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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

Just got my CW31Ps. The sound is really well balanced. A much better upgrade from the Sennheisers I was using. Also, hopefully the warranty I bought will keep me from buying another pair if they break.

Alivor said:
I don't have experience with Sennheisiers, but I do own a pair of these and they sound incredible for the price.
I second this. They're fantastic, especially for the price.


Can't believe how much better my SE535's sound over my modded HD555's and Bose QC2's. So much cleaner, punchier and more detailed. Instrument separation and general cleanliness is far greater. With my older SE530's there was always something missing, the SE535's are pretty much perfect (as far as my listening experiences go). Also, surprised at how good the iPhone 4's built in DAC/Amp is. Honestly does a great job as long as the source material is at least 320kbps. Anything less and I can hear the difference immediately. Clarity of high's is more fuzzy and general soundstage is more claustrophobic.

Ordered some new cables for the SE535, they should be here any day. Will be nice to try them out and compare to see if they add anything sonically. SE535's are still a little dark in audio note but with fairly lively mids. If the sound was ever so slightly more v shaped in frequencies it might sound even better, but hard to tell. V shaped EQ's you lose some of the vibrancy of sound in place of crispness and a more distant vocal.


So I've been doing a bit of research here. I have a $25 credit with amazon so I'd like to stay around the 100 dollar range.

Audio Technica AD700, Sennheiser hd555 (I'd do that foam mod most likely), or the Klipsch Image One.

I'd mostly be using them for music listening. I kind of liked the Klipsch because they're a bit smaller, and seem to be more portable. What would you guys recommend? Even if there's something else I haven't listed that'd be fine.


kaskade said:
So I've been doing a bit of research here. I have a $25 credit with amazon so I'd like to stay around the 100 dollar range.

Audio Technica AD700, Sennheiser hd555 (I'd do that foam mod most likely), or the Klipsch Image One.

I'd mostly be using them for music listening. I kind of liked the Klipsch because they're a bit smaller, and seem to be more portable. What would you guys recommend? Even if there's something else I haven't listed that'd be fine.

I would like to piggy back on his request. Im seriously looking at the HD555's and doing the mod. Has anyone had any experience with that and how much it affects quality?


I've only owned the AD700. they are nice and detailed but really lack bass (it gets better if you amp them up). the HD555 are supposed to be better all rounders.


I tend to listen to more bass heavy music so I guess that'd rule out the AD700's. Most reviews say the klipsch are have good bass response. I'm just a little worried about the cable durability. 2 pair of s4's crapped out on my. My first pair they replaced since it was under warranty. I just recently fixed that pair myself. I probably wouldn't be putting the over ears through as much abuse though as I wear my s4's to the gym and stuff like that. These would probably be used basically for traveling and home.

Bonus pic of my first time repair + soldering job completed.

I own the AD700, I've used my friends 555 a little. We both feel the AD700 are more comfortable, especially if your head is on the bigger side of head sizes. They are bigger, softer, less "clampy."

The 555 is a little more engaging with rock music. The AD700 the clear choice for more acoustical type stuff, jazz, classical, etc.

Neither are ideal for hip hop. Both handle electronic type stuff pretty well. You'll see a ton of people say they have no bass, especially regarding the AD700. I feel this is very shortsighted and not accurate. They definitely have good, tight, articulate bass and it can hit very low notes. Just not the kind that rumbles on your head and you "feel." Unless you're a bass head that likes making your license plate on your car fart all the way down the street, I think you'll be happy with the kind of bass they deliver. It just fits in with the sound like the artist intended (again unless we're talking about hip hop). It doesn't overwhelm the sound.


Coming over from a Gaming Side thread I made, I need some good wireless headphones for my (console) gaming sessions. Thought about getting a surround system, but the price and annoying my roomates/neighbors maybe won't worth the hassle. Enlighten me, Headphone GAF.


See You Next Wednesday said:
How do the Audio-Technica ATH-M50s Studio Monitor Headphones stack up to those?
I heard it was the best sub $150 headphone.
Apples/Oranges...It's a silly comparison to make


pulga said:
Coming over from a Gaming Side thread I made, I need some good wireless headphones for my (console) gaming sessions. Thought about getting a surround system, but the price and annoying my roomates/neighbors maybe won't worth the hassle. Enlighten me, Headphone GAF.

Looking at that other thread, it seems your original budget was $400. Personally, I wouldn't give up hope on putting a full system together. A nice starter receiver can be picked up for around $300 and you can then add in a nice set of head phones for $100-150. Then add pieces one after another until you end up not only with a great surround system but a nice pair of headphones that will continue to get use. You will enjoy a set up like this so much more than just a quick home theatre in a box set or a pair of wireless headphones, neither of which are going to deliver top quality sound.

This thread is full of recommendations for headphones that will fall into that price range, but people here and on other sites seemed to have settled on the Audio Technica ATH-M50's as the best bang for the buck. Currently on sale at Amazon for $119.



Junior Member
Some people would argue for the Grado SR80i.

I recently heard the regular SR80 and was quite stunned. Such a very, very lively sound. Will audition a few Grados next week, and I have the M50 myself.

Just my 2 cents.


Looking to buy some headphones for running/working out. They absolutely have to have the plastic that wraps around the ear so they don't fall off when I'm running. Looking for the best bang for my buck and quality for under $100. The past headphones I have bought haven't lasted very long so quality is key.


pulga said:
Coming over from a Gaming Side thread I made, I need some good wireless headphones for my (console) gaming sessions. Thought about getting a surround system, but the price and annoying my roomates/neighbors maybe won't worth the hassle. Enlighten me, Headphone GAF.

Whatever you don't get conned into buying gaming headphones or amps. I learned this the hard way... twice.

I'd recommend either hd555 or ultrasone dj1's, (which are the same as the HFI-580 IIRC.) both of which fall nicely below you budget. :)


minx88 said:
Looking to buy some headphones for running/working out. They absolutely have to have the plastic that wraps around the ear so they don't fall off when I'm running. Looking for the best bang for my buck and quality for under $100. The past headphones I have bought haven't lasted very long so quality is key.

Do you just mean memory wire? M6 has fairly good memory wire and can be found for very cheap. For something at the top of your budget the Shure se215 might also be worth looking at. Good build quality, very comfortable, great memory wire, and a 2 year warranty. They are my current gym / running IEM.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Anyone have any decent ear bud headphones that have an in-line microphone that I can double up and use with my cell phone.


minx88 said:
Looking to buy some headphones for running/working out. They absolutely have to have the plastic that wraps around the ear so they don't fall off when I'm running. Looking for the best bang for my buck and quality for under $100. The past headphones I have bought haven't lasted very long so quality is key.
While I haven'tused them myself people say the bose IEM2 are pretty good. They have some new ear tip that's suppose to stay in pretty well.

leng jai

Impulse bought a pair of AKG 702s a few days ago which brings my collection of cans to 3 - AKG 702, Denon D7000 and Sennheiser HD650.

These things sound gorgeous out of a Burson HA160 which I suspect is a good fit for it due to its bassy sound signature. In terms of soundstage and clarity, the other two cans aren't even in the same league.


I read your review the other day, nib. didn’t know that as you. I thought it was pretty interesting mainly because when the Westone 3s came out, people on Head-fi were praising them up and down and saying they would demolish anything shure was putting out. Like they were several steps above anything else available.

a few years (and one more driver) later, and it looks like it’s not a one way comparison anymore. Either Shure improved the 535s or Westone messed up the 4s (or a little of both)


on another topic, in my recent quest to upgrade all my audio shit one last damn time, I ended up getting a Burson HA-160 amp. great price slightly used on CanuckAudioMart (500 instead of 700) so I jumped on it and - MOTHER OF GOD - it is so good.

Having moved from an E9 to a Schiit Asgard amp and seeing little difference in my Grado RS2s, I thought I might have hit the limit for what the RS2s could produce. y’know, they might get a little better here or there with various amps but nothing major.

But the Burson really makes a noticeable improvement with these little guys. I didn’t expect the difference to be so noticeable without any extensive testing but I was able to tell a difference in the first few songs I picked. (I got the Burson in anticipation for a future pair of cans, not really for the Grados, btw)

The main improvement is the ability to render fine detail on very loud and troublesome passages. main example that comes to mind is from the Tron: Legacy soundtrack. there are a few tracks near the beginning (Arena, Rinzler, etc) where there are lots of very loud drums layered on top of each other. up till now, this section would always sound a little compressed and distorted on any headphone I used. not anymore. I had thought it was a limit of my headphones but it was really the source/ amp that was holding that back. now the details of the drums and the various layered sounds feel much more solid and easier to discern.

I’m also noticing a few more slight details in other songs sound a bit more prominent. things like shakers and tiny high pitched percussion hits are more clear and very low bass now has more distinct notes. all of those now sound a bit better than before, adding more texture to the sound.

great, great stuff.


Contains Sucralose
HiResDes said:
I thought we told you not to, lol

You could have had these or these instead
I know. I really regret not follow advice. :/ Should have kept the HD555, even if they we're open. :/ Maybe once I save some money I'll get something better. Those HD-662F look real nice.

@the_painted_bird, yeah it's Chole. <3 I still have to watch Let Me In. Although I'm kinda a puss when it comes to scary movies.


Presco said:
Do you just mean memory wire? M6 has fairly good memory wire and can be found for very cheap. For something at the top of your budget the Shure se215 might also be worth looking at. Good build quality, very comfortable, great memory wire, and a 2 year warranty. They are my current gym / running IEM.
Not sure about the memory wire. What has worked in the past is hard or soft plastic over the top of the ear. All the headphones like like seem cheap tho.
Vox-Pop said:
I know. I really regret not follow advice. :/ Should have kept the HD555, even if they we're open. :/ Maybe once I save some money I'll get something better. Those HD-662F look real nice.

@the_painted_bird, yeah it's Chole. <3 I still have to watch Let Me In. Although I'm kinda a puss when it comes to scary movies.

I just watched Let Me In the day before yesterday. It was goooooooooood. Really enjoyed it.


I need a recommendation GAF, since I'm very new to headphones and don't know what to look for. I need headphones that are very good at noise-cancelling since my home is quite loud most of the time, and I want to spend $60 or less if at all possible. I can spend up to 20 more if there's a huge leap in quality, but I'd rather not... Similarly, I'm willing to spend less if they're not much worse in sound quality.

Something like the Superlux HD-669 seems to fit the bill from what I'm reading, but I want to know if a) they are good at isolating sound, and b) are worth it. Anything better I can get?


Junior Member
KScorp said:
I need a recommendation GAF, since I'm very new to headphones and don't know what to look for. I need headphones that are very good at noise-cancelling since my home is quite loud most of the time, and I want to spend $60 or less if at all possible. I can spend up to 20 more if there's a huge leap in quality, but I'd rather not... Similarly, I'm willing to spend less if they're not much worse in sound quality.

Something like the Superlux HD-669 seems to fit the bill from what I'm reading, but I want to know if a) they are good at isolating sound, and b) are worth it. Anything better I can get?

Do you want noise insulation or cancelation? Insulation with proper quality for the requested price would be possible with in-ears, full sized active noise cancelling headphones are not even available in this price class.


FoxSpirit said:
Do you want noise insulation or cancelation? Insulation with proper quality for the requested price would be possible with in-ears, full sized active noise cancelling headphones are not even available in this price class.

After a quick google, I'm looking for insulation. As I said, I'm new to this, and before this moment I didn't know there was a difference between the terms.

I'd prefer over-ear versus in-ear, but as long as they will sound good I don't think I will complain. I was planning to mostly use these with my PC.

Thanks for taking the time to help. :)
I'm getting pissed off at Comply. For some reason no one is stocking the T-400 foam tips anymore because there are new ones coming out, but those new ones are out when? No one knows...

My current ones are crumbling after about a couple of months of use as was expected, but I need some to fit my AH C-560R Denon's.

I'm seriously thinking of just getting some AiAiAi TMA-1's...espeically that we're coming out of summer. The thought of headphones over my head in heat was horrible.


e: ugh, I'm going to have to buy a portable amp some time. I'm going to be away from home for a while and listening to this straight through my laptop is terrible. My M50's can't do anything high pitched without fuzzing out without being powered.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
MrBig said:
e: ugh, I'm going to have to buy a portable amp some time. I'm going to be away from home for a while and listening to this straight through my laptop is terrible. My M50's can't do anything high pitched without fuzzing out without being powered.
Look no further than the FiiO E11.


Has anyone else here tried the Sony XB500's? With a little EQ, I was amazed at how good they sound, and for only fifty or so dollars.


Ok, after googling around for some good, cheap headphones, I think the Beyerdynamic DT235 fit what I'm looking for, and as soon as they are in stock from Amazon I'm going to get them assuming I don't find anything better. Any impressions of them or recommendations of similar headphones?


Can anyone recommend me an in-ear headphone in the 30-50$ price range? Kinda broke right now so I cannot afford anything more expensive than that.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Kerrinck said:
Can anyone recommend me an in-ear headphone in the 30-50$ price range? Kinda broke right now so I cannot afford anything more expensive than that.
What do you listen to?

The Head-Direct RE2 has stunning clarity.


Looking for something similar to what Kerrinck asked about. Mostly for portable use with podcasts, but I would like some pretty good quality sound for music as well.

My friend strongly recommended these. They look cool, but that's just one person's opinion. Never heard of them before that. Anyone here use them before?


KScorp said:
Ok, after googling around for some good, cheap headphones, I think the Beyerdynamic DT235 fit what I'm looking for, and as soon as they are in stock from Amazon I'm going to get them assuming I don't find anything better. Any impressions of them or recommendations of similar headphones?
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