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49 percent of Americans agree with Trump's travel ban

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Trump is an asshole, and this was a stupid executive order like i said before. But to go on a rampage and claim all these people that support some type of stricter vetting process are crazy right wing nut jobs are a bit off the mark.

They're simply on the same side.


The ban was always going to be widely agreed with. If anything Republicans only have issue with the execution of it. They never had any real problems with the concept.
Trump is an asshole, and this was a stupid executive order like i said before. But to go on a rampage and claim all these people that support some type of stricter vetting process are crazy right wing nut jobs are a bit off the mark.
To be in favor of stricter vetting implies by necessity that you think the current vetting procedures aren't enough.

Why aren't they enough?


Disheartening that nearly half the country supports this bullshit. But then again, nearly half of the eligible voters voted for this scumbag.
To be in favor of stricter vetting implies by necessity that you think the current vetting procedures aren't enough.

Why aren't they enough?

Not enough children being handcuffed, or people held for 20 hours with no food. That seems to be what the majority of these folks being polled are into.

Dead Man

See, this is why there's so much divide. People have made up their minds, they don't need to convince you of anything.

If they see citizens or green card holders/visas/etc of this country with muslim backgrounds doing extremist shit they're going to make up their mind that something needs to change. Yet, there's people saying "nah our system is fine" and that won't work. People won't see it that way. It's people like yourselves that need to explain why going a bit further with vetting, and visa refusals are a bad idea.

For the most part a majority of americans are accepting of different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. Calling a bunch of people bigots or assholes or whatever without trying to understand the other side is hilariously ironic in this case (not saying you guys did this, just speaking in general)

All they did was ask you why. It is on those who want change to explain why it is needed.
One of my co workers today straight up told me immigrants have cars, while living in the projects and he can't afford one some therefore he supports the ban.

I was going to tell him that's his own fault, but I just wanted do my job.

He's not a conservative, but imagine a lot of Americans who are down on their luck or not very successful supporting the ban due to jealousy.


To be in favor of stricter vetting implies by necessity that you think the current vetting procedures aren't enough.

Why aren't they enough?
They aren't enough in the minds of many people in this country. When a terrorist act is committed and it's known that the crimes were committed by people that have visited foreign muslim countries/regions, or that were on the FBI's radar but never picked up this it signals a big fucking red flag: whatever is happening isn't enough.

Most people either don't have time or care to go into academic detail on why something works or not. They just want it fixed. That's why you elect officials to do the detail work for you and come up with remedies to these problems.

I do agree with you that being "low-information" is a problem that this country does face but until people try and understand WHY some of these people are "low-information" you won't reach them and you sure as fuck won't reach them with shit like this:
Fuck these stupid uneducated, trailer trash, redneck, hate mongering, homophobic, transphobic, islamphobic pieces of literal human garbage!
Trump got elected for a multitude of reasons, so blanketing everyone as a pile of racist bigot assholes is a mistake.

It is on those who want change to explain why it is needed.
Says who? you? They elected Trump, he's doing what they elected him for. It's actually everyone else that has to explain why not to change it.


Trump got elected for a multitude of reasons, so blanketing everyone as a pile of racist bigot assholes is a mistake.

Sorry but if they support the ban like this and don't care what is happening to these people and their families they can be blanketed.
Trump is an asshole, and this was a stupid executive order like i said before. But to go on a rampage and claim all these people that support some type of stricter vetting process are crazy right wing nut jobs are a bit off the mark.
also, I have specifically not called all supporters out as crazy right wing nut jobs. I did call out your post as an example of a low-information post - that's not calling you a nutjob, that's saying you're supporting a policy because it "sounds good" or because of a gut feeling, not supporting it because you've made a careful determination after reviewing all available facts and evidence and determined that our current policy is lacking and should be improved.


Sorry but if they support the ban like this and don't care what is happening to these people and their families they can be blanketed.

But some people care more about not having to deal with terrorism. It's like picking the least shittiest situation of two shit situations. I know it may be hard to understand that perspective but at least try.

also, I have specifically not called all supporters out as crazy right wing nut jobs. I did call out your post as an example of a low-information post - that's not calling you a nutjob, that's saying you're supporting a policy because it "sounds good" or because of a gut feeling, not supporting it because you've made a careful determination after reviewing all available facts and evidence and determined that our current policy is lacking and should be improved.

And i called your post out for the irony that you did not actually read or comprehend what i was saying. i did not or do not support his executive order, just to repeat myself again to you.


Well, I believe the people who agree with the travel ban don't necessarily hate all the population of those countries. I believe it's possible.
There is no practical justification for the ban. We have not been having terrorist attacks commited by immigrants from these countries.

You are trying to justify hysteria.


Even some Dems like this haha.

That's why republicans are so strong. They operate on feels, and even some democrats have those same feels.
They aren't enough in the minds of many people in this country. When a terrorist act is committed and it's known that the crimes were committed by people that have visited foreign muslim countries/regions, or that were on the FBI's radar but never picked up this it signals a big fucking red flag: whatever is happening isn't enough.

Most people either don't have time or care to go into academic detail on why something works or not. They just want it fixed. That's why you elect officials to do the detail work for you and come up with remedies to these problems.

I do agree with you that being "low-information" is a problem that this country does face but until people try and understand WHY some of these people are "low-information" you won't reach them and you sure as fuck won't reach them with shit like this:
Trump got elected for a multitude of reasons, so blanketing everyone as a pile of racist bigot assholes is a mistake.

Says who? you? They elected Trump, he's doing what they elected him for. It's actually everyone else that has to explain why not to change it.
"Wir haben es nicht gewusst"


But some people care more about not having to deal with terrorism.
First of all, terrorism is an incredibly minor threat to the average American. We're talking of a base rate of dozens per year outside 9/11 (which may I remind you, wasn't committed by people from any of these countries).

Second, there is nothing to suggest banning immigrants from these countries will reduce terrorism. No immigrants from these nations have committed acts of terror in the United States in the last few decades. The worst act of terror in our nation's history by far wasn't commited by people from these nations.

Third, why should we support making decisions based upon what uninformed people want? We allow it because of democracy. Nobody said we should support their decision or consider it a good idea. Which it's fucking not.
But some people care more about not having to deal with terrorism. It's like picking the least shittiest situation of two shit situations. I know it may be hard to understand that perspective but at least try.

And i called your post out for the irony that you did not actually read or comprehend what i was saying. i did not or do not support his executive order, just to repeat myself again to you.
I didn't say you supported the EO, I said that kind of thinking was the reason there was such strong support of it. Slight difference.



for some real numbers. Are stricter visa vetting procedures going to do enough to decrease terrorism to make it worthwhile, considering the costs and the low existing risk of terror attacks commited by visa holders? (Not just financial cost, but the increased hurdles for people who just want to move here, study, vacation, flee horrible places, the potential decrease in relations with the affected nations, etc.)

you can't just say we should do everything possible to try and reduce terrorism no matter what. that's not rational or feasible.


What are you implying?

The majority of people make decisions despite their lack of comprehensive information.

The trick in the future of advancing our species will be making a universal baseline or foundation for comprehensive information, without somehow bleeding into propaganda. A nonprofit model like Wikipedia seems like it's been a success for the most part.
Which means absolutely ZILCH because it has been shown that acts of terrorism has a psychological price far greater to societies than accidentally being shot by a toddler.

Only because people are fucking idiots. And that's never a good justification for anything.

Hell, if anything, banning these countries is only going to make it easier for terrorist groups to recruit people (and they'll be us born people recruited) rather than keep you safe.


I didn't say you supported the EO, I said that kind of thinking was the reason there was such strong support of it. Slight difference.



for some real numbers. Are stricter visa vetting procedures going to do enough to decrease terrorism to make it worthwhile, considering the costs and the low existing risk of terror attacks commited by visa holders? (Not just financial cost, but the increased hurdles for people who just want to move here, study, vacation, flee horrible places, the potential decrease in relations with the affected nations, etc.)
Right, but people will see this chart and interpret it as another reason to ban any further people coming here and having children here. Understand? I'm just trying to make people understand where others could be coming from. It may not be a place of bigotry is all i'm saying.

Let me try and make another example- France has one of, if not the largest muslim populations in the world. There are a lot of people here, i'd reckon a majority of people in the U.S, that sees what happens in France and the huge problem they have there and rather choose not to have anymore immigration from muslim territories. Period. That's not a place of bigotry, it's a place of fear, a fundamental fear of differing values.

Hell, if anything, banning these countries is only going to make it easier for terrorist groups to recruit people (and they'll be us born people recruited) rather than keep you safe.
And that isn't a justification either. If anything you'll just make the case for Trump stronger with his supporters.


Maybe the 49% don't understand the ramifications of the ban.

I think this is a factor, but far from the main reason why people support it. There are definitely a large contingent of people who don't understand what issues this ban will create locally or globally. Not to mention that you've got people like Spicer coming in day-in and day-out intentionally spreading misinformation about the ban and everything surrounding it, thus making it harder to tell what the ban even is at this point.

A portion of the 49% will come around eventually I hope.


Most people that aren't on the east and west coast are going to be still be pro-Trump by the end of the week.

When Bannon says they only get more powerful the more the media/liberals panic, he's right; it makes them look more powerful the more chaotic things look. Trump ran as anti-establishment so chaos is perceived as a proof of him delivering on what he ran on.

It will take an economic downturn for Republicans to lose their majority in 2018, and one they can't disguise as a sign of a pro-America revolution going through birth pains.
Right, but people will see this chart and interpret it as another reason to ban any further people coming here and having children here. Understand? I'm just trying to make people understand where others could be coming from. It may not be a place of bigotry is all i'm saying.

Let me try and make another example- France has one of, if not the largest muslim populations in the world. There are a lot of people here, i'd reckon a majority of people in the U.S, that sees what happens in France and the huge problem they have there and rather choose not to have anymore immigration from muslim territories. Period. That's not a place of bigotry, it's a place of fear, a fundamental fear of differing values.
You're the one who said you'd be OK with supporting stricter vetting for visas. I'm still trying to get your reasoning on that. Or are you saying you're just that afraid of terrorists and you don't actually have a good basis for your belief beyond that.


Which means absolutely ZILCH because it has been shown that acts of terrorism has a psychological price far greater to societies than accidentally being shot by a toddler.
So does a fucking shark attack. That doesn't mean we should deal with the sharks before we deal with guns.

There is no evidence this will be effective, it's born from irrational fear, and it limits peoples' freedom. I don't care if it makes people "feel safer"; an unfounded feeling of safety is not worth our dignity.
Let me try and make another example- France has one of, if not the largest muslim populations in the world. There are a lot of people here, i'd reckon a majority of people in the U.S, that sees what happens in France and the huge problem they have there and rather choose not to have anymore immigration from muslim territories. Period. That's not a place of bigotry, it's a place of fear, a fundamental fear of differing values.
Do we live in France? We already barely take in any people from the nations in the executive order. Our Muslim population is not the same as France's, and it will never look like France's.

So again, the fear is unfounded. Hysteria. And supporting policies based on hysteria is laughable.
This is going to piss off some people, but we need to stop focusing on Trumps supporters and focusing on the real enemy. Trump, his cabinet and GOP reps and senators that back him

You're just wasting your breath. And for what? To make yourself feel better? I've seen too many people on here act like theyre doing something by arguing with and shouting down his voters. That's masturbation.

That is exactly what trump wants. For use to vent on each other. That's fake action. Get out there and do your job.


It makes me so mad that the same portion of the electorate that came out of this election screaming about how no one is bother to listen to or understand their points of views on things, are the same people who basically have no desire to listen to or understand any of the other people or cultures around them in the world. I grew up in the midwest, annoyed at being told how un-traveled and uncultured I was all the time, but god damn mid-westerners, you're not helping yourselves look any better with this shit.

The only consolation I have at this point is that rural populations are declining. Not rapidly enough, but they're declining. I wonder if the Democrats can make some sort of concerted effort in the next few years to move people to these redneck areas.


Do we live in fucking France? We already barely take in any people from the nations in the executive order.
And a lot of people here think it should be even less. Are they bigots because of that? I wouldn't say so. France has a problem on their hands.
So, 49% agree with some generalized version of the ban, but not necessarily the specifics (which most will have no idea about).

And who will inform them of the specifics...?
Which means absolutely ZELCH because it has been shown that acts of terrorism has a psychological price far greater to societies than accidentally being shot by a toddler.

It's definitely easier for certain individuals to embrace fear-mongering, further demonization, and hysteria directed at certain groups of people that aren't actually statistically a threat than it is our very own festering homegrown right-wing extremists infecting our country from the inside, who are completely enamored with a toxic gun culture that so many Trump supporters celebrate. Or all these fucking Nazi's. Or some orange monster and his cronies trying take away healthcare insurance away from millions of people.

But no, they're far more concerned about refugees fleeing from horrific situations, or greencard/visa holders, or the undocumented doing menial work they want no part of. (while enjoying the low-low prices of those products)

I wonder why that is.

So, 49% agree with some generalized version of the ban, but not necessarily the specifics (which most will have no idea about).

And who will inform them of the specifics...?

Social media.


It's really sad to realize Trump was actually right. Americans want this. Well, they got the government they deserve. I'm outta here.


And a lot of people here think it should be even less. Are they bigots because of that? I wouldn't say so. France has a problem on their hands.
Yes, they are bigots. Thinking that banning several nations of people from entering the country is justified because there was a terrorist attack in France (even though the situations are nothing alike) is unfounded bigotry.


It's definitely easier for certain individuals to embrace fear-mongering, further demonization, and hysteria directed at certain groups of people that aren't actually statistically a threat than it is our very own festering homegrown right-wing extremists infecting our country from the inside, who are completely enamored with a toxic gun culture that so many Trump supporters celebrate. Or all these fucking Nazi's. Or some orange monster and his cronies trying take away healthcare insurance away from millions of people.

But no, they're far more concerned about refugees fleeing from horrific situations, or greencard/visa holders, or the undocumented doing menial work they want no part of. (while enjoying the low-low prices of those products)

I wonder why that is.
And you wouldn't be wrong in saying there's a problem there and that there's a lot of racist people in this country. But to go and make blanket statements about every trump supporter, or every supporter of certain parts of this "ban" .....what better are you or anyone else here?

Imagine if a thread was created making blanket statements about all muslims (which happens), this entire sub section of the forum goes up in flames and that poster most likely gets banned.
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