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49 percent of Americans agree with Trump's travel ban

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Maybe this, but the line more in the middle.

Don't lump NY with those goons brah


And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

Imagine if a thread was created making blanket statements about all muslims (which happens), this entire sub section of the forum goes up in flames and that poster most likely gets banned.
I am not supporting laws to stop people from entering this country just based on where they live out of a misplaced fear.


And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

Imagine if a thread was created making blanket statements about all muslims (which happens), this entire sub section of the forum goes up in flames and that poster most likely gets banned.

I can with great confidence say that I'm a better person than every piece of shit that voted for this monster.
And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

Imagine if a thread was created making blanket statements about all muslims (which happens), this entire sub section of the forum goes up in flames and that poster most likely gets banned.
hey are you going to get around to explaining why you came to the conclusion we need increased vetting or can you admit that it's a support based on fear and not reason?

Will you admit that fear is a pretty poor thing to base policy decisions on?
And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

Imagine if a thread was created making blanket statements about all muslims (which happens), this entire sub section of the forum goes up in flames and that poster most likely gets banned.

I know what you are trying to say, but here's a BETTER way to communicate it:

MOST Trump voters are not worth our time and can fuck off for all I care. But the following Trump voters are to varying degrees NOT a lost cause:

- Trump voters that voted for Obama and/or currently approve of him
- Trump voters that only voted for him because they were desperate enough to get their job back that they would do something stupid like vote for Trump
- Trump voters that were mostly just voting AGAINST Hillary rather than FOR Trump

And the unfortunate fact is that in order to win back congress and the senate, democrats HAVE TO win back some of the above in addition to increasing democratic turnout.


And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

Imagine if a thread was created making blanket statements about all muslims (which happens), this entire sub section of the forum goes up in flames and that poster most likely gets banned.

What believes do all Muslims hold that are deplorable again? Right, didn't think so.


Ten percent of Americans scratch their heads, furrow their brows and try vainly to come to a decision as to whether or not they agree with Trump's poisonous madness.

Ten percent.

I bet these folks are the swing voters too.
Ten percent of Americans scratch their heads, furrow their brows and try vainly to come to a decision as to whether or not they agree with Trump's poisonous madness.

Ten percent.

I bet these folks are the swing voters too.

They're waiting for James Comey to show up and give them a push in the right direction.


My whole family seems to be defending it. I'm seeing a lot of, "did you guys forget about 9/11?" talk. I don't know where to begin with that.

Perhaps by letting them know that the places the attackers have been from haven't been banned.


i don't agree with a broad stroke ban like he seems like he's doing with this 90 day shit but some type of stricter vetting process for people coming and going from some of these countries i'm ok with.
Seems like the current vetting process is fine considering the numbers of terrorist incidents we've had from those countries in the U.S. Don't know how you want it stricter.


lacks enthusiasm.
Ten percent of Americans scratch their heads, furrow their brows and try vainly to come to a decision as to whether or not they agree with Trump's poisonous madness.

Ten percent.

I bet these folks are the swing voters too.
It's frustrating as all hell, no doubt. But those are the people we need to reach if we're going to get our country back.

Dead Man

Says who? you? They elected Trump, he's doing what they elected him for. It's actually everyone else that has to explain why not to change it.

Says who? Unfuckingreal. If you want change, you need to explain why it is needed. Keeping the status quo is not the position that needs to be argued for.


It's was a good run while it lasted.

This country is done. Osama wins, we have decided to destory our Democracy ourselves in the name of saving it from phantoms.


Unconfirmed Member
It's was a good run while it lasted.

This country is done. Osama wins, we have decided to destory our Democracy ourselves in the name of saving it from phantoms.

I'm happy I didn't end up in the trenches next to you.


It's was a good run while it lasted.

This country is done. Osama wins, we have decided to destory our Democracy ourselves in the name of saving it from phantoms.
That's the fascinating thing about Bin Laden.

Looking back that evil fuck is totally winning and this is going to down as one of the most unlikely feats of all time. A fucking nobody in a cave from nowhere figured out how to destroy the West from within.

If I did not live through it I would never have believed it.
Says who? Unfuckingreal. If you want change, you need to explain why it is needed. Keeping the status quo is not the position that needs to be argued for.
Oh, yeah, I missed this.

Yes, Donald Trump still has to justify his policy. We can't go writing laws and EO's willy-nilly just because they sound good to a fearful and emotional base - they should still be based on reason and evidence and be designed to have a particular positive effect. This is also why The Wall is a stupid as shit idea. We shouldn't spend tens of billions of dollars building a fucking border wall just because it sounds good on the surface to disaffected middle americans. I don't care what wild campaign promises someone made - if they're not actually good ideas in practice, we shouldn't fucking do them.


And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

I don't support racist bans. Thats how.


wow, a lot of "fuck these people" and intolerance here, how ironic.

First of all it would be hypocrisy not irony.

Second, being intolerant of intolerant things such as bigotry, xenophobia, and racism, is not hypocritical.

I'm sorry sane Americans but it seems you've lost your country, I have no idea where you go from here.


First of all it would be hypocrisy not irony.

Second, being intolerant of intolerant things such as bigotry, xenophobia, and racism, is not hypocritical.

I'm sorry sane Americans but it seems you've lost your country, I have no idea where you go from here.


I dunno either but thanks for your concern.


Wish we knew the age of those polled. I have a suspicion the older you are the more likely to say yes. So 40 + a big part of the percentage.
Reuters Poll: https://twitter.com/SteveKornacki/status/826564194304679936 and full poll info(pdf) in link under tweet


here's the question:

Do you agree or disagree with the Executive Order that President Trump signed blocking refugees and banning people from seven Muslim majority countries from entering the U.S.?

26% strongly agree,
22% somewhat agree,
14% somewhat disagree,
and 27% strongly disagree.

Note that the wording there is vague enough that someone saying "somewhat agree" could easily mean "I agree with blocking refugees but take issue with other parts."

Also the strongly disagree is BIGGER than the strongly agree.

And just so you guys realize that this poll isn't as bad as some of you think, here's some other questions and results:

Which of the following is closer to your opinion - It is fine to subject people from Muslim countries to extra scrutiny if it prevents attacks or Singling out a group based on religion violates American principles?

Strongly extra scrutiny for Muslims is fine 20%
Somewhat extra scrutiny for Muslims is fine 19%
Somewhat violation of American principles 17%
Strongly violation of American principles 27%
Don't know / refused 16%

Extent to which you agree or disagree...The United States should open our borders to refugees of foreign conflicts

Don't know 11%
Strongly Agree 14%
Somewhat Agree 32%
Somewhat Disagree 23%
Strongly Disagree 19%

Extent to which you agree or disagree...The United States should limit the number of refugees allowed into the country

Don't know 8%
Strongly Agree 32%
Somewhat Agree 34%
Somewhat Disagree 16%
Strongly Disagree 10%

Extent to which you agree or disagree...The United States should welcome Christian refugees, but not Muslim ones

Don't know 15%
Strongly Agree 9%
Somewhat Agree 19%
Somewhat Disagree 28%
Strongly Disagree 29%

Familiarity with Executive Order that President Trump signed on Friday that blocked refugees from entering the U.S. for at least 120 days and banned people from seven Muslim counties from entering the U.S. for at least 90 days?

Very familiar 29%
Somewhat familiar 37%
Heard of it but do not know any details 26%
Not at all familiar 8%

This isn't 49% saying they LIKE Trump's EO knowing full well what it is.

You all are flipping out when the details of this poll are GOOD for us not bad.


Wasn't this a super vague push poll in execution? I can't feel comfortable in this country if that number isn't majorly skewed.


Neogaf has a VERY LARGE amount of people that didn't vote for Trump and don't support his agenda. But there's a whole world outside of Neogaf... a cold... dark... depressing world where Trump is Neo-Regan, God Emperor.



here's the question:

26% strongly agree,
22% somewhat agree,
14% somewhat disagree,
and 27% strongly disagree.

Note that the wording there is vague enough that someone saying "somewhat agree" could easily mean "I agree with blocking refugees but take issue with other parts."

Also the strongly disagree is BIGGER than the strongly agree.

And just so you guys realize that this poll isn't as bad as some of you think, here's some other questions and results:

This isn't 49% saying they LIKE Trump's EO knowing full well what it is.

You all are flipping out when the details of this poll are GOOD for us not bad.

Most of the country will not look into the fiber details of this EO. Most of the country will nevertheless have an opinion on it. If most people agree with whatever they think the order does then it doesn't matter if they agree with what the order actually does.


They said half the country couldn't be uneducated racists.

They were wrong.

Didn't even have the decency to lie on a stupid poll to make us look good to the rest of the world. These people are barely people.


They said half the country couldn't be uneducated racists.

They were wrong.

Didn't even have the decency to lie on a stupid poll to make us look good to the rest of the world. These people are barely people.

Not necessarily true just like console wars some people pick a side and stick with it no mater what. All my friends who said "never trump" sure changed their tune when he became the nominee.



here's the question:

26% strongly agree,
22% somewhat agree,
14% somewhat disagree,
and 27% strongly disagree.

Note that the wording there is vague enough that someone saying "somewhat agree" could easily mean "I agree with blocking refugees but take issue with other parts."

Also the strongly disagree is BIGGER than the strongly agree.

And just so you guys realize that this poll isn't as bad as some of you think, here's some other questions and results:

This isn't 49% saying they LIKE Trump's EO knowing full well what it is.

You all are flipping out when the details of this poll are GOOD for us not bad.

Good post, and you make good points, but damn if it's not depressing seeing Trump get support for something that is so clearly Anti-American. Whether that support is based on ignorance, disinterest, or complicity it's still awful that 49% indicate that they're OK with one of the worst civil rights abuses in decades.

Hunter S.

Looking at the actual data I come away annoyed they did not include independants. Independents are common in Colorado and not as much else where , so I am not too surprised. Still seems more interesting and accurate.
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