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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
1stStrike said:
I recently did the same upgrade. It's definitely worth it, no question about it. If you're interested in going the route I did, then you'd have to hit up my man poweld as he's the one that built mine.

Mine is a non-tube amp with 3 OPAMPS (2x OPA637AP for the L/R channels and 1x OPA627AP for the ground channel), knobs to adjust volume and bass, and it can plugin to any outlet (it's not portable though - you need a regular electric plug to power it). There's also a locking mechanism on the front (1/4" plug) to prevent the plug from being accidentally pulled out of the amp.

The outside is a aluminum Hammond enclosure that's quite sturdy. It can take a beating.

As for the rear, the power switch, power plug and the RCA inputs are there. You can really get just about any kind of inputs on the back that you'd want though so far as I know.

Oh, and a blue LED to top it off (you can also pick just about any color LED you want).

When he built this for me it was $450.00 for everything. I've never regretted once spending a penny on it.

*snip'd pics*

Oh man, I may just have to do this! I'll pm ya for more info.

I knew the D7000 would be a worthy upgrade! And my wife thinks I'm crazy. So what if I have a $2000+ rig at work just to listen to music?! Let the fools at the watercooler look at me whilst stroking their chins, clucking their tongues, and wondering aloud what's to be done with this Diseasedyak fellow. I'll be humming along to lossless Neutral Milk Hotel.
Oh man, I've been absolutely loving my M50's. At first I thought the bass of them left something to be desired, but I don't really feel that way anymore after listening to them for awhile.

Anyway, I've been going around on Head-Fi a bit and noticed quite a few people had amps. Should I be getting one for my desktop as well? Not sure if it's a necessity or anything.


Diseased Yak said:
Oh man, I may just have to do this! I'll pm ya for more info.

I knew the D7000 would be a worthy upgrade! And my wife thinks I'm crazy. So what if I have a $2000+ rig at work just to listen to music?! Let the fools at the watercooler look at me whilst stroking their chins, clucking their tongues, and wondering aloud what's to be done with this Diseasedyak fellow. I'll be humming along to lossless Neutral Milk Hotel.

It's definitely worth it. Feel free to shoot me a PM whenever if you have any other questions.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
swoon said:
have you heard the benchmark? that sound isn't for everyone. i'd make sure you hear it before buying. same goes for the grace 901/902 and the da11 especially with the 325s.
The Benchmark won't be for pleasure, it will be for reference. I'll need accuracy for mixing and I won't be using the 325s for that, and that won't be until later. What I need now is a DAC that would well compliment the 325s for my current listening, which is mostly kpop. Electronic, clean, sparkly kpop. So what I need is detail and sharp layering, not the warmth of tubes.

Alucrid said:
Technically you don't really 'need' a preamp unless you're using multiple sources. An DAC and Amp combo would work well enough and fit better into your price range.
Huh? Explain. I was under the impression that amping something self powered is completely unnecessary and not exactly recommended. If I can just use any DAC/amp for my Swans then the search would be much easier and likely cheaper.


Does anyone have experience with the Sennheiser HD 558 yet? I'm trying to decide between those and the HD 595. I can get em for about the same price. I've read some reviews saying the HD 558 sound better than the HD 555, but can't find a comparison with the 595.

And a follow-up question, would getting a headphone amp be worth it for either of those? (I'll be using them for PC and consoles only)


Dice said:
The Benchmark won't be for pleasure, it will be for reference. I'll need accuracy for mixing and I won't be using the 325s for that, and that won't be until later. What I need now is a DAC that would well compliment the 325s for my current listening, which is mostly kpop. Electronic, clean, sparkly kpop. So what I need is detail and sharp layering, not the warmth of tubes.

Huh? Explain. I was under the impression that amping something self powered is completely unnecessary and not exactly recommended. If I can just use any DAC/amp for my Swans then the search would be much easier and likely cheaper.

Sorry I misspoke because I didn't fully understand what you were asking. Basically you really don't need a preamp unless you have multiple sources i.e. PC, turntable, cd player, etc. or unless you want that single source (DAC) to go to multiple outputs i.e. speakers, and headphone amp. If you want you can just buy a DAC, hook it up to your PC via optical, USB, whatever, then run the RCA out right to the M200s. But yeah, you can use any DAC, DAC/Headphone Amp, DAC/Preamp, whatever as long as they have the RCA out.

Fuzz Rez

I'm total idiot when it comes down to audio so I need bit of help from you guys. Here is the case I just bought SHURE SRH 750 DJ and now I got good offer on headphone amp. Question is do I really need one ? Will it enhance the sound significantly or am I just throwing money away ?

this one: Pro-ject Headbox II


Fuzz Rez said:
I'm total idiot when it comes down to audio so I need bit of help from you guys. Here is the case I just bought SHURE SRH 750 DJ and now I got good offer on headphone amp. Question is do I really need one ? Will it enhance the sound significantly or am I just throwing money away ?

this one: Pro-ject Headbox II
Those Shure's claim to have high impedance, yet they're 32Ohm? What?
So my Apple In-Ear headphones (the newer $80 model with two drivers per bud) finally died today after two years of quality service. They were fine yesterday and today I wasn't getting any sound out of the left ear. I unscrewed the little cap and cleaned it out. It was kinda dirty, but even after that it was still quiet and a little distorted. So they're no good now.

I liked them but the fit was never quite right (actually had to use the medium sleeve on my right ear and the small sleeve on my left ear). I've been through a couple different types of ear-buds over the years (basic apple buds, the original apple in-ears, the entry level in-ear Shures, and these current Apple in-ears). I liked the Shure pair a lot, especially since their foam tips ensured they never fell out -- but unfortunately they got uncomfortable after awhile because of the tight fit.

I've decided that I want my new pair to be regular headphones. I'm tired of buds falling out while jogging, or being uncomfortable over time, and what-not.

I'm looking for a pair that cost around $100-$125 (I'd go as high as $150 if I was getting a bargain on a better, higher-priced product). I use headphones almost exclusively with mobile gear so I don't really want to bother with an amp. Based on the OP I don't think this will be an issue since amps aren't really necessary until you get into the really high-end cans. I need them to be easily portable (so I guess folding models are preferred) and I'd like them to do a good job of isolating me from outside noise (so I guess they should be over-ear).

I'm not a bass freak and don't listen to a ton of hip-hop or rap, so they don't need to have super awesome bass response. I listen mostly to indie rock, 90s alternative, pop-punk/ska, and classic rock. I also listen to a ton of podcasts but since they aren't music podcasts I don't think this will factor into what headphones I get.

I'm going to use them with my iPhone a lot, so I would prefer that they have in-line 3-button controls & a microphone. If necessary, I can get an adapter cable for that, but I would prefer it be integrated so the cable won't be so damn long (which means the mic will be too low to pick up my voice). The other option would be that the headphone wire be detachable from the headphones so it can be swapped out for one with controls & mic.

And it'd be nice if they looked cool.
Just ordered the Audio Technica m50 - Ended up paying $130 since amazon jacked up the price since this afternoon, but they seem to be worth that

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike


DTLIONS1013 said:
Just ordered the Audio Technica m50 - Ended up paying $130 since amazon jacked up the price since this afternoon, but they seem to be worth that

I see it for 116...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
This got me thinking and I realized we had a Sony amp downstairs that we stopped using because the video burned out. It's nothing special but it has a basic headphone amp that opens up my headphones at lower volume levels and it seriously cleaned up the bass, so that's nice until I get the real stuff. I think I'll go with a Matrix Mini-i if I do end up getting them.

Holy crap I wasn't even listening to the right songs. It is waaaaaay better.


poweld said:
You'd probably want a set of IEM's, since they are the most effective at blocking outside noise. As for a set at $50 or lower, I'm not quite sure what to recommend. Most worthwhile sets begin at $70 or so.

Could you recommend me one at that price range? I can probably go up to 80-100$ in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for the help.


Kerrinck said:
Could you recommend me one at that price range? I can probably go up to 80-100$ in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for the help.

i know he just told you that the good one start at 80$ but then i might just go ahead and say you can get way better ones for 100-200 USD. And with WAY better i mean WAAAY WAAAY better…

but then again i played this game way to often "bought inears for 20 > shit > returned"; bought some for 60 > shit, 90 > shit, 110 > shit … now i have some seriously awesome ones but my god the price :(
260 USD


Flek said:
i know he just told you that the good one start at 80$ but then i might just go ahead and say you can get way better ones for 100-200 USD. And with WAY better i mean WAAAY WAAAY better…

but then again i played this game way to often "bought inears for 20 > shit > returned"; bought some for 60 > shit, 90 > shit, 110 > shit … now i have some seriously awesome ones but my god the price :(
260 USD

There are plenty of good options sub $100. I doubt telling someone just buying their first good pair of headphones to get an IE8 or something is a wise idea.

RapidCancel said:
Is there a difference in the straight and coiled cable versions of the m50?

One cable is straight...the other is coiled. That's all.


Alucrid said:
There are plenty of good options sub $100. I doubt telling someone just buying their first good pair of headphones to get an IE8 or something is a wise idea.

of course it isn´t but he might get there sooner or later anyway. And i just think if you are ready to spend 100 USD on inears (most don´t even spend 15 usd ;) ) you can go a bit further and spend 60 more or whatever. At least don´t limit yourself to mouch to 100 if you could get awesome ones for 110, if you know what i mean.


Dreams-Visions said:
Amazon has a algorithm that adjusts pricing based on demand.

anyway, straight cables are back in stock for $109 where I bought mine.


great price, great service.

superior coiled cable is backordered currently, though.

None of these are by Amazon though. Amazon itself has been sold out for as long as I have been looking. The prices are fluctuating because most of us are looking at different sellers. It changes the seller shown on the main product page automatically depending on supply I think.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Quote said:
I feel the same and I actually OWN the TMA-1s, haha. I love them still. I do wish that I had more experience with other headphones to be able to compare. I originally didn't understand why people were EQing with more treble as I thought the bass was weak. So I moved the treble up for a bit then tried going back and immediately grasped the term of "dark" and bassy. They're not rumbly, but punchy and a bit of fog over the treble is the best way I can explain it.

I'm really starting to consider the E7/E9 combo, but I don't know how much of a difference they'll make on these since they're low impedance.

Also, my straight cable is still not here. :(
I'll be joining the TMA-1 club soon. How soon depends on how willing I am to dip into my "laptop fund".

I've spent close to $200 in the last month, on my current USB X-Fi + FiiO E5 + RE-ZERO setup, so spending another $200 this soon is hard to swallow, especially since I'd want the E11 to go along with it.

I'll just wait until March and buy it alongside the FiiO E11. If I buy the TMA-1 now, I'll be dying for the better amp.

Dreams-Visions said:
it's the Fiio E11.

If it's not out yet, it will be out soon. it's essentially an E7 but without a DAC but with a bigger battery for mobile use.
It's going to push more power than the E7 as well. Superior sound, according to the creators. This slashes the battery life down to 10 hours, while the E7's is rated for 70+.


Flek said:
of course it isn´t but he might get there sooner or later anyway. And i just think if you are ready to spend 100 USD on inears (most don´t even spend 15 usd ;) ) you can go a bit further and spend 60 more or whatever. At least don´t limit yourself to mouch to 100 if you could get awesome ones for 110, if you know what i mean.

Yeah, but I figure before throwing him to the wolves we should at least give him a chance to try out some above average ones for sub-100 so that, you know, if he's satisfied with the sound he gets he's not going to spend another 100 he does have. If his thirst isn't quite quenched then he'll be back here with the rest of us. :lol

Hi Res should be happy. Fischer Audio Eternas Rev 1 are in stock for $74 shipped. :D

I bought my pair to see how they put Rev 2 to shame.


DTLIONS1013 said:
I went for Coiled. The straight cable is 11 ft. long, way too long imo
Hopefully ace digital was shipping straight cords. People in the reviews were getting different things. My reciever/amp is a few feet away and I can even notice a difference in the sound it outputs from my laptop with these $50 Auvio's I'm using now. Having it be coiled would be difficult.

The straight cord is safe to coil and zip tie when going portable, right?
MrBig said:
Hopefully ace digital was shipping straight cords. People in the reviews were getting different things. My reciever/amp is a few feet away and I can even notice a difference in the sound it outputs from my laptop with these $50 Auvio's I'm using now.

The straight cord is safe to coil and zip tie when going portable, right?

Ive heard people zip tie them, be careful of ace digital btw, they have a no return policy on headphones. I ordered from them at first and canceled


StrikerObi said:
So my Apple In-Ear headphones (the newer $80 model with two drivers per bud) finally died today after two years of quality service. They were fine yesterday and today I wasn't getting any sound out of the left ear. I unscrewed the little cap and cleaned it out. It was kinda dirty, but even after that it was still quiet and a little distorted. So they're no good now.

I liked them but the fit was never quite right (actually had to use the medium sleeve on my right ear and the small sleeve on my left ear). I've been through a couple different types of ear-buds over the years (basic apple buds, the original apple in-ears, the entry level in-ear Shures, and these current Apple in-ears). I liked the Shure pair a lot, especially since their foam tips ensured they never fell out -- but unfortunately they got uncomfortable after awhile because of the tight fit.

I've decided that I want my new pair to be regular headphones. I'm tired of buds falling out while jogging, or being uncomfortable over time, and what-not.

I'm looking for a pair that cost around $100-$125 (I'd go as high as $150 if I was getting a bargain on a better, higher-priced product). I use headphones almost exclusively with mobile gear so I don't really want to bother with an amp. Based on the OP I don't think this will be an issue since amps aren't really necessary until you get into the really high-end cans. I need them to be easily portable (so I guess folding models are preferred) and I'd like them to do a good job of isolating me from outside noise (so I guess they should be over-ear).

I'm not a bass freak and don't listen to a ton of hip-hop or rap, so they don't need to have super awesome bass response. I listen mostly to indie rock, 90s alternative, pop-punk/ska, and classic rock. I also listen to a ton of podcasts but since they aren't music podcasts I don't think this will factor into what headphones I get.

I'm going to use them with my iPhone a lot, so I would prefer that they have in-line 3-button controls & a microphone. If necessary, I can get an adapter cable for that, but I would prefer it be integrated so the cable won't be so damn long (which means the mic will be too low to pick up my voice). The other option would be that the headphone wire be detachable from the headphones so it can be swapped out for one with controls & mic.

And it'd be nice if they looked cool.

I was using the Shure SCL3s with the small and portable Fiio E1 amp (hardly an amp really) with my iPhone but I just recently switched to the Ulitmate Ears SuperFi 5vi to make use of the in line microphone. The UEs don't have the 3 button controls, just a single button to answer/end calls. The Fiio E1 has the 3 buttons though. The mic is integrated in the cable, about 6-8 inches below the right earbud. They are definitely a nice portable set and the added iPhone functionality is great. Recommended if you can find them for $100 or so.



We seriously need something along the lines of headphone porn in this thread -- and by that I mean decent photo galleries profiling some of these sexy beasts.

Hot chicks wearing them wouldn't hurt, mind you....

Edit-- a general search on pixiv.net for ヘッドホン has left me thoroughly disturbed....


Shuusui said:
We seriously need something along the lines of headphone porn in this thread -- and by that I mean decent photo galleries profiling some of these sexy beasts.

Hot chicks wearing them wouldn't hurt, mind you....

We already have pictures of hot chicks wearing headphones in this thread.


Went over to Lowes to pick up a "headphone" hanger. Unfortunately they didn't have the two contact points one, so I grabbed the Rubbermaid one. (sorry, my phone doesn't take decent pictures in low-lit)

I originally went to Ikea to find something, and I found these awesome hooks that fold up. I'll probably pick them up in the future and drill one to my desk.


Sucks at poetry
Quote said:
Went over to Lowes to pick up a "headphone" hanger. Unfortunately they didn't have the two contact points one, so I grabbed the Rubbermaid one. (sorry, my phone doesn't take decent pictures in low-lit)

Dammit. I went to Home Depot again (don't have a lowes in my area) after some gaffers pointed out that the hanger was in a different section of the store. I spent 15 minutes walking around before I said fuck it and went to customer service. They looked up the part, and low and behold they don't carry it there.

So anyways, I randomly picked this up instead at Ross for like 5 bucks:


I dunno what it is really, but when I saw it, I knew it'd be perfect for hanging wire headphones on. :lol excellent
Alucrid said:
All depends on the headphones you use.
I have M50's connected straight to my PC as of now. I want to pick up more headphones in the future as well (not sure what yet, so I guess that's kind of moot).


Alucrid said:
Yeah, but I figure before throwing him to the wolves we should at least give him a chance to try out some above average ones for sub-100 so that, you know, if he's satisfied with the sound he gets he's not going to spend another 100 he does have. If his thirst isn't quite quenched then he'll be back here with the rest of us. :lol

Hi Res should be happy. Fischer Audio Eternas Rev 1 are in stock for $74 shipped. :D

I bought my pair to see how they put Rev 2 to shame.

BTW, alleged Fii0 E11 details are up on the other page for anybody that wants specs.
the_painted_bird said:
Hey, what is the name of the style of headphones that come down on your left side only and wrap around your head to reach the right ear? Exactly like the PSP headphones. I used to have a pair with interchangeable flanges, but I've been searching and even audiocubes doesn't have them anymore.
OK after a ton of research I think I found the headphones for me. It was easy to find good headphones in my price range, but trying to find a pair with iPhone controls built in was a bit more difficult. Turns out Sennheiser makes iPhone versions of a bunch of their cans. Now I just need to decide if I want on-ear or over-ear, and if I want open or closed... This is going to require a trip to the store to hopefully try them all out.


the_painted_bird said:
Hey, what is the name of the style of headphones that come down on your left side only and wrap around your head to reach the right ear? Exactly like the PSP headphones. I used to have a pair with interchangeable flanges, but I've been searching and even audiocubes doesn't have them anymore.
I'm not sure if there's a name for that style, but you're going to find them in sporting lines because it's better for running.

In the first review of these headphones, they describe them as the type you're looking for. - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GSX7R8/?tag=neogaf0e-20

and if you want to sift through the sports category. - http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_pg_1?rh=n:172282,n:!493964,n:281407,n:172541,p_n_feature_two_browse-bin:2266980011&ie=UTF8&qid=1294210761


jambo said:
I bought a pair of Beyerdynamic DT990s last year, but I couldn't afford a decent amp at the time so I got the 32ohm version.

Is there any point in me getting an amp now, i.e. improved sound quality? They currently run off my PC via a Razer Barracuda AC-1 sound card.

I listen to mostly trance, but also rock, alt rock, prog rock and prog metal.



Sucks at poetry
jambo said:


I'm not really qualified to answer you question, but from what I've read I don't think 32ohm headphones would benefit much from being amped. But I'd get another opinion. Also - if you can afford an amp now, why not try and sell your DT's and upgrade to a higher ohm model?


Quote said:
I'm not sure if there's a name for that style, but you're going to find them in sporting lines because it's better for running.

In the first review of these headphones, they describe them as the type you're looking for. - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GSX7R8/?tag=neogaf0e-20

and if you want to sift through the sports category. - http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_pg_1?rh=n:172282,n:!493964,n:281407,n:172541,p_n_feature_two_browse-bin:2266980011&ie=UTF8&qid=1294210761

I dont know if they are really made for sport are they? I have only bought 2 IEM, a Sony somethingsomething-51 and the CX300 and they both had that style.

By the way, they are called asymmetrical headphones.


jambo said:


I think the consensus is that the would benefit less, but a headphone such as the DT990 should still obtain improvements being driven by a good amp. There wouldn't be a point of all those portable amps and LODs otherwise if they only drove full-sized high impedance headphones. Of course, it also depends to how good of the amp you're already using (in your media player) to notice a substantial difference.

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
the_painted_bird said:
Hey, what is the name of the style of headphones that come down on your left side only and wrap around your head to reach the right ear? Exactly like the PSP headphones. I used to have a pair with interchangeable flanges, but I've been searching and even audiocubes doesn't have them anymore.

That's called a J-cord.
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