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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


But they weren't actually new headphones. They just replaced the the earpads and the cable (which was the part that broke). What made me think it was a new pair is that it came back quite a bit looser fitting (not really loose, but it no longer clamps my ears as tight as it used to, which I like better).

If they were new they would have been tighter =P

My E10 has a slightly unreliable headphone jack. I wonder if Amazon would take it back ...

Amazon will take anything back for practically any reason...whithin 30 days
I think I'll just keep my E10... no one seems to have the E17 in stock yet..

As soon as I bought the E17, they'd release something better.. I'm not falling for it this time ;)


I need some guidance.

My parents will buy me an Audeze LCD-2 for my birthday (4/Mar). I currently have Denon 2000 & NuForce Icon HDP. How does the LCD-2 fair with this combination, and does the HDP drive it better?

I'm not an audiophile but I've been eyeing it for a year or so and they decided to get it for me, so any info would be highly appreciated. I know you may wanna recommend one other forum to look at, but I really trust this thread because I have yet to be let down (2 cans, 4 IEMs).

Quoted for new page + I don't mind other recommendations, preferably not higher than T1 (and whether this one is better than LCD-2). Thanks.


LCD-2 for your birthday? Holy wow, lucky fella.

Anyway, if you could tell me what sort of music you listen to I could advice you accordingly? The amp/DAC best chosen is very dependant on the headphones, which in turn should be purchased depending on how it performs with the music of your preference. There isn't unfortunately a single headphone that is perfect for "everything".

On a side note, I've gone and pulled the trigger on a Rein Audio X-DAC and Violectric V200. My plan is, within the next month figure out which stuff out of all my gear I prefer (one headphone, one amp, one IEM etc), and then have a mass sale getting rid of all but the most desired. Spending way too much money on this stuff (admittedly mainly for review and testing purposes), and ought to be saving hardcore. But I've been getting amazing deals so figured selling on wouldn't cost me much if anything, perhaps even make me a healthy profit.


LCD-2 for your birthday? Holy wow, lucky fella.

Anyway, if you could tell me what sort of music you listen to I could advice you accordingly? The amp/DAC best chosen is very dependant on the headphones, which in turn should be purchased depending on how it performs with the music of your preference. There isn't unfortunately a single headphone that is perfect for "everything".

On a side note, I've gone and pulled the trigger on a Rein Audio X-DAC and Violectric V200. My plan is, within the next month figure out which stuff out of all my gear I prefer (one headphone, one amp, one IEM etc), and then have a mass sale getting rid of all but the most desired. Spending way too much money on this stuff (admittedly mainly for review and testing purposes), and ought to be saving hardcore. But I've been getting amazing deals so figured selling on wouldn't cost me much if anything, perhaps even make me a healthy profit.

What iems are you thinking of pawning off?

*opens wallet*

also, fiio seems to have a lot of people here by the balls with upgrade-itis. By the time you go through the entire line of fiio products you probably could have bought something a step up.
What iems are you thinking of pawning off?

*opens wallet*

also, fiio seems to have a lot of people here by the balls with upgrade-itis. By the time you go through the entire line of fiio products you probably could have bought something a step up.

Didn't you have your heart set on the Ck10? If you nab it, we should do a short little audition trade. My SM3 for your Ck10. I've always been curious about the legendary speed that gets bandied about with the Ck10.
Was going to ask this as well today :D

I've seen these in the pick up thread as well, are they any good? ebay link


If anyone ends up ordering this, I'd love to hear some impressions. I currently have one of those Altoid can pre-amps which does its job but I wouldn't mind a minor upgrade if the price is good.


Didn't you have your heart set on the Ck10? If you nab it, we should do a short little audition trade. My SM3 for your Ck10. I've always been curious about the legendary speed that gets bandied about with the Ck10.

I still do, but I can't decide if I want that or a sub first. :|

But yeah, if he was selling anything with a different sound signature than I have right now I might be interested.


I recently bought a pair of sennheiser hd598 and a HRT HeadStreamer(http://www.highresolutiontechnologies.com/headStreamer/).

I can really recommend the Headstreamer if you are looking for a cheap and really good headphone amplifier. The difference between it and the inbuilt sound card is like night and day.

I've been thinking about picking one up, fits my needs perfectly (listening to my music collection on a laptop). It's got the DAC/amp in one, small size and comes with a headphone jack. Seems super convenient and has an affordable price, a lot of people also like the HRT products.

edit: I sound like an advertiser, ha.
I still do, but I can't decide if I want that or a sub first. :|

But yeah, if he was selling anything with a different sound signature than I have right now I might be interested.

There's also the stupidly expensive Ck100Pro too which just dropped. I think I could get behind the sound sig of the Ck100 myself. Ck100Pro reads like a Ck100 on steroids, not sure if I'd be able to enjoy most of my music with something like that


What iems are you thinking of pawning off?

*opens wallet*

also, fiio seems to have a lot of people here by the balls with upgrade-itis. By the time you go through the entire line of fiio products you probably could have bought something a step up.


Denon D5000
Modded Fostex T50RP
Shure SE535


Plus a load of high quality cables, LOD's etc. Potentially anyway, if the price is right.


*closes wallet* holy shit you have some baller stuff. Any IEMs under 60$? :lol

Nope lol. But between me and you, if you can be arsed to put in some time and effort and are also on a fairly low budget, the best bang for buck out there today (as I've said a few times before in this thread) are the Fostex T50RP's, but only if you mod them.

There are dozens of mods now, so finding the right one can be hard, but after I've done some more research I'm going to pin down my fave. I'll just say this though, with these suckers, once modded, they compete with cans several times more expensive.

But yea, I feel all of the gear I own is solid. Wouldn't have bought it unless I thought so, since I do tend to research a fair bit before all purchases. There's (some) method to my madness lol.


LCD-2 for your birthday? Holy wow, lucky fella.

Anyway, if you could tell me what sort of music you listen to I could advice you accordingly? The amp/DAC best chosen is very dependant on the headphones, which in turn should be purchased depending on how it performs with the music of your preference. There isn't unfortunately a single headphone that is perfect for "everything".

On a side note, I've gone and pulled the trigger on a Rein Audio X-DAC and Violectric V200. My plan is, within the next month figure out which stuff out of all my gear I prefer (one headphone, one amp, one IEM etc), and then have a mass sale getting rid of all but the most desired. Spending way too much money on this stuff (admittedly mainly for review and testing purposes), and ought to be saving hardcore. But I've been getting amazing deals so figured selling on wouldn't cost me much if anything, perhaps even make me a healthy profit.

I know man, my mother spoiled the surprise early and I didn't think they'll even consider it. I was like "there's one headphones priced at 160$ that I want but if you want to go insane there's also one for 1000$ that I like" -- and they took it real. o_O

I listen to rock music (Evanescence, Muse), pop (Gaga, Britney & co., etc), and instrumentals (Garth Stevenson, gaming music). I usually listen to every genre, but if I want to choose favorites, those 3 are my top picks. If you want one preferred genre, I'd say rock.


Junior Member
As far as I know, the LCD-II are remarkably easy to drive. That doesn't mean they won't profit from a good amp but it does not make or break them. They really like a good source though. :)


Is the klipsch s4's the best buds for hip-hop in that price range? If there is anything significantly better but slightly more expensive I'm willing to pay for it.
Is the klipsch s4's the best buds for hip-hop in that price range? If there is anything significantly better but slightly more expensive I'm willing to pay for it.

Nah, I'd definitely try to track down a pair of Sunrise Xcape- Impressice Edition or failing that, the Fischer Audio Eternas. You'll get much better bass and mid range response with either. You won't find either in a big box store though and will have to order online.
Hi guys, I wana get a better headset than the crappy one that came with my iPod.. any suggestions?

range of $30-50

I feel like a broken record now, but the MEElec CW31P and CC51P's are really great headsets. They have a great sound, especially when you compare them to similarly-priced Sennheisers, Skullcandy's etc. They aren't very bass heavy, they just give a clean, natural sound.


Nah, I'd definitely try to track down a pair of Sunrise Xcape- Impressice Edition or failing that, the Fischer Audio Eternas. You'll get much better bass and mid range response with either. You won't find either in a big box store though and will have to order online.

Thanks, I've managed to find one person selling the Sunrise headphones but it is on ebay. I just can't tell if it is real or not, he seems to be legit. Could I ask for a pic of a certain part to tell if it is real?

Would also be happy if anyone has suggestions of other sites that ship the headphones to the UK.


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Is there any reason to think that the Studio version of the TMA-1's will sound dramatically different just by the nature of them being over the ear vs. on-ear?
Thanks, I've managed to find one person selling the Sunrise headphones but it is on ebay. I just can't tell if it is real or not, he seems to be legit. Could I ask for a pic of a certain part to tell if it is real?

Would also be happy if anyone has suggestions of other sites that ship the headphones to the UK.

Seems like the real deal to me. Anyone who's reppin' ClieOS' resume has done their homework as far as referencing a head-fier who knows what he's talking about. I wouldn't worry about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the seller was a head-fier.

Also, there are fakes of phones in circulation, certainly, but Sunrise are a really small upstart, so their products haven't garnered enough attention as of yet to yield fakes. Some known fakes on the market include Dre Beats, Monster Turbines, Sennheiser IE8, JVC HP-FX500, and some phones from Audio Technica. These phones will usually be sold at a noticeably lower price, right at the edge of being "too good to be true". Some of these Fakes are extremely convincing as well so i dont pics alone will suffice in disproving whether they fake. The Senn IE8 nails just about everything (including the packaging) but the driver quality obviously. One listen and it would be blatantly obvious that you are not listening to the genuine article.


Is there any reason to think that the Studio version of the TMA-1's will sound dramatically different just by the nature of them being over the ear vs. on-ear?

well, the easiest assumption to make is that soundstage will improve and expand.

I doubt AIAIAI wants to change the sound signature too much since that dark sig proved so successful for the TMA-1. I imagine they’ll tweak the drivers to maintain similar bass levels with the bigger cups.


Got in my Monoprice iems and man they are fantastic!

They go for like 7$ and change, and are so worth it.

So far without burn in, they sound crisp, punchy, and has a nice soundstage.

Much much better than my old Mee m6 which I found terribly harsh, but I'm sensitive to sibilance.


Those studios don't look that great...the cups look too plain now that they're so humongous lol. I hope I change my mind, wouldn't mind picking them up


Got my E11 + German Maestro GMP8.35 last week...initial impressions, SILK SMOOTH.
Glad i took time to research this cans, was looking for closed headphones with a grado signature...im really happy with it!


I know man, my mother spoiled the surprise early and I didn't think they'll even consider it. I was like "there's one headphones priced at 160$ that I want but if you want to go insane there's also one for 1000$ that I like" -- and they took it real. o_O

I listen to rock music (Evanescence, Muse), pop (Gaga, Britney & co., etc), and instrumentals (Garth Stevenson, gaming music). I usually listen to every genre, but if I want to choose favorites, those 3 are my top picks. If you want one preferred genre, I'd say rock.

Based on the info above, you may want to go for the T1's instead. The LCD-2's have a more intimate, around the head sort of sound. It's detailed with gorgeous bass, but not incredibly spacious or stage like. More like a surround sound theatre room or studio kind of presence.

For rock, a little more space, speed, detail and soundstage goes a long way, and the T1's offer that (I personally pick my T1's over my LCD-2's every time for rock).

The LCD-2's might be better with pop however, dependant on the track, but if it's mid bass heavy instead of sub bass (sub bass is prominent with mainly Hip Hop and RnB. Dance and pop generally favour mid bass and here the T1 excels).

But lastly, with instrumentals, the T1 is the one to go for. Again, the extra space, high emphasis and sharper (but still relatively sweet) detailing will help with instrumental separation, imaging and hall or stage resemblance.

But they are both remarkable cans. You can't really go wrong with either.


Those studio's look to have similar cups to the Grado's elite (GS/PS) range, which I thoroughly dislike and find rather uncomfortable. The ridges with those Grados cups, can over time, cause discomfort and dig in. Hopefully the TMA-1 Studio's variant solve this somehow, perhaps with softer materials or something.


I feel like a broken record now, but the MEElec CW31P and CC51P's are really great headsets. They have a great sound, especially when you compare them to similarly-priced Sennheisers, Skullcandy's etc. They aren't very bass heavy, they just give a clean, natural sound.

So before I order the CW31(without the P, which as far as I can tell means you get a mic for phones), what do you mean not bass heavy? A lot of my listening will be in the gym and I do like hip hop. Is there a better alternative out there in that case?

edit: I forgot to mention, any advice is really appreciated. Heaphones are one of those things I know nothing about and the descriptions are all but useless. At least I knew enough to walk out of the apple store without randomly selecting a pair after getting a new ipod today...
I feel like a broken record now, but the MEElec CW31P and CC51P's are really great headsets. They have a great sound, especially when you compare them to similarly-priced Sennheisers, Skullcandy's etc. They aren't very bass heavy, they just give a clean, natural sound.


I use the A-Jays Four, and I'm pretty happy with them. They also come in white.

thanks for the suggestions guys.. I've changed my mind I'm going with earbuds only. would that give me better options?

sorry about that :)


Got in my Monoprice iems and man they are fantastic!

They go for like 7$ and change, and are so worth it.

So far without burn in, they sound crisp, punchy, and has a nice soundstage.

Much much better than my old Mee m6 which I found terribly harsh, but I'm sensitive to sibilance.

Yea most of those budget giant killers they dig up on Head-Fi are amazingly good. The Philips SHE3850 is also really nice for emphasized bass and superb isolation. The Monoprice is a lot more neutral by comparison.


aka II VerTigo II
Game/Astro related question:

Does anyone know the difference between the Astro MixAmp pro and the MixAmp 5.8 (RX unit)?

I ask this because they seem to be out of the MixAmp 5.8 system and can only order the Pro.


Game/Astro related question:

Does anyone know the difference between the Astro MixAmp pro and the MixAmp 5.8 (RX unit)?

I ask this because they seem to be out of the MixAmp 5.8 system and can only order the Pro.

The RX unit is just an additional wireless mixamp to add a second headset to the 5.8 system. This won't work on its own and requires the base station.

The Mixamp pro has all the same features and and inputs as the 5.8 but is not wireless. Order it if wires don't matter. I have one of each, wired for the pc, wireless in the living room. The lack of wires running across the floor in the living room is a huge plus in my book.


What iems are you thinking of pawning off?

*opens wallet*

also, fiio seems to have a lot of people here by the balls with upgrade-itis. By the time you go through the entire line of fiio products you probably could have bought something a step up.

I'm simply realizing that the corners I cut when I settled on the E10 I maybe shouldn't have cut. I'm sort of missing optical and line in, for example.
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