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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Fiio E70K

Nice, thanks.

I found out the channel balance can only be adjusted 5db to the left/right on the Fiio e07k. How much is that exactly? I have a bit of hearing loss on my left ear (like a 15% hearing loss), want to know if that will be enough to offset the difference.

Weird though that I can't adjust the volume all the way one side or the other like I can in a PC or in something like Winamp. You would think that would be a simple thing to implement.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Holy shit, I just got my B&W C5 Series 2's and I'm in love immediately.

Got a handful of pictures and am really just playing a ton of various songs to get a feel for the sound signature.

As someone who prefers a more V-Shaped signature, I'm loving these first impressions.

Proper review/pictures later.

It feels like I'm literally the first person to have these or something. Not a single review or discussion or anything about these.


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Love that feeling kind of had that with the Fischer FA 011

I'll say this immediately about them: they are NOT lacking bass.

Coming from the Dunu DNKs, these things are easily more present with the bass while not losing the detail. I have to readjust to having booming bass again.

These will be much closer to Miles Davis Trumpets in signature than the DNKs.


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Most recent IEMs with extensive usage:
  • Dunu DN-1000
  • Miles Davis Trumpets
  • RHA 750i

Blatant Ripoff of TheHeadphoneList's Review Format Below

Accessories - 3/5
You get a semi-hard case with a felt-like exterior that zips up and 3 different sized tips to help fit your ears. Silicone style tips. I was actually able to get a great seal with the stock tips which was a shock to me, as my two ear canals are typically different enough to warrant different sizes.

Most IEMs come with a lot more tips to suit other people's preferences, so nothing to write home about here.

Build Quality - 4/5
The construction of the housing is a plastic with the trademark "Micro Porous Filter" at the end. They look really really good despite the plastic.

The cable itself has ample protective flex at both the 3.5mm jack side as well as into the housing of the IEMs. It actually goes straight up into the secure loop which has a semi-flexible stem which appears as though it will do a good job protecting the connection. The cable itself is thin and about the perfect length for use on the go. Enough length to go from your pocket to your head without a ton of extra cable, but enough extra cable to allow for free movement of your head.

Seems as though it will do well with regular on-the-go use.

Isolation - 4/5
The included silicone tips do a great job of getting a great seal, with the secure loop helping keep them in place as you're on the go. This is the first IEM set that I'm considering NOT using Comply foam tips on, simply due to the great seal and comfort I'm already getting with the stock tips. A first for me.

You can still hear the outside world a bit with these in, but once your music is going that all evaporates as you'd expect. Worked great on my train commute.

Microphonics - 4/5
With the secure loop keeping these in place and also housing the cable itself, the cable noise as you move around is kept to a minimum. The nature of the secure loop means you're not going to be able to use these in a "cable up" configuration, but I don't feel it's necessary at all.

Comfort - 4/5
I'm new to the secure loop, but my experience with them so far with a good amount of time with it over the past 24 hours hasn't yielded any pain from extended use. I actually find it quite comfortable and quick getting these in place. They are very light and you hardly notice them in your ears if you get the secure loop set in a way where they aren't digging into your ears, but just resting against them. Still do their job nicely in this configuration (not death-grip tight).

Sound - 4/5
If I had to describe the sound of these in a word, it'd be: FUN!

I very much prefer to "feel" the energy of my music. If a set gets too referential (flat), I find myself removed from the music. I look for clear details, but I want my music experience to be active more than passive. My genres of choice are typically party/club, electronic, pop and alternative. Up tempo, get off your ass and move type stuff. The C5 Series 2s fit me like a glove in this regard.

These are not a neutral set of IEMs in any sense of the word. The first thing you'll notice when you get these in is how present the bass is. These little guys will rumble in your ears in way that you wouldn't expect. The beauty of the bass here is that while it is very forward, it doesn't appear to be muddying the mids horribly as it very easily could have. I would definitely place these in the "near basshead level of bass" here, though. If there are a lot of things going on in the song, but there is a bass component, this will be what you feel and hear more than you would with other IEMs. For me this is beautiful, but I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea. (I'm a bass player, and like party music, afterall)

The mids in general are recessed, especially when next to the strong bass presence and the emphasized highs. Detail is present, everything is there, just nothing of note here.

Highs sound clean and bright. I'd put these still under the bass in terms of presence, but acoustic guitar plucking and cymbals are nice and crisp and splash as you'd expect.

Soundstage isn't super wide or deep. Instrument separation is above average.

Overall: If you love the V-shaped sound signature (Emphasized Lows and Highs, Recessed Mids) and don't mind a meatier serving of bass, these will work well for you.

Compared to the Dunu DNK
A lot more active and bass forward with the C5S2. Highs are actually more crisp as well: the guitar string plucky twangs feel better with the C5S2s as an example. Instrument separation is noticeably better on the DNKs, however, and overall clarity is stronger.

A much more active music experience than with the DNKs, but a bit less detail in the mid to upper registers.

Compared to the RHA 750i
Fairly close in terms of bass between these and the C5S2, however the impact/rumbling qualities of the C5S2 are notably stronger. The mids of the C5S2 aren't as warm as the 750i. I find the sound of the 750is to be a bit overly warm for my tastes. The instrument separation seems slightly higher on the C5S2s and the highs are definitely clearer and brighter.

Compared to the Miles Davis Trumpets
I feel as though the C5S2s are like the long lost brother of the Miles Davis Trumpets. I'd say the biggest difference between them is that the Trumpets were a bit more controlled with their bass than the C5S2s. In sections where there is a lot going on, it's much easier for the C5S2s to feel a bit too bass present. The Trumpets did a better job of keeping the bass emphasized while not quite as dominating. The highs on the C5S2s do sound more crisp than the Trumpets, however.


Awe inspiring review, my V-shape brotha and ambassador showing not everything needs to sound like an AKG to sound good. They sound pretty rad, but at that price range lies some absurdly heavy hitters.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Awe inspiring review, my V-shape brotha and ambassador showing not everything needs to sound like an AKG to sound good. They sound pretty rad, but at that price range lies some absurdly heavy hitters.

Yeah, this pricepoint is super cluttered. I don't think the DNKs will be removed from my use all together, but my daily commuter set will definitely be the C5S2s for the foreseeable future.

Admittedly these seem to cater to a very specific user, I just happen to be that kind of guy!


Hello there, Headphone GAF!

I am looking to acquire some headphones. I don't know very much about headphones and reading this thread has only revealed the depths of my ignorance in this field. Perhaps you can be of some assistance?

So, my price budget is somewhere between $200 - $275. The headphones will primarily be used be used for gaming. My computer has an extremely budget soundcard installed.

Any suggestions?


Hello there, Headphone GAF!

I am looking to acquire some headphones. I don't know very much about headphones and reading this thread has only revealed the depths of my ignorance in this field. Perhaps you can be of some assistance?

So, my price budget is somewhere between $200 - $275. The headphones will primarily be used be used for gaming. My computer has an extremely budget soundcard installed.

Any suggestions?
Do they need to be closed headphones?


Do they need to be closed headphones?

Nope. Er, well, I assume not, but I could be wrong? I'll be wiring up a Modmic to the side of the headphones, I don't know if the sound leak would then leak into my voice chat. Hmm.

Oh, wow, I'm slow to respond. Sorry!


Nope. Er, well, I assume not, but I could be wrong? I'll be wiring up a Modmic to the side of the headphones, I don't know if the sound leak would then leak into my voice chat. Hmm.

Oh, wow, I'm slow to respond. Sorry!
Fidelio X1 would be great if you don't think the little noise will be a problem.

Otherwise if you figure closed headphones would be a safer choice I'd recommend the Soundmagic HP150 or ADL H118 in the OP.


Fidelio X1 would be great if you don't think the little noise will be a problem.

Otherwise if you figure closed headphones would be a safer choice I'd recommend the Soundmagic HP150 or ADL H118 in the OP.

Thanks! Although, buy the looks of it, as I live in the UK (I probably should have included that in the request but I didn't realise it would be an issue) it looks like ordering those will be a bit of an issue for me. How annoying.


Thanks! Although, buy the looks of it, as I live in the UK (I probably should have included that in the request but I didn't realise it would be an issue) it looks like ordering those will be a bit of an issue for me. How annoying.
Here's what I could find on amazon.uk that would be great choices

If you want a great value, these JVCs would also be great, but you'd have to use eBay

John Blade

Just wondering do anyone here can give me a recommendation of a decent Noise Cancelling Headphones. Was about to buy a Denon AH-NC800 Noise Cancelling Headphones from someone with a bundle and was wondering if anyone here test this headphone before as they isn't much info about this one.

If that headphone is bad, is Beyerdynamic DT 770 Premium a better choice?


okay I really regret selling my AD700... and I can't seem to find a good replacement

how's AD700X?
and how's this Sennheiser HD 598 Headphones?

I was thinking of the Philips Fidelio X1... but any thoughts?


okay I really regret selling my AD700... and I can't seem to find a good replacement

how's AD700X?
and how's this Sennheiser HD 598 Headphones?

I was thinking of the Philips Fidelio X1... but any thoughts?
There aren't many headphones with as wide of a soundstage except for maybe the Takstar Ts671, so if that's what you loved about them then I'd just get them again. Fidelio X1 would be a gigantic step up when listening to most music styles and if you like a bit more bass, but they're not as accurate in many regards. The Sony MDRMA900 would also be a great choice if you can find them at a reasonable price.

If want to try something cheaper I'd recommend the Takstar Hi 2050.

The 598s sound too much like a slightly less musical version of the X1 for me to really recommend them.


There aren't many headphones with as wide of a soundstage except for maybe the Takstar Ts671, so if that's what you loved about them then I'd just get them again. Fidelio X1 would be a gigantic step up when listening to most music styles and if you like a bit more bass, but they're not as accurate in many regards. The Sony MDRMA900 would also be a great choice if you can find them at a reasonable price.

If want to try something cheaper I'd recommend the Takstar Hi 2050.

The 598s sound too much like a slightly less musical version of the X1 for me to really recommend them.

hmm what do you mean by slightly less musical though?
thanks for the responses :D

thought I should elaborate more on my request

okay. I finally have funds to buy a new headphone to replace the Sony PULSE Elite Wireless

so I basically have 5 platforms I would use my headphones on.

(1) Vita/3DS
(2) PS4 (and PS3)
(3) PC -currently using Audinst HUD-MX1- (which I'll also use for Music and Movies -no specific genres!-)

I am thinking of the following 3 headphones
Senn HD598
Philips Fidelio X1
Audio Technica AD700X

I was also thinking of getting
- ASTRO Mixamp for PS4 Surround (recommended?)
- V-MODA BoomPro mic for chat

- Comfort: I have a large head (Hat size would be like 73/4
- Mods: Can I easily change the cups, cables, etc... so as to ensure I use this setup for as long as possible
- I remember asking how I can do surround on PC in this thread before... but I don't have much choices right? and using the Mixamp on PC isn't recommended?


Nope. Er, well, I assume not, but I could be wrong? I'll be wiring up a Modmic to the side of the headphones, I don't know if the sound leak would then leak into my voice chat. Hmm.

Oh, wow, I'm slow to respond. Sorry!

I have the X1s with this mic:


And I don't have any issues with sound bleed into the mic. I use push to talk these days so maybe I haven't noticed if it does though.

I will say they are the best headphones I've ever used both for music and gaming. I've been playing a lot more CS:GO lately and the positional sound is great.


hmm what do you mean by slightly less musical though?
thanks for the responses :D

thought I should elaborate more on my request

okay. I finally have funds to buy a new headphone to replace the Sony PULSE Elite Wireless

so I basically have 5 platforms I would use my headphones on.

(1) Vita/3DS
(2) PS4 (and PS3)
(3) PC -currently using Audinst HUD-MX1- (which I'll also use for Music and Movies -no specific genres!-)

I am thinking of the following 3 headphones
Senn HD598
Philips Fidelio X1
Audio Technica AD700X

I was also thinking of getting
- ASTRO Mixamp for PS4 Surround (recommended?)
- V-MODA BoomPro mic for chat

- Comfort: I have a large head (Hat size would be like 73/4
- Mods: Can I easily change the cups, cables, etc... so as to ensure I use this setup for as long as possible
- I remember asking how I can do surround on PC in this thread before... but I don't have much choices right? and using the Mixamp on PC isn't recommended?
The mixamp is fine for surround sound.

Anyway the X1 offer a good value because they sound the best out of those three in almost every regard except maybe in pure detail. They are super comfortable, have a detachable cable so you can use the boom mic, and have a bit more bass and warmth than the AD700. Their only caveat is that only the more expensive X2 offer replaceable ear cushions, so you'd have to be sure to take very good care of them.

The 598s are kind of in the middle ground between the AD700 and X1s. They are also comfortable, but don't really have the detail of the AD700 or the fun bass response of the X1s, and as a result can sound a bit boring.

I think another good choice would be the AKG Q701 they are nearly just as detailed and open as the AD700, but aren't quite as cold and bass less. They also have both a detachable cable and replaceable ear cushions. Their only caveat would be their headband might take a bit getting used to for some.
Just started using the Boompro. Really great product though somewhat expensive in Europe. Also usable in combination with sound through the PS4 controller.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Man, these C5S2 headphones are changing pretty dramatically on me.

I need to figure out if my ear insertion is really that different between sessions or if the "burn-in" is having such a dramatic effect.

The bass is in a lot more control than it was immediately after opening and the mids are starting to recess deeper and getting somewhat lost in busier sections of songs.

Weird as hell. I've noticed subtle changes with IEMs over time, but these things are night and day at the moment.


It seems like if the bass were becoming more controlled that you'd detect more of the mids, so that sounds really odd. I didn't believe in burn until I really think it occurred with my X1s.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
It seems like if the bass were becoming more controlled that you'd detect more of the mids, so that sounds really odd. I didn't believe in burn until I really think it occurred with my X1s.

I'm at a loss, I'm going to chalk this up to bad ear canal insertion because right now they sound amazing again. Weird as hell train ride this morning.

I suppose the main difference using these silicone tips is that the seal is less obvious than it would be with Comply tips. With Comply tips on, you are either sealed or you aren't, and if you are sealed, it's going to take something tugging on the wire to break it.

With these I'm guessing I didn't have the secure loops holding them tightly in place or something...

We'll see...but loving them again, and that's all that matters in the short term :D


Need a little help. I'm looking for some new in-ear headphones. I've been using some Shure SE215's for the past 3 years now, and my left driver crapped out on me, so I'm down to only one side working. Not really sure what to go with this time. It's been a few years since I've done any real research on headphones, so I'm kind of lost. I'm looking for something in the $100 to $200 range. If you want a good feel for what I listen to, you can check out my Last.FM page - http://www.last.fm/user/KillerElDiablo


Need a little help. I'm looking for some new in-ear headphones. I've been using some Shure SE215's for the past 3 years now, and my left driver crapped out on me, so I'm down to only one side working. Not really sure what to go with this time. It's been a few years since I've done any real research on headphones, so I'm kind of lost. I'm looking for something in the $100 to $200 range. If you want a good feel for what I listen to, you can check out my Last.FM page - http://www.last.fm/user/KillerElDiablo

I think you might be able to save some money and be perfectly happy with something like the Zero Audio Basso or Ostry KC06a

I also think you'd really enjoy the warm sound signatures of IEMs in the range like the

Audio Technica ATH-IM70
RHA MA-750
Fidelio S1
Vsonic GR07 Bass Edition


The mixamp is fine for surround sound.

Anyway the X1 offer a good value because they sound the best out of those three in almost every regard except maybe in pure detail. They are super comfortable, have a detachable cable so you can use the boom mic, and have a bit more bass and warmth than the AD700. Their only caveat is that only the more expensive X2 offer replaceable ear cushions, so you'd have to be sure to take very good care of them.

The 598s are kind of in the middle ground between the AD700 and X1s. They are also comfortable, but don't really have the detail of the AD700 or the fun bass response of the X1s, and as a result can sound a bit boring.

I think another good choice would be the AKG Q701 they are nearly just as detailed and open as the AD700, but aren't quite as cold and bass less. They also have both a detachable cable and replaceable ear cushions. Their only caveat would be their headband might take a bit getting used to for some.

thanks for the detailed reply man! :D

so I should just get the X1s + Boompro + Mixamp (to use on PS4 and PC?)
I won't need any special jutsu to get the mic working with the Mixamp right (or even if I plug it directly to the DS4 and Vita.. and PC?)


I'd say yes go with the X1 unless you are really worried about the earpads then go with the Q701 or wait for the X2, which should be out in a few weeks. The X1s have a detachable cable so you can snap the boom mic cable right on them in place of their original one.


I'd say yes go with the X1 unless you are really worried about the earpads then go with the Q701 or wait for the X2, which should be out in a few weeks. The X1s have a detachable cable so you can snap the boom mic cable right on them in place of their original one.

the X2 prices aren't pretty right? :/

on the X1
can I easily mod the earpads? - I've seen some but not in detail
and I'm encouraged to change the cable right? I bought the Monoprice to replace the stock cables (or do I really need those Mediabridge ones?)
but X1 is not just great for gaming but for music and movies also right?

is there any other sound solution I can look at for the PC? or should I just get the Mixamp from Amazon?


Depending on your sound card, you may not even be able to use the surround sound from the mixamp on PC. You need a sound card that will encode and output digital dolby live over optical. A lot of sound cards which can do that already offer their own surround sound format though. Like the Sound Blasters already offer SBX Pro Studio Surround.


I'm at a loss, I'm going to chalk this up to bad ear canal insertion because right now they sound amazing again. Weird as hell train ride this morning.

I suppose the main difference using these silicone tips is that the seal is less obvious than it would be with Comply tips. With Comply tips on, you are either sealed or you aren't, and if you are sealed, it's going to take something tugging on the wire to break it.

With these I'm guessing I didn't have the secure loops holding them tightly in place or something...

We'll see...but loving them again, and that's all that matters in the short term :D

I'm really interested in those C5 2's but the knock on the originals was always durability. It's so hard to find good looking headphones that I can wear on my commute to work and these fit the bill on looks and I'm hoping sound. I'm looking for something to replace my IE2i which have served me well.


I asked before, but the headphone I was recommended seemed hard to find or shipped from Japan. I guess I'm hoping for a more immediate option.

Looking for IEM, $50-100 range, primarly Hip-hop.

Also the cord on my sennheiser hd25-1 II is a bit messed up. Anyway I can get it fixed?


I asked before, but the headphone I was recommended seemed hard to find or shipped from Japan. I guess I'm hoping for a more immediate option.

Looking for IEM, $50-100 range, primarly Hip-hop.

Also the cord on my sennheiser hd25-1 II is a bit messed up. Anyway I can get it fixed?
Fidelio S1 or Ostry KC06a would be my recommendation


Yes to all of that, though their might be something even better than the mixamp for the PC. Not sure I just use my Schiit stack.

you got me googling what's a Schitt stack.. lol. looks pretty good.
tempted to change my Audinst now...

so do you use the Mixamp on consoles?

Depending on your sound card, you may not even be able to use the surround sound from the mixamp on PC. You need a sound card that will encode and output digital dolby live over optical. A lot of sound cards which can do that already offer their own surround sound format though. Like the Sound Blasters already offer SBX Pro Studio Surround.

darn... guess the Mixamp won't work then... my onboard sound doesn't offer such a solution
any recommendations? I was told to look at the Creative Omni


I'm really interested in those C5 2's but the knock on the originals was always durability. It's so hard to find good looking headphones that I can wear on my commute to work and these fit the bill on looks and I'm hoping sound. I'm looking for something to replace my IE2i which have served me well.
Ie2 get trounced by about ten different IEMs under a hundred bucks.

I don't use my X1s on consoles, because I mainly game on PC these days


Ie2 get trounced by about ten different IEMs under a hundred bucks.

I don't use my X1s on consoles, because I mainly game on PC these days

Haven't really found anything that fit my ears quite as good as the IE2s. Any suggestions, I'm looking to move up to better sound in the IEM $200-$250 range.


darn... guess the Mixamp won't work then... my onboard sound doesn't offer such a solution
any recommendations? I was told to look at the Creative Omni
Well, I've got a Sound Blaster Z sound card which seems to offer very similar features to that Omni(just no mic) and I'm pretty happy with it. So I could see the Omni being a good pick. It being USB is probably better in a sense, no worrying about any potential EMI or installation faffing before use.


Ie2 get trounced by about ten different IEMs under a hundred bucks.
I don't use my X1s on consoles, because I mainly game on PC these days

hmm what do you use on your consoles then? :X hmm
on IEM, I hope I don't get tempted to upgrade from my UE Triplefi

Well, I've got a Sound Blaster Z sound card which seems to offer very similar features to that Omni(just no mic) and I'm pretty happy with it. So I could see the Omni being a good pick. It being USB is probably better in a sense, no worrying about any potential EMI or installation faffing before use.

just went to find out more about Sound Blaster Z... that's a good alternative too... hmm. I wouldn't need the mic on the Omni either :/

would I still be able to use my Audinst HUD-MX1... or should I retire it?


Well they are quite comfortable and feature a unique fit so not sure what to recommend if regular IEMs don't fit you well.

I'm willing to try other IEMs. The only other requirement I have is that you don't get that scratching sound as wires brush against your clothes as you're on the move.


just went to find out more about Sound Blaster Z... that's a good alternative too... hmm. I wouldn't need the mic on the Omni either :/

would I still be able to use my Audinst HUD-MX1... or should I retire it?
Well, you'd be using one or the other with that DAC since it's USB. So, you can still use it, you just wouldn't be using the sound card.


Well, you'd be using one or the other with that DAC since it's USB. So, you can still use it, you just wouldn't be using the sound card.

hmm getting pretty tempted to go with the Sound Blaster Z hmm... and just switch on-the-fly if I need to... :/

Amazon.com only has the one with the beam-forming mic :/

any good ASUS solutions?


hmm getting pretty tempted to go with the Sound Blaster Z hmm... and just switch on-the-fly if I need to... :/

Amazon.com only has the one with the beam-forming mic :/

any good ASUS solutions?
Everyone says good things about the ASUS Xonar DX. That has Dolby Headphone(which is what the mixamp uses) instead of SBX Studio Pro Surround.

The only reason I didn't go for it was because I have Windows 8, and Asus drivers at the time seemed kind of sketchy for it. That was a good while back though.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'm really interested in those C5 2's but the knock on the originals was always durability. It's so hard to find good looking headphones that I can wear on my commute to work and these fit the bill on looks and I'm hoping sound. I'm looking for something to replace my IE2i which have served me well.

I'll say the shape of the units themselves does make putting them in your pocket a bit awkward, but if you were using the supplied carry case it wouldn't be an issue.

I may limit the amount of time they spend naked in my pocket just to ensure their longterm survival.

Sound is definitely there, just make sure you're into that KIND of sound. I'd put these in the "V-Shaped" category.

Here's a site I really like that reviews trillions of headphones and has a buyers guide for 2014 broken down by sound signature preferences: http://theheadphonelist.com/earphone-buyers-guide/


Depending on your sound card, you may not even be able to use the surround sound from the mixamp on PC. You need a sound card that will encode and output digital dolby live over optical. A lot of sound cards which can do that already offer their own surround sound format though. Like the Sound Blasters already offer SBX Pro Studio Surround.

I don't think it matters what soundcard you have. The Mixamp handles all the surround sound stuff itself. It shows up as its own device and everything when connected to windows.

More info
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