Well no one has ever said that spending cash on expensive headphones is a waste of money. Most people have merely said that you don't get a whole lot spending much more. That and a lot of high end audiophile stuff is secretly extremely terrible. Both statements are true.
Audiophiles often face a fair bit of ridicule because many hold onto very erroneous beliefs and get extremely defensive when presented with conflicting information or opinions. Heck, just yesterday some bloke got ultra defensive when I explained to him why high output impedance amplifiers are terrible for low impedance headphones and IEMs. I don't see how an uncontrollable random EQ is anything but objectively terrible but apparently everything in audio is completely subjective. Sorry but you've bought a bad product. If it sounds good to you, that's fine but it doesn't change the fact it still bad.
This issue is especially apparent when you start questioning the quality of their equipment. When Purrin trashed the Meridian Explorer on Head-Fi, a good number of owners got extremely defensive and claimed he had hearing issues and had some secret agenda. Tyll from Inner Fidelity vindicated his opinion by measuring its astronomically high output impedance. The condensation, from both sides, come when both sides refuse to hear the other out and one side takes it a bit harder since they've invested thousands of dollars into equipment that is being questioned.
Serious speaking, I don't doubt that Oppo HA-1 sounds very nice. It is a extremely deep (dimension-wise) headphone amplifier, even you have to admit that, and to the majority of people it looks kind of comical on a desk. Even I was shocked at its size when you showed us images of it and you can't say that I've never seen high end equipment before. I remember that post and I don't think he was exactly trashing your choice in amplification.
Diminishing returns affects everything. You have to spend a hell of a lot of money to get that extra 5-10% in clarity whatever else you are looking for. I dont know what you mean by "secretly terrible" - it may not be worth the money...but "terrible" is a pretty subjective opinion.
I also think expensive is relative. i got my HD800s for $999 - some may think that is expensive but i think that is such good value for what is often considered one of the top 3 sets on the planet.
I often notice that people question equipment that they have never actually heard. That i think is really stupid.
I dont mind people questioning or asking me why i bought something - but the attitude is never appreciated, particularly when it is so condescending. It's amazing how far people will go out of their way to push their viewpoint across that something doesnt matter (Cables/DACs etc) - if someone has purchased the product and likes it, then why waste your time researching quotes from random people which highlights how one person couldnt tell the difference?
Audio is very subjective (although what you said about a high output amplifier and IEMs is true and factual) - for every article you cite about cables being a waste of time, you can find one about how someone installing a Nordost Heimdall 2 completely changed the way someones system sounded. Is that person a liar, maybe, or maybe the cable does sound different and they are happy with it?
I will be getting my new cables for my LCD3s and HD800s in the next week or so. Im going to post a review before and after on Head-fi - i thought of doing the same thing here but the culture is so toxic about this kind of thing that i really dont see the point.
I can predict the responses already:
- Cables dont make a difference
- what a waste of money
- they just look good, what a waste.
- typical "audiophile" - just wasting money for no good reason.
So in a forum meant to discuss headphones, i cant actually do this because there will be 4-5 people ready to jump down my throat because I appreciate something that they dont.