt from past that It's better to put some very different style of movies, from dark and serious movies to trash and comedy-horror, this way is more enjoyable and easier to beat 31, also I'm into of almost all sub genres of horror

All this list are new watches

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I'll post my list here, only 25 movies, and I'll leave some space to suggestions from here
I'll try to beat the 31's this year, and I learnt from past that It's better to put some very different style of movies, from dark and serious movies to trash and comedy-horror, this way is more enjoyable and easier to beat 31, also I'm into of almost all sub genres of horror

All this list are new watches


The Hitcher is totally awesome.
Burial Ground is good stuff, love the atmosphere.
City of the Walking Dead AKA Nightmare City is hysterical.
Angel Heart is well made but a little moody for me.
They Live is one of my favorite films ever.
The Entity is great and freaked the fuck out of me as a teen.
The New York Ripper isn't my favorite Fulci but it's really good, more sexual than his other horrors I suppose because it's going for sleazy giallo style.
Don't Torture a Duckling is great, tame by Fulci standards as it's more giallo/mystery story but very well made.
Opera is awesome, one of my favorite Argento flicks.
Bad Taste is hysterical and disgusting, I love it.


Picked out most of my movies now. I'm going to rewatch a few this year but am topping up with more new-to-me ones so will be aiming to watch at least 35 movies I think. Kicking off with the oldest and a classic.

#1 Psycho (1960)

Might be the fourth time I've watched this. What can I add to all that's been said. It's got a great slow burn. Especially good if you don't know what's coming. If you do know, then just enjoy the great camerawork.



The Hitcher is totally awesome.
Burial Ground is good stuff, love the atmosphere.
City of the Walking Dead AKA Nightmare City is hysterical.
Angel Heart is well made but a little moody for me.
They Live is one of my favorite films ever.
The Entity is great and freaked the fuck out of me as a teen.
The New York Ripper isn't my favorite Fulci but it's really good, more sexual than his other horrors I suppose because it's going for sleazy giallo style.
Don't Torture a Duckling is great, tame by Fulci standards as it's more giallo/mystery story but very well made.
Opera is awesome, one of my favorite Argento flicks.
Bad Taste is hysterical and disgusting, I love it.

Oh thanks, I'm glad to see that I picked some good movies
If you have some 80s or 90s movies that you like, please post here, I'm anxious to start


#2 The Collector (2009)

From psycho to sicko. You can tell this was written by people who did some Saw sequels. It's like Nancy's trapathon for Freddy Krueger gone mad. Started off tense and sinister and towards the end became more fun. The bit with the dog made me lol. Fairly good.


Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
1. Frankenstein (1931)

I can definitely see why this is regarded as a classic. Boris Karloff gives an incredible physical performance and man his eyes are so expressive going from an almost almost zombie like blankness to horror to menacing and back again. And the scene with the little girl was legitimately shocking and disturbing. It shows how much his acting sells what could be a silly movie (and is sometimes when viewing through a modern lense) and makes it disturbing even today.


this is on my list this year, I inadvertently watched the sequel a year or two ago, and enjoyed it for what it was.
I might do the sequel next year. The sadistic killer type stuff isn't normally my thing but I still check out some of them. This one had more flair than most.


Neo Member
I started my October with Scare Package. At first I wasn't really into it, but I really enjoyed watching a movie with so many practical effects. It has an absurd number of nods to old horror movies. It's really reminded me of some good stuff that I haven't watched in a while. It's also given me motivation to watch other things I haven't seen so I can rewatch Scare Package again later and maybe notice some other more subtle references.

Kev Kev

#2 The Collector (2009)

From psycho to sicko. You can tell this was written by people who did some Saw sequels. It's like Nancy's trapathon for Freddy Krueger gone mad. Started off tense and sinister and towards the end became more fun. The bit with the dog made me lol. Fairly good.

i actually quite enjoyed this. as a villain, i was hoping hed be making a comeback. i felt he was very sinister and i loved his look. that first bit with the collapsing ceiling was insane.


#3 The Amityville Curse (1990)

That was pretty rough. I've not watched the later films in this series. This is number 5. The characters are terrible which is probably the most entertaining thing about it. The kills are weak and there's not enough supernatural stuff. It plods. Got some pizza and some booze and had a laugh with it. No, at it. Don't watch alone unless you want to end up like the guy on the cover.

Wow - 16% on Rotten Tomatoes. About right.

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